Robert Rauschenberg, Stone Roll (Urban Bourbon), 1995, silkscreen ink and acrylic on bonded aluminum, 60" × 48" (152.4 cm × 121.9 cm) © 2019 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Robert Rauschenberg Details:b. 1925, Port Arthur, Texasd. 2008, Captiva, FloridaConnect: (opens in a new window) Rauschenberg FoundationPace Publications: (opens in a new window) Shop Now Read More Robert Rauschenberg imparted a legacy of innovation that continues to engage generations of artists, and although he eluded defining affiliations, his interdisciplinary practice positioned him at the forefront of nearly every artistic movement following Abstract Expressionism.Rauschenberg’s artistic aspirations arose during his service in the U.S. Navy (1944–45) and continued, with the assistance of the GI Bill, at the Kansas City Art Institute (1947) and then the Académie Julian in Paris (1948). Rauschenberg enrolled in Black Mountain College in 1948, studying form and color theory under Josef Albers. He relocated to New York the following year, where he enrolled at the Art Students League and met fellow student Cy Twombly. To sustain his practice, he produced window displays for Bonwit Teller and Tiffany & Co., New York. In 1951, Rauschenberg received his first solo exhibition of paintings at Betty Parsons Gallery, which coincided with his first group exhibition, held at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, featuring Female Figure (circa 1950). Rauschenberg’s exhibition at Betty Parsons resonated with Jack Tworkov and Leo Castelli, who invited him to participate in The Ninth Street Show in 1951.Rauschenberg returned to Black Mountain in 1951, instigated by his meeting with John Cage. This return led to the production of his Night Blooming series (1951), in which he integrated dirt and gravel into predominantly black canvases, and then his monochromatic White Painting series (1951) engaged with the perception of light and shadow. In 1952, Rauschenberg traveled to Italy and North Africa with Cy Twombly, taking photographs and creating collage and assemblage-based works comprised of fabric, found images, and small fetish objects. Returning to New York the following spring, Rauschenberg’s work became increasingly conceptual, generating Automobile Tire Print, with John Cage (1953), and Erased de Kooning Drawing (1953). By the end of 1953 he met Jasper Johns and the two became strong supporters of each other’s work and collaborated on window displays.Rauschenberg continued to produce what he deemed Elemental Sculpture, comprised of discarded materials amassed from his neighborhood, and created a series of Red Paintings (1953–54), applying oil paint on a ground of fabric, newspaper, and canvas, in gestural brushstrokes and drips that echoed Abstract Expressionism. He further developed this series by incorporating objects such as taxidermy, quilts, photographs, shoes, and constructed elements into large tableaus and freestanding structures. The melding of autobiographical items and elements culled from the broader cultural landscape manifested in his first Combines, a term he coined in reference to the intersection of painting and sculpture. In 1962, inspired by a visit to Andy Warhol’s studio, Rauschenberg began to incorporate found imagery through printmaking techniques, such as lithography and silkscreen on canvas, producing paintings such as Skyway (1964) for the New York World’s Fair in 1964.In 1966 Rauschenberg cofounded, with Robert Whitman and others, Experiments in Art and Technology (E.A.T.) which promoted collaborations between artists and engineers for nonindustrial purposes. The exhibition 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, was the first collaboration between artists, engineers, and scientists. Dedicated to bringing art to communities around the world, he established the Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange (ROCI) in 1984. This included a six-year traveling exhibition organized by the artist, whose works changed at each venue with an addition of works influenced by the country visited.Developing his philosophy that painting relates to both art and life, Rauschenberg further investigated this dialogue through collaborations with artists, musicians, choreographers, performers, and writers. Throughout his career, he explored the conventional and experimental possibilities of sculpture, painting, drawing, photography, and printmaking, often leading to combinations of media and melded expressions of seriality, abstraction, and representation. Read More Robert Rauschenberg, Climb (Urban Bourbon), 1993, silkscreen ink and acrylic on stainless steel with steel and rubber, 8' 2" × 9' 8" × 10" (248.9 cm × 294.6 cm × 25.4 cm) overall © 2023 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Robert Rauschenberg, Temple (Arcadian Retreat), 1996, fresco in artist's frame, 110-1/2 x 74-1/2 inches (280.7 cm x 189.2 cm) © 2023 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Robert Rauschenberg, Golden Boy [Anagram (A Pun)], 1997, inkjet dye transfer on polylaminate, 61-5/8" x 46-1/2" (156.5 cm x 118.1 cm) © 2023 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Robert Rauschenberg, Twirling Gig (Runt), 2007, inkjet pigment transfer on polylaminate, 61" × 73-1/2" (154.9 cm × 186.7 cm) © 2023 Robert Rauschenberg Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York Exhibitions View All Past Chewing Gum VI Aug 4 – Sep 7, 2023 Hong Kong Past Tropic of Cancer Feb 9 – Mar 12, 2023 Palm Beach Past Robert Rauschenberg Channel Surfing Sep 10 – Oct 23, 2021 New York Past Robert Rauschenberg Against the Grid: Drawings, 1983 Sep 19 – Nov 9, 2019 Seoul Journal View All Essays Robert Rauschenberg’s Enduring Legacy in Dance, Choreography, and Interdisciplinary Collaboration Dec 17, 2021 Museum Exhibitions Rauschenberg: Reflections and Ruminations Jan 13, 2020 Museum Exhibitions Pace Artists Featured in "Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950–2019" Jan 13, 2020 Essays Adam Pendleton on Robert Rauschenberg Nov 26, 2019 One-Artist Exhibitions Group Exhibitions Public Collections Periodicals Books and Catalogues Close Robert RauschenbergOne-Artist Exhibitions Robert Rauschenberg One-Artist Exhibitions DatesBorn 1925, Port Arthur, TexasDied 2008, Captiva, FloridaEducation1947–1948, Kansas City Art Institute1947, Academie Julien, Paris1948–1949, Black Mountain College, North Carolina (with Josef Albers)1949–1952, Art Students League, New York (with Vaclav Vytlacil and Morris Kantor)2023Robert Rauschenberg: Japanese Clayworks, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria, April 8–July 9, 2022. (Catalogue)2022Robert Rauschenberg: Copperheads 1985/1989, Galerie Thaddeaus Ropac, Seoul, November 3–December 23, 2022. (Catalogue)2021Robert Rauschenberg: Channel Surfing, Pace Gallery, New York, September 9–October 23, 2021. (Booklet)2020Rauschenberg: Reflections and Ruminations, Museum of Outdoor Arts, Englewood, Colorado, February 24–March 20, 2021.Robert Rauschenberg: Night Shades and Phantoms, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, October 22–December 5, 2020. Traveled to: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London, January 14–March 10, 2021. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Five Decades from the Whitney's Collection, Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, February 21–June 28, 2020.2019Robert Rauschenberg, Against the Grid: Drawings, 1983, Pace Gallery, Seoul, September 19–November 9, 2019. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg in Charleston, Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, South Carolina, September 13, 2019—January 5, 2020. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg 40: The Fortieth Anniversary of the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at FSW Exhibition, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery at Florida SouthWestern State College, Fort Myers, Florida, August 26—December 14, 2019.Robert Rauschenberg: America Mix16, Tampa Museum of Art, Florida, August 9, 2019—January 5, 2020.Robert Rauschenberg at Gemini G.E.L.: Selected Works 1969—2000, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, July 18—September 13, 2019.Robert Rauschenberg 1965—1980, Vancouver Art Gallery, July 6, 2019—January 26, 2020.Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon 1969–70, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, May 30–July 26, 2019. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Postscripts for XXXIV Drawings for Dante’s Inferno and Post Rally, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, May 4—June 29. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Borealis 1988–92, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, April 12–May 31, 2019. (Catalogue)Night Shades and Phantoms: An Exhibition of Works by Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, New York, March 18—July 19, 2019. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Galleria Conceptual, Milan, February 7—March 17, 2019.Time Capsule 1970: Robert Rauschenberg’s Currents, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, January 19—February 10, 2019.2018Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads 1975-83, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Ely House, London, November 28, 2018–January 26, 2019. (Catalogue).Rauschenberg: The 1/4 Mile, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, October 28, 2018–June 9, 2019.Robert Rauschenberg: Vydocks, Pace Gallery, 12/F, H Queen’s, 80 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong, September 19–November 2, 2018. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: In and About L.A, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, August 11, 2018–February 10, 2019.Robert Rauschenberg: Features, Krakow Witkin Gallery, Boston, May 12–June 23, 2018.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings Objects Sculptures, Galerie Bastian, Berlin, April 28–July 28, 2018.2017Robert Rauschenberg: A Quake in Paradise (Labyrinth), Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, May 28, 2017–Fall 2018.Robert Rauschenberg: Late Series, Faurschou Foundation Venice, May 12–August 27, 2017. (Catalogue)2016Robert Rauschenberg, Transfer Drawings from the 1950s and 1960s, Offer Waterman, London, December 2, 2016–January 13, 2017. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Tate Modern, London, December 1, 2016–April 2, 2017. Traveled to: as Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 21, 2017–September 17, 2017; as Robert Rauschenberg: Erasing the Rules, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, November 18, 2017–March 25, 2018. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Salvage, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, October 20, 2016–January 14, 2017. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg in China, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, June 12–August 21, 2016. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, De Sarthe Gallery, Hong Kong, May 26–July 2, 2016.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Related Works, Glass House, New Canaan, Connecticut, May 1–August 15, 2016.Robert Rauschenberg, Pace Hong Kong, 15C Entertainment Building, 30 Queen's Road Central, March 21–May 12, 2016. (Catalogue)2015Robert Rauschenberg: ROCI Works from the National Gallery of Art, Academy Art Museum, Easton, Maryland, December 5, 2015–March 6, 2016. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Kyoto, Sri Lanka, and Thai Drawings, Academy Art Museum, Easton, Maryland, December 5, 2015–March 6, 2016. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (A Pun), Pace Gallery, 534 West 25th Street, New York, October 23–December 12, 2015 (extended through January 16, 2016). (Catalogue)Selections: Robert Rauschenberg, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, June 28–October 11, 2015.Global Matters: Rauschenberg Print Media 1968–1975, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Art History Gallery, Wisconsin, April 22–May 9, 2015.Gilt (1983) by Robert Rauschenberg, Museo Thyssen-Bomemisza, Madrid, February 10–May 31, 2015.2014Loose in Some Real Tropics: Robert Rauschenberg’s “Stoned Moon” Projects, 1969–70, Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, California, December 20, 2014–March 16, 2015.Robert Rauschenberg: Works on Metal, Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills, November 1–December 13, 2014. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: China/America Mix, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida South Western State College, Fort Myers, Florida, October 22, 2014–January 24, 2015.Robert Rauschenberg: A Visual Lexicon, Castelli Gallery, October 9–December 20, 2014. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Four Decades of Work on Paper, North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, August 3–October 12, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions 1974, A Survey, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, April 17–May 23, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg: The Fulton Street Studio, 1953–54, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, April 4–May 23, 2014. (Brochure)Rauschenberg: Fifty Years after Venice, Livingstone Gallery, The Hague, March 2–April 26, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, February 7–March 27, 2014. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Cardbirds and Currents, Long Beach Museum of Art, California, February 6–March 23, 2014.2013Robert Rauschenberg: Traces suspectes en surface, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, December 21, 2013–February 22, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg and Photography, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, September 5–November 2, 2013.Dennis Hopper: En el camino (On the Road), Museo Picasso Málaga, Spain, April 29–Septtember 29, 2013. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Four Decades of Work on Paper, Cole Art Center, College of Fine Arts, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, April 23–August 31, 2013. Traveled to: Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas, October 4–November 3, 2013; Wichita Falls Museum of Art, Midwestern State University, Texas, March 28–May 31, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers, Gagosian Gallery, London, February 16–March 28, 2013. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Multiples, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon, January 3–March 2, 2013.2012Robert Rauschenberg and 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, October 13, 2012–June 30, 2013.Robert Rauschenberg’s Opal Gospel, Freedman Gallery, Albright College, Reading, Pennsylvania, September 13–October 7, 2012.Robert Rauschenberg: Early Photographs, Gagosian Gallery, London, September 6–29, 2012.Robert Rauschenberg: North African Collages and Scatole Personali c. 1952, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, June 4–August 10, 2012. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Untitled, Brooke Alexander, New York, May 2–June 28, 2012.Rauschenberg: Synapsis Shuffle. Organized by Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Traveled to: Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan, March 3–June 3, 2012.Rauschenberg in Context and Rauschenberg at Gemini, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan, February 3–May 20, 2012.Robert Rauschenberg: Five Decades of Printmaking. Organized in collaboration with Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, and Universal Limited Art Editions, West Islip, New York. Traveled to: Leslie Sacks Contemporary, Santa Monica, California, January 7–February 25, 2012.2011Dance Works I: Merce Cunningham/Robert Rauschenberg, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, November 3, 2011–September 9, 2012.Robert Rauschenberg: Transfer Drawings 1958–1969, Stellan Holm Gallery, New York, November 1–December 17, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, 1962–2008, Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma, Norman, October 1–December 30, 2011. (Catalogue)Selected Prints by Robert Rauschenberg from the MFAH Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, September 21–December 11, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Rock, Paper, Scissors (Fabric, Cardboard, Plexi, etc.), Jim Kempner Fine Art, New York, September 24–November 6, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg, Gagosian Gallery, Paris, September 28–November 12, 2011. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Transfer Drawings 1958–1969, Stellan Holm Gallery, New York, November 1–December 17, 2011.Dance Works I: Merce Cunningham/Robert Rauschenberg, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, November 3, 2011–September 9, 2012.Robert Rauschenberg: Selected Prints 1962–2008, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, September 10–October 8, 2011.Open Score by Robert Rauschenberg, Seventeen Gallery, London, September 9–October 8, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Botanical Vaudeville. Organized by Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and Gagosian Gallery, New York. Traveled to: Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, July 27–October 2011. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg, Aberson Exhibits, Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 19–June 18, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series, Joel Oppenheimer, Wrigley Building, Chicago, May 5–8, 2011.L’Inferno di Dante: Dalí e Rauschenberg, Fondazione Arnald Pomodoro, Milan, April 7–July 17, 2011. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg x 4, Knoedler Project Space, New York, March 19–April 30, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg and Ushio Shinohara: Reconstructing an Encounter, White Box, New York, February 11, 2011. (Brochure)Works by Robert Rauschenberg from the Dr. John B. and Frances C. Fenning Collection, Patty and Jay Baker Naples Museum of Art, Florida, January 12–March 20, 2011.2010Focus Gallery: Robert Rauschenberg, Miami Art Museum, November 19, 2010–April 10, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg, Gagosian Gallery, New York, October 29–December 18, 2010. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Runts, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, April 22–June 26, 2010.Robert Rauschenberg: 45 Originalplakate, Galerie Franke, Stuttgart, Germany, April 17–June 12, 2010.Robert Rauschenberg: Star Quarters, Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, April 9–August 30, 2010.Rauschenberg at Gemini, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, January 17–March 21, 2010. Traveled to: The Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Oklahoma, June 12–September 11, 2011; Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan, February 3–May 20, 2012; Palm Springs Art Museum, California, March 3–July 28, 2013. (Catalogue)2009Robert Rauschenberg, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo, Brazil, December 15, 2009–January 15, 2010. (Catalogue)Signs of the Times: Robert Rauschenberg's America, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Wisconsin, September 13, 2009–January 3, 2010.Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, October 3–31, 2009.Let the World In: A Commemorative Exhibition of the Works of Robert Rauschenberg, Palais des Nations, United Nations Office, Geneva, July 7–August 20, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg, William Shearburn Gallery, St. Louis, July 3–August 1, 2009.Au Courant: Robert Rauschenberg’s Currents, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, June 20–October 4, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, May 30–September 20, 2009. Traveled to: Museum Tinguely, Basel, October 14, 2009–January 17, 2010; Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain, February 13–September 12, 2010; Villa e Collezione Panza, Varese, October 14, 2010–February 27, 2011. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg Hommage, Kunstraum Céline und Heiner Bastian, Berlin, April 23–July 31, 2009.To Ileana, From Bob: Rauschenberg Drawings from the Sonnabend Collection, Craig F. Starr Gallery, New York, April 10–May 29, 2009. (Catalogue)2008Robert Rauschenberg in Series: A 30 Year Retrospective 1978–2008, Center for Visual Communication, Miami, November 29, 2008–January 31. 2009.A Photo Tribute to the Life of Robert Rauschenberg, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, October 24–November 5, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, October 6–November 3, 2008.Rauschenberg (no title yet), Castelli Gallery, New York, September 12–October 25, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Da Feng Gallery, Beijing, September 6–November 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Wetterling Gallery, Gothenburg, August 28–September 27, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, August 21–September 13, 2008.Close Encounter – Robert Rauschenberg – SEO, Kunsthalle Rostock, Hamburg, Germany, July 26–September 7, 2008. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon, July 1–August 3, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: The Lotus Series, Greenfield Sacks Gallery, Santa Monica, California, June 28–August 16, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg in the Collection of Long Beach Museum of Art, California, June 27–October 19, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg’s Environmentalism, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan, June 20–October 12, 2008.Rauschenberg: USF, Contemporary Art Museum, University of South Florida Institute for Research in Art, Tampa, June 20–August 1, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg, Galleria Mucciaccia, Rome, April 17–June 15, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: Samarkand Stitches, LA Contemporary, Los Angeles, April 12–May 11, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, William Griffin Gallery, Santa Monica, April 5–June 7, 2008.Last Turn—Your Turn: Robert Rauschenberg and the Environmental Crisis, Jacobson Howard Gallery, New York, March 6–April 12, 2008. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Runts, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, January 11–February 16, 2008. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Posters, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison College, Fort Meyers, Florida, January 11–February 9, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: Gráfica 1976–2000, Galería La Caja Negra, Madrid, January 3–February 2, 2008.2007Rauschenberg Abroad: Marrackech, Samarkand and Tibet, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, December 13, 2007–January 26, 2008.Let the World In: Prints by Robert Rauschenberg from the National Gallery of Art and Related Collections, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., October 28, 2007–March 30, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: Travelling ‘70–’76, Museu Serralves, Museu de arte Contemporanea, Porto, Portugal, October 26, 2007–March 30, 2008. Traveled to: Haus der Kunst, Munich, May 9–September 7, 2008; Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donna Regina, Naples, Italy, October 18, 2008–January 19, 2009. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Three Decades, Faurschou Beijing, November 24, 2007–January 26, 2008. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg’s Currents: Features and Surface Series, Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, September 15, 2007–February 17, 2008.Accident: Rauschenberg’s Printmaking Breakthrough, 1962–65, Craig F. Starr Associates, New York, September 7–October 13, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg 1967–1978, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, September 1, 2007–January 27, 2008. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios and Runts, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, May 16–July 14, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Selected Works, Galerie Michael Schultz / Schultz Contemporary, Berlin, April 28–June 10, 2007. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Related Pieces, Menil Collection, Houston, February 23–May 13, 2007. (Catalogue; text by Yve-Alain Bois)Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, Texas Gallery, Houston, February 13–March 17, 2007.Rauschenberg, Artist–Citizen: Posters for a Better World, Rebecca Randall Bryan Art Gallery, Conway, South Carolina, February 10–April 22, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Transfer Drawings from the 1960s, Jonathan O’Hara Gallery, New York, February 8–March 17, 2007. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg, The Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, January 12–February 24, 2007.2006Robert Rauschenberg: 28 Moroccan Shirtboards, Bobbie Greenfield Gallery, Santa Monica, California, December 2, 2006–January 20, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg, Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea, December 2, 2006–January 7, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Express, Museo Thyssen–Bornemisza, Madrid, November 7, 2006–January 17, 2007. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios 2005–2006, Waddington Galleries, London, November 1–25, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios and the Ancient Incident, PaceWildenstein, New York, October 27–November 25, 2006. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, October 26–December 16, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg, Vonderbank Art Galleries, Berlin, September 30–November 15, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: Spread and Scale, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, May 12–July 15, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: Silkscreen Paintings 1962–63, Craig F. Starr Associates, New York, March 24–May 13, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios and Short Stories, Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, March 10–June 4, 2006.2005Robert Rauschenberg: Art and Life, Godt–Cleary Projects, Las Vegas, January–March 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Combines, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, December 20, 2005–April 2, 2006. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, May 21–September 4, 2006; Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, October 11, 2006–January 15, 2007; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, February 17–May 6, 2007. (Catalogue; text by Paul Schimmel)Robert Rauschenberg: Masterworks, Galerie Terminus, Munich, October 4–November 10, 2005. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Late Paintings, William Griffin Gallery, Santa Monica, September 10–November 12, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios and Short Stories, Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, May 21–September 3, 2005. Traveled to: Herron Galleries, Herron School of Art and Design, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, September 10–October 8, Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, March 10–June 4, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: On and Off the Wall: Works from the 80s and the 90s, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, France, June 24, 2005–January 8, 2006. Traveled to: Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, May 6–September 10, 2006. (Catalogues)Robert Rauschenberg: Works from the 1960s, Gallerie Faurschou, Copenhagen, April 7–July 2, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, Miami Art Museum, March 4–July 3, 2005. Traveled to: Paul and Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, May 21–August 31, 2005; Herron Galleries, Herron School of Art and Design, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, September 10–October 8, 2005; Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, March 10–June 4, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Spain, March 17–May 15, 2005. (Catalogue; text by Susan Davidson)Rauschenberg: Posters, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, March 10–June 12, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Neuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New York, January 23–April 17, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, January 14–February 5, 2005. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg’s A Quake in Paradise (Labyrinth), Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, January 7–February 26, 2005.2004Robert Rauschenberg: ROCI/USA, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, October 14–November 20, 2014. Traveled to: Jacobson Howard Gallery, New York, opened on January 7, 2005; Galerie Ulysses, Viena, May 19–June 25, 2005. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg 2K+, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, October 14–November 20, 2004. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings, Screenprints and Lithographs, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, July 15–August 28, 2004.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Meyers, Florida, June 4–July 11, 2004.Rauschenberg, Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrrara, February 29–June 6, 2004. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Current Scenarios, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut, February 7–September 5, 2004.Robert Rauschenberg: An American Iconoclast, Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery, Nashville, Tennessee, January 31–March 18, 2004.Robert Rauschenberg: Gifts to Terry Van Brunt, Johnathan Edwards College, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, January 22–March 5, 2004.2003Robert Rauschenberg Short Stories: You Are the Author, PaceWildenstein, New York, April 4–May 3, 2003. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Prints and Unique Work, Jim Kempner Fine Art, New York, March 15–April 26, 2003.Rauschenberg: Reprise, Brenau University, Simmons Visual Arts Center, Gainesville, Georgia, February 6–March 30, 2003.2002Robert Rauschenberg: Japanese Recreational Clayworks, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, November 23, 2002–February 8, 2003.Rauschenberg: Booster, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, October 1–November 17, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg at SFMoMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California, June 27–September 8, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg: From the Collection of Terry Van Brunt – Love Letters, LGBT Community Center, San Francisco, June 27–August 4, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg: Short Stories, Waddington Galleries, London, June 7–July 6, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg, Fondation Dina Vierny-Musée Maillol, Paris, June 3–October 14, 2002. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Work, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, May 22–August 18, 2002.Beamers, Eckert Fine Art, Naples, Florida, January 29–February 10, 2002.2001Robert Rauschenberg: L.A. Uncovered–Screen Prints 1998, Buren II Stockholm, November 16–December 19, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers, 1975–6, ACE Gallery, Los Angeles, November 2–December 22, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits, York Quay Gallery at Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, Canada, September 21–November 4, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: From the ‘Speculations’ Series, Joel & Lila Harnett Print Study Center, University of Richmond Museum, Virginia, August 22–December 16, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: Short Stories, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, May 12–July 28, 2001.Rauschenberg: Posters, Versicherungskammer Bayern, Munich, May 9–July 21, 2001. Traveled to: Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, August 31–October 28, 2001; Meppener Kunstkreis, Meppen, Germany, April 5–May 21, 2002. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Short Stories, Texas Gallery, Houston, April 6–May 12, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: Posters, Versicherungskammer Bayern, Munich, May 9–July 21, 2001. Traveled to: Meppener Kunstkreis E.V., April 5–May 21, 20022000Robert Rauschenberg Combines: Painting + Sculpture, Baltimore Museum of Art, Maryland, December 6, 2000–May 20, 2001.Robert Rauschenberg: Apogamy Pods, PaceWildenstein, 142 Greene Street, New York, November 17–December 30, 2000. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Synapsis Shuffle, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 26–September 17, 2000.Robert Rauschenberg: Wexner Prize, Wexner Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 16–June 4, 2000.Robert Rauschenberg: Selected Works from the 80s and 90s, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, May 16–June 1, 2000.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Meyers, Florida, March 9–April 16, 2000.Robert Rauschenberg: Ruminations, Eckert Fine Art, Naples, Florida, March 1–15, 2000.1999Robert Rauschenberg: L.A. Uncovered, Eckert Fine Art, Naples, Florida, January 1999.Robert Rauschenberg: The ¼ Mile or 2 Furlong Piece, Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art, North Adams, Massachusetts, May 28, 1999–April 4, 2000.Robert Rauschenberg, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California, May 7–September 6, 1999.Rauschenberg a Napoli, Piazza del Plebiscito, Naples, Italy, April 24–September 24, 1999.Robert Rauschenberg Photographs: 1949–1985, Galeria Lawrence Rubin, Milan, April 8–May 15, 1999. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (A Pun), PaceWildenstein, 142 Greene Street, New York, March 19–April 17, 1999. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg in Transparency, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, January 16–April 18, 1999.1998Robert Rauschenberg: L.A. Uncovered, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Obra Gráfica 1967–1979. Organized by Fundación Juan March, Madrid, in collaboration with Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. Traveled to: Museu d’Art Espanyol Contemporani, Palma, Spain, December 16, 1998–March 6, 1999; Museo de Arte Abstractor Español, Cuenca, Spain, March 12–June 13, 1999.Robert Rauschenberg, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, October 20–December 8, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, August 21–September 12, 1998. Traveled to: Museum of the Gulf Coast, Port Arthur, Texas, September 19–November 30, 1998.Rauschenberg: Postcard Pictures 1952, Pace/MacGill, New York, September 10–October 24, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings, Objects and Graphic Works, Galerie Wild, Frankfurt, Germany, June 29–September 15, 1998.Anagrams (A Pun)–A One Man Show, Galerie Jamlieh Weber, Zurich, June 10–15, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams, Texas Gallery, Houston, February 14–April 11, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (A Pun), Galleria Lawrence Rubin, Milan, January 29–March 7, 1998. (Catalogue)1997Robert Rauschenberg: Shales, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, September 24–November 1, 1997. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, September 19, 1997–January 7, 1998, Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, September 19, 1997–January 4, 1998, and Guggenheim Museum at Ace Gallery, New York, September 19–Nov. 9, 1997. Traveled to: The Menil Collection, Contemporary Arts Museum and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, February 13–May 17, 1998; Museum Ludwig, Cologne, June 27–October 11, 1998; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, November 21, 1998–March 7, 1999. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Arcadian Retreats, PaceWildenstein, New York, September 19–October 18, 1997. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, September 11–October 25, 1997.Robert Rauschenberg: Speculations, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, April 22–June 28, 1997.Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, Michael Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19–May 31, 1997.Robert Rauschenberg: Haywire, Technologische Hauptwerke aus den sechziger Jahren, Aktionsforum Praterinsel, Munich, Germany, March 22–May 19, 1997. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Through the Lens, University of Missouri, Kansas City Gallery of Art, Missouri, February 28–April 13,1997. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, Czech Museum of Fine Arts, Prague, February 13–April 6, 1997. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg's New Works, Gallerie Taksu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 15–22, 1997. Traveled to: Wetterling Teo Gallery, Singapore, January 24–May 31, 19971996Stoned Moon, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, June–September 1996.Icons of the Century: Centurions: Robert Rauschenberg, Exhibit A Gallery, The Savannah College of Art and Design, Georgia, October 10–November 19, 1996. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, October 5–November 16, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams, PaceWildenstein, New York, September 19–October 19, 1996. Traveled to: PaceWildenstein, Los Angeles, November 15, 1996–January 18, 1997. (Catalogue; text by Bernice Rose)Robert Rauschenberg, Monastero Mechitarista dell’Isola di San Lazzaro degli Armeni, Venice, June 23–July 31, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Speculations, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, June 4–August 16, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Habitat II, United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, Istanbul, Turkey, June 3–14, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Speculations, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, June 1–12, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints 60's, 70's, 80's, Jim Kempner Fine Art, New York, May 1–June 15, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Sculpture, North Miami Museum of Contemporary Art, Florida, April 26–June 9, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints and Posters from various benefits from 1970–96 and Clan Destiny, The United Nations, Main Lobby, New York, February 5–16, 1996.The Print and Beyond: Robert Rauschenberg Editions 1970–1995, Robert Hull Fleming Museum, Burlington, Vermont, January 28–April 19, 1996.Rauschenberg, Carnal Clocks, Cardboards, Jammers, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, January 6–February 3, 1996. (Brochure)1995Robert Rauschenberg, Peder Bonnier, Inc., New York, Spring 1995.Robert Rauschenberg Sculpture, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas, October 22–December 31, 1995. Traveled to: The Center for Contemporary Art, Miami, April 25–June 9, 1996. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Major Printed Works, 1962–1995, Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia, September 6–October 22, 1995. Traveled to: The Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art + Design, Kansas City, Missouri, June 8–August 11, 1996. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, Buckminster Fuller Institute, Santa Barbara, California, May 13–June 4, 1995. Traveled to: Amerika Haus Berlin, Germany, June 19–July 21, 1995; Intercambios Culturales de El Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador, June 19–July 21, 1996; Palais des Nations, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, July 3–October 24, 1996; Microsoft Gallery, Redmond, Washington, August 10–November 24, 1997; Albert Schweitzer Institute, Hamden, Connecticut, September 1–October 31, 1997; Museo de Arte Moderno, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, September 9–November 15; Felissimo New York Gallery, January 1–April 19, 1996; Greg Kucera Gallery, Seattle, Washington, December 7–23, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: New Paintings: Vydocks and Doubleluck; Reefs, Gagosian Gallery, New York, September 23–October 21, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Two Decades at Graphicstudio, Graphicstudio, Institute for Research in Art, University of South Florida, Tampa, September 11–December 1, 1995. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, Morgan Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, June 9–July 22, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Quake in Paradise–A Labyrinth, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, May 27–July 22, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Cellettiva New Editions, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 6–June 3, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: An Exhibition of: Signed Posters, Fereydoun Ave, Tehran, Iran, May 1–31, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg, Milleventi, Turin, April 27–May 20, 1995.Rauschenberg: The Venus Motif, Gagosian Gallery, New York, March 31–May 19, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21, Leo Castelli (578 Broadway), New York, March 25–April 29, 1995. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Night Shades & Urban Bourbons, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, March 18–May 13, 1995. Traveled to: Ordrupgaard Samlingen [State Museum], Copenhagen, Denmark, October 14–December 10, 1995. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg, A/D Gallery, New York, March 7–May 7, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Shales Series, Galerie Templon, Paris, February 18–March 22, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg, Texas Gallery, Houston, February 8–May 8, 1995.1994Robert Rauschenberg: Booster and 7 Studies, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, December 1994.Robert Rauschenberg, Museo de Bellas Artes, Santander, Spain, November 15, 1994–January 15, 1995. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Room, Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich, Germany, September 1994.Rauschenberg: Shales, M. Knoedler, New York, September 13–October 5, 1994.Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, July 20–September 17, 1994. (Collages and Lithographs from 1969 and 1970)Rauschenberg: Off Kilter Keys, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Basel, May 13–July 30, 1994.Robert Rauschenberg, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein–Westfalen, Düsseldorf, May 7–July 10, 1994. (Catalogue)Head On: Image and Text in the Prints of Robert Rauschenberg, Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin, Texas, April 22–May 15, 1994.Robert Rauschenberg: Day Lights and Night Sights, Mandarin Oriental Fine Arts, Hong Kong, March 8–31, 1994. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Scores (Off Kilter Keys), Leo Castelli Gallery and 65 Thompson Street, New York, February 26–March 26, 1994.1993The Second Hiroshima Art Prize: Robert Rauschenberg, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, November 3, 1993–January 16, 1994. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Double Feature, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 31–October 12, 1993.Rauschenberg: Bicycloids, Urban Bourbons + Eco–Echo, M. Knoedler, New York, May 8–June 4, 1993.Rauschenberg, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College Gallery, Fort Myers, Florida, April 30–June 13, 1993.Rauschenberg: Photems/Photems/Fotografías, Galeriá Cobo y Alexander, Madrid, February 9–April 24, 1993. Traveled to: Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, July 1–September 26, 1993; Sala Parpalló, Valencia, October 1–November 30, 1993. (Catalogue)1992Robert Rauschenberg: Wax Fire Works, The Bobbie Greenfield Fine Art Gallery, Los Angeles, May 1992.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings & Multiples, Camino Real Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida, December 10–31, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg: Skulpturen aus den achtziger Jahren, Alfred Kren Gallery, Cologne, Germany, November 12, 1992–January 16, 1993.Rauschenberg: Prints and Editions, Leo Castelli (578 Broadway), New York, November 10–December 19, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg: A Print Survey in Themes, 1952–1992, Simmons Visual Arts Center, Brenau University, Gainesville, Georgia, October 7–December 4, 1992. (Catalogue)Study for Chinese Summerhall, Tampa Museum of Art, August 16–October 18, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg: Bilder und neue Arbeiten auf Papier, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, July 25–September 25, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints from the Art Collection of the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, Leeds Gallery, The University of Texas at Austin, July 6–November 2, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, May 7–July 10, 1992. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg, Platt Gallery at the University of Judaism, Los Angeles, April 26–May 22, 1992. (Brochure)Rauschenberg at Alfred Kren: Robert Rauschenberg Werkszyklen “Borealis” und “Night Shades.” Alfred Kren Gallery, Cologne, Germany, April 4–May 9, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg; Illegal Tender L.A., Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, February 29–June 1992.Robert Rauschenberg; Illegal Tender L.A., Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, February 10–March 24, 1992.Rauschenberg at Knoedler, Night Shades and New Gluts, M. Knoedler, New York, February 1–29, 1992. (Brochure)1991Robert Rauschenberg: Dipinti recenti, Galleria d’Arte il Gabbiano, Rome, November 18, 1991–January 1992. Traveled to: Galeria Appiani Arte Trentadue, Milan, February 14–March 14, 1992. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Monstra Personale (One Man Show), Galleria d’Arte il Gabbiano, Rome, opened November 18, 1991. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange: ROCI, Felissimo, New York, November 12–30, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg Print Survey in Themes, 1952–1992, Leo Castelli Gallery and Leo Castelli (578 Broadway), New York, October 26–December 7, 1991. Traveled to: Brenau University, Gainesville, Georgia, October 7–December 4, 1992. (Catalogue; with related performance video)Robert Rauschenberg: Tibetan Locks and Keys, Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York, September 29–October 20, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: Night Shade Paintings, Texas Gallery, Houston, September 28–November 2, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg 1974–1991: Animals and Other Themes, City Gallery of Contemporary Art, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 14–October 27, 1991. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Polaroids, Galerie Reckermann, Cologne, September 13–November 5, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: The Phantom Series, BlumHelman, Santa Monica, California, September 13–October 12, 1991.Rauschenberg: The Early 1950s, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., June 15–August 11, 1991. Traveled to: The Menil Collection, Houston, September 27, 1991–January 5, 1992; The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, February 8–April 19, 1992; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California, May 14–August 16, 1992; The Solomon S. Guggenheim, SoHo Branch Museum, New York, October 24, 1992–January 24, 1993. (Catalogue; Organized by the Menil Collection, funded by NEA)Robert Rauschenberg Works, Jamileh Weber Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland, June 7–July 20, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: Wax Fire Works and other ROCI Editions , Le Marie Tranier Gallery, Washington, D.C., May 12–August 25, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Paintings and Prints, B.R. Kornblatt Gallery, Washington, D.C., April 27–May 25, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, April 4–May 4, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: New Works, M. Knoedler, New York, February 13–March 7, 1991.1990Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings 1962–1970, Scott Hanson Gallery, Santa Monica, California, October–November 1990.Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange: ROCI Moscow, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., June 1990.Rauschenberg: Silkscreen Paintings 1962–1964, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 7, 1990–March 17, 1991. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg Polaroids, Galerie Baudoin Lebon, Paris, October 27–December 1, 1990. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts, Feigen Gallery, Chicago, October 12–November 24, 1990. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Borealis Shares, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 20–October 3, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg: Pharmakon ’90, Nippon Convention Center, Makauhari Messe, Japan, July 28–August 20, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris, June 12–September 22, 1990. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Works on Paper, M. Knoedler, New York, May 30–July 6, 1990. (Brochure)Rauschenberg Graphic Works, Pyo Gallery, Seoul, Korea, May 30–June 9, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg: American Pewter with Burroughs, 1981, Galerie Alfred Kren, Cologne, Germany, May 12–June 13, 1990.Rauschenberg: Currents ‘70, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 5–26, 1990. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Collages, Paintings, & Editions, Galerie Montaigne, Paris, May 4–25, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg: China Mix, Scott Hanson Gallery, Projects Room, New York, February 3–24, 1990. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings 1962–1980, Lang & O’Hara, New York, February 1–March 3, 1990. Traveled to: Runkel–Hue–Williams, London, May 3–June 7, 1990. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Prints, Lorence/Monk Gallery, New York, January 6–28, 1990.1989Rauschenberg: A Selection of Paintings and Sculpture, Ace Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, June 1989.Robert Rauschenberg: Sculptures, Prints, Multiples, Martina Hamilton Gallery, New York, November 14–20, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, November 5, 1989–January 31, 1990.A Tribute to Rauschenberg: Works from Dallas Collections, Meadows Museum, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, November 4–25, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg Works, Knoedler & Co., New York, November 1–30, 1989. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, The Gemini Works: 1967–1988, Fred Hoffman Gallery, Santa Monica, California, and Manny Silverman Gallery, Los Angeles, September 15–October 14, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg Lithographs: Selections from the “Stoned Moon Series”, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D. C., September 28, 1989–January 16, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg, Heland Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, September 5–October 8, 1989. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Prints 1965–1982, Schwartz, Cierlak Gallery, Santa Monica, , California, June 16–July 16, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg: New Paintings, Akira Ikeda Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, May 9–31, 1989. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Revisited: The Hoarfrost Editions, 1974, Ivory/Kimpton Gallery, San Francisco, April 6–29, 1989.Rauschenberg: Samarkand Stitches, Castelli Graphics, New York, March 4–25.Robert Rauschenberg, Fabian Carlsson Gallery, London, March 1–25, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg: Samarkand Stitches, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, February 16–March 28, 1989.Robert Rauschenberg: Soviet/American Array, Universal Limited Art Editions Gallery, New York, January 13–February 28, 1989.1988Robert Rauschenberg, Greene Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, October 1988.Rauschenberg: Shiners, Gluts, Urban Bourbons, M. Knoedler, New York, November 5–December 1, 1988. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Sculpture and Paintings, Heland Wetterling Gallery, Göteborg, Sweden, October 6–November 20, 1988. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Beamer Series, BMW Showroom, West Berlin, Germany, September 22–October 16, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings and Gluts, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, Switzerland, September 15–October 29, 1988.Rauschenberg Gluts, Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, Belgium, May 18–September 3, 1988. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: New Drawings from the Passes Series, M. Knoedler, New York, May 14–June 2, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: Currents, 1970, Galerie Alfred Kren, Cologne, Germany, February 27–March 30, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: New Pictures, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, January 21–March 5, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: The Glut Series, BlumHelman Gallery, New York, January 6–30, 1988.1987Robert Rauschenberg, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon, December 3, 1987–January 3, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts, Waddington Galleries, London, November 25–December 23, 1987. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Summer Gluts, Texas Gallery, Houston, November 10–December 6, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: The Gluts, BlumHelman Gallery, Los Angeles, October 29–December 5, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg, Fundacão Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal, May 1987. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Tibetan Keys and Locks, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 21–June 18, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Tibetan Keys and Locks, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, April 27–June 20, 1987.Rauschenberg: Neapolitan Glut, Galerie Lucio Amelio, Naples, Italy, April 24–May 30, 1987. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Neue Arbeiten, Galerie Denise Rene Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf, Germany, April 21–June 10, 1987. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts, Edison Community College, Barbara Mann Performing Arts Hall Wall, Fort Myers, Florida, March 26–May 7, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Works on Paper: 1970–1983, Blum Helman Gallery, New York, March 11–April 4, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works, Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland, March 7–April 5, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Viimeaikaisia maalauksia, grafikkaa Recent Works, Galerue Kajforsblom, Helsinki, Finland, March 7–April 5, 1987. (Brochure)Rauschenberg: Paintings on Copper and Stainless Steel, 1985/86, Heland Thordén Wetterling Galleries, Stockholm, Sweden, March 6–April 1, 1987. (Catalogue)Tibitan Keys and Locks, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, February 12–March 24, 1987.Selections from Rauschenberg’s 1/4 Mile or 2 Furlong Piece, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, February 3, 1987–January 3, 1988.1986Rauschenberg: Hiccups, Interlink Festival, Sogetsu Gallery, Akasaka, Japan, December 1–6, 1986. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Prints form Dallas and Fort Worth Collections, Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, December 21, 1986–March 15, 1987.Rauschenberg: Hiccups, Interlink Festival ‘8, Sogetsu Gallery, Akasaka, Japan, December 1–6, 1986. (Under sponsorship of U.S. Embassy, Tokyo, brochure)Rauschenberg: Gluts, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, November 1–29, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 31–November 22, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg Drawings: 1958–1968, Acquavella Contemporary Art, New York, October 24–December 6, 1986. (Catalogue; text by Lawrence Alloway)Rauschenberg Photos and Photems, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, October 20–November 17, 1986.Rauschenberg: The White and the Black Paintings 1949–1952, Larry Gagosian Gallery, New York, April 18–May 31, 1986. (Catalogue; text by Roberta Bernstein)Rauschenberg: Newest Continuation of the 1/4 Mile or 2 Furlong, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, March 22–26, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg: Painter Photographer, Espace Nicois d’Art et de Culture, Nice, France, March 21–May 11, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs 1949–1984, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas, February 28–April 20, 1986. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Sling Shots Lit Series and Exhibition of Recent Works, Moosart Gallery, Miami, February 6–27, 1986.1985Robert Rauschenberg, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas, Venezuela, September 1985. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Work from Four Series: A Sesquicentennial Exhibition, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas, December 21, 1985–March 16, 1986. Traveled to: Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas, April 13–June 8, 1986; Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, December 21, 1986–February 8, 1987; Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, March 11–June 5, 1987. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works, Musee Temporaire, Foundation Daniel Templon, Frejus, France, October 30–November 27, 1985.Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange (ROCI), Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City, Mexico, April 17–June 23, 1985. Traveled to: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, July 17–August 18, 1985; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, Venezuela, September 12–October 27, 1985; National Art Museum of China, Beijing, November 18–December 5, 1985; Tibet Exhibition Hall, Lhasa, Tibet, December 2–23, 1985; Setagaya Museum of Art, Tokyo, November 22–December 28, 1986; Museo Nacional, Castillo de la Real Fuerza, and Casa de las Américas, Galería Haydée Santamaría, Havana, February 10–April 3, 1988; Central House of Artists, Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, February 2–March 5, 1989; Neue Berliner Galerie, Alten Museum, Berlin, March 10–April 1, 1990; National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 21–June 24, 1990; National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May 12–September 2, 1991. (Catalogue; a six–year traveling exhibition organized by the artist, whose works change at each venue with addition of works influenced by the country visited)Robert Rauschenberg: Works from the Salvage Series, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, March 21–May 19, 1985. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Sling–Shots Lit, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, March 3–April 14, 1985.Robert Rauschenberg: Sling–Shots Lit, B.R. Kornblatt Gallery, Washington, D.C., March 2–April 5, 1985.Rauschenberg, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, Spain, February–March 1985. Traveled to: Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, March 28–May 19, 1985. (Catalogue)1984Robert Rauschenberg, Photogravures: China–Mix, Adagio Gallery, Bridgehampton, New York, July 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Sling–Shots Lit, Color Studies for Chinese Summerhall, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, July 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Sling–Shots Lit, Castelli Graphics, New York, December 8, 1984–January 5, 1985.Robert Rauschenberg Portfolios, Jean Lumbard Fine Arts, New York, November 20–December 21, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: New Works, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, October 20–November 17, 1984. (Salvage Series)Robert Rauschenberg Photogravures: America–Mix, Scheinbaum & Russek Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 12–November 24, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Salvage Series, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, October 6–9, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg Photogravures: America–Mix, Objects Gallery, San Antonio, Texas, September 14–October 24, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Photems, Series I, Allen Street Gallery, Dallas, September 8–October 21, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Peintures récentes, Fondation Maeght, St. Paul de Vence, France, May 12–June 30, 1984. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Performance, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas, May 11–June, 1984. Traveled to: University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach; John & Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, March 21–May 19, 1985.Robert Rauschenberg: The First 400 feet or More Than 1/2 a Furlong of the 1/4 Mile or 2 Furlong Piece, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, May 5–July 2, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg, Heland Thordén Wetterling Galleries, Stockholm, March 15–April 23, 1984.Rauschenberg, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, March 12–May 31, 1984. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Photogravures: America Mix + China Mix, Harcourts Contemporary Gallery, San Francisco, February 10–March 17, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg Exhibition, Port Arthur Public Library, Texas, February 4–19, 1984. (Brochure)1983Robert Rauschenberg: 7 Characters, Unique Collages, Jingxian, Anhui Province, People’s Republic of China, June–July 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: Selections from ‘In + Out City Limits: New York C.’, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, February 1983. Traveled to: Tranegaar–den, Copenhagen, March 25–May 2, 1983; Esbjerg and Henie–Onstad Museum, Oslo, Norway, Spring 1983.Rauschenberg/Shigaraki, Prince Hotel, Tokyo, Japan, February 1983. (Japanese Clayworks)Robert Rauschenberg, Australian National Gallery, Canberra, December 5, 1983–January 31, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings, Susanne Hilberry Gallery, Birmingham, Michigan, October 22–November 29, 1983.Important Works by Robert Rauschenberg, Marianne Friedland Gallery, Toronto, Canada, October 22–November 10, 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: Images from China, The Maryland Institute and Dalsheimer Gallery, Baltimore, October 12–November 13, 1983. (7 Characters)Rauschenberg: Photogravures, Castelli Graphics, New York, September 17–October 8, 1983. (Suites I and II)Rauschenberg Photos, Douglas Elliott Gallery, San Francisco, September 13–October 28, 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: Studies for Chinese Summerhall, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 31–October 12, 1983.Rauschenberg/Performance, 1954–1979, Galleria di Franca Mancini, Pesaro, Italy, August 11–September 30, 1983. Expanded version traveled as Rauschenberg/Performance, 1954–1984 to: Arthur A. Houghton, Jr., Gallery, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, December 7–22, 1983; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, May 12–June 24, 1984; Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, September 7–October 8, 1984; North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, December 18, 1984–February 17, 1985; Norton Gallery and School of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, March 9–April 23, 1985; The University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, July 15–September 15, 1985. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: The Second Footage of the 1/4 Mile or 2 Furlong Piece, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, July 22–September 9, 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: La Chine sur 33 metres, 14th International Festival of Photography, Arles, France, July 7–August 6, 1983. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Photographer, Gallery of Fine Arts, Daytona Beach Community College, Florida, May 16–June 19, 1983. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: A Selection of Works from the Last Decade, Flow Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, March 16–April 9, 1983.Rauschenberg/Shigaraki, K.B.S. Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan, February 21–26, 1983. (Japanese Clay works)Robert Rauschenberg: The Unique Collages, Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, California, January 7–February 12, 1983. (Selections from the Seven Characters)Robert Rauschenberg: Kabal American Zephyr Series, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, January 1–29, 1983.1982Robert Rauschenberg: Fotografia, Archivi Alinarsi, Florence, July–August 29, 1981. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Arcanum Series, Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, May 1982.Robert Rauschenberg: Japanese Clayworks and Japanese Recreational Clayworks; 7 Characters; Chinese Summerhall, Kabal American Zephyrs, Leo Castelli Gallery (142 Greene Street) and Sonnabend Gallery, New York, December 31, 1982–January 21, 1983.Rauschenberg in China, Museum of Modern Art, New York, December 2, 1982–February 1, 1983. (7 Characters)Robert Rauschenberg: 7 Characters, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, November 18–December 31, 1982. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Paintings and Works on Paper, Van Straaten Gallery, Chicago, November 6–December 10, 1982.Sculpture by Robert Rauschenberg, Flow Ace Gallery, Paris, October 22–November 27, 1982. (Selections from the Kabal American Zephyr Series)Prints by Robert Rauschenberg, Long Beach Museum of Art, California, July 4–August 29, 1982. (Currents, Cardbirds, Horsefeathers)Robert Rauschenberg: Razorback Bunch I–VIII, Castelli Graphics, New York, April 3–24, 1982.Rauschenberg, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan, February 19–March 31, 1982. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Photems, Gloria Luria Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, February 12–March 3, 1982.Robert Rauschenberg: The First Footage of the 1/4 Mile or 2 Furlong Piece, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, February 6–26, 1982.Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: New York City, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, January 9–30, 1982.Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Selected Prints, The Photographers Gallery, Sanibel Island, Florida, January 1–26, 1982.1981Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Los Angeles, Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Los Angeles, December 31, 1981–January 23, 1982.Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Baltimore, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, November 5–29, 1981. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Boston, Magnuson–Lee Gallery, Boston, October 30–December 12, 1981. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Charleston, Gibbes Art Gallery, Charleston, South Carolina, October 27–December 10, 1981Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings, The Mayor Gallery, London, October 12–November 14, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: Photems, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, September 16–November 1, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: American Pewter with Burroughs, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 26–October 7, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: Arcanum I–XIII, Styria Studio, New York, May 14–June 27, 1981. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg, The Tate Gallery, London, April 28–June 14, 1981. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg at Sonnabend: Photems, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, March 28–April 25, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg, The Sable–Castelli Gallery, Toronto, Canada, March 14–28, 1981.Rauschenberg Photographe, Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, April 15–May 27, 1981. Traveled to: Musee Cantini, Marseille, November 15–December 15, 1981; Musee des Beaux–Arts, St. Etienne, France, January 6–February 28, 1982; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, March 15–April 30, 1982; Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Germany, May 22–June 15, 1982; Forte di Belvedere, Florence, July 2–August 27, 1982; Neue Galerie, Aix–la0Chapelle, September 10–October 17, 1982. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg in the Rockies, Clara Hatton Gallery and Lory Student Center Gallery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, March 3–April 3, 1981. Traveled to: Boise Gallery of Art, Idaho, April 11–May 10, 1981; Aspen Center for Visual Arts, Colorado, May 29–July 15, 1981; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, August 15–October 4, 1981; Northern Arizona University Art Gallery, Flagstaff, October 8–November 6, 1981; Sangre de Cristo University of Southern Colorado, Pueblo, February 3–28, 1982; University of Wyoming, Laramie, March 14–April 11, 1982; The Walter Phillips Gallery, The Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, Alberta, Canada, May 9–June 2, 1982; Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities, Colorado, June 25–July 29,1982; New Mexico Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, August 13–September 26; Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, Texas, October 29–December 12, 1982. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: A Portfolio of 12 Photographs, Galerie Watari, Tokyo, Japan, January 16–February 10, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Paintings, Galerie Gemini, Palm Beach, Florida, January 13–23, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg, B.R. Kornblatt Gallery, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland, January 10–February 5, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works: Spreads, Drawings, Etchings, Photographs, The New Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, January 6–February 21, 1981.1980Robert Rauschenberg: Glacial Decoy and Portfolio of 12 Photographs, Magnuson–Lee Gallery, Boston, October 1980.Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Hines Gallery, Seattle, Washington, May 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: A Portfolio of 12 Photographs, Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, March 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Rookery Mounds, Hoarfrosts, Unions, Cardboards, Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, November 29–December 21, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Work, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, September 14–October 26, 1980. (Spreads and Scales)Robert Rauschenberg, B.R. Kornblatt Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland, November 8–December 6, 1980.Paintings, Ace Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, October 28–November 30, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: 1970–1980, Baltimore Museum of Art, Maryland, October 5–November 30, 1980. (Retrospective)Robert Rauschenberg: Lithographs and Photo Etchings from ULAE, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., October 3–25, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts, Bones and Publicons, Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, California, October 1–30, 1980.Rauschenberg: Paintings, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, September 4–30, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Three of the Cloisters Series, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, April 24–August 15, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: In + Out City Limits: Ft. Myers, Florida, The Photographers Gallery, Sanibel Island, Florida, April 20–May 30, 1980.Rauschenberg: A Retrospective of Lithographs, Paintings & Drawings from Castelli Graphics, New York, Anniston Museum of Natural History, Alabama, June 6–September 6, 1980. Traveled to: Fay Gold Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia, January 16–February 15, 1981. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Werke 1950–1980, Staatliche Kunsthalle, Berlin, March 23–May 4, 1980. Traveled to: Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, June 6–July 13, 1980; Louisiana Museum für Moderne Kunst, Humlebaek, Denmark, September 20–November 25, 1980; Stadelsches Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt, December 3, 1980–January 18, 1981; Stadtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany, February 4–April 5, 1981; as Robert Rauschenberg: Retrospective, Tate Gallery, London, England, April 29–June 14, 1981. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 29–April 19, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Variable Editions, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, March 11–28, 1980.Rauschenberg, University Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, February 14–March 16, 1980. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, February 3–27, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints from Dante's Inferno, 1959–60, Conejo Art Museum, Thousand Oaks, California, January 22–February 24, 1980.1979Robert Rauschenberg, Art in Progress, Düsseldorf, Germany, 1979.Rauschenberg: Prints/Multiples, Institute for Contemporary Art, Virginia Museum, Richmond, Virginia, December 18, 1979–January 22, 1980. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series, Tucson Museum of Art, Tucson, Arizona, December 8, 1979–January 14, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Rookery Mounds, Lithographs and Etchings for Glacial Decoy, Castelli Graphics, New York, December 8, 1979–January 5, 1980.Robert Rauschenberg: Rookery Mounds, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, November 16–December 31, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Publicons, Palm Springs Desert Museum, California, November 3–December 2, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Slides, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, September 29–October 20, 1979.Rauschenberg, Multiples, Inc. New York, September 18–October 6, 1979. (Brochure)Rauschenberg, Musee de Toulon, France, July 14–September 23, 1979. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Hiccups, Center for Music, Drama and Art, Lake Placid, New York, June 28–July 15, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Zeichnungen, Gouachen, Collagen: 1949 bis 1979, Kunsthalle Tubingen, Germany, May 4–June 24, 1979. Traveled to: Kunstmuseum Hannover mit Sammlung Sprengel, West Germany, August 19–September 23, 1979. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Portland Art Center, Oregon, April 2–30, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 29–April 19, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Created in Florida, Gloria Luria Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, February 24–March 19, 1979. (Spreads and Scales, Publicons)Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Richard Hines Gallery, Seattle, Washington, February 19–March 24, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, February 16–March 24, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Akron Art Institute, Akron, Ohio, February 3–March 18, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: New Works, Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, January 19–March 10, 1979. (Spreads and Scales)Two New Works by Robert Rauschenberg, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, January 13–February 3, 1979. (Scales)1978Robert Rauschenberg, Denise Rene/Hans Mayer, Düsseldorf, 1978.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, May 1978.Robert Rauschenberg: Works from Captiva, Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada, September 8–October 29, 1978. (Spreads and Scales)Robert Rauschenberg––Works from Captiva, Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada, September 8–October 29, 1978. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Publicons, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, July 7–August 18, 1978. Traveled to: Castelli Graphics, New York, November 7–25, 1978.Robert Rauschenberg: An Exhibition of Recent Work, Mayor Gallery, London, England, June 28–August 11, 1978. (Spreads and Scales)Rauschenberg, Muzeum Narodowegow Warsaw, Poland, March 3–April 30, 1978. (Catalogue)1977Rauschenberg, Centro Colombo–Americano, Bogota, Colombia, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: A Print Retrospective, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Cologne, Germany, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Horsefeathers, Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers, Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints, United States Information Agency, Washington, D.C., 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, Summer 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: New Paintings: Spreads and Scales, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, November 20–December 14, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Collagen Grafiken Multiples aus der Sammlung Rischner, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria, November 18–December 8, 1977. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg Hoarfrosts, Jammers, Spreads +Scales, Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston, Texas, October 29–November 1977. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers and Hoarfrosts, Linda Farris Gallery, Seattle, Washington, September 9–October 4, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Romances, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, July 2–August 13, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Print Retrospective, Robinson Galleries, Houston, Texas, May 14–June 11, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads and Scales, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 23–May 23, 1977, and Sonnabend Gallery, New York, April 23–May 14, 1977.Rauschenberg, Viaggio nel dispendio, Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes, Naples, Italy, April 21–May 15, 1977. Traveled to: Pinacoteca Provinciale, Bari, May 22–June 12, 1977; Civica Galleria d'Arte Moderna, E. Restivo Palermo, June 22–July 16, 1977. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Prints, Getler/Pall, New York, March 19–May 17, 1977.1976Robert Rauschenberg: Bones and Unions, Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie de Gestlo, Hamburg, Germany, 1976.Rauschenberg: Jammers, Ace Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, September 1976.Rauschenberg: Jammers, Ace Gallery, Los Angeles, August–September 1976.Robert Rauschenberg, Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri, March 1976.Robert Rauschenberg: Tampa Drawings, Galerie D, Brussels, Belgium, January 1976.Rauschenberg at Gemini: 1967–1976, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, December 19, 1976–January 8, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C, October 30, 1976–January 2, 1977. Traveled to: The Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 25–May 17, 1977; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California, June 24–August 21, 1977; Albright–Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, September 25–October 30, 1977; Art Institute of Chicago, December 3, 1977–January 15, 1978. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Glass Handle, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 12–November 7, 1976. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Forte di Belvedere, Florence, Italy, September 11–October 19, 1976. (Hoarfrosts and Jammers)Rauschenberg: Jammers, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, February 21–March 13, 1976.Rauschenberg Hoarfrost, Galerie H.M., Brussels, Belgium, January 28–March 10, 1976.1975Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts, Ace Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Ace Gallery Venice, California, June 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, January 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Cardbirds, Galerie de Gestlo, Hamburg, Germany, December 15, 1975–January 15, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg: Bones and Unions–Ahmedabad, India 1975, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, November 1–15, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Twenty–Six Years of Printmaking, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, October 6–31, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions, Galerie Tavit, Munich, Germany, October 3–October 31, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg, Museo D’Arte Moderna Ca’Pesaro, Venice, Italy, September 6–October 6, 1975. Traveled to: Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna, Ferrara, January 18–March 7, 1976; Forte di Belvedere, Florence, September 11–October 19, 1976. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Bones and Unions, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, August 30–October 11, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Series, The Art Association, Newport, Rhode Island, August 3–September 3, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, February 24–April 2, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts, Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, February 15–March 27, 1975. Traveled to: Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, May 1975; Alessandra Castelli, Milan, October 1975.1974Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Mikro, West Berlin, Germany, 1974Robert Rauschenberg: Pages and Fuses, Galerie Buren, Stockholm, Sweden, 1974Robert Rauschenberg, Lucio Amelio Modern Art Agency, Naples, Italy, November 1974.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, October–November 23, 1974.Robert Rauschenberg: Tablet Series, Jared Sable Gallery, Toronto, Canada, September 1974.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Sonnabend, Geneva, April 1974.Rauschenberg, Musee D'Art et D'Industrie, St. Etienne, France, January 1974. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions from Gemini G.E.L, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, December 14, 1974–January 25, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions, Castelli Graphics, New York, December 7, 1974–January 4, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrost Editions, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, December 4, 1974–January 11, 1975.Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts, Leo Castelli Gallery and Sonnabend Gallery, New York, December 7–28, 1974.Robert Rauschenberg: Steinerner Mond, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, December 1, 1974–January 19, 1975. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Pages and Fuses, Current Editions, Seattle, Washington, June 12–July 13, 1974. Traveled to: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, October 22, 1974–January 26, 1975. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Pages and Fuses, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 18–June 1, 1974.Rauschenberg in Israel, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, May 14–June 3, 1974. (Catalogue; text by Yona Fischer)Robert Rauschenberg: Pages and Fuses, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, February 20–April 14, 1974. (Brochure)Rauschenberg at Graphicstudio, University of South Florida, Tampa, January 11–February 15, 1974. Traveled to: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, August 17–September 29, 1974; The Art Institute, Akron, Ohio, December 15, 1974–January 26, 1975; Ackland Art Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, February 23–April 6, 1975; Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Canada, May 4–June 15, 1975; Denver Art Museum, Colorado, July 13–August 24, 1975. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg at Graphicstudio, The University of South Florida Library Gallery, Tampa, Florida, January 11–February 15, 1974. (Catalogue)1973Robert Rauschenberg: Early Egyptian Series, Galerie Sonnabend, Paris, September 1973.Robert Rauschenberg, Jack Glenn Gallery, San Diego, California, Summer 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: White Paintings 1951, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, April 1973. Traveled to: Ace Gallery, Vancouver, June 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: Combine Drawings, Mayor Gallery, London, April 18–May 12, 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: Venetian Series, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 31–April 21, 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: Horsefeathers Thirteen Series, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, January 28–March 11, 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints, Mitchell Gallery, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, January 7–26, 1973. (Catalogue)1972Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Buren, Stockholm, Sweden, 1972.Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboard, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, May 1972.Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon and Currents, Multicenter Grafica, Milan, Italy, April 1972.Robert Rauschenberg: Made in Tampa: Prints + Clay Pieces, Castelli Graphics and Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, December 2–23, 1972. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Tares, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 20–June 10, 1972.1971Robert Rauschenberg: Cardbirds, Castelli Graphics, New York, October 16–November 6, 1971.Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 16–November 6, 1971.Robert Rauschenberg: Cardbird Series, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, September 26–November 8, 1971. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Cardbirds, Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, June 1971. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Currents, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, January 1971.1970Robert Rauschenberg: New Work, Visual Arts Gallery, School of Visual Arts, New York, November 17–December 16, 1970. Traveled to: The Art Institute of Chicago, January 4–29, 1971; as Robert Rauschenberg: Syn-Tex Series and Cardbirds, Constructions, Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 1971. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., October 28–November 21, 1970. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: “Stoned Moon” Lithographs, Fort Worth Art Center, Texas, September 29–October 25, 1970.Robert Rauschenberg, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany, August 29–September 27, 1970. Traveled to: Fort Worth Art Center, Texas, September 29–October 25, 1970; Kunstmuseum, Basel, October 30–December 6, 1970. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Prints 1948/ 1970, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota, August 6–September 27, 1970. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Currents and Stoned Moon Series, New York Cultural Center, July 9–August 30, 1970.Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series (Second Group), Gemini G.E.L. Gallery, Los Angeles, April 27–June 8, 1970.Stoned Moon Lithographs by Robert Rauschenberg, La Jolla Art Museum, San Diego, California, April 5–May 3, 1970.Rauschenberg Currents, Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 4–May 2, 1970. Traveled to: Castelli Graphics, New York, June 4–26, 1970; Automation House, New York, June 4–28; Pasadena Art Museum, California, as Robert Rauschenberg, July 7–September 6, 1970. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Graphic Art, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 1–May 10, 1970. Traveled to: Art Gallery, State University of New York, Albany, July 1–August 14, 1970; Marion Koogler McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, Texas, August 30–October 4, 1970; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, October 31–December 13, 1970. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, February 22–March 30, 1970. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, January 7–February 18, 1970.1969Rauschenberg in Black and White: Paintings 1962–1963, Lithographs 1962–1967, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California, December 10, 1969–January 18, 1970. Traveled to: Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona, February 3–March 15, 1970; University of New Mexico at Albuquerque, April 6–May 3, 1970; Seattle Art Museum, Washington, May 22–June 21, 1970. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, November 13–December 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Carnal Clocks, Douglas Gallery, Vancouver, Canada, July 3–July 31, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Carnal Clocks, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 26–May 17, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Carnal Clocks, Ace Gallery, Venice, California, April 24–May 17, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings, Museum Boymans–Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Holland, February 8–March 6, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Selections, Fort Worth Art Center Museum, Texas, January 5–February 2, 1969. (Catalogue)1968Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, October–November, 1968.Robert Rauschenberg: “Soundings”, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 22, 1968–January 26, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: White Paintings 1951, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 12–27, 1968.Robert Rauschenberg: Ouvres de 1949 à 1968, Musee d’Arte Moderne de la Ville de Paris, October 10–November 10, 1968.Rauschenberg: XXXIV Drawings for Dante’s Inferno, Galerie Gerald Cramer, Geneva, June 5–October 19, 1968. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Reels (B + C), Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, April 14–May 26, 1968.Robert Rauschenberg, The Peale Galleries of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, March 7–April 14, 1968. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, February 23–April 7, 1968. Traveled to: Kolnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, April 19–May 26, 1968; Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, October 10–November 10, 1968. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Print, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 2–February 22, 1968.1967Robert Rauschenberg: Booster and 7 Studies, Douglas Gallery, Vancouver, British Columbia, July 5–31, 1967. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Revolvers, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 13–June 10, 1967. (Brochure)Robert Rauschenberg: Booster and 7 Studies, Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles, May 23–June 30, 1967. (Brochure)1966Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings for Dante's Inferno. Organized under the auspices of the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art. Traveled to: Whitechapel Gallery, London, England, December 21, 1966–May 6, 1967; American Embassy, London, 1967; Hatton Gallery, University of Newcastle–upon–Tyne, 1967; Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 1967; The Arts Capital Gallery, Cambridge, 1967.1965Robert Rauschenberg: Oracle, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 15–June 19, 1965.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings 1953–1964, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, May 3–June 6, 1965. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Prints of Dante's Inferno, Gian Enzo Sperone Arte Moderna, Turin, Italy, April 22–30, 1965.Rauschenberg at Dwan, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, April 13–May 8, 1965. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Contemporary Arts Society, Houston, Texas, March 12–April 15, 1965.Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings for Dante's Inferno, Morris Gallery, Toronto, February 1965.Robert Rauschenberg: Bilder, Zeichnungen, Lithos, Amerika Haus, West Berlin, January 8–February 4, 1965. (Catalogue)1964Robert Rauschenberg: Untitled 1953–1954 and 34 Dante Drawings, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, December 1964–January 13, 1965.Robert Rauschenberg, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, West Germany, September 12–October 18, 1964. (Catalogue; text by Paul Wember and Willoughby Sharp)Rauschenberg, Gian Enzo Sperone Arte Moderna, Turin, Italy, June 1964.Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, May 14–30, 1964Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings, Drawings and Combines,1949–1964, Whitechapel Gallery, London, February 5–March 8, 1964. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Illustrations for Dante's Inferno, Whitechapel Gallery, London, February 4–March 8. 1964. Traveled to Embassy, London, March 10–April 10. 1964; Hatton Gallery, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, April 20–May 2, 1964; Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, May 17–25, 1964; Arts Council Gallery, Cambridge, England, May 20–30, 1964; Vienna Internationale Kunstlerklub, June 10–July 7, 1964; Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria, July 9–August 21, 1964; Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany, September 12–October 4, 1964; Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund, October 6–November 1, 1964; Amerika Haus, Hamburg, November 5–December 1, 1964; Kunstverein, Stuttgart, December 5, 1964–January 3, 1965; Amerika Haus, Berlin, January 9–February 4, 1965; Kunsternes Hus, Oslo, February 20–March 14, 1965; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, March 20–April 17, 1965; Galerie Horhammer, Helsinki, April 27–May 12, 1965; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, May 28–June 28, 1965; Belgrade, Yugoslavia, July 15–September 15, 1965; Palais des Beaux Arts, Brussels, September 30–October 31, 1965; Museum of Modern Art, New York, December 21, 1965–March 20, 1966; Arts Club of Chicago, May 20–June 19, 1966; Fresno State College, California, September 18–October 9, 1966; Southwest Texas State College, San Marcos, October 23–November 13, 1966; Memphis State University, Tennessee, November 27–December 18, 1966; Baltimore Museum of Art, Maryland, January 4–29, 1967; Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, February 10–March 5, 1967; J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, March 20–April 9, 1967; Museum of Art, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 24–May 15, 1967. (Catalogue; text by William Lieberman)1963Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 26–November 21, 1963. (Silkscreen paintings)Robert Rauschenberg: Retrospective of Works from 1949–1963, The Jewish Museum, New York, March 31–May 12, 1963. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Seconde Exposition (Oeuvres 1962–1963), Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, February 20–March 9, 1963. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg: Visiting Artist, Beaumont–May Gallery, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, February 3–28, 1963.Rauschenberg: Premiere Exposition (Oeuvres 1954–1961), Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, February 1–16, 1963. (Catalogue)1962Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 7–21, 1962.Robert Rauschenberg, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, March 4–31, 1962.1961Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, November 7–December 5, 1961.Rauschenberg, Galleria dell’Ariete, Milan, October 24–November 1961. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris, April 27–May 1961. (Catalogue)1960Robert Rauschenberg: Drawings for Dante's ‘Inferno’, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, December 6, 1960–January 7, 1961.Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 29–April 16, 1960.1959Robert Rauschenberg: Combine Drawings, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, 1959.Rauschenberg: Combine Drawings + XXXIV Illustrations for Dante's Inferno, Galerie 22, Düsseldorf, 1959.Rauschenberg, Galleria La Tartaruga, Rome, Italy, May 1959. (Brochure; Combine Drawings)1958Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 4–29, 1958.1954Bob Rauschenberg: Red Paintings, Egan Gallery, New York, December 1954–January 18, 1955.1953Bob Rauschenberg: Scatole Contemplative e Feticci Personali, Galleria dell’Obelisco, Rome, March 3–10, 1953. Traveled to: Galeria d’Arte Contemporanea, Florence, as Scatole e Costruzioni Contemplative di Bob Rauschenberg, March 1953. (Small objects made in North Africa)Rauschenberg: Paintings and Sculpture, Stable Gallery, New York, September 15–October 3, 1953. (White Paintings, Black Paintings, rock & wood sculpture)1951Paintings by Bob Rauschenberg, Betty Parsons, New York, May 14–June 2, 1951. Robert RauschenbergGroup Exhibitions Robert Rauschenberg Group Exhibitions 2024Summer Group Show, Pace Gallery, Hong Kong, June 26–August 9, 2024.Revolutions: Art from the Hirshhorn Collection, 1860–1960, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., March 22, 2024–April 20, 2025.2023Chewing Gum VI, Pace Gallery, Hong Kong, August 4–September 7, 2023.Revolutions: Art from the Hirshhorn Collection, 1860–1960, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C., March 22, 2024–April 20, 2025.Tropic of Cancer, Pace Gallery, Palm Beach, Florida, February 9–March 12, 2023.2022Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 9, 2022–February 18, 2023. (Catalogue)New York: 1962–1964, Jewish Museum, New York, July 22, 2022–January 8, 2023. (Catalogue)2021Works on Paper, The Elkon Gallery, New York, May 24–August 13, 2021.2020Photo Revolution: Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, November 16, 2019–February 16, 2020. (Catalogue)On View in East Hampton, Pace Gallery, 68 Park Place, East Hampton, New York, July 22–29, 2020.Robert Blackburn & Modern American Printmaking, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, March 28–August 2, 2020.Personal Space, Self-Portraits on Paper, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, February 8–June 21, 2020.Affinities and Outliers: Highlights from the University at Albany Fine Art Collections, University Art Museum, University at Albany, State University of New York, February 4–April 4, 2020.2019100 Iconic Works from the Permanent Collection, Baker Museum, Artis—Naples, Florida, December 1, 2019–July 25, 2020.Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman: American art from the Albertina Museum, Albertina Museum, Vienna, November 19, 2019–March 29, 2020. (Catalogue)The Distance of the Moon, Akron Art Museum, Ohio, November 9, 2019–March 15, 2020.Binding Wires: John Mellencamp and Robert Rauschenberg, ACA Galleries, New York, October 24—December 21, 2019. (Catalogue)The Moon Museum: Unofficial Art on Apollo 12, Gregory Allicar Museum of Art, University Center for the Arts, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, September 24–December 14, 2019.Bauhaus Transfer: Albers / Rauschenberg, Palmer Museum of Art, University Park, Pennsylvania State University, September 3—December 15, 2019.Apollo's Muse: The Moon in the Age of Photography, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, July 3–September 22, 2019. (Catalogue)Une Brève Histoire de la Modernité des Formes, Galerie Mitterand, Paris, April 19–June 1, 2019.The Gift: Works from the Barnett and Annalee Newman Foundation Collection, The Jewish Museum, New York, April 11–November 3, 2019.Home is a Foreign Place: Recent Acquisitions in Context, The Met Breuer, New York, April 9–June 2020.Messin’ Around, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, March 21–May 18, 2019.2018The Masters: Art Students League Teachers and Their Students, Hirschl & Adler, New York, October 18–December 1, 2018. (Catalogue)The Moon – From Inner Worlds to Outer Space, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, Denmark, September 13, 2018–January 20, 2019. Traveled to: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, February 14–May 19, 2019. (Catalogue)Moon Museum: Art and Outer Space, Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg, Florida, February 3–July 8, 2018.American Masters 1940–1980, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, August 24–November 11, 2018. (Catalogue)/ Off the Wall, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, June 15–July 27, 2018.Summer Group Show, Pace Gallery, Seoul, June 5–August 11, 2018.E.A.T (Experiments in Art and Technology): Open-ended, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul Gallery, Korea, May 26–September 16, 2018.Warp & Weft: A History of Fabric at Gemini G.E.L., Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, March 15–April 28, 2018.My Favorites: Toshio Hara Selects from the Permanent Collection, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, January 6–June 3, 2018.2017The Question of Beauty, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Oklahoma, October 13, 2017–February 11, 2018.MACBA Collection. Beneath the Surface, Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art, October 11, 2017–November 2018.Robert Rauschenberg & Andy Warhol: “Us Silkscreeners…,” Faurschou Foundation Venice, May 12–August 27, 2017. (Catalogue)A Different Way to Move: Minimalismes, New York, 1960–1980, Carré d’Art Nîmes, France, April 7–September 17, 2017. (Catalogue)The American Dream: Pop to the Present, British Museum, London, March 9–June 18, 2017. (Catalogue)Works on Paper, The Elkon Gallery, New York, March 3–May 26, 2017.The Beginning of Everything: Drawings from the Janie C. Lee, Louise Stude Sarofim, and David Whitney Collections, The Menil Collection, Houston, February 24–June 18, 2017.Victors for Art: Michigan’s Alumni Collectors at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, Part 1: Figuration, A. Afred Taubman Gallery, the University of Michigan Museum of Art, February 19–June 11, 2017; Part 2: Abstraction, A. Afred Taubman Gallery, the University of Michigan Museum of Art, July 1–October 29, 2017; Irving Stenn, Jr. Family Gallery, the University of Michigan Museum of Art, August 19–November 26, 2017. (Catalogue)Merce Cunningham: Common Time, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, February 8–July 30, 2017.Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg: Prints, Galerie Lelong, Paris, February 1–April 1, 2017.2016Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., September 30, 2016–January 29, 2017. Traveled to: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, March 19–September 10, 2017. (Catalogue)Blackness in Abstraction, Pace Gallery, 510 West 25th Street, New York, June 24–August 19, 2016. (Catalogue)From the Collection: 1960–1969, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 26, 2016–March 19, 2017.Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, March 18–September 4, 2016. (Catalogue)Drawing Then: Innovation and Influence in American Drawings of the Sixties, Dominique Lévy, New York, January 27–March 19, 2016.2015Sobre el Papel, Galería Cayón, Madrid, December 17, 2015–February 6, 2016.Robert Rauschenberg and James Rosenquist: Images from Everywhere, Prints and Photographs, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 15, 2014–January 11, 2015.Moon Museum, Polk Museum of Art, Florida Southern College, Lakeland, Florida, July 7–October 3, 2015.Painting 2.0: Expression in the Information Age, Museum Brandhorst, Munich, November 14, 2015–April 30, 2016. Traveled to: Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna, June 2–November 6, 2016. (Catalogue)Leap Before You Look: Black Mountain College 1933–1957, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, October 10, 2015–January 24, 2015.Space Age, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, September 27–December 23, 2015.Gloria: Robert Rauschenberg & Rachel Harrison, Cleveland Museum of Art, July 1–October 25, 2015. (Catalogue)Doble mirada a España: las fotografías españolas de Josef Albers y Robert Rauschenberg, Galería Cayón, Madrid, June 4–July 20, 2015. Organized in collaboration with Josef and Anni Albers Foundation and Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. (Catalogue)America Is Hard to See, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 1–September 27, 2015.Fifty for Fifty: Gifts on the Occasion of LACMA’s Anniversary, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 26–September 13, 2015.International Pop, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, April 11–August 29, 2015. (Catalogue)Andy Warhol sul comò: Opere dalla collezione Rosetta Barabino (Warhol in the closet: works from the Rosetta Barabino collection), Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, Genoa, April 2–July 5, 2015. Exh. cat.Picasso and the 20th Century Art: Masterpieces from the Museum of Modern Art, Toyama, Tokyo Station Gallery, Tokyo, March 21–May 17, 2015. (Catalogue)Selections from the Museum’s Collection: Modern and Contemporary Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, March 4–May 3, 2015.In the Sudio: Paintings (West Twenty-first Street) and In the Sudio: Photographs (Madison Avenue), Gagosian Gallery, New York, February 17–April 18, 2015. (Catalogue)Schön euch zu sehen! 160 Werke aus der Sammlung (Nice to See You! 160 Works from the Collection), Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz, February 13–August 23, 2015. (Brochure)Embracing Modernism: Ten Years of Drawings Acquisitions, Morgan Library and Museum, New York, February 13–May 25, 2015.Sonnabend: Paris—New York, Fundação Arpad Szenes–Vieira da Silva Museu, Lisbon, February 5–May 3, 2015.White, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, Florida, January 24–April 26, 2015.The New York School, 1969: Henry Geldzahler at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, January 13–March 14, 2015.2014Lucio Amelio: Dalla Modern Art Agency alla genesi di Terrae Motus (1965–1982), documenti, opera, una storia… (From the Modern Art Agency to the Genesis of Terrae Motus, Documents, Works, A Story), Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina, Naples, November 22, 2014–April 6, 2015.Robert Rauschenberg and James Rosenquist: Images from Everywhere, Prints and Photographs, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, November 15, 2014–January 11, 2015.Pop to Popism, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, November 1, 2014–March 1, 2015. (Catalogue)Ludwig Goes Pop, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, October 2, 2014–January 11, 2015. Traveled to: Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, February 12–September 13, 2015. (Catalogue)Art=Text=Art: Private Languages/Public Systems, University at Buffalo Anderson Gallery, State University of New York, September 20, 2014–January 11, 2015.The Avant-Garde Collection, Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, California, September 7, 2014–January 4, 2015. (Catalogue)Rauschenberg: Collecting and Connecting, Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, August 28, 2014–January 11, 2015. (Catalogue)Pop Art from the Anderson Collection at SFMOMA, Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University, California, August 13, 2014–October 26, 2015.Highlights of American Drawings and Watercolors from the Huntington’s Art Collections, Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, July 19, 2014–January 5, 2015.Shaping a Collection: Five Decades of Gifts, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 17–October 19, 2014.Pop Art Myths, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, June 10–September 14, 2014. (Catalogue)Art or Sound, Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Venice, June 7–November 3, 2014. (Catalogue)Modernism from the National Gallery of Art: The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, June 7–October 12, 2014.From Rauschenberg to Jeff Koons: The Ileana Sonnabend Collection, Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, May 31, 2014–January 4, 2015Rothko to Richter: Mark-Making in Abstract Painting from the Collection of Preston H. Haskell, Class of 1960, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey., May 24–October 5, 2014. Traveled to: Cummer Museum of Art and Gardens, Jacksonville, Florida, January 30–April 22, 2015. (Catalogue)I Look at Things . . . , Faurschou Foundation, Copenhagen, April 24–September 12, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg and the “Five from Louisiana”, New Orleans Museum of Art, April 24, 2014–August 30, 2015.Baltimore Museum of Art, On Paper: Figure Drawings from the Thomas E. Benesch Memorial Collection, April 20–September 14, 2014.Face Value: Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., April 18, 2014–January 11, 2015. (Catalogue)Standing in the Shadows of Love: The Aldrich Collection 1964–1974, Robert Indiana, Robert Morris, Ree Morton, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Smithson, Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, Connecticut, April 6–September 21, 2014.Doble negativo: De la pintura al objeto (Double Negative: From Painting to Object), Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo Internacional, Mexico City, March 27–July 20, 2014. (Brochure)The Paradox of Sculpture, National Academy School, New York, March 12–May 3, 2014.Giuseppe Panza di Biumo: Dialoghi americani (American Dialogues), Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, February 2–May 4, 2014.2013Ileana Sonnabend: Ambassador for the New, Museum of Modern Art, New York, December 21, 2013–April 21, 2014. (Catalogue)Malmö Art Museum@Malmö Konsthall, Malmö Konsthall, Sweden, December 7, 2013–March 16, 2014.Damage Control: Art and Destruction since 1950, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., October 24, 2013–May 26, 2014. Traveled to: Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Mudam, Luxembourg, July 12–October12, 2014. (Catalogue)The Show is Over, Gagosian Gallery, Britannia Street, London, October 15–November 30, 2013. (Catalogue)There Will Never Be Silence: Scoring John Cage’s 4’33”, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 12, 2013–June 22, 2014.Kunst und Textil: Stoff als Material und Idee in der Moderne von Klimt bis heute (Art and Textiles: Fabric as Material and Concept in Modern Art from Klimt to the Present), Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, Germany, October 12, 2013–March 2, 2014. Traveled to: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, March 21–June 22, 2014. (Catalogue)Re-View: Onnasch Collection, Hauser and Wirth, London, September 20–December 14, 2013. Traveled to: Hauser and Wirth, New York, February 8–April 12, 2014. (Catalogue)Radio Waves: New York “Nouveau Réalisme” and Rauschenberg, Sperone Westwater, New York, September 17–November 2, 2013.Das Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts: Es kommt noch besser, ein Dialog mit der Sammlung Marx (The End of the 20th Century: The Best Is Yet to Come, A Dialogue with the Marx Collection), Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, Sept. 14, 2013–March 30, 2014. (Catalogue)Within and Beyond, Talley Dunn Gallery, Dallas, September 14–October 26, 2013.9th Mercosul Biennial: Weather Permitting, Porto Alegre, Brazil, September 13–November 10, 2013.From Memory: Draw A Map of the United States, Sean Kelly Gallery, New York, September 13–October 19, 2013.American Pop Art: From the John and Kimiko Powers Collection, National Art Center, Tokyo, August 7–October 21, 2013.Beyond Belief: 100 Years of the Spiritual in Modern Art, Highlights from SFMOMA’s Collection, Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco, June 28–October 27, 2013. (Website)Making Their Mark: The New York, Fab Five, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, June 6–July 3, 2013.The Sonnabend Collection, Ca’ Pesaro, International Gallery of Modern Art, Venice, June 1–November 25, 2013.Sweet Dreams, Baby! Life of Pop, London to Warhol, Albright-Knox Gallery, Buffalo, May 31–September 8, 2013.Byzantine Things in the World, The Menil Collection, Houston, May 3–August 18, 2013.Dennis Hopper: en el camino (On the Road), Museo Picasso Málaga, April 29–September 29, 2013. (Catalogue)Car Culture: Art and the Automobile, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, New York, April 27–August 11, 2013. (Brochure)Fantastic Machinery: A Selection from the Renault Art Collection, Istanbul Museum of Modern Art, April 18–June 16, 2013.The Pop Object: The Still Life Tradition in Pop Art, Acquavella Galleries, New York, April 10–May 24, 2013. (Catalogue)From the Collection of Leslie Sacks: Rarely Seen Works from the Gallery Archive, Leslie Sacks Fine Art, Los Angeles, April 10–May 13, 2013.The Old Becomes the New: New York Contemporary Native American Art Movement and the New York School, Wilmer Jennings Gallery at Kenkeleba, New York, April 3–June 2, 2013.Op und Pop: Experimente amerikanischer Künstler ab 1960 (Experiments by American artists since 1960), Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, March 23–June 16, 2013. (Catalogue)Through the Eyes of Texas: Masterworks from Alumni Collections, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, February 24–May 19, 2013.Painterly Pasted Pictures, Freedman Art, New York, February 21–May 16, 2013.The Artist and the Poet, Art Institute of Chicago, February 1–June 2, 2013.2012Mirages d’Orient, Grenades et Figues de Barbarie: Chassé-croisé en Méditerranée (Oriental Mirages, Pomegranates and Prickly Pears: Mediterranean Comings and Goings), Collection Lambert, Avignon, December 9, 2012–April 28, 2013. (Catalogue)Dancing Around the Bride: Cage, Cunningham, Johns, Rauschenberg, and Duchamp, Philadelphia Museum of Art, October 30, 2012–January 21, 2013. Traveled to: Barbican Art Gallery, London (as The Bride and the Bachelors: Duchamp with Cage, Cunningham, Rauschenberg and Johns), February 14–June 9, 2013. (Catalogue)PMoA Collects, Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, October 20, 2012–January 12, 2013.Pop Art Design, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, Germany, October 13, 2012–February 3, 2013. Traveled to: Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark, February 22–June 9, 2013; Moderna Museet, Stockholm, June 29–September 22, 2013; Barbican Art Gallery, London, October 22, 2013–February 9, 2014; Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Oklahoma, March 2–May 25, 2014. (Catalogue)Decades of Dissent: Democracy in Action, 1960–1980, Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles, October 11, 2012–February 17, 2013. Organized by Center for the Study of Political Graphics.Destroy the Picture: Painting the Void, 1949–1962, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, October 6, 2012–January 14, 2013. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, February 16–June 2, 2013. (Catalogue)We the People, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Project Space, New York, October 3–November 9, 2012. Curated by Alison Gingeras, Jonathan Horowitz, and Anna McCarthy.Cara domani: Opere dalla Collezione Ernesto Esposito, Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna, September 29–December 2, 2012.Shock of the News, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., September 23, 2012–January 27, 2013. (Catalogue)Specters of Artaud: Language and the Arts in the 1950s, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, September 19–December 17, 2012. (Catalogue)The Last Days of Pompeii: Decadence, Apocalypse, Resurrection, J. Paul Getty Museum, Getty Villa, Malibu, September 12, 2012–January 7, 2013. Traveled to: Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, February 24–July 7, 2013. (Catalogue)Silence, The Menil Collection, Houston, July 27–October 21, 2012. Traveled to: Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, University of California, January 30–April 28, 2013. (Catalogue)Art Drive! The BMW Art Car Collection 1975–2010, Great Eastern Street Car Park, London, July 21–August 4, 2012.Dark Matters: Selections from the Collection, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., July 6, 2012–January 6, 2013.The Small Utopia: Ars Multiplicata, Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, Venice, July 6–November 25, 2012. (Catalogue)Malerei in Fotografie: Strategien der Aneignung (Painting in Photography: Strategies of Appropriation), Städel Museum, Frankfurt, June 27–September 23, 2012. (Catalogue)The Floor Show: Gravity and Materials, Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles, June 16–July 28, 2012.Art of Another Kind: International Abstraction and the Guggenheim, 1949–1960, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 8–September 12, 2012. (Catalogue)Explosion! Måleri som Handling (Painting as Action), Moderna Museet, Stockholm, June 2–September 9, 2012. Traveled to: Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona (as ¡Explosión! El legado de Jackson Pollock [The Legacy of Jackson Pollock]) October 24, 2012–February 24, 2013. (Catalogue)Masterpieces of the Museum Frieder Burda, Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, May 26–September 30, 2012.A House Full of Music: Strategien in Musik und Kunst (Strategies in Music and Art), Mathildehöhe Darmstadt, May 13–September 9, 2012. (Catalogue)Phantom Limb: Approaches to Painting Today, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, May 5–October 21, 2012.Marking a Century: Recent and Promised Gifts to the Bruce Museum, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, April 14–July 8, 2012.Prints, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, April 14–May 19, 2012.John Cage und . . . Bildender Künstler—Einflüsse, Anregungen (John Cage and . . . Visual Artist—Influences, Impulses), Akademie der Künste, Berlin, March 30–June 17, 2012. Traveled to: Museum der Moderne Mönschsberg, Salzburg, July 14–October 7, 2012. (Catalogue)Art and Press: Kunst. Wahrheit. Wirklichkeit (Art. Truth. Reality.), Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, March 23–June 24, 2012. Traveled to: ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, September 15, 2012–March 10, 2013. (Catalogue)Sculpture, Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong, March 21–April 28, 2012.Art = Life = Art. Dada > Fluxus, Museion, Bolzano, Italy, March 16, 2012–February 24, 2013. (Catalogue)Lifelike, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, February 25–May 27, 2012. Traveled to: New Orleans Museum of Art, November 11, 2012–February 3, 2013; Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, March 1–May 27, 2013; Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, June 23–September 22, 2013. (Catalogue)Print/Out, Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 19–May 14, 2012. (Catalogue)Happenings: New York, 1958–1963, Pace Gallery, 534 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York, February 10–March 17, 2012. (Catalogue)Prints Please: Selections from Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE), Islip Art Museum, East Islip, New York, February 8–March 25, 2012.Il Guggenheim: L’Avanguardia americana, 1945–1980 (Guggenheim Collection: The American Avant-Garde 1945–1980), Palazzo delle Esposizioni, Rome, February 7–May 6, 2012. (Catalogue)Partners and Adversaries: The Art of Collaboration, Sheldon Museum of Art, Lincoln, Nebraska, February 3–May 27, 2012. (Catalogue)John Cage :-) A Centennial Celebration (With Friends), Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio, Janurary 20–April 20, 2012.Pop and the Sixties, Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, January 19–September 2, 2012.Gallery Artists, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, January 10–March 17, 2012.2011MOCA Permanent Collection Masterworks 1945–1975, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, November 27, 2011–July 30, 2012.Danser sa vie: art et danse de 1900 à nos jours, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, November 23, 2011–April 2, 2012. (Catalogue)Pop Objects and Icons from the Guggenheim Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, November 19, 2011–January 11, 2012.Double Take: Series, Multiples, and Prints from the University of Pennsylvania Collection, Arthur Ross Gallery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, November 18, 2011–January 15, 2012.Volume! Works from the Collections of “la Caixa” Foundation and MACBA, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, November 9, 2011–April 23, 2012. (Catalogue)Selections from the Permanent Collection: Highlighting the Pop Art Movement, Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York, November 5, 2011–January 16, 2012.The Private Collection of Robert Rauschenberg, Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, November 3–December 23, 2011. (Catalogue)Burning, Bright: A Short History of the Light Bulb, Pace Gallery, 545 West 22nd Street, New York, October 28–November 26, 2011.Art at the Origin: The Early 1960s, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Masschusetts, October 27, 2011–December 9, 2012.Eight from Florida, Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, October 14, 2011–January 1, 2012.Fast Forward: Modern Moments 1913>>2013, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, October 13, 2011–January 20, 2012. (Catalogue)Castelli’s Cabinet, McMaster Gallery, University of South Carolina, Columbia, October 11–November 23, 2011.Proof: The Rise of Printmaking in Southern California, Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, October 1, 2011–April 2, 2012. Part of Pacific Standard Time: Art in L.A. 1945–1980, a Getty Foundation initiative. (Catalogue)An Autobiography of Our Collection, Vancouver Art Gallery, September 24, 2011–April 15, 2012.Elgiz 10 Istanbul, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, September 17, 2011–March 16, 2012. (Catalogue)Black Mountain College and Its Legacy, Loretta Howard Gallery, New York, September 15–October 29, 2011. (Brochure)In Deed: Certificates of Authenticity in Art, De Kabinetten van de Vleeshal, Middelburg, Netherlands, September 10–October 9, 2011. Traveled to: Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, October 13–November 6, 2011; Khoj International Artists’ Association, New Delhi, November 18–December 16, 2011; Mumbai Art Room, January 13–February 10, 2012; Nero HQ, Rome, February 24–March 24, 2012; John M. Flaxman Library Special Collections, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, March 30–April 28, 2012; Salt Beyoğlu, Istanbul, May 30–August 26, 2012; Drawing Center, New York, November 3–December 16, 2012; Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, January 12–April 14, 2013; Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 19–August 18, 2013. (Catalogue)Fluxus at NYU: Before and Beyond, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, September 9–December 3, 2011.Pop Art: The Portfolios, A and D Gallery, London, August 9–September 30, 2011.Wanna See My Portfolio?, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, July 14–August 24, 2011.Jack Tworkov: The Accident of Choice, The Artist at Black Mountain College 1952, Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, North Carolina, June 17–September 17, 2011. (Catalogue)The American Art: Masterpieces of Everyday Life from the Whitney Museum of American Art, National Art Museum, Deoksugung Palace, Seoul, June 11–September 25, 2011. Organized by National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea, Seoul, in collaboration with Whitney Museum of American Art, New York.New York Prints of Mind: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, New York, June 11–August 21, 2011. Traveled to: John and Virginia Winner Memorial Art Gallery, Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, Cazenovia, New York, October 2–November 27, 2011. (Catalogue)Neue Realitäten: FotoGrafik von Warhol bis Havekost (New Realities: PhotoGraphik from Warhol to Havekost), Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin, June 10–October 9, 2011. Traveled to: Galerie Stihl, Waiblingen, February 18–March 27, 2012. (Catalogue)Car Fetish: I Drive, Therefore I Am, Museum Tinguely, Basel, June 8–October 9, 2011. (Catalogue)Ileana Sonnabend: Un ritratto italino (An Italian Portrait), Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice, May 29–October 2, 2011. (Catalogue)Made in Italy, Gagosian Gallery, Rome, May 27–July 29, 2011.Form, Line, and Color: Selected Works of Abstraction in the Permanent Collection, Jule Collins Smith Museum of Fine Art, Auburn University, Alabama, May 14–August 13, 2011.FLA.ART: Art by Florida Artists from the Permanent and Private Collections, Mennello Museum of American Art, Orlando, May 13–September 25, 2011.Twenty-one Americans, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, New York, May 6–June 21, 2011.America: Now and Here, Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri, May 6–28, 2011. Traveled to: Detroit, July 7–24; Chicago, November 4–13, 2011.Universal Limited Art Editions, Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, April 23–June 14, 2011.A Lifetime of Giving: The William J. Dane Fine Print Collection, Newark Public Library, New Jersey, April 13–June 25, 2011.Elements of Nature: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Brevard Art Museum, Melbourne, Florida, April 1–June 19, 2011.Weltraum: Die Kunst und ein Traum (Space: About a Dream), Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, April 1–August 15, 2011. Organized in collaboration with Natural History Museum, Vienna. (Catalogue)Figures in a Landscape, Gagosian Gallery, Hong Kong, April 1–May 14, 2011.Twenty Years, Twenty Artists, The Ralls Collection, Washington, D.C., March 18–May 28, 2011.Unpainted Paintings, Luxembourg and Dayan, New York, March 3–May 27, 2011.Some Assembly Required: Assemblage and Collage, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, February 19–April 30, 2011.Unforgettable: Selections from the Emily Fisher Landau Collection, Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York,February 10–April 4, 2011.Weatherspoon Art Museum: Seventy Years of Collecting, Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, February 6–May 1, 2011. (Catalogue)Riches of a City: Portland Collects, Portland Art Museum, Oregon, Febrary 5–May 22, 2011. (Catalogue)Shared Intelligence: American Painting and the Photograph, Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, February 4–April 24. Organized by Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe. Traveled to: Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, May 20–September 11, 2011. (Catalogue)Currents in Contemporary Art: Process and Materials, Orlando Museum of Art, January 1, 2011–June 30, 2013.2010Atlas: How to Carry the World on One’s Back?, Museo Nactional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, November 26, 2010–March 28, 2011. Traveled to: ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe, May 7–August 7, 2011; Sammlung Falckenberg, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, September 30–November 27, 2011. (Catalogue)Advancing Tradition: Twenty Years of Printmaking at Flatbed Press, Austin Museum of Art, November 26, 2010–February 13, 2011. Traveled to: Gallery I, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, July 10–October 2, 2011; Martin Museum of Art, Baylor University, Waco, Texas, January 21–March 9, 2012; Museum of Printing History, Houston, June 14–August 11, 2012; Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, November 13–December 16, 2012; Michelson Museum of Art, Marshall, Texas, April 4–May 12, 2013.On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century, Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 21, 2010–February 7, 2011. (Catalogue and Website)Obra sobre papel en la colección IVAM (Works on Paper in the IVAM Collection), Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, November 9, 2010–January 10, 2011. (Catalogue)Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture, National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C., October 30, 2010–February 13, 2011. Traveled to: Brooklyn Museum, New York, November 18, 2011–February 12, 2012; Tacoma Art Museum, Washington, March 17–June 10, 2012. (Catalogue and Website)—Hirsch, Faye. “Seeing Queerly.” Art in America (New York) 99, no. 2 (Feb. 2011), pp. 76–81.American Printmaking Now, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, October 10–November 3, 2010. Traveled to: Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, November 16–December 5; Zhejiang Art Museum, Hangzhou, December 28, 2010–January 23, 2011; Shanghai Art Museum, March 5–April 7, 2011. (Catalogue)Calder to Rauschenberg: Gifts of Jeanne and Irving Mathews, McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas, October 6, 2010–January 16, 2011.Abstract Expressionist New York, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 3, 2010–April 25, 2011. (Catalogue)New Visions: Contemporary Masterworks from the Bank of America Collection, Mint Museum Uptown, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 1, 2010–April 17, 2011. (Brochure)RSTW: from the Private Collection of Larry Gagosian: Rauschenberg, Ruscha, Serra, Twombly, Warhol, Wool, Arts Abu Dhabi Gallery, Saadiyat Island, September 22, 2010–January 24, 2011. (Catalogue)Sold Out: American Pop Art from the 1970s and 1980s, Olyvia Fine Art, London, September 22–November 20, 2010.Fifty Years at Pace: The Abstract Expressionist and Pop Art Years, Pace Gallery, 534 West Twenty-fifth Street, September 17–October 23, 2010. (Catalogue) (Fifty Years at Pace).Artists at Max’s Kansas City, 1965–1974: Hetero-holics and Some Women Too, Loretta Howard Gallery, New York, September 10–October 30, 2010. (Brochure) with essay by Maurice Tuchman.Post-War American Art: The Novak / O’Doherty Collection, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, September 8, 2010–February 27, 2011. (Catalogue)Malerei: Prozess und Expansion, von den 1950er Jahren bis heute (Painting: Process and Expansion, from the 1950s to the Present Day), Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, July 9–October 3, 2010. (Catalogue)Contemporary Art from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 30, 2010–September 19, 2011.Modern Masters, Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, June 26–October 3, 2010.Calder to Warhol: Introducing the Fisher Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 25–September 19, 2010. (Catalogue)New Realisms: 1957–1962. Object Strategies Between Readymade and Spectacle, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, June 16–October 4, 2010. (Catalogue)Other than Beauty, Friedman Benda Gallery, New York, June 1–July 30, 2010.Selections from the Permanent Collection, University Galleries, College of Fine Arts, Illinois State University, Normal, May 25–September 5, 2010.Modern Masters from the Ferguson Collection, Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, South Carolina, April 30–August 22, 2010.Splendid Pop, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia, April 29–June 24, 2010. Organized in collaboration with Visconti Fine Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia.Robert & Ethel Scull: Portrait of a Collection, Acquavella Galleries, New York, April 13–May 27, 2010. (Catalogue)Pastiche, The Pace Gallery, 545 West 22nd Street, New York, April 2–24, 2010.Vertical Thoughts: Morton Feldman and the Visual Arts,Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, March 31–June 27, 2010. (Catalogue)Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 26–September 6, 2010. Traveled to: Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, November 9, 2010–March 13, 2011. (Catalogue)Silent Revolution: Eine Neue Sammlungspräsentation (A new collection exhibition), Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K21 Ständehaus, Düsseldorf, February 27–June 13, 2010.Crash: Homage to JG Ballard, Gagosian Gallery, London, February 11–April 1, 2010. (Catalogue)Press Art: Die Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel, Kunstmusem St. Gallen, Switzerland, January 30–June 20, 2010. (Catalogue)Collecting Biennials, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 16–November 28, 2010.2009Spectacular Times: The 60s—The Moderna Museet Collection, Moderna Museet, Malmö, December 26, 2009–February 27, 2011.Seventy-Five Years of Looking Forward: The Anniversary Show, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, December 19, 2009–January 16, 2011. (Catalogue)Just What Is It…, ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, December 5, 2009–April 11, 2010. (Catalogue)Collection: MOCA’s First 30 Years, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, November 15, 2009–May 3, 2010.Kirk Varnedoe Collection, Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museums, Savannah, Georgia, November 11, 2009–April 4, 2010.The Rose at Brandeis: Works from the Collection, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, October 29, 2009–June 20, 2010.1969, MoMA PS1, Long Island City, New York, October 25, 2009–April 5, 2010.Mirror Mirror: Then and Now, Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane, October 24–December 12, 2009. Traveled to: University Art Gallery, University of Sydney, January 4–May 2, 2010; Samstag Museum of Art, University of South Australia, Adelaide, May 14–July 16, 2010. (Catalogue)Stopgap—Homage to Rauschenberg: Selections from the Hara Museum Collection, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, October 24–December 6, 2009.The Anarchy of Silence: John Cage and Experimental Art, Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 22, 2009–January 10, 2010. Traveled to: Henie Onstad Art Centre, Høvikodden, Norway, February 25–May 30, 2010; Schunck, Heerlen, Netherlands, September 3–November 28, 2010. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Jean Tinguely: Collaborations, Museum Tinguely, Basel, October 14, 2009–January 17, 2010. (Catalogue)The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Selected Works, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., October 1, 2009–May 2, 2010. (Catalogue)Assembled Realities and Small Treasures, Ikon Contemporary Art, Santa Monica, September 12–November 7, 2009.Circa 1959, Jacobson Howard Gallery, New York, September 10–October 24, 2009. (Brochure)Die Kunst ist super!,Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, September 5, 2009–February 14, 2010.Body in Fragments, The Menil Collection, Houston, August 21, 2009–February 28, 2010.JJ/RR Jasper Johns/Robert Rauschenberg: 20th Century Masters in the Collection, Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, July 18–October 4, 2009.Art at Colby: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Colby College Museum of Art, Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine, July 11, 2009–February 21, 2010. (Catalogue)Target Practice: Painting Under Attack 1949–78, Seattle Art Museum, Washington, June 25–September 7, 2009. (Catalogue)Glasstress, Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, 53rd International Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia, June 6–November 22, 2009. (Catalogue)Between Art and Life: The Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, May 10, 2009–January 3, 2010.Go Figure, Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, May 9–July 31, 2009.Collect With Us, Armand Bartos Fine Art, New York, April 30–May 30, 2009.Toward the Future: Collaborations in American Art in the 1960s, Jonathan O’Hara Gallery, New York, April 30–July 3, 2009.A Director’s Vision: The Legacy of Anne d’Harnoncourt, Philadelphia Museum of Art, April 25–July 19, 2009.Soft Sculpture, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, April 24–July 12, 2009.Compass in Hand: Selections from The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 22–July 17, 2009. Traveled to: Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, Valencia, October 28, 2010–January 16, 2011; Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, March 11–May 29, 2011. (Catalogue)Reflections/Refractions: Self-Portraiture in the Twentieth Century, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., April 10–August 16, 2009. (Catalogue)Amerika 2009, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, March 31–May 23, 2009.Past Pop: Robert Rauschenberg and James Rosenquist Graphics, CAS Gallery at Kean University, Union , New Jersey, March 31–May 7, 2009. (Catalogue)Preview for Upcoming Exhibitions, Jamileh Weber Gallery, Zurich, March 28–May 9, 2009.9 Evenings: Art, Theatre and Engineering, de 2009 à 1966, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France, March 27–May 17, 2009.Paper: Pressed, Stained, Slashed, Folded, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 11–June 22, 2009.(Website)Electricity, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 6–April 25, 2009.If We Could Imagine, Glenstone Foundation, Potomac, Maryland, March 2009–October 2010. (Catalogue)Ventriloquise, Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, February 27–March 28, 2009.Cool, Collected and in Context, Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, February 22–May 3, 2009.1968–69: Forty Years Later, Armand Bartos Fine Art, New York, February 18–March 21, 2009.BMW Art Cars, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, February 12–24, 2009. Traveled to: Grand Central Terminal, New York, March 25–April 6, 2009; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey, Mexico, June 5–August 2; Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, August 14–September 27, 2009; Polyforum Siqueiros, Mexico City, October 29–December 6, 2009.Works on Paper: Georg Baselitz, Brice Marden, Sigmar Polke, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Serra, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, February 7–March 21, 2009.Ingres et les Modernes, Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec, Quebec City, February 5–May 31, 2009. Traveled to: Musée Ingres, Montauban, France, July 4–October 4, 2009. (Catalogue)The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 30–April 19, 2009. (Catalogue)Innovations in the Third Dimension: Sculpture of Our Time, Bruce Museum, Greenwich, January 24–May 24, 2009. (Catalogue: texts by Nancy Hall-Duncan and Joan Pachner)Piero Manzoni: A Retrospective, Gagosian Gallery, New York, January 24–March 21, 2009. (Catalogue)Universal Limited Art Editions: Then and Now, Greenfield Sacks Gallery, Santa Monica, January 17–February 28, 2009.Artists Making Photographs: Chamberlain, Rauschenberg, Samaras, Ruscha, Warhol, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 16–April 20, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg and His Contemporaries: Recent Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, New York January 10–April 5, 2009.2008Photographic Works: To Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Cohan and Leslie, New York, December 11–20, 2008.The Art of Participation: 1950 to Now, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California, November 8, 2008–February 8, 2009. (Catalogue)The Collection and Then Some, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, November 7, 2008–May 31, 2009.NASA/Art: Fifty Years of Exploration, Center for the Arts of Bonita Springs, Florida, October 25, 2008–January 18, 2009. Organized by NASA in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service and National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C. Traveled to: City of Lake Charles Arts and Cultural Center, Louisiana, February 6–May 3, 2009; Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama, May 23–August 16, 2009; Irving Arts Center, Texas, September 5–November 29, 2009; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, December 19, 2009–March 7, 2010; Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi, April 3–June 27, 2010; Museum of Florida History, Tallahassee, July 22–October 10, 2010; Arizona Museum for Youth, Mesa, October 30, 2010–January 23, 2011; Clay Center for the Arts and Sciences of West Virginia, Charleston, February 12–May 8, 2011; National Air and Space Museum, Washington, D.C., May 28–October 9, 2011; Las Cruces Museum of Art, New Mexico, November 4, 2011–January 29, 2012; Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin, April 14–June 17, 2012; Figge Art Museum, Davenport, Iowa, July 7–September 30, 2012. (Catalogue)The Philippe de Montebello Years: Curators Celebrate Three Decades of Acquisitions, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 24, 2008–February 1, 2009.Dennis Hopper and the New Hollywood, Cinémathèque Française, Paris, October 15, 2008–January 19, 2009. Traveled to: Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, November 12, 2009–April 25, 2010. (Catalogue)Moving Horizons: The UBS Art Collection: 1960s to the Present Day, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, September 29–November 4, 2008. (Catalogue)20th Anniversary of the Praemium Imperiale, Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, September 27–November 9, 2008.SIGN/AGE: Sign Signs Everywhere a Sign, Armand Bartos Fine Art, New York, September 26–October 24, 2008.Cold War Modern: Design 1945–1970, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, September 25, 2008–January 11, 2009. Traveled to: National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 3–December 6, 2009. (Catalogue)Circa 1958: Breaking Ground in American Art, Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, September 21, 2008–January 4, 2009. (Catalogue)The 30th Anniversary: Part I, Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, September 17–October 11, 2008. (Catalogue)An Unruly History of the Readymade: Sixth Interpretation of la Colección Jumex, Fundación/Colección Jumex, Mexico, September 8, 2008–February 2009.The Spirit of Black Mountain College, Hickory Museum of Art, North Carolina, September 6, 2008–January 4, 2009.View Fourteen: Hooking Up, Mary Boone Gallery, New York, September 6–October 25, 2008.Pop Art and After: Prints and Popular Culture, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, September 2–December 14, 2008. (Catalogue)Imaginary Spaces: Selections from the Menil Collection, The Menil Collection, Houston, August 22, 2008–March 1, 2009.Pipe, Glass, Bottle of Rum: The Art of Appropriation, Museum of Modern Art, New York, July 30–November 10, 2008.From Abstract Expressionism to Pop Art: Johns, Rauschenberg and the Aesthetic of Indifference, Sonoma Valley Museum of Art, California, July 12–October 19, 2008.“Progress,” Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 11–November 30, 2008.Summer Exhibition, Waddington Gallery, London, June 25−September 27, 2008.Fernand Léger: Paris—New York, Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland, June 1–September 7, 2008. (Catalogue)Ringling Retro: Modern and Contemporary Works of Art from the Permanent Collection, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, May 10–October 26, 2008. Traveled to: Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach, Florida (as Ringling Retro: Selections of Modern and Contemporary Works of Art from the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art), April 24–October 25, 2009.Masters of Abstraction, Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York, May 6–July 4, 2008.Works on Paper, Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York, May 1–June 27, 2008.Time for Pop, Tampere Art Museum, Finland, April 26–August 10, 2008. (Catalogue)New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, April 22–July 19, 2008. Traveled to: Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, September 16–December 14, 2008; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, January 17–March 15, 2009; Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Brunswick, Maine, April 17–July 19, 2009, and Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee, August–October 2009. (Catalogue)Sculpture, Texas Gallery, Houston, April 22–May 21, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts / Darryl Pottorf: Paintings, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, April 19–June 28, 2008.The Body Is Art, Michele Mosko Fine Art, Denver, April 17–June 21, 2008.Experiments in Art and Technology Revisited: An Exhibition, Panel, and Performance and Screening of Films of “Evenings: Theater & Engineering”, Stevens Institute of Technology, Babbio Center, Hoboken, New Jersey, April 5–6, 2008.Allons à Lafayette, KK Projects / Life is Art Foundation, New Orleans, April 4–June 1, 2008.Photos and Phantasy: Selections from the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation, Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, California, March 8–May 13, 2008.Depreciation and Devastation, Gavin Brown Enterprise at Passerby, New York, March 7–22, 2008.Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 2–May 12, 2008. (Catalogue)Pop Art Portraits, Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, February 23–August 6, 2008.An Educated Eye: Princeton University Art Museum Collections, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, February 23–June 15, 2008.Pop and Op, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York, February 17–May 4, 2008. (Brochure)Inaugural Exhibition, Broad Contemporary Art Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, February 16, 2008–January 2009.How Artists Draw: Toward the Menil Drawing Institute and Study Center, The Menil Collection, Houston, February 15–May 18, 2008.Collecting Collections: Highlights of the Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February 10–May 19, 2008. (Catalogue)Collections: Highlights from the Permanent Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, Collecting February 9–May 19, 2008. (Catalogue)The Whitney’s Collection, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 30, 2008–June 1, 2009.Dante’s Inferno: Interpretations by Edward Navone and Robert Rauschenberg, Alice C. Sabatini Gallery, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, Topeka, Kansas, January 25–March 21, 2008.Person of the Crowd: The Contemporary Art of Flânerie, Neuberger Museum of Art, State University of New York, Purchase, January 20–April 13, 2008.Texas Made, McClain Gallery, Houston, January 19–February 16, 2008.Printed Art, Devin Borden Hiram Butler Gallery, Houston, January 11–February 23, 2008.2007Ieri-Oggi / Yesterday-Today, Galleria il Gabbiano, Rome, December 12, 2007–February 28, 2008.All for Art! Great Private Collections Among Us, Museé des beaux-arts de Montréal, Canada, December 6, 2007–March 2, 2008. (Catalogue)Works on Paper, Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton, Florida, December 4, 2007–January 2, 2008.Warhol – Beuys. Homage to Lucio Amelio, Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta, Milan, November 16, 2007–March 30, 2008.Beauty and the Blonde: The Blonde in American Art and Popular Culture, 1960–1990, Mildred Lane Kemper Museum, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, November 16, 2007–January 28, 2008. (Brochure)9 Evenings Reconsidered: Art, Theatre, and Engineering, 1966, Tesla Media-Art Laboratory, Berlin, November 10–December 8, 2007.Drawing in Space, Richard L. Feigen & Company, New York, November 1, 2007–February 28, 2008.einfach sehen, Kunsthalle Weishaupt, Ulm, Germany, opened November 2007. (Catalogue)Il Velo: Tra Mistero, Seduzione, Misticismo, Sensualità, Potere e Religione, Centro Sperimentale per le Arti Contemporanee, Caraglio, Italy, October 28, 2007–February 24, 2007.Pop Art! 1956–1968,Scuderie Papali al Quirinale, Rome, October 26, 2007–January 27, 2008. (Catalogue)Omaggio a Capodimonte: Da Caravaggio a Picasso, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples, October 24, 2007–January 20, 2008. (Catalogue)De-Natured: Works from the Anderson Collection and the Anderson Graphic Collection,San Jose Museum of Art, California October 13, 2007–January 6, 2008. (Brochure)Taste of the Modern: Rothko, Rauschenberg, Oldenburg, Kline, Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, October 11, 2007–September 14, 2008.Pop Art Portraits, National Portrait Gallery, London, October 11, 2007–January 20, 2008. Traveled to: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, February 23–June 8, 2008. (Catalogue)Art in America: 300 Years of Innovation, Guggenheim Museo Bilbao, October 10, 2007–April 27, 2008.Pleasures of Collecting, Part III: Contemporary and Cutting Edge, Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut, September 29, 2007–January 6, 2008. (Catalogue)Pop Art is:, Gagosian Gallery, London, September 27–November 10, 2007. (Catalogue)Stockholm, I Love Pop Art,Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, September 15, 2007–January 6, 2008. (Catalogue)Nouveau Réalisme: Revolution des Alltäglichen (Revolution of the ordinary), Sprengel Museum, Hanover, Germany, September 9, 2007–January 27, 2008. (Brochure)American Idols, Amy Simon Fine Art, Westport, Connecticut, September 7–November 3, 2007.Modernisms, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, August 29, 2007–January 13. 2008.The Other Collection: Homage to Ernst and Hildy Beyeler, Beyeler Museum, Riehen/Basel, Switzerland, August 19, 2007–January 6, 2008. (Catalogue)Three Dimensions, Light and Time, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, June 28–August 24, 2007.Salvaged, PaceWildenstein, 545 West 22nd Street, June 28–July 27, 2007.Invention: Merce Cunningham and Collaborators, New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, June 19–October 13, 2007.High and Dry, Smoke and Fog, Phantom Galleries LA, Los Angeles, June 15–July 6, 2007.The 239th Royal Academy of Arts Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, June 11–August 19, 2007.Poetry in Motion, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, June 11–September 15, 2007. Traveled to: Gallery Hyundai, Seoul, Korea, October 2–14, 2007.In Context: Collage + Abstraction, Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, May 31–August 10, 2007.Warhol, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Twombly, Kiefer: Aus der Sammlung Marx,Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, Germany, May 25–October 7, 2007. (Catalogue)Summer of Love: Art of the Psychedelic Era, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 24–September 16 2007.Paper, Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York, May 19, 2007–January 14, 2008.When Art Worlds Collide: The 60s, Woodward Gallery, New York, May 17–July 14, 2007.Seldom Seen: Contemporary Art from the Permanent Collection,Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachuesetts, May 15–October 21, 2007.The David Whitney Bequest, The Menil Collection, Houston, May 11–August 12, 2007.Show and Tell: The Art of Harmony, an International Art Exhibit, Zimmer Children’s Museum, Los Angeles, May 6–June 14, 2007.SAM at Seventy-five: Building a Collection for Seattle, Seattle Art Museum, May 5–September 9 2007.Ulterior Motifs No. 10: A Celebratory Art Extravaganza, Arlington Museum of Art, Texas, April 13–May 30, 2007.The Wandering Eye: Works on Paper from the 60s and 70s, Leo Castelli, New York, April 10–May 19, 2007.Pop Art at Princeton: Permanent and Promised, Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, New Jersey, March 24–April 12, 2007. (Catalogue)Stichwort Gegenwart: Zwölf Kapitel der Sammlung Ludwig (Codeword present: Twelve chapters of the Ludwig Collection), Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany, March 17–November 4 2007. (Catalogue)The 1960s: Prints and Editions Minneapolis Institute of Arts, March 17–September 2, 2007.El Pop Art en la colección del IVAM, Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valencia, March 15–May 27, 2007. (Catalogue)El Pop en la colección gráfica del MBA,Institut Valencià d'Art Modern, Valencia, March 7–May 20, 2007. (Catalogue) (9 Evenings Reconsidered: Art, Theatre, and Engineering, 1966, Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia College, Montreal, March 7–April 21, 2007.On the Road: Photographs Across America,Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, March 3–July 1 2007.Tanzen Sehen: The Provocation of the Media in the Dialogue of Dance and Fine Art, Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen, Siegen, Germany, February 18–May 28, 2007. Traveled to: Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Seville (as Ver Bailar), June 28–September 16. (Catalogue)Rembrandt to Rosenquist: Masters of Printmaking, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York, February 18–May 13, 2007. (Catalogue)A Grand Opening: Selections from Forty Years of Gemini G.E.L. Editions,Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, February 16–March 17, 2007.Not For Sale, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, February 11–April 30, 2007.Art in America: 300 Years of Innovation. Organized by Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York in collaboration with Terra Foundation for American Art, Chicago. Traveled to: National Art Museum of China, Beijing, February 10–April 5, 2007; Shanghai Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art, May 1–June 30, 2007; Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, July 24–September 9, 2007; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, October 8, 2007–April 27, 2008. (Catalogue)An Adventure in the Arts: The Permanent Collection of The Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York, Gulf Coast Museum of Art, Largo, Florida, February 9–April 29, 2007. Organized by Guild Hall in collaboration with Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles. Traveled to: Louisiana State University Museum of Art, Baton Rouge, March 8–June 8, 2008; Visual Arts Center, Panama City, Florida June 15–October 1, 2008; South Bend Museum of Art, Indiana, October 18, 2008–January 15, 2009; Turtle Bay Exploration Center, Redding, California, February 5–May 3, 2009; Sangre de Cristo Art Center, Pueblo, Colorado, May 21–August 2, 2009; Crisp Museum, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, August 15–October 31, 2009; Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences, Peoria, Ill., November 15, 2009–January 15, 2010; Mobile Museum of Art, Alabama, February 5–April 18, 2010; Museum of the Rockies, Montana State University, Bozeman, February 17–May 20, 2012; R. W. Norton Art Gallery, Shreveport, Louisiana, February 5–March 31, 2013; Alexandria Museum of Art, Louisiana, April 12–June 15, 2013; Farmington Museum, New Mexico, July 20–September 22, 2013.Rock’ n’Roll Vol. 1, Norrköpings Kunstmuseum, Norrköpings, Sweden, January 27–May 13, 2007. Traveled to: Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, Kristiansand, Norway, June 30–September 9, 2007.Merce Cunningham: Dancing on the Cutting Edge,Museum of Contemporary Art, North Miami, January 26–April 29 2007. (Catalogue)Works from the Permanent Collection,Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, January 25–April 1, 2007.Artistic Collaborations: Fifty Years at Universal Limited Art Editions,Museum of Modern Art, New York, January 17–May 21, 2007.Black Mountain College: Collaborations and Interdisiplinary Dialogues, Ashville Art Museum, North Carolina, January 12–May 13, 2007.Trisha Brown: Drawing on Land and Air,University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, January 12–March 3 2007. (Brochure)2006Picasso to Pop: Aspects of Modern Art, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, December 23, 2006–November 18, 2007.A Show of Prints, James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 22, 2006–February 24, 2007.The Sixties, Seventies and Eighties: From the Permanent Collection, Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, Hagerstown, Maryland, December 17, 2006–February 4, 2007.Posters: Exhibition and Sale to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, December 8–20, 2006.Living with Pop, Max Lang Gallery, New York, December 1, 2006–January 20, 2007.Fast Forward: Contemporary Collections for the Dallas Museum of Art (part one), Dallas Museum of Art, November 21, 2006–April 8, 2007. (Catalogue)Magrite and Contemporary Art: The Treachery of Images, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 19, 2006–March 4, 2007. (Catalogue)A Century of Collage, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, Portland, Oregon, November 11–December 30, 2006.Extra-Ordinary: The Everyday Object in American Art, Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, November 10, 2006–February 11, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg, Artist-Citizen: Posters for a Better World, Center Art Gallery at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, November 10, 2006–January 20, 2007.Black and White since 1960, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, October 28, 2006–February 25, 2007.Statements and Symbols: Selections from The Maslow Collection, Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania, October 28, 2006–February 4, 2007.‘1952’ – Nach dem Ende – vor dem Anfang, Kunsthalle Bremen, October 15, 2006–January 21, 2007.Cardboard, Bobbie Greenfield Gallery, Santa Monica, California, October 12–November 22, 2006.Art and Context: The ’50s and ’60s, Museum of Art, Washington State University, Pullman, September 29–December 15, 2006. (Catalogue)Artists at Work: Instruction Drawings from the Collection of Gilbert and Lila Silverman, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, September 16–October 29, 2006.Black Paintings, Haus der Kunst, Munich, September 15, 2006–January 14, 2007. (Catalogue)Nothing and Everything, Peter Freeman, Inc., New York, September 7–October 28, 2006. Traveled to: Jeffrey Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, November 30, 2006–January 27, 2007. (Catalogue)Nothing and Everything, Peter Freeman, New York, September 7–October 28, 2006. Traveled to: Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, November 30, 2006–January 27, 2007. (Catalogue)Songs for Sale, Deitch Projects, New York, September 6–October 14, 2006. Traveled to: Faurschou Beijing, November 25, 2010–March 6, 2011.The Inaugural Exhibition, Glenstone, Potomac, Maryland, September 1, 2006–January 31, 2009. (Catalogue)Postwar Directions: Abstract Expressionism to Minimalism, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, July 22–October 9, 2006.The Guggenheim Collection, Kunstmuseum Bonn and Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle, Bonn, July 21, 2006–January 7, 2007. (Catalogue)New York New York: Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Cinema, Performance, Photography and Video, Grimaldi Forum, Monaco, July 14–September 10, 2006. (Catalogue)20 Jahre K20: Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (Twenty years of K20: Art of the twentieth century), Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, K20 Grabbeplatz, Düsseldorf, July 14–August 27, 2006.Contemporary American Masters, Meyerovich Gallery, San Francisco, July 1–August 31, 2006.Human=Nature, Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, Vermont, June 30–July 30, 2006. (Catalogue)Full House: Views of the Whitney’s Collection at Seventy-five Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 29–September 3, 2006.Summer Group Show, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, June 27–August 25, 2006.Got Cow? Cattle in American Art, 1820–2000, Hudson River Museum, Yonkers, New York, June 24–September 10, 2006. (Catalogue)Guild Hall Collects: In Celebration of Our 75th Anniversary, Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York, June 17–July 30, 2006.Big Juicy Paintings (and More): Highlights from the Permanent Collection, Miami Art Museum, June 16–September 17, 2006. (Brochure)Animalia, Irvine Contemporary, Washington, D.C., June 15–July 22, 2006.The Name of this Show is Not Gay Art Now, Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York, June 8–August 14, 2006. Organized by Jack Pierson.Pop Goes the Press: Prints from the Permanent Collection, 1960–1990, Allentown Art Museum, Pennsylvania, June 4–September 10, 2006.The Formation of the de Menils’ African Collection, The Menil Collection, Houston, Chance Encounters: May 26–September 10, 2006.American Matrix: Contemporary Directions for the Harn Museum Collection, Part II, Mary Ann Harn Cofrin Pavilion, Harn Museum of Art, Gainesville, Florida, May 23–October 29, 2006. (Brochure)Select Views: Drawings from the Benesch Collection, Baltimore Museum of Art, May 21–July 30, 2006. (Brochure)ULAE: Prints from the Collection 1957–2006, Adler and Company, San Francisco, May 10–September 1, 2006.9 Evenings Reconsidered: Art, Theatre and Engineering, 1966, MIT List Visual Art Center, Cambridge, May 4–July 9, 2006. Traveled to: Tesla Media-Art Laboratory, Berlin, November 10–December 8, 2007; Galerie Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery, Concordia University, Montreal, March 9–April 21, 2009 (Catalogue)Black Mountain College: Its Time and Place, Asheville Art Museum, North Carolina, April 7–August 6, 2006; Black Mountain College: Experiments in Material and Form, August 18–December 31, 2006; and Black Mountain College: Collaborations and Interdisciplinary Dialogues, January12–May 13, 2007. (Brochure)Homage to Chillida, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum, April 5–June 11, 2006. (Catalogue)Classic Pop, Renate Schröder Galerie, Mönchengladbach, Germany, April 2–May 20, 2006.Portraits on Paper, Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, March 19–April 16, 2006.Twice Drawn, Part I, Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, March 11–June 4, 2006Paper Works by Abstract Masters, Anita Shapolsky Gallery, New York, March 11–April 22, 2006.The Kirk Vardedoe Collection. Jepson Center for the Arts, Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, March 10–June 4, 2006.Pontus Hulten: Artisti da una collezione, Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, March 5–July 9, 2006. Traveled to: Ateneum Art Museum, Helsinki, September 15–December 10, 2006. (Catalogue)American Art: Selections from the Permanent Collection 1960–Present, Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, March 5–June 25, 2006. (Brochure)The Mediated Gesture, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 3–April 14, 2006, and Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, March 3–May 27, 2006.Pop Art 1956–2006: The First Fifty Years, Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, February 18–April 16, 2006.Seventy-five Years of Collecting: British Masters, Group of Seven and Pop Icons, Vancouver Art Gallery, February 4–May 14, 2006.The Phenomenon of Pop Art: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Berman Museum of Art, Ursinus College, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, February–April 16, 2006.Red Yellow Blue, Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, January 12–February 11, 2006.On the Edge: Artists Interpret the American Coastline, Art Gallery, Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, January 9–February 17, 2006.Pop Art, Woodbury Art Museum, Utah Valley State College, Orem, January 6–February 4, 2006.2005Starting at Zero: Black Mountain College 1933–1957,Arnolfini, Bristol, United Kingdom, November 5, 2005–January 15, 2006.Looking at Words, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, November 2, 2005–January 2006.Empreinte Moi, Galerie Emmaniel Perrotin, Paris, October 29–December 3, 2005.Continuum: Celebrating the 130th Anniversary of the Art Students League of New York, ACA Galleries, New York, October 15–November 26, 2005.Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Lichtenstein, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, October 6–29, 2005.Dialogues: Duchamp, Cornell, Johns, Rauschenberg, Dallas Museum of Art, September 4–January 8, 2006.The 237th Summer Exhibition, Royal Academy of Arts, London, June 7–August 15, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios & Short Stories, Darryl Pottorf: A Perspective, Christopher Rauschenberg, Paul & Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, May 21–September 3, 2005. Traveled to: Herron School of Art, Indiana University / Perdue University, Indianapolis, Fall 2005; Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, Spring 2006. (Catalogue)Do It Yourself: Positionen von den sechziger Jahren bis heute, Sammlung Marx im Hamburger Bahnhof, Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, May 12–August 14, 2005 (Catalogue)Asheville Collects Black Mountain College, Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center, Asheville, North Carolina., May 6–July 2, 200.Collage: Signs and Surfaces, Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, April 21–May 21, 2005. (Catalogue)The Collector’s View, Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, New Jersey, April 16–August 21, 2005.Toward the Future: Through the Eyes of the Artists Awarded the Hiroshima Art Prize, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, April 16–June 26, 2005. (Catalogue)Extra Ordinary: The Everyday Object in American Art, Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York State Museum, Albany, April 2–July 10, 2005.Portraits on Paper, Larissa Goldston Gallery, New York, March 19–April 16, 2005.Spring Sculpture, Woodward Gallery, New York, March 3–April 23, 2005.Into the Unknown: Abstraction from the Collection , Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, California Plaza, February 13–June 13, 2005.Contemporary Voices: Works from The UBS Art Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 4–April 25, 2005. Traveled to: The Fondation Beyeler, Basel, November 27, 2005–February 26, 2006. (Catalogue and Brochure)Imageless Icons: Abstract Thoughts, Gagosian Gallery, London, February 3–March 26, 2005.Johns, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Stella, Warhol: Selection of Prints from the Maslow Collection, Suraci Gallery, Marywood University, Scranton, Pennsylvania, January 10–March 4, 2005.2004Olympic Truce: Pieces of Peace, Delegation of the European Commission, Washington, D.C., December 13–17, 2004. Organized by the Embassy of Greece for the Olympic Arts Festival.Creating a Legacy: Twenty Years of Acquisition Trust, Orlando Museum of Art, December 12, 2004–February 13, 2005.Pop Art, Rosenbaum Contemporary, Boca Raton, Florida, December 9, 2004–January 8, 2005.What’s Modern?, Gagosian Gallery, New York, November 6–December 18, 2004. (Catalogue)Traces: Body and Idea in Contemporary Art, National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, November 9–December 19, 2004. Traveled to: National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, January 12–February 27, 2005. (Catalogue)What’s Modern?, Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, November 5–December 18, 2004. (Catalogue)Lost but Found: Assemblage, Collage and Sculpture, 1920–2002, Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, November 5, 2004–March 28, 2005.Contemporary Art: Floor to Ceiling, Wall to Wall, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, October 31, 2004–April 24, 2005.Visions of America: Contemporary Art from the Essl Collection and the Sonnabend Collection, New York, The Essl Collection, Klosterneuburg/Vienna, October 21, 2004–March 6, 2005. (Catalogue)TMA@25: The Collection, Tampa Museum of Art, October 17, 2004–January 2, 2005.Perspectives@25: A Quarter Century of New Art in Houston, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, October16, 2004–January 9, 2005. (Catalogue)Generous Friends: Building an Art Collection for the National Air and Space Museum, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., October 8, 2004–August 23, 2006.Intuition / (Im)Precision, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria, October 2–November 10, 2004.Sons et lumières: Une histoire du son dans l’art du XX siècle, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, September 22, 2004–January 3, 2005. (Catalogue)Teknologi för Livet: Om Experiments in Art and Technology, Norrköpings Konstmuseum, Norrköping, Sweden, September 12–November 7, 2004. (Catalogue)Chelsea Group Show 2004, PaceWildenstein, 534 West 25th Street, New York, September 10–October 9, 2004.Design ≠ Art: Functional Objects from Donald Judd to Rachel Whiteread, Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, New York, September 10, 2004–February 27, 2005. (Catalogue) Traveled to: Museum of Design. Atlanta, April 7–July 9, 2005; Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, August 5–October 2, 2005.Max’s Kansas City, Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, September 4–October 24, 2004. (Catalogue)Subway Series: The New York Mets and Our National Pastime, Queens Museum of Art, New York, July 18–October 24, 2004; and Subway Series: The New York Yankees and the American Dream, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, July 23–December 31, 2004. (Catalogue)Four-Ply, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York, July 15–August 20, 2004.Summer 2004, PaceWildenstein, New York, July 8–September 10, 2004.Ink! Contemporary Prints from Graphicstudio, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, July 3–October 3, 2004. (Catalogue)Highlights of the 1970s: A Decade of Change and Transition, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, New York, July 3–September 5, 2004.Matisse and Beyond: The Painting and Sculpture Collection and Between Art and Life: The Contemporary Painting and Sculpture Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, July 1, 2004–November 8, 2009.Four Decades of Printmaking: 1960–2000, Selections from The Maslow Collection, Everhart Museum, Scranton, Pensylvania, July 1–September 5, 2004.Speaking with Hands: Photographs from The Buhl Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 4–September 8, 2004. Traveled to: Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, November 25, 2005–March 22, 2006; Museum Folkwang, Essen, May 20–July 30, 2006; State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, September 21–October 31, 2006; Moscow Museum of Modern Art, December 21, 2006–March 4, 2007. (Catalogue)Sculpture and Form, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, June 3–July 10, 2004.Art i utopia: L’acció restringida (Art and Utopia: Action Restricted), Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, June 3–September 12, 2004. Traveled to: Museé des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (as L’Action restreinte: L’art moderne selon Mallarmé), April 9–July 3, 2005. (Catalogue)Behind Closed Doors, Katonah Museum of Art, New York, May 29–July 11, 2004.Pop Classics, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark, May 28–September 5, 2004. In collaboration with Museum Ludwig, Cologne. (Catalogue)Revelation: A Fresh Look at Contemporary Collections, Mint Museum Randolph, Charlotte, North Carolina, May 26–September 19, 2004.A Rare Glimpse: Modern American Art from Private Napa Valley Collections, Napa Valley Museum, Yountville, California, May 8–August 1, 2004.ULAE: The Print Show, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, May 6–August 22, 2004.Collaborative Spirit: Prints, Presses, and Deluxe Artists’ Books, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin, April 6–October 3, 2004.A Black Mountain Assemblage, ACA Gallery, New York, March 20–April 10, 2004.Pop Art and Minimalismus: The Serial Attitude, Albertina, Vienna, March 10–August 29, 2004. (Catalogue)Pop! From San Francisco Collections, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, March 6–September 19, 2004.Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated): Art from 1951 to the Present, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 4–May 19, 2004. (Catalogue)Determined Pursuit: Highlights from the Longstaffe Collection, Vancouver Art Gallery, February 28–May 16, 2004.Das MoMA in Berlin: Meisterwerke aus dem Museum of Modern Art, New York, Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, February 20–September 19, 2004. (Catalogue and Brochure)Pop Art, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, February 10, 2004–January 9, 2005.Watercolor Worlds, Dorsky Gallery, Long Island City, New York, February 8–April 5, 2004. (Brochure)Open Proposition: Artists for the Bill of Rights, Proposition Gallery, New York, February 7–28, 2004.Quintessential Contemporary, Longboat Key Center for the Arts, Ringling College of Art and Design, Florida, February 6–29, 2004.Das große Fressen: von Pop bis heute (The big feast: from Pop to today), Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Germany, January 25–April 24, 2004. (Catalogue)Mostly Photography: Art since 1980 from the Collection, Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts, January 24–August 8, 2004.Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, and Merce Cunningham, Portland Center for the Performing Arts, Oregon, January 5–February 21, 2004. Organized by White Bird, Portland2003Temporal Values: von Minimal zu Video, Städtische Galerie, Karlsruhe, December 20, 2003–April 18, 2004. Organized by ZKM, Museum of Contemporary Art, Karlsruhe. (Catalogue and Brochure)X-Screen: Film Installations and Actions in the 1960s and 1970s, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, December 13, 2003–February 29, 2004. (Catalogue)This Pop’s for You!, Eckert Fine Art, Naples, Florida, December 2003–January 15, 2004.Between Art and Life: From Joseph Cornell to Gabriel Orozco, Miami Art Museum, November 28, 2003–April 4, 2004. (Brochure)Art, Lies and Videotape: Exposing Performance, Tate Liverpool, November 15, 2003–January 25, 2004. (Catalogue)The Spirit of White, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, November 8, 2003–February 28, 2004. (Catalogue)Black and White: Baselitz, Johns, Mansen, Polke, Rauschenberg, Richter, Sandback, Trockel, Le Va, Wolfram Völcker Fine Art, Berlin, November 8, 2003–January 7, 2004.Drawing Modern: Works from the Agnes Gund Collection, Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, October 26, 2003–January 11, 2004. (Catalogue)The Passionate Adventure of the Real: Collage, Assemblage and the Object in 20th Century Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, October 17, 2003–February 8, 2004.Work Ethic, Baltimore Museum of Art, October 12, 2003–2004. Traveled to: Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 15–August 1, 2004; Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, September 18, 2004–January 2, 2005. (Catalogue)The Wier Show: Contemporary Art from the Private Collection of Pat and Dick Wier, Janice Mason Art Museum, Cadiz, Kentucky, October 4–November 28, 2003.Auto-Nom-Mobile: Das Automobil in der zeitgenössischen Kunst, NRW-Forum Kultur und Wirtschaft, Düsseldorf, September 27, 2003–January 4, 2004. Traveled to: Kasseler Kunstverein, Kassel, January 15–February 26, 2006. (Catalogue)JFK and Art, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, September 20, 2003–January 11, 2004. Traveled to: Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, February 6–May 2, 2004. (Catalogue)A Celebration: The Hofstra Museum at Forty/Works on Paper, Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University Museum, Hempstead, New York, August 26–December 12, 2003.American Art: The Wilfred Davis Fletcher Collection, Boise Art Museum, Idaho, July 26–October 19, 2003. (Catalogue)Mid-Century Masterworks from the Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, July 20, 2003–January 26, 2004Summer Travels, PaceWildenstein, New York, July 7–September 8, 2003.Living Theatre: Labyrinths of the Imaginary, Fondazione Morra, Castel Sant’Elmo, Naples, July 3–September 28, 2003.The Ochs Collection, Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, July 1–October 13, 2003.Collector’s Vision II: Contemporary Art from Tampa Bay Collections, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 28–September 28, 2003.Modern Masters: Works from the Collection of Mellon Financial Corporation, Erie Art Museum, Pennsylvania, June 28–September 2, 2003.Original Work by Robert Rauschenberg, Darryl Pottorf, and Larry Rivers, Clark Fine Art, Southampton, New York, June 20–July 14, 2003.50th Venice Biennale: Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer, Pittura/Painting: From Rauschenberg to Murakami, 1964–2003, Museo Correr, June 15–November 2, 2003. (Catalogue)I Love New York, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, June 13–August 22, 2003.A Way With Words, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, June 5–July 12, 2003.Summer Exhibition 2003, Royal Academy of Arts, London, June 2–August 10, 2003.Pop Thru Out, Arario Gallery, Cheonan, Korea, May 27–July 20, 2003. (Catalogue)American Pop Icons, Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, Venetian, Las Vegas, May 15–November 2, 2003. (Catalogue and Brochure)Aftershock: The Legacy of the Readymade in Post-War and Contemporary Art, Dickinson Roundell, New York, May 5–June 20, 2003.Trace Evidence, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, May 2–August 3, 2003.Painting and Sculpture, Fisher Landau Center for Art, Long Island City, New York, April 26, 2003–March 28, 2005.11, Akira Ikeda Gallery, Berlin, April 25–June 14, 2003.Journey to Now: John Kaldor Art Projects and Collection, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, April 18–July 6, 2003. (Brochure and Catalogue)E.A.T.—The Story of Experiments in Art and Technology, NTT InterCommunication Center, Tokyo, April 11–June 29, 2003. (Brochure and catalogue)Heaven and Hell, Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, April 11–June 6, 2003.20th Century Sculpture, Acquavella Galleries, New York, April 4–May 22, 2003. (Catalogue)The New Vulgarians: New York Pop, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, March 29–July 13, 2003.Passion: Birthe og Niels Rokkedals samling (Birthe and Niels Rokkedal collection), Vendsyssel Kunstmuseum, Hjørring, Denmark, March 15–May 18, 2003. Traveled to: Sophienholm, Lyngby, Denmark, July 5–September 14, 2003. (Catalogue)Not Exactly Photographs, Fraenkel Gallery, San Francisco, March 6–April 26, 2003.When We Were Young: Masterworks from the Unforgettable Years, 1967–1974, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, February 24–April 26, 2003.Splendid Pages: The Molly and Walter Bareiss Collection of Modern Illustrated Books, Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, February 14–May 11, 2003. (Catalogue)Magic Markers: Objects of Transformation, Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, February 1–April 20, 2003. (Catalogue)Treasures of Modern Art: The Legacy of Phyllis Wattis at SFMOMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, January 30–June 24, 2003.Prints and Photographs from the Bruce Brown Collection, Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine, January 19–March 23, 2003.The George and Renee Mavigliano Collection of American Art, Western Illinois University Art Gallery, Macomb, January 13–Februrary 6, 2003.2002110 Years: The Permanent Collection of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, December 14, 2002–March 9, 2003. (Catalogue)Aviary, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, December 12, 2002–January 25, 2003.Paintings from the 1960s, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, December 12, 2002–January 18, 2003.Life Death Love Hate Pleasure Pain: Selected Works from the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, November 16, 2002–April 20, 2003. (Catalogue)Miami Currents: Linking Collection and Community, Miami Art Museum, October 30, 2002–March 2, 2003.ArtWorks for Merce, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, October 30–November 5, 2002. (Brochure)Black Mountain College: Una aventura americana, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, October 28, 2002–January 13, 2003. (Catalogue)An American Legacy, A Gift to New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, October 24, 2002–January 26, 2003. (Catalogue)Photography Past/Forward: Aperture at 50. Organized by Aperture, New York, October 21–November 3, 2002. Traveled to: Sotheby’s, New York, January 6–31, 2003; High Museum of Art, Atlanta, August 23–November 29, 2003; Miami-Dade Community College, Miami, January 3–February 14, 2004; Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, August 25–October 9, 2004; Ronna & Eric Hoffman Gallery pf Contemporary Art, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Oregon, November 4–December 15, 2004; Monterey Museum of Art, California, January 22–April 24, 2005; Los Angeles Public Library, May 7–July 31, 2005; Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Texas, November 19, 2005–January 15, 2006; Museum of Fine Art, St. Petersburg, Florida, February 4–April 29, 2006; Dayton Art Institute, Ohio, June 3–July 30, 2006. (Catalogue)Collage: Abstract Expressionist and Pop, Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York, October 18–December 21, 2002.Watercolor, New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture, New York, October 14–November 16, 2002.Structures of Difference, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, October 12, 2002–July 6, 2003.The Big Americans: Albers, Frankenthaler, Hockney, Johns, Lichtenstein, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, and Stella at Tyler’s Studios, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, October 4, 2002–January 27, 2003. (Catalogue)Americanisms: Shaping Art and Culture in the 1950s, Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, September 28, 2002–July 20, 2003.Some Assembly Required: Collage Culture in Post-War America, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York, September 28, 2002–January 26, 2003. Traveled to: Madison Art Center, June 8–August 17, 2003; Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, August 30–November 2, 2003. (Catalogue)Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961–2001, Addison Gallery of American Art Philips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, September 27, 2002–January 5, 2003. Traveled to: The Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York, February 1–June 1, 2003; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, July 12–September 14, 2003; New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, October 9, 2003–January 25, 2004; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, March 25–July 18, 2004. (Catalogue)In Edition: Prints from the Anderson Ranch Arts Center and O’Brien Graphics, Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, September 27–December 1, 2002.Conversations, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, September 15, 2002–August 3, 2003.The Museum, the Collection, the Director and His Loves, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, September 13, 2002–April 21, 2003.Kunst nach Kunst (Art after art), Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen, August 18–November 3, 2002. (Catalogue)Independent Vision: Paining and Sculpture, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, July 11–August 31, 2002.To Be Looked At: Painting and Sculpture from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art, Queens, New York, July 3, 2002–September 6, 2004.From Pop to Now: Selections from the Sonnabend Collection, The Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, June 22–September 29, 2002. Traveled to: Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio State University, Columbus, November 3, 2002–February 2, 2003. (Catalogue)Merce Cunningham, Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, May 30–July 3, 2002.Malevich e o cinema (Malevich and film), Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon, May 17–August 18, 2000. Traveled to: Fundación la Caixa, Madrid (as Malevich y el cine), November 20, 2002–January 19, 2003. (Catalogue)Permanent Ink: Prints from the Permanent Collection, Cheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, May 11–June 23, 2000.From Frankenthaler to Freud: Master Contemporary Prints from the Permanent Collection, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, April 28, 2002–March 2, 2003.Artists of the Heath Gallery, 1965–1998, Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia, Atlanta, April 27–June 30, 2000. (Catalogue)A Century on Paper: Prints by Art Students League Artists 1901–2001, UBS PaineWebber Art Gallery, New York, April 11–June 21, 2000.United Kingdom United States, Waddington Galleries, London, March 25–April 27, 2002. (Catalogue)New York Renaissance: Masterworks from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Palazzo Reale, Milan, March 21–September 15, 2000. (Catalogue)The Art of Healing II, Bobbie Greenfield Gallery, Santa Monica, March 21–April 13, 2002.True Colors: Meditations on the American Spirit, Meridian International Center, Washington, D.C., February 20–April 14, 2002. Traveled to: National Arts Club, New York, July 9–August 20, 2002; Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, September 11–28, 2002; Çankaya Cultural Center, Ankara, October 3–12, 2002; SunTrust Plaza Gallery, Atlanta, November 7, 2002–January 3, 2003; Society of the Four Arts, Palm Beach, Florida, April 25–May 8, 2003; Robert and Mary Montgomery Armory Art Center, West Palm Beach, Florida., May 22–August 2, 2003; Allied Museum, Berlin, August 25–November 9, 2003; Millenium Courts Arts Centre, Portadown, Northern Ireland, November 19–December 19, 2003; Ormeau Baths Gallery, Belfast, January 5–February 11, 2004; National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania, February 18–March 24, 2004; Danubiana Gallery, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 1–May 21, 2004; Sixth Floor Museum, Dealey Plaza, Dallas, February 14–June 3, 2005; Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, Biloxi, Mississippi, June 17–August 22, 2005; 1911 City Hall Arts and Cultural Center, Lake Charles, Louisiana, September 2, 2005–January 6, 2006. (Catalogue)The Synthetic Century—Collage from Cubism to Postmodernism, Selections from the Collection, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, February 19–April 28, 2002. (Catalogue) Exh. cat. by Elisabeth Hodermarsky.Walk Around Time: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, February 17, 2002–October 12, 2003.Popcorn and Politics: Activists of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, February 16, 2002–February 23, 2003.Contemporary Masters: Rauschenberg, Dine, Pearlstein, Chia, and Rosenquist, Academy Art Museum, Easton, Maryland, February 15–April 6, 2002.Burning Desires: Acquisitions, 1997–2001, El Paso Museum of Art, Texas, January 20–May 19, 2002.In the Spirit of Martin: The Living Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, Detroit, January 13–July 28, 2002. Organized by Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Traveled to: Bass Museum of Art, Miami, September 7–November 9, 2002; Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, January 19–April 6, 2003; International Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 15–July 27, 2003; Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Tennessee, August 30–November 9, 2003; Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Alabama, December 20, 2003–March 28, 2004. (Brochure; catalogue)Voltwerks: The Fine Art of Electricity, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Fort Myers, Florida, January 11–February 17, 2002.America’s Leading Pop Artists, Selections from the University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Von Liebig Art Center, Naples, Florida, January 11–February 16, 2002.REAL(ist) Men, Selby Gallery, Ringling School of Art and Design, Sarasota, Florida, January 11–February 16. (Brochure)Prints from the 50s, 60s and 70s: de Kooning to Warhol, Marlborough Gallery, New York, January 8–February 2, 2002.2001American Pop, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, New York, December 18, 2001–March 24, 2002.Three Decades of Contemporary Art: The Dr. John and Rose M. Shuey Collection, Cranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, December 8, 2001–April 7, 2002. (Catalogue)Rupture and Revision: Collage in America, Pavel Zoubok Gallery, New York, November 29, 2001–January 5, 2002.A Century of Drawing: Works on Paper from Degas to LeWitt, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., November 18, 2001–April 7, 2002.All American, Artemis Greenberg Van Doren Gallery, New York, November 14–December 28, 2001.American Tableaux: Selections from the Collection of Walker Art Center, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, November 10, 2001–June 16, 2002. Traveled to: Miami Art Museum, June 20–September 7, 2003; Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, October 10, 2003–January 4, 2004; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, February 8–April 25, 2004; Winnipeg Art Gallery, Manitoba, Canada, September 8–December 5, 2004; Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota, January 13–March 27, 2005.Letters, Signs and Symbols, Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, November 10, 2001–January 25, 2002.Homage to Van Gogh, Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida, November 8–December 24, 2001. Organized by Art Capital Group. Traveled to: Lighthouse Center for the Arts, Tequesta, Florida, January 10–March 8, 2002; Museum of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, March 24–May 5, 2002.Best Impressions: Thirty-five Years of Prints and Sculpture from Gemini G.E.L., National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., November 4, 2001–January 21, 2002.La Gloria di New York: Artisti americani dalla collezione Ludwig (Glory of New York: American Artists from the Ludwig Collection), Museo del Corso, Rome, October 30, 2001–January 6, 2002. (Catalogue)From Pop to “Op”: American Art in the 1960s, Suzanne H. Arnold Art Gallery, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania, October 26–December 9, 2001. (Brochure)Jasper Johns to Jeff Koons: Four Decades of Art from the Broad Collections, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, October 7, 2001–January 6, 2002. Traveled to: Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 16–June 3, 2002; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, July 21–October 20, 2002. (Catalogue)Artists’ Books in the Modern Era 1870–2000: The Reva and David Logan Collection of Illustrated Books, Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, October 6, 2001–January 6, 2002. (Catalogue)A Defining Generation, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, September 30–December 9, 2001.Patterns: Between Object and Arabesque, Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, Odense, Denmark, September 22–December 17, 2001.From Whistler to Warhol: A Century of American Printmaking, Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, September 1–November 25, 2001.Galleri Faurschou: 1986–2001, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, September 1–30, 2001. (Catalogue)3 x Pop Art: Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Neubau der Kreissparkasse Rottweil, Germany, July 3–August 5, 2001. (Catalogue)Économie de moyens (Economy of means), Musée d’Art Contemporain, Marseille, June 29–September 30, 2001.Digital: Printmaking Now, Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, June 22–September 2, 2001. (Catalogue)Summer In The City, PaceWildenstein, New York, June 1–September 12, 2001.Selections from the Permanent Collection and New Acquisitions, Miami Art Museum, May 25–October 28, 2001.Sizable Art: Large Scale Works from the Collection, Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama, May 13–June 10, 2001.L’Arte della bicicletta: Da Duchamp a Rauschenberg, Villa Menafoglio Litta Panza, Varese, May 12–September 16, 2001. Traveled to: Groninger Museum, Groningen, Netherlands as Biciclette, May 8–September 1, 2002. (Catalogue)Pop Art: The John and Kimiko Powers Collection, Gagosian Gallery, Madison Avenue, New York, April 20–June 30, 2001. (Catalogue)An American Anthem: 300 Years of Painting from the Butler Institute of American Art, Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, April 14–June 17, 2001. Traveled to: Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, Mississippi, summer; Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, Iowa, September 9–November 18, 2001; Hunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 15, 2001–February 24, 2002; Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, Montana, March 23–June 13, 2002; John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, June [20]–August 14, 2002; Orlando Museum of Art, December 7, 2002–February 9, 2003. (Catalogue)Art at Mid-Century: Spotlight on the Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, April 13–September 3, 2001.20th Century Perspectives, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, March 29–April 21, 2001.Print Matters: New Works and Modern Treasures, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, March 27–November 11, 2001.Points of Departure: Connecting with Contemporary Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, March 23–October 28, 2001.The Whitechapel Centenary, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, March 21–May 20, 2001. (Catalogue)Philadelphia Art Alliance, Artistic Alternatives: The Art of Keith Haring, David Hockney, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol, March 20–May 13 2001.Organized in collaboration with PrideFest America.Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, Les Années Pop: 1956–1968 (The Pop years), March 15–July 2, 2001. (Catalogue)Drawing & Painting, Lawrence Rubin Greenberg Van Doren Fine Art, New York, February 14–March 17, 2001.A Room of Their Own: From Rothko to Rauschenberg, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February 11, 2001–March 31, 2002.The Global Guggenheim: Selections from the Extended Collection, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, February 9–April 22, 2001.Contemporary Art and the Cosmos, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, February 4–April 23, 2001.The City: Prints and Photographs From the 30’s to Today, Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, January 25–March 17, 2001.Pop and Post Pop (On Paper), BatTexas Gallery, Houston, January 23–March 3, 2001.Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: Building the Collection, Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas, Austin, January 19–March 4, 2001.Space 2001: To the Moon and Beyond, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, January 14–April 15, 2001.2000For a Better World: Posters from the United Nations 1945 to Present, United Nations Visitors’ Lobby, New York, December 18, 2000–February 1, 2001. Traveled to: Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, February 8–April 27, 2003; Prague. (Catalogue)Collaboration on the Eastern Shore: Saff Tech Arts with Robert Rauschenberg, Nancy Graves, Roy Lichtenstein, and James Turrell, Academy Art Museum, Easton, Maryland, December 8, 2000–February 3, 2001.Pollock to Today: Highlights from the Permanent Collection, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 7, 2000–February 10, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg and Darrel Potterf, The Ralls Collection, Inc., Washington, DC, December 6, 2000–January 31, 2001.Hard Pressed: 600 Years of Prints and Process, AXA Gallery, New York, November 2, 2000–January 13, 2001. Organized by International Print Center New York. Traveled to: Boise Art Museum, Idaho, March 3–May, 6, 2001; Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, June 8–September 9, 2001; Naples Museum of Art, Florida, October 16, 2001–January 6, 2002. (Catalogue)Snap! Photography from the Collections, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, October 28, 2000–October 7, 2001.The Best of the Ewing: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Ewing Gallery of Art and Architecture, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, October 11–November 5, 2000.Masquerade, Tate Modern, London, October 9, 2000. Part of Performing Bodies, four evenings of film and video projectionsCelebrating Modern Art: The Anderson Collection, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, October 7, 2000–January 15, 2001. (Catalogue)An American Focus: The Anderson Graphic Arts Collection, Legion of Honor, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, October 7–December 31, 2000. Traveled to: Palm Springs Desert Museum, California, January 17–March 25, 2001; Albuquerque Museum, October 7, 2001–January 6, 2002. (Catalogue)New Works, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, September 30–November 18, 2000.Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: The Norton Print Collection, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, September 29–December 31, 2000. (Catalogue)Pop and After, Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 28, 2000–January 2, 2001. Part of Open Ends, cycle of eleven exhibitons. (Brochure)1950s: The New York School, Joseph Helman Gallery, New York, September 27–October 28, 2000. (Brochure)Power, Politics and Style: Art for the Presidents, Baltimore Museum of Art, September 24, 2000–January 7, 2001.From Rembrandt to Rauschenberg: Recently Acquired Prints, Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, September 17–November 26, 2000.Century of Innocence: The History of the White Monochrome, Rooseum Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö, September 16–December 17, 2000. Traveled to: Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, January 27–March 25, 2001.American Perspectives: Photographs from the Polaroid Collection, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, September 12–November 12, 2000. Traveled to: Museum Eki Kyoto, February 17–March 14, 2001; Takamatsu City Museum of Art, June 1–July 1, 2001; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sapporo, July 21–September 2, 2001; Boston University Art Gallery and Photographic Resource Center, November 22, 2002–January 26, 2003. (Catalogue)Pop Art: Prints and Multiples from the DIA Collection, Detroit Institute of Arts, September 9–December 31, 2000.Outlook: American Show, Bernard Jacobson Gallery, London, September 6–October 7, 2000.Dinge in der Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts, Haus der Kunst, Munich, September 2–November 19, 2000. (Catalogue)The New Frontier: Art and Television, 1960–65, Austin Museum of Art, September 1–November 26, 2000. Traveled to: Tacoma Art Museum, Washington, January 20–March 18, 2001. (Catalogue)I Know what I Like: Selections from Collections, Museum of Art, DeLand, Florida, August 25–October 22, 2000.The Persistence of Photography in American Portraiture Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, August 22–November 26, 2000.USF Collects, University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, August 21–September 29, 2000.September Selections, Knoedler and Company, New York, August 17–September 30, 2000.Bauhaus: Dessau—Chicago—New York, Museum Folkwang, Essen, August 12–November 12, 2000. (Catalogue)Sarasota Biennial, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, July 28–November 5, 2000. (Brochure)Language Let Loose, Seattle Art Museum, July 15, 2000–April 29, 2001.Cultivated Under the Sun: Selections from the Miami-Dade Public Library System Art Collection, Main Library Auditorium, Miami-Dade Public Library, Miami, June 27–September 14, 2000.In Black and White: Photography, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, June 14–July 28, 2000.Farbe zu Licht (Color to light), Fondation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland, April 16–July 30, 2000. (Catalogue)Age of Influence: Reflections in the Mirror of American Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 8–June 4, 2000.Making Choices: A Cycle of Twenty-four Exhibitions, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 16–September 26, 2000. Traveled to: J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (as Walker Evans and Company: Works from the Museum of Modern Art), July 10–September 16, 2001. (Catalogue)War, March 16–August 22, 2000; The Marriage of Reason and Squalor, March 30–September 19, 2000; How Simple Can You Get?, New York Salon, and Seeing Double, April 30–September 26, 2000. All part of Making Choices, cycle of twenty-four exhibitions.Twentieth-Century American Art: The Ebsworth Collection, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 5–June 11, 2000. Traveled to: Seattle Art Museum, August 10–November 12, 2000. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg, Donald Sultan, Andy Warhol: Photographs and Paintings, Galerie Lutz and Thalmann, Zurich, February 11–April 29, 2000.Quotidiana: Immagini della vita di ogni giorno nell’arte del XX secolo (The Conitinuity of the Everday in 20th Century Art), Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, February 5–May 21, 2000. (Catalogue)International View: Selections from the Collection of the USF Contemporary Art Museum, Capitol, 22nd Floor Gallery, Tallahassee, February 4–March 12, 2000.Pasted Pictures: Collage and Abstraction in the Twentieth Century, Knoedler and Company, New York, February 3–March 11, 2000. (Brochure)Les 100 Sourires de Monna Lisa (The 100 smiles of Mona Lisa), Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, January 29–March 26, 2000. Traveled to: Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan, April 4–May 11, 2000; Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum, July 15–August 20, 2000. (Catalogue)Transfer: Large format Prints of the 1960s and 1970s, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, January 18–April 2, 2000.Pop from the Permanent, Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, January 14–April 15, 2000.Hommage à Van Gogh: Art contemporain pour Vincent Van Gogh, Mitaka City Gallery of Art, Tokyo, January 8–February 13, 2000. Traveled to: Ashiya City Museum of Art and History, Japan, February 19–March 26, 2000. (Catalogue)Modernism and Abstraction: Treasures from the Smithsonian’s Museum of American Art, Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, January 7–March 26, 2000. Traveled to: Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, Maine, August 1–October 30, 2000; Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, New York, January 28–March 25, 2001; Allentown Art Museum, Pennsylvania, April 22–June 17, 2001; Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, July 21–September 9, 2001; Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, October 7, 2001–January 6, 2002; National Academy Museum, New York, February 6–April 7, 2002; Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 4–June 30, 2002; Muskegon Museum of Art, Michigan, July 21–September 29, 2002. (Catalogue)1999The Art of Time, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Connecticut, December 18, 1999–March 19, 2000. (Catalogue)Panza: The Legacy of a Collector, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, December 12, 1999–April 30, 2000. (Catalogue)Party! A Festive Look at Celebration in the 20th Century, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, December 9, 1999–January 29, 2000.25th Anniversary Jamileh Weber Gallery, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, November 9, 1999–January 29, 2000.Kenneth Tyler: Thirty Years of American Prints, Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Winter Park, Florida, November 5–January 9, 1999.ABCs of Pop Art: America, Britain, Canada, Major Artists and Their Legacy, University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Alberta, October 29–November 26, 1999. Traveled to: Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, February 18–April 2, 2000; Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, Florida, July 15–October 29, 2000; Gallery Stratford, Ontario, May 6–September 9, 2001. (Catalogue)Focus: Photographs by Painters, Sculptors, and a Filmmaker, Thomas Segal Gallery, Baltimore, October 27, 1999–January 15, 2000.Focus: Photographs by Painters, Sculptors, and a Filmmaker, Thomas Segal Gallery, Baltimore, October 27, 1999–January 15, 2000.Pop Art: Sélection de la collection Lilja, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, October 9–November 14, 1999.The American Century: Art and Culture 1900–2000, Part II, 1950–2000, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, September 26, 1999–February 13, 2000. (Catalogue)Prints, Senior & Shopmaker Gallery, New York, September 22–November 4, 2000.Drawings, Norwood Gallery, Austin, September 17–October 23, 1999.Pop Impact!: From Johns to Warhol, Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, September 9–November 14. Traveled to: Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin, September 7–December 31, 2000; Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, January 27–April 8, 2001; Indianapolis Museum of Art, April 29–July 1, 2001. (Catalogue)Alchemies of the Sixties: Art from the Brandeis University Collection and Friends of the Rose, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Masschusetts, September 7–October 17, 1999.Art in Our Time: 1950 to the Present, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, September 5, 1999–September 2, 2001.Here’s Looking at You: Portraits from the Collection, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Conncticut, August 20–December 6, 1999.Fame After Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, July 8–October 5, 1999.Artistry of Space: Works from the NASA Art Collection, Artrain USA, July 1999–2002. Traveled to: Shelbyville, Tennessee, November 14–17, 2002; New Orleans Museum of Art. (Catalogue)Made in America: Contemporary Paintings and Sculpture from the Norton Simon Museum, Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, June 24, 1999–March 26, 2000.Moon Museum 1969 - Art and Space, Vasarely Museum, Budapest, Hungary, June 14–September 22, 1999.Contemporary American Masters: The 1960s, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York, June 13–September 12, 1999. (Catalogue)Big Pictures, Little Pictures: Callahan, Close, Henle, Rauschenberg/Weil, Schad, Sudek, PaceWildensteinMacGill, New York, June 24–August 27, 1999.Circa 1968, Fundação de Serralves, Porto, June 6–August 29, 1999. (Catalogue)Amerikanske mesterværker fra Lilja samlingen: Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein, Rosenquist (American masterpieces from the Lilja collection), Arken Museum of Modern Art, Ishøj, Denmark, June 5–September 19, 1999. (Catalogue)Zero-G: When Gravity Becomes Form, Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Conncticut, June 4–August 4, 1999. (Catalogue)Waxing Poetic: Encaustic Art in America, The Montclair Art Museum, New Jeresey, May 23–August 15, 1999. Traveled to: Knoxville Museum of Art, Tennessee, September 24, 1999–January 9, 2000. (Catalogue)Altered States, Charles Cowles Gallery, New York, closed May 22 1999.Outward Bound: American Art at the Brink of the Twenty-first Century, White-Meyer Galleries, Meridian International Center, Washington, D.C., May 20–July 11. Traveled to: Museum of Fine Arts, Hanoi, August 25–September 23, 1999; Painting Institute, Shanghai, October 23–November 20, 1999; Working People’s Cultural Palace, Beijing, December 8–28, 1999; CIPTA Gallery, Jakarta Arts Center, February 1–29, 2000; Metropolitan Museum, Manila, April 1–30, 2000; Singapore Art Museum, July 3–September 15, 2000. (Catalogue)Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards, American Academy of Arts and Letters, New York, May 19–June 13, 1999.Prints from the 1990s: Universal Limited Art Editions, James Kelly Contemporary, Santa Fe, May 15–July 3, 1999.New Acquisitions: Dream Collection . . . Part Five, Miami Art Museum, May 14–November 7, 1999.Innovation/Imagination: Fifty Years of Polaroid Photography, Friends of Photography, Ansel Adams Center, San Francisco, May 11–July 18, 1999. Traveled to: Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, May 23–September 27, 2000; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, November 18, 2000–January 6, 2001; Art Gallery, University of New Hampshire, Durham, January 27–April 18, 2001; Dayton Art Institute, Ohio, September 15–December 9, 2001; University of New Mexico Art Museum, Albuquerque, January 15–April 14, 2002; Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, Arizona, May 6–July 19, 2002; Knoxville Museum of Art, Tennessee, August 11–November 1, 2002. (Catalogue)Trouble Spot: Painting, Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen, Antwerp, May 8–August 22, 1999. (Catalogue)Re: Rauschenberg, Marcel Sitcoske Gallery, San Francisco, May 6–July 3, 1999.Men without Women: Paul Cadmus as Curator, National Academy of Design and School of Fine Arts, New York, May 5–August 29, 1999.Drawn from Artists’ Collections, Drawing Center, New York, April 24–June 12, 1999. Traveled to: Hammer Museum, University of California, Los Angeles, July 13–September 26, 1999. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg / Darryl Pottorf, Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, April 18–June 27, 1999.Współczesna grafika amerykańska z kolekcji Torstena Lilji (American graphics from the Torsten Lilja Collection), Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, April 17–May 16, 1999. (Catalogue)No Limits: A Celebration of Freedom and Art, Judson Memorial Church, New York, April 16–24, 1999.Comfort Zone: Furniture by Artists, PaineWebber Art Gallery, New York, April 15–June 25. Organized by Public Art Fund.I Love Pop: Europa-USA anni ’60, Mitologie del quotidiano, Chiostro del Bramante, Rome, March 24–June 27, 1999.Reliefs and Other Wall Works, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, March 10–April 24, 1999.The Virginia and Bagley Wright Collection of Modern Art, Seattle Art Museum, March 4–May 9, 1999. (Catalogue)Highlights of Late 20th-Century Art from the Sydney and Frances Lewis Collection, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, February 27, 1999–January 16, 2000.Decades in Dialogue: Perspectives on the MCA Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, February 27–November 7, 1999.Pop, Winston Wächter Fine Art, Seattle, February 25–April 10, 1999.Parallel: Künstler im Kontext, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, February 20–March 31, 1999.Pop Impressions Europe/USA: Prints and Multiples from the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 18–May 18. Traveled to: Saint Louis Art Museum, Missouri June 23–September 3, 2001. (Catalogue)Heroines and Heroes: An Idiosyncratic Anthology of International Art (1943–1999), Cynthia Broan Gallery, New York, February 13–March 20, 1999. Curated by Willoughby Sharp.Influences: 1960–1974, Selections from the Contemporary Collection of the Norton Simon Museum, Alyce de Roulet Williamson Gallery, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, February 7–April 11, 1999.Shaping a Generation: The Art and Artists of Betty Parsons, Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, New York, February 6–April 18, 1999. (Catalogue)Merce Cunningham, Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, February 5–April 4, 1999. Traveled to: Serpentine Gallery, London, April–June 1; Fundação de Serralves, Porto, September 10–November 7, 1999; Castello di Rivoli, Museo d’Arte, Turin, January 20–April 2, 2000; Museum moderner Kunst, Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, April 28–June 11, 2000. (Catalogue)Twentieth-Century American Drawings, Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, Florida, closed January 29 1999.Icons of Pop, Museum of Art and Archaeology, University of Missouri, Columbia, January 23–June 27, 1999.Sans Titre: Works from the Collection of Peggy Scott and David Teplitzky, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Colorado, January 16–March 14, 1999.1998Amnesty International Benefit Drawing Show, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, December 10–23, 1998.XIX and XX Century Master Paintings and Sculptures, Acquavella Galleries, New York, October 26–November 21, 1998. (Catalogue)Pop Art: Selections from the Museum of Modern Art, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, October 24, 1998–January 17, 1999. Organized by Museum of Modern Art, New York, in collaboration with High Museum of Art. (Catalogue)Rendezvous: Masterpieces from the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Guggenheim Museums, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, October 16, 1998–January 24, 1999. (Catalogue)Un siècle de collage en Belgique (A century of collage in Belgium), Centre de la Gravure et de l’Image imprimée de la Communauté française de Belgique, La Louvière, Belgium, September 26–December 13, 1998.Art and the American Experience, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, Michigan, September 10–December 6, 1998.Graphic Abstraction in America: A View from the First Century, University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, August 17–October 24, 1998. (Catalogue)Deep Storage, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany, August 2–October 12, 1998. Traveled to: Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, late November–February 1998; Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, October 1, 1998–January 1999.Ensemble Moderne: The Still Life in Modern Art, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, July 25–August 31, 1998. Traveled to: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, September 12–October 30, 1998. (Catalogue)Summer Group Show, Gagosian Gallery, New York, July 15–August 28, 1998.PhotoImage: Printmaking 60s to 90s, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, July 7–September 27, 1998. Traveled to: Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, March 5–May 9, 1998. (Catalogue)Big Things: Selections from Gallery Artists, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, June 10–September 4, 1998.The ’60s in the Seventies, Ubu Gallery, New York, May 26–June 27, 1998.The Edge of Awareness, World Health Organization Headquarters, Geneva, May 10–July 12, 1998. Traveled to: United Nations Visitors’ Lobby, New York, September 13–October 15, 1998; P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, September 13–October 18, 1998; SESC Pompéia, São Paulo, December 7, 1998–January 25, 1999; Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, March–April 1999; Triennale di Milano, 1999. (Catalogue)Master Drawings of the Twentieth Century, Mitchell-Innes and Nash, New York, May 5–June 5, 1998. (Catalogue)Posters American Style, National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., March 27–August 9, 1998. Traveled to: Norton Museum of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, August 29–October 25, 1998; Oakland Museum of California, June 26–August 29, 1999. (Catalogue)Group Show: Diebenkorn, Hodgkin, McClelland, Rauschenberg, Stella, Sultan, Winters, Galleria Lawrence Rubin, Milan, March 18–May 9, 1998.Hand-Rolled in Tampa: The Innovative Art of Graphicstudio, Sarasota Visual Art Center, Florida, March 12–April 5, 1998.Soup to Nuts: Pop Art and Its Legacy, Cheney Cowles Museum, Spokane, Washington, March 6–June 14, 1998; Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, August 18–October 7, 1998; Weber State University Art Gallery, Ogden, Utah, January 11–February 5, 1999; Tyler Art Gallery, State University of New York, Oswego, February 26–March 24, 1999; Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, Oregon, June 1999; Sordoni Art Gallery, Wilkes University, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, January 9–February 13, 2000; J. Wayne Stark Galleries, Texas A and M University, March 23–May 21, 2000; Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, Califorina, June 11–July 23, 2000; Holtzman Art Gallery, Towson University, Maryland, February 24–March 25, 2001; National Steinbeck Center, Salinas, California, June 23–September 9, 2001; Kenney Museum and Art Study Wing, Quick Arts Center, St. Bonaventure University, New York, October 19–December 9, 2001. (Catalogue)Eminent Delights: Images of Space, Time and Matter. Organized by University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson. Traveled to: Rogue Gallery and Art Center, Medford, Oregon, March 3–April 11, 1998; University of Arizona Museum of Art, Tucson, January–March 24, 1999; Carnegie Art Museum, Oxnard, Californa, closed May 16, 1999.Special Exhibition from the Permanent Collection, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York, March 8–May 24, 1998.Pop Abstraction, Museum of American Art, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, February 21–April 19, 1998. (Catalogue and Brochure)Dialogues: International Art from the Collection, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, February 14–October 18, 1998.Group exhibition, Stendhal Gallery, New York, February 13–March 22, 1998.Then and Now and Later: Art since 1945 at Yale, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, February 10–July 31, 1998. (Catalogue)Out of Actions: Between Performance and the Object, 1949–1979, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February 8–May 10, 1998. Traveled to: Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art, Vienna, June 17–September 6, 1998; Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, October 15, 1998–January 6, 1999; Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, February 13–April 11, 1999. (Catalogue)A Secret Location on the Lower East Side: Adventures in Writing, 1960–1980, New York Public Library, January 24–July 25, 1998. (Catalogue)Kind of Abstract, Seattle Art Museum, January–August 9, 1998.Action/Performance and Photograph, Forum for Contemporary Art, St. Louis, Missouri, 1998.1997Drawing is Another Kind of Language: Recent American Drawings from a New York Private Collection, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 12, 1997–February 22, 1998. Traveled to: Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Vienna, March 18–May 17, 1998; Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland, September 4–November 15, 1998; Kunst-Museum Ahlen, Germany, December 6, 1998–January 31, 1999; Akademie der Künste, Berlin, February 19–April 25, 1999; Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain and Musée de Picardie, Amiens, France, May 21–August 15, 1999; Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, Octpber 3–November 14, 1999; Lyman Allyn Art Museum, New London, Connecticut, January 7–March 12, 2000; Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, April 6–June 18, 2000; Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, April 19–September 30, 2001. (Catalogue)The Prophecy of Pop!, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, December 6, 1997–February 8, 1998.Public Notice, Exit Art, New York, closed November 30, 1997.Fifth Anniversary: Celebrating Southern Art, Morris Museum of Art, Augusta, Georgia, November 20, 1997–February 1, 1998. (Catalogue and Brochure)De Klein à Warhol: Face-à-face France/États-Unis, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, November 14, 1997–March 16, 1998. (Catalogue)The Warhol Look: Glamour, Style, Fashion, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 8, 1997–January 18, 1998. Organized by Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh. Traveled to: Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, February 16–May 3, 1998; Barbican Art Gallery, London, May 28–August 16, 1998; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, December 18, 1998–April 1, 1999; Musée de la Mode, Marseille, September 15–November 22, 1999; Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, June 4–September 3, 2000. (Catalogue)Gravity: Axis of Contemporary Art, National Museum of Art, Osaka, October 30–December 9, 1998. (Catalogue)The Art of Healing: A Collection in Support of the Excluded, Puck Building, New York, October 27. Traveled to: Michael Petronko Gallery, New York, November 6–December 31, 1997; William Turner Gallery, Los Angeles; Gallerie 224, Laguna Beach, California; Stein Gallery, St. Louis, Missouri, November 20–December 24, 1998; Gallery Lareuse, Washington, D.C.; Augen Gallery, Portland, Oregon; Corinne Lemberg Gallery, Detroit. (Catalogue)The Artists of the Castelli Gallery 1957–1997: Forty Years of Exploration and Innovation, Part One, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, October 25–November 15, 1997.Leonardo Lives: The Codex Leicester and Leonardo da Vinci's Legacy of Art and Science, Seattle Art Museum, Washington, October 23, 1997–January 4, 1998. (Catalogue)The Guggenheim Museums and the Art of this Century, Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, October 19, 1997–June 1, 1998.Alternating Currents: American Art in the Age of Technology, Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, San Jose Museum of Art, California, October 18, 1997–October 18, 1998. (Catalogue)Art of the 1960s: Media is the Message, Andersen Window Gallery, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, October 12, 1997–May 10, 1998.Portable Visions, Exit Art/The First World, New York, closed October 11, 1997.American Works, 1945–1975, C and M Arts, New York, October 8–December 6, 1997.Timepieces: Selected Highlights from the Permanent Collection1945–1975, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, October 5, 1997–November 12, 1999.Great Impressions: Selections from the Marmor Foundation and the Collection of Drs. Katherine and Judd Marmor, Stanford University Museum of Art, Califorina, September 25–December 14, 1997.From Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec to Andy Warhol: Exploring Techniques, Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 18, 1997–February 8, 1998.The Great American Pop Art Store: Multiples of the Sixties, University Art Museum, California State University, Long Beach, August 26–October 26, 1997. Traveled to: Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, November 22, 1997–February 22, 1998; Baltimore Museum of Art, March 25–May 24, 1998; Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, February 10–April 2, 2000; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, June 2–August 13, 2000. (Catalogue)Deep Storage: Arsenale der Erinnerung (Arsenal of Memory), Haus der Kunst, Munich, August 3–October 12, 1997. Traveled to: Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, November 29, 1997–January 25, 1998; Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf im Ehrenhof, February 7–April 5, 1998; P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, New York, July 5–August 30, 1998; Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, November 5, 1998–January 24, 1999. (Catalogue)About Face: Artists’ Portraits in Photography, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts, July 19–October 19, 1997.Dadaismo, Dadaismi: Da Duchamp a Warhol, Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo Forti, Verona, July 18–November 9, 1997. (Catalogue)Prized Impressions: Gifts from the Print Center of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, July 12–September 14, 1998.Drawing on the Rocks: Two Hundred Years of Lithography, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 3–September 22, 1997.22nd International Biennial of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, June 27–September 30, 1997. (Catalogue) American section traveled to: University of South Florida Contemporary Art Museum as (re)Mediation: The Digital in Contemporary Printmaking, August 24–October 3, 1998.From Dürer to Rauschenberg: A Quintessence of Drawing, Masterworks from the Albertina and the Guggenheim, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 20–September 1, 1997. Traveled to: Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, June 30–September 6, 1998; Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, March 9–May 16, 1999. (Catalogue)Group Drawing Exhibition, PaceWildenstein, Los Angeles, June 20–July 3, 1997.The Hirshhorn Collects: Recent Acquisitions 1992–1996, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., June 4–September 7, 1997. (Catalogue)Objects of Desire: The Modern Still Life, Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 25–August 26, 1997. Traveled to: Hayward Gallery, London, October 9, 1997–January 4, 1998. (Catalogue)Finders/Keepers, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, May 10–August 3, 1997. (Catalogue)The Epoch of Modernism: Art in the 20th Century, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, May 6–July 27, 1997.Roadmaps: Structure, Process and the Collection, Long Beach Museum of Art, California, May 2–August 4, 1997.A Celebration of Contemporary Graphic Art by Twenty-Five Renowned Artists, Concept Art Gallery, Pittsburgh, closed April 13 1997.Today’s Printmaker: Artist and Wordsmith, Hillwood Art Museum, C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, New York, closed March 23 1997.Proof Positive: 40 Years of Contemporary American Printmaking at ULAE: 1957–1997s (curated by Sue Scott + Jack Cowart), Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., February 15–June 30, 1997. Traveled to: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, April 23–June 15, 1997; The Denver Museum of Art, July 27–September 2, 1997; UCLA, Armand Hammer Museum of Art, California, October 27, 1997–January 4, 1998; Sezon Museum of Art, Tokyo, February 27–May, 1998; Kitakysy Municipal Museum of Art, Japan, June–July 1998. (Catalogue)Photoworks, Brooke Alexander Gallery, New York, February 15–March 29, 1997.Revisitations (Hockney, Kelly, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist), Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, February 13–29, 1997.Civil Progress: Images of Black America, Mary Ryan Gallery, New York, February 12–March 15, 1997.Portraits of the Artists: Andy Warhol and His Contemporaries at Leo Castelli Gallery, Stifel Fine Arts Center, Oglebay Institute, Wheeling, West Virginia, February 6–April 4, 1997.Magie der Zahl in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts (The Magic of Numbers in 20th Century Art), Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany, February 1–May 19, 1997. (Catalogue)A Group Show, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, Switzerland, January 24–March 29, 1997.Gemini G.E.L. Celebrating 30 Years, The Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, January 20–February 24, 1997.1996Face à l’histoire: 1933–1996, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, December 19, 1996–April 7, 1997. (Catalogue)Winter Works: Rauschenberg and Pottorf, Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, Florida, December 10, 1996–January 25, 1997.{Open Secrets}, Seventy Pictures on Paper 1815 to the Present, Matthew Marks Gallery, New York, November 19–December 28, 1996.Signs of an Angel, Bianca Pilat Contemporary Art, Chicago, October–November 30, 1996.Pop: Then and Now: A Selection of Work, Winston Wächter Fine Art, New York, October 22–November 29, 1996.Views from Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art Two/Die Entdeckung des anderen: Ein europäischer Blick auf die amerikanische Kunst 2, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, October 18, 1996–January 5, 1997. Traveled to: Museum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, January 31–May 4, 1997. (Catalogue)Images of an Era: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Geffen Contemporary at MOCA, Los Angeles, October 15, 1996–August 17, 1997.Inaugural Group Exhibition, Philharmonic Center of the Arts, Naples, Florida, October 8–November 9, 1996.First Biennale di Firenze, Forte Belvedere, Florence, September 19–20, 1996. (Inaugural exhibition)Collection Highlights: 1945 to the Present, Seattle Art Museum, Washington, September 9, 1996–May 1997.Group Exhibition, Wetterling, Stockholm, Sweden, opened September 5, 1996. (Inaugural exhibition).Miami Pops! Pop Art in Miami Collections, The Art Museum, Florida International University, Miami, September 20–November 20, 1996.Printmaking From 1955 to 1975, Connecticut Graphic Arts Center, Norwalk, Connecticut, July 29–September 6, 1996.Ports of Entry: WIlliam S. Burroughs and the Visual Arts, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 18–October 6, 1996. Traveled to: Spencer Art Museum, Lawrence, Kansas, October 26, 1996–January 5, 1997. (Catalogue)Omaggio a Leo Castelli: Da Rauschenberg a Warhol, da Flavin a Judd. 20 artisti a New York negli anni sessanta, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, July 16–November 4, 1996. (Catalogue)Frederick Kiesler Artist – Architecte, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, July 2–October 21, 1996.1968, School of the Art Institute Betty Rymer Gallery, Chicago, Summer exhibition thru September 11, 1996.Chimériques polymères, Musée d’Art Moderne et d’Art Contemporain, Nice, June 29–September 15, 1996. (Catalogue)Summer Group Exhibition, PaceWildenstein, Los Angeles, June 28–September 28, 1996.Chimeriques Polymeres: Le Plastique Dans L'Art Du XX eme Siecle (Chimerical Polymers: Plastic in 20th Century Art), Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain, Nice, June 28–September 15, 1996.Photogravure A Survey: 1903–1996, Marlborough Graphics, New York, June 26–August 16, 1996.Metamorphoses: Photography in the Electronic Age, Philadelphia Museum of Art, June 22–August 18, 1996. Traveled to: Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, September 8–October 29, 1996. (Catalogue)Thinking Print: Books to Billboards, 1980–95, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 20–September 10, 1996. Traveled to: Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, February 19–May 3, 1998. (Catalogue)From Bauhaus to Pop: Masterworks Given by Philip Johnson, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 6–September 3, 1996.Wunschmaschine—Welterfindung: Eine Geschichte der Technikvisionen seit dem 18.Jahrhundert, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, June 5–August 4, 1996. (Catalogue)A History of Technical Visions since the 18th Century, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, Switzerland, June 4–August 4, 1996.The Sixteenth International Sculpture Conference, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, opened June 1996.Link, Gerald Peters Gallery, Dallas, June 1–July 13, 1996.I Love Yellow, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, June–September, 1996.A Century of American Drawing: From the Collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 23–September 17, 1996.L’Informe: Mode d’emploi, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, May 22–August 26, 1996. (Catalogue)Homeland of the Imagination: The Southern Presence in 20th Century Art, NationsBank Plaza, Atlanta, May 15–September 4, 1996.Masters of Modern Art, Ball State University Museum of Art, Muncie, Indiana, May 12–August 4, 1996.Contemporary Printmaking in America: Collaborative Prints and Presses, Smithsonian National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C., May 10–August 4, 1996.Arte en el Cielo, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, opened April 26, 1996.The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: 1945 to 1995, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 31–July 21, 1996.The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: 1945 to 1995, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 31–July 21, 1996. (Catalogue)Surprise! Ann Harper Gallery, Amagansett, New York, February 10–March 31, 1996.EnLIGHTended Art, Lee County Alliance of the Arts, Ft. Myers, Florida, February 10–27, 1996.Abstraction in the Twentieth Century: Total Risk, Freedom, Discipline, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, February 9–May 12, 1996. (Catalogue)Total Risk, Freedom, Discipline: Abstraction in the Twentieth Century, Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, February 8–May 12, 1996.20th Century Works on Paper from the Krannert Art Museum Collection, I Space, Gallery of the University of Illinois, Chicago, February 2–March 2, 1996.Leo Castelli, An Exhibition in Honor of His Gallery & Artists, January 27–March 2, 1996.Acquiring Art in the 90s: The Inside Story, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, January 21–April 14, 1996.Max’s Kansas City’s Thirtieth Anniversary Reunion, 65 Thompson St., New York, January 17–February 1, 1996. (Catalogue and Brochure)1995Reverberations: Diptychs & Triptychs From the Southeast Museum of Photography, Palm Beach Community College Museum of Art, Lake Worth, Florida, through October 21, 1995.Summer Group Exhibition, Gian Enzo Sperone, Turin, 1995.Passions Privees, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville, Paris, December 20, 1995–March 24, 1996.(Catalogue)Tolerance, Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris, December 18, 1995–January 19, 1996.Pour La Galerie, Galerie Beaubourg - Chateau Notre-Dame des Fleurs, Vence, France, December 16, 1995–closed winter 1996.Prints, Brooke Alexander, New York, December 5–29, 1995. [To Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts.]American Art 1940–1965: Traditions Reconsidered (Selections from the Whitney Museum's permanent collection), San Jose Museum of Art, California, December 2, 1995–March 1997.Group Exhibition, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, December 2–22, 1995.Art Against Aids Copenhagen, Galerie Mikael Andersen, Copenhagen, December 1, 1995.W-il Cinema: Hommage to the First 100 Years of Cinema, Galleria d'Arte Il Gabbiano, Rome, November 30, 1995–January 31, 1996.It's Only Rock and Roll: Rock and Roll Currents in Contemporary Art, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, November 18, 1995–January 21, 1996. Traveled to: Lakeview Museum of Arts and Science, Peoria, Illinois, February 17–April 14, 1996; Virginia Beach Center for the Arts, May 12–June 30, 1996; Tacoma Museum of Art, Washington, July 12–September 8, 1996; Jacksonville Museum of Art, Florida, September 26–November 20, 1996; Regional Center for the Arts, Walnut Creek, California, December 12, 1996–February 1, 1997; Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona, March 22–June 15, 1997; North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, July 27–November 15, 1997; Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida, December 11, 1997–February 8, 1998; Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin, March 20–May 24, 1998; Arkansas Art Center, July 1–September 1, 1998; Fresno Metropolitan Museum, September 16, 1998–November 22, 1998; Austin Museum of Art, downtown and Laguna Gloria, closed April 3, 1999.Treasures of the Achenbach, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, November 11, 1995–March 3, 1996.Beat Culture and the New America: 1950–65, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 9, 1995–February 4, 1996. Traveled to: Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, May 31–September 15, 1996; M.H. De Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, October 5–December 29, 1996. (Catalogue)Five Sculptors (Walter de Maria, Richard Serra, Chris Burden, David Salle), Gagosian Gallery, Wooster St., New York, November 4–December 16, 1995.Group Exhibition, Galerie Lawrence Rubin, Zürich, Switzerland, November 3, 1995–January 27, 1996.Paste-Up Past & Present, Kent Gallery, New York, November 2–December 23, 1995.Sniper's Nest: Art That Has Lived with Lucy R. Lippard, Center for Curatorial Studies Museum, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, October 28–December 23, 1995. Traveled to: Gallery of Contemporary Art, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, February 9–March 22, 1996; The Gallery, Maine College of Art, June 13–July 26, 1996; Scales Fine Arts Center, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, January 15–April 10, 1997; Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas at Austin, May 1–June 30, 1997; Spenser Museum of Art, University of Kansas, November 2–December 28, 1997; Museum of Fine Arts, New Mexico, May 1998.The Popular Image, O'Hara Gallery and Marisa Del Re Gallery, New York, (Pop Art in America), October 26–December 9, 1995.Almanac, Tate Gallery, London, October 23–November 13, 1995.Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Paintings and Drawings, Marc de Montebello Fine Art, Inc., New York, October 21–November 21, 1995.19th & 20th Century Master Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture, Acquavella Galleries, New York, Fall through Christmas 1995.Images of an Era: Selections from the Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Temporary Contemporary, Los Angeles, October 15–July 28, 1996.Drawing on Chance: Selections from the Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 12, 1995–January 23, 1996.Remembering Black Mountain College, Pack Place, Asheville, North Carolina, October 9–November 15, 1995. Traveled to: Central Piedmont Community College Art Gallery, Peas Auditorium, Charlotte, North Carolina, October 15–December 20, 1996. (Catalogue)Surrealismus, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, October 1, 1995–March 1, 1996.Surrealismus, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, October, 1995–March, 1996.Highlights from the Knoxville Museum of Art's Permanent Collection, Knoxville Museum of Art, Tennessee, September 6, 1995–April 1, 1996.An Exhibition of Selected Works," Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, September 23–October 28, 1995.23 Artistas Para Medicos del Mundo, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, September 21–October 8, 1995.Ugo Mulas: Incontri Ritratti 1953–1972, Galleria di Franca Mancini, Milan, July 30–September 10, 1995.Pop Prints + Multiples, Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, July 22, 1995–January 21, 1996.Summer Group: Diebenkorn, Hodgkin, Johns, Lichtenstein, Motherwell, Rauschenberg, Stella, Winters, Galerie Lawrence Rubin, Zurich, July 18–September 9, 1995.Dialogues of Peace/Dialogues de paix, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, July 3–October 26, 1995. (International Exhibition celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations)Klangskulpturen—Augenmusik, Ludwig Museum im Deutschherrenhaus, Städtische Museen Koblenz, Germany, July 2–November 5, 1995. (Catalogue)Paine Weber Art Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, July 2–September 24, 1995. Traveled to: Detroit Institute of Art, October 29–December 31, 1995; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, March 16–June 16, 1996; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, July 7–September 14, 1996; San Diego Museum of Art, October 13–January 5, 1997; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, March 13–May 25, 1997; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, June 21–August 31, 1997. (Catalogue)Views from Abroad: European Perspectives on American Art One/Amerikaanse Perspectieven: Europese Visies op Amerikaanse Kunst 1, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 29–October 1. Traveled to: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, November 17, 1995–January 28, 1996. (Catalogue)Contemporary Selections from the Museum's Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida, June 18–October 31, 1995.Made in America: Ten Centuries of American Art, St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri, June 16–September 4, 1995.46th Venice Biennale: Identita e Alterita (Identity and Alterity), Palazzo Grazzi, Venice, June 11–October 15, 1995. (Catalogue)Who Is Afraid of Red, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, Switzerland, June–September 1995. Traveled to: Ordrupgaardsamlingen, Denmark, October 14–December 10, 1995.Collecting with Richard Brown Baker from Pollock to Lichtenstein, University Art Gallery, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, May 18–September 13, 1995.The Spring Collection, An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Inc., Los Angeles, May 12–June 30, 1995.The Appropriated Image: Fulton, Johns, Kelly Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Twombly, Warhol, Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York, May 9–June 30, 1995.New Editions, Leo Castelli Graphics, New York, May 6–June 2, 1995.American Collage, ACA Galleries, New York, May 2–June 3, 1995.Some Very Important American Artists, American Arts Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 1995 (seven days).Traditions of Innovation: Touchstones from the Graphicstudio and Limestone Press/Hine Editions, Boca Raton Museum, Florida, April 28–June 4, 1995.Printmaking in America: Collaborative Presses and Prints, 1960–1990, The Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, April 23–June 18, 1995. Traveled to: The Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, September 22–December 3, 1995; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, January 23–April 2, 1996; National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 10–August 4, 1996. (Catalogue)Permanent Collection: Object and Image, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California, April 15–June 18, 1995.Contemporary Masters: Selected Prints from the Rose Family Collections, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, April 2–June 18, 1995.Photography In Printmaking (curated by Susan Weil), Printmaking Workshop Gallery, New York, March 30–May 12, 1995.Master of American Painting 1950's & 1960's, C & M, New York, March 29–May 26, 1995.Crossing State Lines: 20th Century Art from Private Collections in Westchester and Fairfield Counties, Neuberger Museum of Purchase College, New York, March 26–June 18, 1995.Print Suites from the University at Albany Foundation Collection, University Art Museum, State University of New York, Albany, March 25–April 23, 1995.Multiples, Martina Hamilton Fine Art, Inc., New York, Spring/Summer 1995.Degrees of Abstraction: Morris Louis to Mapplethorpe, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, March 11–October 22, 1995.Large and Small: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, Art Institute of Chicago, March 11–September 10, 1995.Reverberations: Diptychs & Triptychs from the Southeast Museum of Photography, George D. & Harriet W. Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, March 10–May 7, 1995. Traveled to: Palm Beach Community College Museum of Arts, Lake Worth, Florida, September 1–October 31, 1995; Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, May 15–August 15, 1996.Recent 20th Century Acquisitions, The Bass Museum, Miami Beach, February 24–June 20, 1995.Print Portfolio: The Print and the Photographic Image, Stockton College Art Gallery, The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, February 20–March 9, 1995. (organized by ICI)Risarcimento: Artisti Contemporanei Per Gli Uffizi, Hall of the Regie Poste, Galleria Degli Uffizi, Florence, February 11–April 30, 1995.Made in America: Ten Centuries of American Art, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minnesota, February 5–April 30, 1995. Traveled to: St. Louis Art Museum, Missouri, June 16–September 4, 1995; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, October 13–January 7, 1996; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, March 17–May 19, 1996; Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, July 6–September 22, 1996. (Catalogue)Contemporary Art In America, Marisa Del Re Gallery, Palm Beach, February 3–24, 1995.Group Exhibition, Peder Bonnier, Inc., New York, February–March 1995.Images From Space, The Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, January 21–March 6, 1995.Body Language, Gwinnett Fine Arts Center, Atlanta, January 12–February 26, 1995.The Artist's Camera, Thread Waxing Space, New York, January 12–February 11, 1995. (Photographs by Contemporary Arts, organized to benefit AIDS research).Emblems and Contours, Sperone Westwater, New York, January 7–February 11, 1995.The Big Picture, Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York, January 4–28, 1995.Light for the Dark Days of Winter, A/D, New York, January–February 1995.1994The Sixties Artists: In the '70s and '80s, Omni Building, Uniondale, New York, 1984.The New York Collection for Stockholm, Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, through August 7, 1994.Das Museum Für Kunst Und Die Sammlung Ströher-Zur Geschichte Einer Privatsammlung, Museum Für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, December 5, 1994–January 8, 1995.Drawings from the 60s, Pace Gallery, New York, December 2, 1994–January 7 (extended through January 21), 1995.The First 15 Years, The Heath Gallery, Atlanta, December 2–17, 1994.Master Prints and Drawings, Noel Fine Art, Bronxville, New York, November 19, 1994–February 15, 1995.RED, Barneys New York uptown + downtown, New York, November 17, 1994–January 1, 1995. (The Christmas window exhibition & Christie's silent auction to benefit the Little Red School House/Elisabeth Irwin High School.)Seasights, Offshore Gallery, East Hampton, New York, November 12–December 31, 1994.The Pop Image: Prints and Multiples (curated by Judith Goldman), Marlborough Gallery, New York, November 9–December 3, 1994.Beyond Limits: Art and Life: 1952-1994, Centre Nationale d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou, Paris, November 8, 1994–January 23, 1995.Duchamp's Leg, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 5, 1994–March 26, 1995. Traveled to: Center for Fine Arts, Miami, December 1995–February 1996.Neo-Dada: Redefining Art, 1958-62, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Arizona, November 3–December 3, 1994. Organized by American Federation of Arts. Traveled to: Equitable Gallery, New York, January 27–March 26, 1995; Tufts University Art Gallery, Medford, Massachusetts, October 6–December 3, 1995; Florida International University Art Museum, Miami, January 5–March 3, 1996.Elvis + Marilyn: 2 x Immortal, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, November 2, 1994–January 8, 1995. Traveled to: Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, February 4–March 26, 1995; Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, North Carolina, April 15–June 30, 1995; Museum of Art, August 2–September 23, 1995; New York Historical Society, October 15, 1995–January 8, 1996; Philbrook Museum of Art, Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 13–June 3, 1996; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, June 22–August 19, 1996; Tennessee State Museum, Nashville, September 7–November 3, 1996; San Jose Museum of Art, California, November 23, 1996–January 30, 1997; Honolulu Academy of Art, April 16–June 8, 1997.The Box (curated by Rosa Esman), Ubu Gallery, New York, October 29–December 23, 1994.A Century of Artists Books, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 23, 1994–January 24, 1995. (Organized by Riva Castleman)Kelly, Lichtenstein, Oldenburg, Rauschenberg: Recent Gifts from Gemini G.E.L., Los Angeles County Museum of Art, October 13, 1994–January 15, 1995.Faret Tachikawa Public Art Project: Tokyo. A New Century for City and Public Art, Faret Building, Tachikawa, Japan, opened October 13, 1994.22nd Bienal de São Paulo, Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, October 12–December 11, 1994.Art After Art, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn, New York, September 25, 1994–January 1, 1995.Portraits: Selections From 25 Years of Graphicstudio Works, Graphicstudio, University of South Florida, Tampa, September 15–October 31, 1994.A Gallery of Modern Art, Washington University Gallery of Art, St. Louis, Missouri, September 9–October 16, 1994.Forecast: Shifts in Direction/Contemporary Photography, Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, August 26–October 23, 1994.The Cochran Collection, Graphics by 20th Century Masters, Jacksonville Art Museum, Florida, August 18–September 18, 1994.Jasper Johns and Contemporaries, Killian Gallery, The Sharon Arts Center, New Hampshire, August 7–September 18, 1994.Summerfest Celebration, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Inc., Los Angeles, July 7–end of August 1994.New Voices, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, through June 19, 1994.Summer Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 18–September 10, 1994.Gemini G.E.L. Recent Prints and Sculpture, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, June 5–October 2, 1994.Contemporary American Graphics, Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, June 3–September 11, 1994.Worlds in a Box, City Arts Centre, Edinburgh, May 28–July 16, 1994. Organized by the South Bank Centre. Traveled to: Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, July 30–September 24, 1994; Sainsbury Centre, Norwich, October 10–November 30, 1994; Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, December 9, 1994–February 12, 1995.American Art in Italian Collections, The American Academy in Rome, May 27–June 30, 1994. (Rauschenberg photos)Media Visions in Contemporary Art, Weatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, May 27–August 7, 1994.Fragments: Images in the Art of the Contemporary Print, de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara University, California, May 5–July 31, 1994.Under Development: Dreaming the MCA's Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 29–August 29, 1994.Head on: Image and Text in the Prints of Robert Rauschenberg, Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas at Austin, April 1–June 12, 1994.Lessons in Life, Art Institute of Chicago, March 26–September 5, 1994. (The photography collection of Martin Edelston)Pop! A Print Survey of the Pop Art Style, Presidents Gallery, Brenau University, Gainesville, Georgia, March 25–May 10, 1994.Lessons In Life: Photographic Works from the Boardroom Collection, The Art Institute of Chicago, March 20–June 19, 1994.What Is Real? American Art 196019–75, Helen B. Murray Gallery, Tacoma Art Museum, Washington, March 19–June 19, 1994.Collection in Context: A Year From the Collection, Circa 1952, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, February 12–April 17, 1994.Outside the Frame: Performance and the Object, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, February 11–May 1, 1994. Traveled to: Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art/Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, New York, February 26, 1994–June 18, 1995.Experimental Vision: Evolution of the Photogram Since 1919, Denver Art Museum, January 15–March 27, 1994.Pop Art: The 1960s and Beyond, A Selection, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, January 3–April 10, 1994.Contemporary Prints: Recent Gifts to the Collection, Tate Gallery, London, January–March 13, 1994.1993Photoplay (Works from the Chase Manhattan Collection), Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, 1993. Traveled to: Museo Amparo, Puebla, Mexico; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Monterrey, Mexico; Centro Cultural Consolidado, Caracas, 1994; Museu de Arte de São Paulo, 1994; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, 1994; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, 1994.Whose Broad Stripes and Bright Stars: Death, Reverence, and the Struggle for Equality in America, Betty Rymer Gallery, School of the Art Institute, Chicago, December 17, 1993–February 2, 1994.A Selective Eye: Paintings and Sculpture from the Collection of Susan Morse Hilles, Yale University Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut, December 10, 1993–March 6, 1994.Peinture, Emblemes et References (Painting Symbols and Reference), capc Musee d'art contemporain, Bordeaux, December 10, 1993–February 27, 1994.Master Prints from the Collection of Jim Kempner, Solo Gallery, New York, November 9–December 18, 1993.Contemporary Sculpture & Works on Paper, James Goodman Gallery, New York, November 9–December 18, 1993.Roma - New York 1948–1964, An Art Exploration, The Murray and Isabella Rayburn Foundation, New York, November 6, 1993–January 10, 1994.XIX & XX Century Master Paintings & Sculptures, Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York, October 25–November 24, 1993.Four Centuries of Drawing: 1593–1993, Kohn Abrams Gallery, Los Angeles, October 16–November 12, 1993.Spheres of Influence: Artists and their Students in the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art at Champion, Stamford, Connecticut, October 1–November 20, 1993.Best Buddies Fine Art Exhibit, Sky Gallery, Miami, October 1–31, 1993.New Acquisitions (Photography Dept.), Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 1993–January 1994.Rolywholyover a Circus, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, September 12–November 28, 1993. Traveled to: Menil Collection, Houston, January 14–April 2, 1994; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, April 23–August 14, 1994; Art Tower, Mito, Japan, November 3, 1994–February 26, 1995; Philadelphia Museum of Art, June 4–July 30, 1995.25 Years: A Retrospective, Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, Ohio, September 10–November 7, 1993.Collecting With a Passion: The David and Gerry Pincus Collection, Palmer Museum of Art, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, September 4, 1993–January 24, 1994.Made in the U.S.A., Caldic Collection, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Fall 1993–Summer 1994.Exposures, Samuel P. Harn Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, August 29–March 1993.The Language of Art, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna, August 27–October 17, 1993. Traveled to: Frankfurter Kunstverein, December 3, 1993–February 20, 1994.Renewing Our Earth: The Artistic Vision, United States Pavilion, Taejon International Exposition, Korea, August 7–November 7, 1993. (Brochure)Art of Our Time: Works on Paper from the Olga Hirshhorn Collection, Pensacola Museum of Art, Florida, July 24–September 11, 1993. Traveled to: Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, through January 7, 1996.20 International Biennial of Graphic Art Ljubljana, The International Centre of Graphic Art, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 25–September 30, 1993.Abject Art: Repulsion and Desire in American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 23–August 29, 1993.The Encompassing Eye: Photography as Drawing, Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, June 12–July 31, 1994.American Art at Mid-Century: Hightlights from a Private Collection, Harvard Art Museums (Fogg Art Museum), Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 12–November 14, 1994.New York on Paper: Drawings Watercolors Collages, Galerie Beyeler, Basil, Switzerland, June 11–August 28, 1994. Traveled to: Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery, Paris, December 4, 1993–January 29, 1994.Cardinal Points of Arts, La Biennale di Venezia, XLV Exposizione Internazionale d'Arte (XLV Venice Biennale), Palazzo Grazzi, Italy, June 9–October 10, 1993. (A tribute show to John Cage)The Museum in the Gallery: The 35th Anniversary Celebration of the New York University Art Collection, Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, June 7–July 23, 1993.Trismegisto, Lucio Amelio, Naples, June 4, 1993.Singular Dimensions in Painting, Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, May 27, 1993–January 4, 1994.Chicago International Art Exposition, Galleria Il Gabbiano, Rome, May 15–19, 1993.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 65 Thompson Street, New York, May 15–July 31, 1993.Serial Explorations: An Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Michael C. Carlos Museum, Atlanta, Georgia, May 11–August 22, 1993.American Art in the Twentieth Century: Painting and Sculpture 1913–1993 (Co-curated by Christos Joachimides and Norman Rosenthal), Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin, May 8–July 25, 1993. Traveled to: Royal Academy of Arts and the Saatchi Gallery, London, September 17–December 12, 1993.Heads and Portraits: Drawings from Piero Di Cosimo to Jasper Johns, Jason McCoy Inc., New York, May 6–June 12, 1993. Organized by Kate Ganz.The Spirit of Drawing, Sperone Westwater, New York, May 1–June 12, 1993.Ways of the Modern: The Beyeler Collection, National Galerie, Berlin, April 30–September 12, 1993.Copier Créer: de Turner à Picasso: 300 Oeuvres Inspirées Par Les Maîtres du Louvre, Musée du Louvre, Paris, April 26–July 26, 1993. (Catalogue)Graphic Works, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 24–May 22, 1993.The Louvre According to the Masters, Musée du Louvre, Paris, April 23–July 26, 1993.Art and Environment, The National Arts Club, New York, April 21–May 1, 1993.Masterprinter, Masterpieces: Contemporary Prints from Topaz Editions, Museum of Arts and Sciences, Daytona Beach, Florida, April 18, 1993–April, 1994.Robert Rauschenberg & Darryl Pottorf, Galerie Jamileh Weber, Zurich, April 16–July 3, 1993.The Nature of the Machine, An Exhibition of Kinetic and Biokinetic Art, Chicago Cultural Center, April 3–May 30, 1993.Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection: 1900 to the Present, Middlebury College Museum of Art, Vermont, March 29–May 2, 1993.Software (Morris, Rauschenberg, Sonnier), Leo Castelli Gallery, 578 Broadway, New York, March 20–April 17, 1993.The American Livre de Peintre, Grolier Club, New York, March 16–May 15, 1993.Late Modern Drawings, 1960s-1970s, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 12–May 23, 1993.Graphik, Prints, Gravures, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, February–April 1993.Building a Collection: The Department of Contemporary Art, Part II, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, February 26–September 26, 1993.Roma by Enzo Cucchi, Le Palais des Expositions, Rome, February 22–April 26, 1993.Blind Color, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, February 13–March 13, 1993.Un'aventura Internazionale Torino e le Arti 1950–1970, Museo d’Arte contemporanea del Castello di Rivoli, Turin, February 5–April 25, 1993.30th Anniversary of the Lincoln Center/List Art Poster and Print Program, Center Gallery, New York, February 5–18, 1993.Recent Acquisitions: Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 4–April 6, 1993.L.A. Stories, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, February 3–27, 1993.The Anderson Collection: Gift of American Pop Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, February 3–May 23, 1993.Pop Art, Galerie Hassfurther, Vienna, February 2–March 31, 1993.Four Rooms and A House Ball: Pop and the Everyday Object, Guggenheim Museum SoHo, New York, January 27–May 31, 1993.Darkness and Light: Twentieth-Century Works from Texas Collections (curated by Elizabeth Ward), Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, January 22–March 28, 1993Pastiche: Pop To Post - Modern Art, Bridge Center for Contemporary Art, El Paso, Texas, January 21–March 12, 1993.Merce Cunningham Dance Company Benefit Art Sale, 65 Thompson Street (Castelli & Gagosian), New York, January 16–23, 1993.Sculpture & Multiples, Brooke Alexander, New York, January 8–February 13, 1993.Artists' Photographs; A Private View, BlumHelman Gallery, New York, January 6–February 6, 1993.1992Artists Love New York, Marine Midland Bank, New York, through April 20, 1992.Family Photo Festival, The Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach Community College, opened April 12, 1992.Foundations in Photography, Brevard Art Center and Museum, Melbourne, Florida, through April 5, 1992.1958, James Corcoran Gallery, Santa Monica, through May 23, 1992.Contemporary Masterworks, Feigen Inc., Chicago, opened May 15, 1992.Pop Paper, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Tennessee, opened November 21, 1992.Terrae Motus, The Royal Palace of Caserta, Naples, opened November 21, 1992.Sculpture, Knoedler & Company, New York, December 19, 1992–January 14, 1993.Part Two: Celebrating Fifty Years of Contemporary Art, Magidson Fine Art, Aspen, Colorado, December 17, 1992–January 17, 1993.L.A.'s Finest: Early Keinholz, Hockney, Berland, Rauschenberg, Newspace, Los Angeles, December 12, 1992–January 16, 1993.Hand-Painted Pop: American Art in Transition, 1955–1962, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, December 6, 1992–March 7, 1992. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 3–June 20, 1993; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 16, 1992–October 3, 1993.Choice Encounters, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, California, December 4, 1992–February 14, 1993.Dibujos (Drawings), Galeria Weber, Alexander Y Cobo, Madrid, November 26, 1992–January 30, 1993.Printmaking: Late 20th Century Prints, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, October 28–January 31, 1993.Focus on AIDS Four, Director's Guild of America, Los Angeles, October 20, 1992.Material Matters: Selections from the Williams College Museum of Art, Usdan Gallery, Bennington College, Vermont, October 20–November 12, 1992.Line, Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl, New York, October 14–December 31, 1992.Return Engagement, Anderson-Marsh Galleries, St. Petersburg, Florida, October 9–November 3, 1992.Repetition/Transformation, Museo National Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, October 6–December 6, 1992.Picturing Paradise: Art and the Rainforests, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, Atlanta, October 3–November 29, 1992, Traveled to: Chicago Botanical Gardens, December 15, 1992–January 3, 1993.Budepest International Paper Art Exhibition / Medium: Paper, Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, September 30–October 30, 1992.Both Art and Life: Gemini at 25, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California, September 22–November 29, 1992.Graphics by Twentieth Century Masters, Museum of York County, Rock Hill, South Carolina, September 12–November 15, 1992.The Spirit of Genius, The Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, September 1992–January 3, 1993.Klongskulpturem Augenmusik, Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, September 1992.Selections from the Dr. Jay and Ann McKeel Ross Collection of Contemporary American Art, The Brevard Art Center and Museum, Melbourne, Florida, August 29–October 18, 1992.Summer Group Exhibition, Part II, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, August 17–September 19, 1992.Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, July 25–September 25, 1992.Summer Group Show, Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, July 9–August 28, 1992.Large Scale Prints, Barbara Krakow Gallery, Boston, July 8–September 15, 1992.A Recent Survey of Contemporary Works on Paper, Gallery Stendhal, New York, July 1–30, 1992.Schwerpunkt Skulptur, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany, June–October 1992.Graphicstudio/USF: Collaborations in Contemporary Art, John F. and Mable Ringling Museum, Sarasota, June 26–September 13, 1992.Innovation in Collaborative Printmaking: Kenneth Tyler 1963–1992, Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan, June 13–July 26, 1992. Traveled to: Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, August 6–September 20, 1992, The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, October 3–October 25, 1992, The Tokushima Modern Art Museum, October 31–December 6, 1992, Hokkaido Obihiro Museum of Art, January 5–February 28, 1993. (Supported by Embassy of the United States of America & Dai Nippon Printing.)Cityscapes, Roger Smith Hotel, New York, June–September 1992.Summer Show, Cornell Fine Art Museum, Orlando, June–September 1992.New Friends, Old Friends: Recent Acquisitions and Selections from the Permanent Collection, Jacksonville Art Museum, Florida, June 18–September 27, 1992.Territorium Artis, Kunst-Und Ausstellungshalle Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, June 17–September 20, 1992.Singular and Plural, Recent Accessions, Drawings & Prints 1945-1991, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, June 6–August 23, 1992.A Celebration of American Art, Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, June 5–September 13, 1992.Earth Summit '92, United Nations Postal Administration, Rio de Janeiro, June 3–14, 1992.Process and Presence: Issues in Sculpture 1960–1990, Locks Gallery, Philadelphia, June 3–July 17, 1992.Summer Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, May 30–June 13, 1992.Gifts and Acquisitions in Context, Whitney Museum of American Art (Main Branch), New York, May 22–September 20, 1992 (Part I), July 10–August 23, 1993 (Part II), August 28–September 20, 1994 (Part III).Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Exhibition, The Arts Club of Chicago, May 12–June 26, 1992.The Chicago International Art Exposition, Donnelley Hall, McCormick Place West, Chicago, May 9–14, 1992.Selection from the Marcia Weisman Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, May 1–17, 1992.Twenty-Five Years of Acquisitions, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan, May 1992.Sculpture, Waddington Galleries, London, April 29-May 30, 1992.Tinguely zu Ehren, Galerie Littmann, Basel, April 24–May 28, 1992.Cocart, Bianca Pilat, Milan, April 23–May 30, 1992.Graphics: The School of Paris and New York: Pop to Post, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn, New York, March–May 3, 1992.Scratching The Surface, Station Gallery, Katonah, New York, March 21–May 9, 1992.The Endowed Chair, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, March 14–April 18, 1992.Important Paintings, Marisa Del Re Gallery, New York, March 11–April 4, 1992.The Living Object. The Art Collection of Ellen H. Johnson, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, March 6–May 25, 1992.Master Prints, Branchville Soho Gallery, Ridgefield, Connecticut, March–April 25, 1992.Small Treasures, Jack Rutberg Fine Arts, Los Angeles, March–April 1992.Marking the Decades: Prints 1960–1990, Baltimore Museum of Art, February 23–April 26, 1992. (Catalogue)The Print: The School of Paris and New York Post and Pop, Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn, New York, February 16–May 3, 1992.Stars in Florida, Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, February 7–March 22, 1992.Drawing for the Stage, Stephan Solovy Fine Art, Chicago, January 11–February, 1992.American Art 1930–1970, Lingotto (FIAT Exhibition space), Turin, January 10–March 31, 1992.1991Die Würde und der Mut: l'art Moral, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, Germany, 1991.A Private Collection: Contemporary Works. On The Edge: Contemporary Collage, Arizona State University Art Museum, Phoenix, Arizona, through January 12, 1992.Large Scale: Drawings and Prints, Leo Castelli Gallery, 578 Broadway, New York, December 14, 1991–February 1, 1992.A Passion for Art: Watercolors and Works on Paper, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, December 7, 1991–January 25, 1992.Les Couleurs de L'Argent, Musee de la Poste, Paris, November 19, 1991–February 1, 1992.American Lithography: 1860–1991, Sheehan Gallery, New York, November 1, 1991–January 18, 1992.The Encompassing Eye: Photography as Drawing, Emily Davis Gallery, University of Akron, Ohio, October 22–November 16, 1991. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College, Chicago, June 12–July 31, 1993. (Catalogue)Memoire de la Liberte, Centre Nationale d'Art et de Georges Pompidou, Paris, October 9-28, 1991.Southeast Bank Collects: A Corporation Views Contemporary Art, Polk Museum, Lakeland, Florida, September-October 1991.Night Shade Paintings, Texas Gallery, Houston, September 28-November 2, 1991.Graphicstudio / U.S.F. Collaborative Workshop at the University of South Florida, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., September 15, 1991–January 5, 1992. (Catalogue).Art for Children's Survival, Sotheby's, New York, September 14-19, 1991.Pop Art, Royal Academy of Arts, London, September 13–December 15, 1991. Traveled to: Museum Ludwig, Cologne, January 23–April 19, 1992; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, June 23–September 14, 1992; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, October 23, 1992–January 24, 1993. (Catalogues)Works on Paper by Gallery Artists, Knoedler & Company, New York, September 7-October 3, 1991.Opening Exhibition, Graphicstudio Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, September 1-October 31, 1991.Graphicstudio/USF: Collaborations in Contemporary Art, The Tampa Museum of Art, Florida, September 1-December 1, 1991.A View From the Sixties: Selections from the Leo Castelli Collection and the Michael and Ileana Sonnabend Collection, Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York, August 10–September 22, 1991. (Catalogue)Summer Group Show, Turner/Krull Gallery, Los Angeles, July 20-August 10, 1991.Art as Rising Above Barriers: John Cage and the Moderns (Kunst als Grenzbeschreitung: John Cage und die Moderne), Neue Pinakothek, Staatsgalerie Moderner Kunst, Munich, July 18-August 25, 1991. (Catalogue and Brochure)Beyond the Frame: American Art 1960-1990, Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, July 6-August 18, 1991. Traveled to: National Museum of Art, Osaka, August 29-September 29, 1991; Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka, November 15-December 15, 1991. (Catalogue)La Sculpture contemporaine: Après 1970, Fondation Daniel Templon, Musée Temporaire, Fréjus, France, July 4–September 29 1991. (Catalogue)Constructing American Identity, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch at Federal Reserve Plaza, New York, June 18-August 30, 1991.Summertime, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, June 14-July 20, 1991.Constructing American Identity, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York, June 19-August 30, 1991. (Catalogue)Summer Group Exhibition 1991, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 8-August 16, 1991.Saff Tech Arts Show, Knoedler & Company, New York, May 25-June 22, 1991.Interactions, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, May 22-July 7, 1991. (Catalogue)Seven Master Printmakers: Innovations in the Eighties, Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 16–August 13, 1991. Traveled to: Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, November 1–January 2, 1992; Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, January 20–March 15, 1992; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, April 15–May 31, 1992; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, June 15–August 3, 1992; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, August 17–September 27, 1992; Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, October 17–December 6, 1992; Musee d'Art Moderne et D'Art Contemporain, Nice, (as Sept maîtres de l’estampe), January 22–March 14, 1993. (Catalogue and Brochure)Masks: Created to Benefit Victim Services, Dyansen Gallery, New York, May 9-19, 1991.Aspects of Collage, Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, New York, May 5-June 9, 1991. (Catalogue)Die Würde und der Mut: “L’Art moral”, Galerie Georg Nothelfer, Berlin, April 20–September 15 1991. (Catalogue)The Independent Curators Incorporated Fifteenth Anniversary Print Portfolio, Castelli Graphics, New York, April 13-May 4, 1991.Janie C. Lee Master Drawings, 1520–1990, 65 Thompson, New York, April 13-May 11, 1991. (Catalogue)Inaugural Group Exhibition, Richard L. Feigen & Co., New York, April 11-Mid-September, 1991.Selections from the Permanent Collection: Pop Art and Minimalism 1960–1975, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, April 7-May 26, 1991.Black & White Prints, Lorence Monk Gallery (568 Broadway), New York, April 6-May 11, 1991.Drawings, Lorence Monk Gallery (578 Broadway), New York, April 6-May 11, 1991.1991 Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 2-June 30, 1991.Poets/Painters Collaborations, Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, March 13-30, 1991. (Catalogue)Outside America: Going into the 90's, Fay Gold Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia, March 8-April 16, 1991.Pop Prints - Aspects of Printmaking in Britain and the U.S.A. 1959-1982, Tate Gallery, London, March 6-June 23, 1991.Setting the Stage: Contemporary Artists Design for the Performing Arts, Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, February 24-April 21, 1991. (Catalogue)Large Scale: Works on Paper, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, February 21-March 16, 1991.El sueño de Egipto (La influencia del arte egipcio en el arte contemporáneo), Centro Cultural/Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City, February 21–May 26 1991. (Catalogue)Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Galerie Nichido, Tokyo, February 18-26, 1991. Traveled to: Galerie Nichido, Paris, March 1-9, 1991.The Art Show, James Goodman Gallery, New York, February 15-19, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg, Frank Stella, Duson Gallery, Seoul, Korea, February 8-February 28, 1991.Pop Art From the Lilja Collection, Henie-Onstad Art Center, Hovikodden, Norway, February-March 1991. Traveled to: Odense, Denmark, summer 1991.Masterpieces from the Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, January 20-February 17, 1991.Contemporary Illustrated Books: Word and Image, 1967–1988, Franklin Furnace, New York, January 12–February 28, 1991. Organized by Independent Curators, Inc. Traveled to: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, April 5–June 3; The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, February 8–April 7, 1992.20th Century Collage, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, January 12-February 16, 1991.Inaugural Exhibition of the Mary and Crosby Kemper Collection of the Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City Art Institute, Missouri, January 10-February 10, 1991.Who Framed Modern Art Or The Quantitative Life of Roger Rabbit, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, January 10-February 9, 1991. (Catalogue)Masters of Contemporary Printmaking, Associated American Artists, New York, January 5-February 2, 1991.1990Fabian Carlsson Gallery, London, England.Realta E Visione, La Galleria Il Gabbiano, Rome, December 16, 1990-January 31, 1991.Art That Happens to Be Photography, Texas Gallery, Houston, December 11, 1990-January 26, 1991.Group Exhibition (William Anastasi, Dove Bradshaw, John Cage, Tom Marioni, Robert Rauschenberg, Mark Tobey), Sandra Gering Gallery, New York, December 8, 1990-January 19, 1991.Seoul Art Festival, National Museum of Contemporary Art, Korea November 20, 1990-February 20, 1991.American Prints and Drawings, Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York, November 17-December 2, 1990.Mel Bochner, Peter Halley & Robert Rauschenberg, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, November 17-December 22, 1990.The Technological Muse, Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, New York, November 11, 1990-February 3, 1991. (Brochure)Exposed, Vivian Horan Fine Art, New York, November 2-December 15, 1990.Contemporary American Prints from the Carol and Morton Rapp Collection, National Gallery of Art, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, October 25-November 25, 1990.High and Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 7, 1990-January 15, 1991. Traveled to: Art Institute of Chicago, February 20-May 12, 1991; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, June 21-September 15, 1991. (Catalogue)Editions, Prints, Fabric Collages, Mixed Media Constructions, Sculpture, Greene Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, opened October 5, 1990.Group Show, Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris, October-November 24, 1990.Group show, Galleria d’arte Il Gabbiano, Rome, September 1990.Cornell Collects: A Celebration of American Art from the Collections of Alumni and Friends, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August 21-November 4, 1990.Contemporary Assemblage: The Dada and Surrealist Legacy, L.A. Louver, Venice, California, August 11-September 8, 1990.Group Show, Larry Gagosian Gallery, New York, July-August, 1990.Pharmakon ‘90, Nippon Convention Center, Chiba, Japan, July 28-August 20, 1990.Summer Group Exhibition, Knoedler & Co., New York, July 9-August, 1990.38 Graphic Works, From 1965-1989, by Roy Lichtenstein & Robert Rauschenberg from the Collection of Leo Castelli, Fondation Vincent Van Gogh, Arles, France, July 7-October 31, 1990.Selected Prints, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, July 5-8, 1990.The Tao of Contemporary Art, Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, June 30-September 2, 1990. Traveled to: Hofstra Museum, Hofstra University Hempstead, New York as The Transparent Thread: Asian Philosophy in Recent American Art, September 16-November 11, 1990; Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, December 2, 1990-February 14, 1991; Salina Art Center, Kansas, March 21-May 23, 1991; Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, June 8-July 28, 1991; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, September 6-October 30, 1991; Laguna Art Museum, Laguna Beach, California, November 22, 1991-February 9, 1992.Leo Castelli’s Artists: USA 1970-1990, Casino Knokke, Knokke-Heist, Belgium, June 25-September 2, 1990. (Catalogue)Word as Image: American Art 1960-1990, Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin, June 15-August 26, 1990. Traveled to: Oklahoma City Art Museum, November 17, 1990-February 2, 1991; Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, February 23-May 12, 1991. (Catalogue)The Book as Art / The Book in Art, Barbara Fendrick Gallery, New York, June 12-July 1990.Summer Group Show, Knoedler Gallery, New York, Summer 1990.Summer 1990 Exhibition of Gallery Artists, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, Leo Castelli Gallery, June 9–September 1990.The Great American Drawing Show, Martin Lawrence Modern, New York, Summer 1990.The Territory of Art, Musée Russe, Leningrad, U.S.S.R., May 31-July 16, 1990. (Brochure)Multiples, Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, May 31-June 29, 1990.The Kitchen Art Benefit, Leo Castelli/Castelli Graphics & Curt Marcus Gallery, New York, May 31-June 6, 1990.Rauschenberg to Us - We To Rauschenberg, XLIV Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy, Soviet Pavilion, May 23-September 30, 1990.Amerikanische Zeichnungen in den Achtziger Jahren, Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna, May 16-July 1, 1990. Traveled to: Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany, September 12–November 4, 1990. (Catalogue)The Indomitable Spirit, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, May 15-June 24, 1990.Sol Lewitt, Carl Andre, Donald Judd, Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Samuel Lallouz, Montreal, May 12-June 9, 1990.American Masters of the 60s, Shafrazi Gallery, New York, May 9-June 23, 1990.Arshile Gorky, Willem de Kooning, Morris Louis, Robert Rauschenberg, Stephen Solovy Fine Art, Chicago, May 4-25, 1990.Pop on Paper, James Goodman Gallery, New York, May 4-June 15, 1990.Paradox of Process Collage and Assemblage in the Permanent Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, April 22-July 22, 1990.A Benefit Art Sale in Celebration of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Trisha Brown Company, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, April 11-21, 1990.Heland Wetterling Gallery Shows Knoedler Gallery Artists, Heland Wetterling Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden, April 7-24, 1990.Taking The Picture: Photography and Appropriation, Leo Castelli, 578 Broadway, New York, April 7-28, 1990. Traveled to: Gallery Milano, May 16-June 16, 1990.Paintings, Drawings, Editions, Galerie Montaigne, Paris, April 4-May 25, 1990.Pools (curated by Elizabeth Thompson), Modus Vivendi, Zurich, March 28-April 25, 1990. Organized by Stuart Levy Gallery. Traveled to: Art Moderne Gallery, Moscow, May 25-June 25, 1990; Norton Gallery of Art, October 6-November 18, 1990; Stuart Levy Gallery, Helander Gallery, June 12-August 31, 1991; Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, July 16-September 5, 1992. (Catalogue)Octovia Paz: Los Privilegious de la Vista, Centro Cultural Arte de Contemporaneo, A.C., Mexico City, Mexico, March 27-July 1, 1990. (Catalogue)Token Gestures: A Painting Show, Scott Hanson Gallery, New York, March 3-31, 1990.Contemporary Master Works, Emil Leonard Gallery, New York, March 1-30, 1990.Art in Europe and America: the 1950s and 1960s, Wexner Center for the Visual Arts, Columbus, Ohio, February 17-April 22, 1990. (Catalogue)Fine Selected Prints, Schwartz Cierlak Gallery, Santa Monica, California, February 15-March 31, 1990.Universal Limited Art Editions, Latest Releases, Gallery Mukai, Tokyo, Japan, February 15-March 10, 1990.The Indomitable Spirit, International Center of Photography Midtown, New York, February 9–April 7, 1990. Organized by Photographers and Friends United Against AIDS. Traveled to: Fraenkel Gallery, New York, March 14–April 14, 1990; Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, May 15–July 15; BlumHelman Gallery, Los Angeles; Gallery for Fine Photography, New Orleans; Rhona Hoffman, Chicago. (Catalogue)The Indomitable Spirit Portfolio, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, February 3-24, 1990. Sponsored by Photographers + Friends United Against AIDS. Traveled to: Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York, February 22–March 24, 1990; Fraenkel Gallery, New York, March 14-April 14, 1990; Blum Helman Gallery, Los Angeles; A Gallery for Fine Photography, New Orleans, Louisiana; Rhona Hoffman, Chicago, and others.Selected Works by Richard Diebenkorn, Adolph Gottlieb, Robert Motherwell, Robert Rauschenberg, David Smith, Frank Stella,Knoedler & Company, New York, February 3-28, 1990.Fabric: A Chosen Medium, Textile Arts International, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 20-February 24, 1990.Figures D’Accumulation, Musee d'Art Contemporain de Montreal, Canada, January 14-February 11, 1990.Prints of the Eighties, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, January 13-February 28, 1990. Traveled to Rubelle & Norman Schafler Gallery, Pratt Institute, New York, March 2-30, 1990; Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York, June 15-July 29, 1990.Contemporary Illustrated Books: Word and Image, 1967–1988, Franklin Furnace Archive, New York, January 12–February 28, 1990. Organized by Independent Curators, New York. Traveled to: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, April 5–June 3, 1990; University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, February 8–April 7, 1991. (Catalogue)American Selections (Albers, Basquiat, James Brown, Calder, Christo, Condo, Cornell, Kosuth, Noland, McGough, Rauschenberg,Lewitt, Segal, Steinberg, Wesselman), Galerie Hadrien-Thomas, Paris, January 10-February 24, 1990.1989Medium Cool (Important “cool” works from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s), Tavelli Gallery, Aspen, Colorado, December 21, 1989-January 12, 1990.Anni and Josef Albers, Villa Stuck, Munich, December 15-February 25, 1990.Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg: Selections from the Anderson Collection, San Jose Museum of Art, California, December 16, 1989-February 4, 1990.Anni und Josef Albers: Eine Retrospektive, Villa Stuck, Munich, December 15, 1989–February 25, 1990. Traveled to: Josef Albers Museum, Bottrop, April 29–June 4, 1990. (Catalogue)American Masters, Fabian Carlsson Gallery, London, December 15-February 6, 1990.Recent Print Acquisitions, Ivory/ Kimpton Gallery, San Francisco, December 7, 1989-January 13, 1990.Internationale Kunsthler Plakate, Deuthsches Theater Berlin, Berlin, December 5, 1989-January 31, 1990.Contemporary Prints, Greene Gallery, Coral Gables, Florida, opened December 2, 1989.Donations Daniel Cordier / le regard d’un amateur, Musée National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, November 22–January 21, 1989. (Catalogue)L’Art Conceptual, Une Perspective, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, opened November 21, 1989.John Baldessari, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Tishau Hsu, Holt Wuentel, Busche Galerie, Cologne, November 16, 1989-January 20, 1990.Image World, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 8, 1989-February 18, 1990. (Catalogue)Master Prints, Mussavi Gallery, Southampton, New York, November 4–21. Traveled to: Mussavi Gallery, New York, November 25–December 31, 1989.Departures: Photography 1924–1989, Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, November 2–December 2, 1989.American Prints from the Sixties, Susan Sheehan Gallery, New York, November–December, 1989.Important Works on Paper, Meredith Long & Company, Houston, October 1989.Selections from the Reed College Art Collection, the Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, October 28–December 15, 1989.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 21–November 11, 1989.New York Theo, Galeria Theo, Madrid, October–November 1989.Under Pressure, Western Printmaking from the 15th Century to the Present, Center for the Arts, Vero Beach, Florida, September 23–October 12, 1989. (Catalogue)Black and White Since 1960, The City Gallery of Contemporary Art, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 15–December 23, 1989. Traveled to: Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, March 10–May 20, 1989; Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, Conncticut, October 28, 2006–February 25, 2007, and Center for Contemporary Printmaking, Norwalk, Connecuit, January 8–February 16, 2007. (Catalogue amd Brochure)Selected Works, Galerie Enrico Navarra, Paris, September 13–October 31, 1989.Wittgenstein: Das Spiel des Unsagbaren / The Play of the Unsayable, Wiener Secession, Vienna, September 13–October 29, 1990. Traveled to: Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (as Wittgenstein: Het Spel van het Naamloze/Le Jeu de l’indicible), December 17, 1989–January 20, 1990. (Catalogue)Filling in the Gap, Feigen & Company, Chicago, September 8–October 7, 1989.Frank Stella, Robert Rauschenberg, Akira Ikeda Gallery, Nagoya, Japan, September 4–30, 1989.Art in Place, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 29–October 22, 1989.Pop Prints, Neuberger Museum, Purchase, New York, July 22–November 26, 1989.Art By Change: Fortuitous Impressions, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, July 22–September 3, 1989. (Catalogue)Exposition Inaugurale, Musee Temporaire, Fondation Daniel Templon, Frejus, France, July 11–September 10, 1989. (Catalogue)The Golden Gallery, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts, Summer 1989.Summer Show: Major Paintings, Gagosian Gallery, New York, Summer 1989.Five Great American Artists: Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Rosenquist, Frank Stella, Duson Gallery, Seoul, Korea, June 23–July 12, 1989. (Catalogue)Master Prints, Nohra Haime Gallery, New York, June 6–30, 1989.Master Prints, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, June 6–30, 1989.First Impressions, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, June 4–September 10, 1989. Traveled to: Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, December 2, 1989–January 21, 1990; Baltimore Museum of Art, February 25–April 22, 1990; Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, June 21–September 16, 1990. (Catalogue)Collection Beyeler, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, May 24–July 25, 1989.Modern Masters ‘89, Helsinki Art Hall, Finland, May 16–July 30, 1989.Artist/Designer, Inc., New York, May 1–June 30, 1989.A Tribute to Leo Castelli, The Mayor Gallery, London, April 16–May 17, 1989.Works on Paper by Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and Larry Rivers, The Menil Collection, Houston, April 14, 1989–February 4, 1990.Bilderstreit, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, April 8–June 28, 1989. (Catalogue)The Junk Aesthetic: Assemblage of the 1950s and Early 1960s, Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Connecticut, April 7–June 14, 1989s. Traveled to: Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center, New York, June 30–August 23, 1989. (Brochure)Masters in Print, Mussavi Gallery, New York, opened April 5, 1989.Art Contemporain fo the Safeguard of Venice and the Great Wall of China, Drouot–Montaigne, Paris, March 30–April 4, 1989. Traveled to: Palace of the Museum's Art Auction, Beijing, April 29–May 5, 1989.Selected Prints 1960–1989, Brooke Alexander Editions, New York, opened March 23, 1989.Made in Florida, University of South Florida Art Museum, Tampa, March 11-June 3, 1989. Traveled to: Musée Cantini, Marseille, September 15-November 11, 1989; Centre D’Art Contemporain, Geneva, December 15, 1989-February 3, 1990; Provinciaal Museum, Hasselt, Belgium, March 5-April 14, 1990; Centre d’Art en Santa Monica, Barcelona, May 14-June 23, 1990; Jacksonville Art Museum, Florida, September 14-November 3, 1990; Center for the Arts, Miami, January 23-March 4, 1991; Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, Florida, March 24-May 6, 1991; Brevard Art Center and Museum, Melbourne, Florida, May 22-July 8, 1991; Pensacola Art Museum, Florida, September 11-November 1, 1991; Orlando Museum of Art, November 20, 1991-January 20, 1992.Universal Limited Art Editions: 1982–1989, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, March 4–25, 1989.Altered States, The Harcus Gallery, Boston, March 4–29, 1989.Great American Prints: 1987–89, Dolan/Maxwell, Philadelphia, March 3–April 5, 1989.Prints and Drawings Gallery, The Brooklyn Museum, New York, March–June 19, 1989.10th Anniversary Exhibition, Galerie Michael Haas, Berlin, Spring 1989.Repetition, Hirschl and Adler Modern, New York, February 25–March 25, 1989.Inalienable Rights: Art of France and the United States, The Gallery, Benjamin N. Cardoza School of Law, Yeshiva University, New York, February 23–April 6, 1989.Sequence (Con)sequence: (sub)Version of Photography in the 80s, Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, Annendale-on-Hudson, New York, February 12–April 16, 1989. (Catalogue)Pre/Pop Post/ Appropriation, Stux Gallery, New York, February 3–March 4, 1989.Words, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, January 21–February 18, 1989.Twentieth Century Art: Selections for the Tenth Anniversary of the East Building, The National Gallery, Washington, D.C., opened January 17, 1989.Joseph Beuys, Marcel Broodthaers, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Galerie Isy Brachot, Paris, January 12–March 11, 1989.Award Dinner Exhibition, National Arts Club, New York, January 11, 1989.Selections 4 (Polaroid Exhibition). Organized by Polaroid Corporation, Bedford, Massachusetts. Traveled to: Idea Books, Milan, January–March 1989; Franz Hals Museum, Haarlem, The Netherlands, April 16–June 17, 1989; Foto Museum, Bremen, July 7–August 23, 1989; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Caracas, November 22, 1989–January 7, 1990; Houston Fotofest, February 10-March 10, 1990; North Dakota Museum of Art, Grand Forks, June 3-July 12, 1990; Bergen Museum of Art, Paramus, New Jersey, August 28-October 7, 1990; University of West Florida, Pensacola, October 18-November 21, 1990.1988Identity: Representations of the Self, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York, December 14, 1988–February 10, 1989. (Catalogue)Twentieth Century Art, Selections for the Tenth Anniversary of the East Building, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., December 13–December 31, 1990. (Brochure)Identity: Representations of the Self, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 13, 1988–February 10, 1989.New Acquisitions, Knoedler Gallery, New York, December 10, 1988–January 12, 1989.Viewpoints: Postwar Painting and Sculpture from the Guggenheim Museum Collection and Major Loans, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, December 9, 1988–January 22, 1989.Hommage a Picasso, John Szoke Gallery, New York, November 29–December 23, 1988.Twentieth Century Drawing, The Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Connecticut, November 18, 1988–January 1, 1989. Traveled to: The Whitney Museum of American Art at the Equitable Center, New York.Gianfranco Gorgoni: Altered Images, The Penson Gallery, New York, November 15–December 10, 1988. (Catalogue)Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture by Modern and Contemporary Masters, James Goodman Gallery, New York, November 1988.Looking South: A Different Dixie, Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, October 14, 1988–January 7, 1989. Traveled to: Brooks Museum of Art, Memphis, March 4–April 9, 1989; St. Petersburg Museum of Fine Arts, Florida, August 6–October 1, 1989; The Columbus Museum, Georgia, November 15–January 30, 1990; Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, March 1–April 30, 1990. (Catalogue)Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenberg, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol, Jay Gorney Modern Art, New York, October 13–November 26, 1988.Colección Leo Castelli, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, October 7, 1988–January 8, 1989. (Catalogue)La Couleur seule: L’Expérience du monochrome, Musée Saint Pierre Art Contemporain, Lyon, October 7–December 5, 1988. (Catalogue)Sculpture & Painting, Heland Wetterling Gallery, Goteborg, Sweden, October 6–November 22, 1988.La Couleur Seule, L’Experience du Monochrome, Musee St. Pierre, Lyon, October 5–December 5, 1988.Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., October–January 1989.Process and Print, Sarah Lawrence College Art Gallery, Bronxville, New York, September 27–November 23, 1988. (Catalogue)Stationen der Moderne, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, September 25, 1988–January 8, 1989. (Catalogue)Birth of a Collection, Ancienne Commanderie Sainte-Luce, Arles, France, September 6–December 31, 1988. (Commemorating the 100th anniversary of Vincent Van Gogh’s arrival in Arles.)Hommage a Toiny Castelli, Galerie Des Ponchettes, Nice, July 13–September 18, 1988.Objects, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, July 7–29, 1988.The McNay and the Texas Artists, The Marion Koogler McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas, July 1–31, 1988. (Brochure)Pictures for the Sky, Miyagi Prefectural Art Museum, Sendai, Japan, June 11–July 10, 1988 (Art Kite Exhibition World Tour). Organized under the auspices of Goethe-Institut Osaka). Traveled to: Mie Prefectural Art Museum, Tsu, Japan, July 10–September 3, 1988; Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, Japan, October 22–December 11, 1988; City Art Museum, Himeji, Japan, March 3–28, 1989; Vernissage in the Sky, Himeji, Japan, April 1–2, 1989; Hara Museum Arc, Gunma, Japan, April 15–June 4, 1989; Prefectural Art Museum, Shizuoka, Japan, July 23–August 27, 1989; City Art Museum, Nagoya, September 5–October 1, 1989; Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, October 10–November 12, 1989; Haus der Kunst, Germany, December 15–February 18, 1990; Grande Halle de la Villette, Paris, April 24–July 1, 1990; Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, July 13–September 2, 1990; Zentrales Kunstlerhaus, Moskau, Germany, September 21–October 21, 1990; Deichtorhalle, Hamburg, November 3–July 12, 1990; Modern Art Center, Gulbenkian, Lisbon, December 21–January 27, 1990; Musee des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, February 14–April 21, 1991; Sala de Exposiciones del Arenal, EXPO 92, Sevilla, May 5–June 9, 1991; Nationalgalerie, Berlin, June 28–August 11, 1991; Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, August 24–September 29, 1991; Promotrice delle Belle Arti, Turin, October 19–December 8, 1991; Documenta- Halle, Kassel, November 22, 1992–January 31, 1993; The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, June 17–September 26, 1993; Sydney Art Festival, January 7-8, 1995; Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, April 26, 1996.Cunningham Benefit Art Exhibition and Sale, Blum Helman Gallery, New York, June 1–4, 1988.Direction and Diversity: Works from the Permanent Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Summer 1988.Affiches, Collages, Decollages, Galerie Zabriskie, Paris, May 14–June 30, 1988.An Exhibition of Selected Works in Honor of Tony Castelli, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 7–June 15, 1988.Selections from the Permanent Collection, Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, May 1988.The International Art Show for the End of World Hunger, Kolnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, April 21–May 29, 1988. Traveled.Recent Acquisitions 1985–1988 and Selections from the Permanent Collection: Contemporary Art, Ringling Museum, Sarasota, Florida, April 1–July 5, 1988.Aspects of Collage, Assemblage and the Found Object in 20th Century Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 29–May 22, 1988. (Brochure)Twentieth Century American Art: Highlights of the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Robert Hull Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, March 25–May 22, 1988. Traveled to: Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, June 17–August 7, 1988; Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona, August 26–October 2, 1988.Oggetto, Lucio Amelio, Naples, opened March 25, 1988.The Artist and the Choreographer: Sets and Studies for the Dance, University Center Gallery, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York, March 13–April 22, 1988.Celebrating Leo Castelli and Pop Art: Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist,Andy Warhol, Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Helsinki, March 12–May 21, 1988. (Catalogue)Gordon Matta-Clark and Friends, Galerie Lelong, New York, March 10–April 16, 1988.American Print Renaissance 1958–1988, Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Connecticut, February 5–April 6, 1988.Committed to Print, Museum of Modern Art, New York, January 31–April 19, 1988. Traveled to: University Art Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, October 30–December 15, 1980; Peace Museum, Chicago, March 3–May 31, 1989; Glenbow Museum, Calgary, September 23–November 19, 1989; New York State Museum, Albany, December 16, 1989–February 11, 1990; Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas, Lawrence, March 25–May 6, 1990; Newport Harbor Art Museum, California, July 20–September 30, 1990. (Catalogue)Übrigens sterben immer die anderen: Marcel Duchamp und die Avantgarde seit 1950, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, January 15–March 6, 1988. (Catalogue)Marcel Duchamp and the Avant Garde Since 1950, Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany, January 14–March 6, 1988.Five in Florida, Helander Gallery, Palm Beach, January 14–February 10, 1988.1987The Arts at Black Mountain College, Grey Art Gallery, New York, closed December 19, 1987.Contemporary American Collage 1960–1986, Herter Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 9–December 11, 1987. Traveled to: The William Benton Museum of Art, University of Connecticut, Storrs, January 24–March 7, 1988; Lehigh Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, September 11–October 23, 1988; Kansas City Art Institute, Missouri, November 14–December 24, 1988; University Art Gallery, State University New York, Albany, January 24–March 6, 1989; Nevada Institute for Contemporary Art, Las Vegas, March 27–May 8, 1989.Hommage a Leo Castelli, Musee Temporaire, Foundation Daniel Templon, Frejus, France, October 23–November 25, 1987.Collection Sonnabend, Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, October 30, 1987–February 15, 1988. Traveled to: CAPC Musee d'art Contemporain, Bordeaux, May 6–September 25, 1988; Art Cologne, November 10–November 16, 1988; Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin, December 7, 1988–February 26, 1989 (as Museum der Avantgarde: Die Sammlung Sonnabend, New York); Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, April 14–October 2, 1989 (as La collezione Sonnabend: Dalla pop art in poi); Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento, November 4, 1989–January 7, 1990; Musée Rath, Geneva, January 28–April 16, 1990; Sezon Museum of Art, Tokyo, May 15–June 24, 1990; Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, July 3–August 16, 1990; Fukuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, September 22–October 14, 1990; The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, January 5-February 11,1991. (Catalogue)Images on Stone: Two Centuries of Artists’ Lithographs, Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, Texas, October 30–December 19, 1987. Traveled to: San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, Texas, March 3–April 4, 1988; Tyler Museum of Art, Texas, April 21–July 3, 1988; Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, September 22–October 30, 1988. (Catalogue)Implosion: A Postmodern Perspective, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, October 24–January 10, 1988. (Catalogue)Strong Statements in Black and White, James Goodman Gallery, New York, October 6–31, 1987.Contemporary Art Exhibition to Commemorate Sogetsu 60th Anniversary, Sogetsu Museum of Art, Osaka, October–March 1987.From American Pop Art to the New Figurative Painting, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, September 23–November 23, 1987. (Works from The Museum of Modern Art, Frankfurt, Germany)Black, Siegeltuch Gallery, New York, September 19–October 31, 1987.Digital Visions: Computers and Art, Everson Museum of Art, New York, September 18, 1987–November 8, 1987. Traveled to: Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, November 27, 1987–January 9, 1988; IBM Gallery of Science and Art, New York, April 26–June 18, 1988; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, August 13–September 25, 1988. (Catalogue)Diamonds Are Forever: Artists and Writers on Baseball, The New York State Museum, Albany, September 16–November 5, 1987. Traveled to: Norton Gallery of Art, West Palm Beach, Florida, January 23–March 13, 1988; Museo de Arte e Historia, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 30–June 12, 1988; The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, July 2–August 21, 1988; Utah Museum of Fine Arts, Salt Lake City, September 11–October 30, 1988; The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, January 15–April 9, 1989; Baltimore Museum of Art, May 14–June 25,1989; The Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, July 8–September 9, 1989; The Oakland Museum, September 30, 1989–January 7, 1990; The New York Public Library, February 17–April 21, 1990; The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, June 2–July 15, 1990; Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, August 18–October 21, 1990; Southeast Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, November 17–February 3, 1991; Skydome, Toronto, April 8–July 9, 1991; Yurakucho Art Forum, Seibu Department Store, Tokyo, August 1–August 26, 1991; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, October 5–November 17, 1991; Denver Art Museum, Downtown Branch, December 1991- January 1992; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Arizona, February 27–April 19, 1992; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, May 16–July 5, 1992. (Catalogue)The International Art Show for the End of World Hunger, Minnesota Museum of Arts, St. Paul, September 13–November 8, 1987. Traveled to: Sonja Henie-Neils Onstad Foundation, Høvikodden, Norway, December 8, 1987–January 20, 1988; Stavanger Kulturhus, Norway, January 24–February 7, 1988; Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Sweden, February 27–April 4, 1988; Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, April 22–May 29, 1988; Musée des Arts Africains et Océaniens, Paris, June 10–July 20, 1988; Barbican Art Gallery, London, August 4–October 2, 1988; Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, November 11–December 10, 1988; Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, January 14–March 7, 1989; Salas Nacionales de Exposición, Buenos Aires, May 30–June 22, 1989; Museu de Arte de São Paulo, July 6–28, 1989; Sala Mendoza, Caracas, August 10–September 17, 1989; Scottsdale Center for the Arts, Arizona, November 17, 1989–January 14, 1990; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, January 26–March 23, 1990; Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, Oregon, April 5–May 25, 1990; Setagaya Art Museum, Tokyo, June 14–August 14, 1990; El Museo del Barrio, New York, January 24–March 15, 1991. (Catalogue)Contemporary Assemblage, Germans Van Eck, New York, September 12–October 10, 1987.New Perspective in Modern Art, Dramatis Personae Gallery, New York, August 8–September 20, 1987.The Artist and the Space Shuttle, Galaxy Center, John F. Kennedy Space Center, Florida, opened August 1, 1987.New Perspectives in Modern Art, The Paterson Museum, Paterson, New Jersey, July 12–August 16, 1987.Segno American: Grafica Anni 60/70, Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Turin, Summer 1987.Leo Castelli: A Tribute Exhibit, The Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, June 28–September 27, 1987. (Catalogue)Leo Castelli y sus Artistas, Centro Cultural Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico City, June 25–October 18, 1987. (Catalogue)Impressionist and 20th Century Masters, (Selected works from the collection of Asher B. Edelman), Thomas Ammann Fine Art, Zurich, June 17–September 18, 1987.Comic Iconoclasm, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, June 17–September 12, 1987. Traveled to: Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, October 8–November 21, 1987; Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester, January 12–February 21 1988. (Catalogue)The Menil Collection, The Menil Collection, Houston, June 7, 1987–October 24, 1988.Photography and Art: Interaction Since 1946, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, June 4–August 30. Traveled to: Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, October 15–January 24, 1988; Queens Museum, New York, February 13–April 3, 1988; Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 6–June 26, 1988.Art Against AIDS, Seventy Galleries, New York, June 4–December 1987. (Catalogue)Portraits from the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 29–September 20, 1987. Traveled to: American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, November 4–December 13, 1987.20th Century Drawings from the Whitney Museum of American Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May 21–September 7, 1987. Traveled to: Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, September 30–November 8, 1987; Achenbach Foundation, California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, March 5–June 5, 1988; Arkansas Arts Center, Little Rock, June 30–August 28, 1988; Whitney Museum of American Art, Stamford, Connecticut, November 17, 1988–January 25, 1989.Assemblage, Kent Fine Art Inc., New York, May 12–July 2, 1987.A Tribute to John Cage: Chicago International Art Exposition, Carl Solway Gallery, Chicago, May 7–12, 1987. Organized by Allan Kaprow. (Catalogue)Editions: A Selection, Gloria Luria Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, May 1–23, 1987.Avant-Garde in the Eighties, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 23–July 12, 1987. (Catalogue)New Images, Helander Gallery, Palm Beach, April 16–May 19, 1987.The Arts at Black Mountain College, 1933–1957, Edith C. Blum Art Institute, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, April 11–July 5, 1987. Traveled to: North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, July 25–October 4, 1987; Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York, October 25–December 19, 1987. (Catalogue)Made in U.S.A.: An Americanization in Modern Art, the ‘50s and ‘60s, University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, April 4–June 21, 1987. Traveled to: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, July 25–September 6, 1987; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, October 7–December 7, 1987. (Catalogue)Wrinkled, Burnett Miller Gallery, Los Angeles, April 3–May 8, 1987.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, March 26–May 2, 1987.Rauschenberg, Schwitters, Tuttle, Blum Helman Gallery, New York, February 4–28, 1987.This is Not a Photograph: Twenty Years of Large Scale Photography, 1966–1986, The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, March 7–May 31, 1987. Traveled to: Akron Art Museum, Ohio, October 31, 1987–January 10, 1988; Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Virginia, February 26–May 1, 1988. (Catalogue)1967: At the Crossroads, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March–April 1987.XXXth Anniversary: The First Fifteen Years: Part 1, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, January 31–March 7, 1987.Selections from the Roger and Myra Davidson Collection, Art Gallery of Ontario, January 17–March 22, 1987.20 Years of Graphics by The Graphic Arts Council of The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Robert Berman Gallery, Santa Monica, California, January 10–February 5, 1987.1986Selections from the Bequest of Nancy Hanks, Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, North Carolina. Traveled to: Clara M. Eagle Gallery, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky; Meadows Museum of Art of Centenary College, Shreveport, Louisiana: Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, Madison, Georgia; Friends of Art of Naples, Florida; Children’s Museum of Oak Ridge, Tennesse; Deland Museum, Deland, Florida; Albany Museum of Art, Georgia, Thomasville Cultural Center, Georgia.Poetics of Space: Contemporary Photographic Works, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, December 19, 1986–March 22, 1987. (Catalogue)Text and Image: The Wording of American Art, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, December 11, 1986–January 3, 1987.Individuals: A Selected History of Contemporary Art, 1945–1986, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, December 10, 1986–January 10, 1988. (Catalogue)New Work, Blum Helman, Los Angeles, opened December 4, 1986Leo Castelli at Gagosian, Larry Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles, December 1986.Leo Castelli and Castelli Graphics at Gabrielle Bryers, Gabrielle Bryers Gallery, New York, November 29, 1986–January 3, 1987.Salute to Leo Castelli, Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, November 19, 1986–January 5, 1987.L'Art de Notre Temps, Prefiguration des Collections D'Art Contemporain de la Fondation Daniel Templon, Sophia-Antipolis, Salon sponsoring et du Mecenat Palais des Festivals–Cannes, France, November 12–15, 1986.Selections from a Growing Permanent Collection, Housatonic Museum of Art, Bridgeport, Connecticut, October 22–November 26, 1986. (Catalogue)Contemporary Art Exhibition to Commemorate Sogetsu 60th Anniversary, Sogetsu Art Museum, Tokyo, October 13, 1986–March 28, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg and David Bradshaw, Catamount Film and Arts, St. Johnsbury, Vermont, October 9–November 12, 1986.Part I: 6 Artists in 3 Forms, James Goodman Gallery, New York, September 30–September 25, 1986.Philadelphia Collects Art Since 1940, Philadelphia Museum of Art, September 28–November 28, 1986.Television’s Impact on Contemporary Art, Queens Museum, New York, September 13–October 26, 1986. (Catalogue)Color on Paper, M. Knoedler & Co., New York, September 9–October 4, 1986.Word, Joy Moos Gallery, Miami, September 5–27, 1986.Frederick Kiesler, Galerie Alfred Kren, Cologne, September 3–October 4, 1986.Paperworks Now, Wallace Wentworth Gallery, Ltd., Washington, D.C., September 2–27, 1986.The Automobile in Art 1886–1986, Haus der Kunst, Munich, August 9–October 5, 1986. (Catalogue)Hollywood Legends, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, August 5–October 12, 1986.The Artist and the Space Shuttle, Mitsukoshi Gallery, Mitsukoshi Department Store, Tokyo, August 5–17, 1986.Beuys zu Ehren, Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, July 16–November 2, 1986. (Catalogue)Seven American Masters, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., July 4–November 12, 1986.The Embellishment of the Statue of Liberty, Barney's New York, June 30–August 1, 1986.Summer Group Exhibition, Castelli Gallery/ Greene Street, New York, June 28–July 31, 1986.The Statue of Liberty in Illustration: 1886–1986, The Society of Illustrators Museum of American Illustration, New York, June 25–July 25, 1986.Summer Group Exhibition, Castelli Gallery, New York, June 21–July 26, 1986.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, June 14–September 13, 1986.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 14–September 13, 1986.Group Exhibition, Blum Helman Gallery, New York, June 11–August 30, 1986.Group Exhibition, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, May 3–June 15, 1986.Hollywood: Legend and Reality, National Museum of American History, Washington, D.C., April 17–June 15. Traveled to: Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, August 5–October 11, 1986; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, November 29, 1986–February 15, 1987; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, April 13–June 23, 1987; Denver Art Museum, August 17–October 27, 1987; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, December 5, 1987–February 21, 1988; Seibu Department Store, Tokyo, April 9–May 15, 1988. (Catalogue)A Matter of Scale, Blue Hill Cultural Center, Pearl River, New York, April 15–June 15, 1986.Prints by New York Artists, Transworld Art-Alex Rosenberg Gallery, New York, March 8–April 12, 1986.Forty Years of Modern Art: 1945–1982, The Tate Gallery, London, February 1986.Print Review 1983–1985, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, February 15–March 8, 1986.Aus Privaten Sammlungen, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, February 8–April 19, 1986.Highlights of Twenty Years 1966–1986, Gloria Luria Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, February 7–March 1, 1986.Public and Private: American Prints Today, Brooklyn Museum, New York, February 7–May 5, 1986.Treasures from the National Museum of American Art, The National Museum of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Traveled to: Seattle Art Museum, opened February 20, 1986; Minneapolis Institute of Arts; Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio; Amon Center Museum, Fort Worth; High Museum, Atlanta; National Museum of American Art, May 1987.American Graphic Arts: Watercolors, Drawings and Prints from the Collection of Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, January 24–April 13, 1986.An American Renaissance: Painting and Sculpture Since 1940, Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, January 12–March 30, 1986. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, January 11–February 11, 1986.Acquisitions, Margo Leavin Gallery, Hilldale, Califronia, January 4–February 8, 1986.1985Modern Art at Harvard, Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Fall 1985.Selections from the Ileana and Michael Sonnabend Collection: Works from the 1950’s and 1960’s, The Art Museum, Princeton University, February 3−June 9, 1985. Traveled to: Arthur M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, September 8−27, 1985; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, November 23, 1985−March 8, 1986; and Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, March 29−June 8, 1986. (Catalogue)American Lithography: 1957–1985, Butler Gallery, Houston, December 20, 1985–January 20, 1986.Selections from the Leif Johnson Collection: 1965–1985, Gallery of Fine Art, Edison Community College, Ft. Myers, Florida, December 7, 1985–February 14, 1986.Homework, Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, December 5–31, 1985.Americkanische Zeichnungen 1930 -1980, Stadtische Galerie im Stadelschen Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt, November 30, 1985–January 26, 1986.Transformations in Sculpture: Four Decades of American and European Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, November 22, 1985–February 16, 1986.Contemporary Works from the Collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York: November 21, 1985–April 1, 1986.On Drawing: Aspects of Drawing 1960–1985, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt, November 8–December 29, 1985; Kassleler Kunstverein, Kassel, January 15–February 23, 1986; Museum Moderner Kunst, Vienna, March 13–April 27, 1986.Twentieth Century Works of Art, Stephen Mazoh & Co., Inc., New York, Fall 1985.American Impressions: American Printmaking Since Pollack, van Straaten Gallery, Chicago, October 18–November 16, 1985.Pop Art from the Tremaine Collection, Larry Gagosian Gallery, New York, October 5–November 16, 1985.Actual Size: An Exhibition of Small Paintings and Sculptures, Larry Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles, September 24–October 16, 1985A Second Talent: Painters and Sculptors Who Are Also Photographers, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, September 22–December 29, 1985.Dreißig Jahre durch die Kunst, Museum Haus Lange and Museum Haus Esters, Krefeld, September 15–December 1, 1985. (Catalogue)Action Regionale Pour la Creation Artistique: New York 1985, Marseille, July 9–August 31, 1985.Painterly Visions, 1940–1984: The Guggenheim Collection and Major Loans, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, June 28–September 2, 1985.International Biennial of Graphic Art, Galerie of Modern Art, Lubljana, Yugoslavia, June 21–September 30, 1985.Paper: From Surface to Form, City Gallery, City of New York Department of Cultural Affairs, New York, June 10–July 6, 1985.The Door, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York, June 5–July 15, 1985.The Classic Tradition in Recent Painting and Sculpture, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, May 19–September 1, 1985.ULAE Since 1982, Dolan Maxwell Gallery, Philadelphia, May 1985.XIX and XX Century Master Drawings and Watercolors, Acquavella Galleries, New York, April 22–May 24, 1985.The Kansas City Art Institute’s First Century, Nelson-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, Missouri, April 20–May 26, 1985.Dorothy C. Miller: With an Eye to American Art, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, Massachusetts, April 19–June 16, 1985.A Tribute to Leo Castelli, The Mayor Gallery, London, April 16–May 17, 1985. Exhibition part of the American Festival in Britain. Traveled to: Cardiff and Glasgow.60’s Color, Larry Gagosian Gallery, Los Angeles, April 16–May 11, 1985.Philip Johnson: Selected Gifts, Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 10–October 27, 1985.Modern American Masters, Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston, April 10–May 1985.Black and White: From Manet to Kiefer, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, April–May 1985.The Maximal Implications of the Minimal Line, Edith C. Blum Art Institute, The Bard College Center, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, March 24–April 28, 1985.Dracos Art Center, Dracos Art Center, Athens, March 4–April 18, 1985. (Catalogue)7000 Eichen [7,000 Oaks], Kunsthalle Tubingen, March 2–April 14, 1985. Traveled to: Kunsthalle Bielefeld, June 2–August 11, 1985; Staatliche und Stadtische Kunstsammlungen Kassel, August 25–September 22, 1985.Group Exhibition, Dracos Art Center, Athens, February 27–April 14, 1985.Twenty-seven Ways of Looking at American Drawing 1930–1980, Rice Museum, Institute for the Arts, Rice University, Houston, February 26–April 7, 1985. Expanded version traveled to: École Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Chapelle des Petits Augustins, Paris, as Cinquante Ans Dessins Americains 1930–1980, May 3–July 13, 1985; Stadtische Galerie Im Stadelschen Kunstitut, Frankfurt am Main, November 28, 1985–January 26, 1986.Pop Art: 1955–1970, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, February 26–April 14, 1985. Organized under the auspices of the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to: Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, May 1–June 2, 1985; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, June 26–August 11, 1985. (Catalogue)The Panza Collection, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, February 13–September 29, 1985. (Catalogue)Bilder Fun Frankfurt, Museum fur Moderne Kunst Frankfurt, February 8–April 14, 1985.Selections from the Ileana and Michael Sonnabend Collection: Works from the 1950s and 1960s, Princeton University Art Museum, New Jersey, February 3–June 9, 1985. Traveled to: Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, September 8–October 27, 1985; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, November 23, 1985–March 9, 1986. (Catalogue)Opening Exhibition, Lorence Monk Gallery, New York, January 30–February 23, 1985.Recent Acquisitions: 1980–1984, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, Massachusetts, January 20–March 3, 1985.Twentieth-Century American Printmakers: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art,Greenville County Museum of Art, Greenville, South Carolina, January 14–March 10, 1985. Traveled to: Joseph and Margaret Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia, April 1–June 4, 1985; Hunter Museum of Art, Chattanooga, June 17–August 18, 1985; Sunrise Museums, Charleston, West Virginia, August 31–November 3, 1985; Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, November 17, 1985–January 26, 1986; Fred L. Emerson Gallery, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, February 10–April 6, 1986; Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama, April 28–June 22, 1986.Recent Acquisitions, Marisa del Re Gallery, Inc., New York, January 9–February 2, 1985.1984The Florida Document, Daytona Beach Community College Gallery of Fine Arts, Florida. Organized by the Southwest Center for Photographic Studies, 1984.Helander/Rubenstein, Palm Beach, March 1984.100 Works by Modern Masters: From the Guggenheim Museum, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.Drawings from Klein to Kiefer, Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, December 8–January 5, 1985.Enzo Cucchi, Robert Rauschenberg, Donald Sultan: New Paintings, BlumHelman, New York, December 5, 1984–January, 1985.Group Exhibition, Carl Solway Gallery, Cincinatti, Ohio, November 30–December 15, 1984.Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, November 24–December 15, 1984.Gemini G.E.L.: Art and Collaboration, The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., November 18, 1984–February 24, 1985. Traveled to: Seattle Art Museum, July 11–September 8, 1985; Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, December 1, 1985–January 19, 1986; Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago, March 7–April 27, 1986; Los Angeles County Museum of Art, November 1, 1987–January 3, 1988; National Museum of Art, Osaka, October 1–December 4, 1988; Yonago City Museum, Japan, January 14–February 5, 1989; Machida City Museum of Graphics Art, Japan, February 17–March 19, 1989.Masters of the Sixties: From New Realism to Pop Art, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, November 7–December 1, 1984.Viewpoint: The Artist As Photographer, Summit Art Center, Summit, New Jersey, November 4–December 30, 1984.Rauschenberg and Dine, Fay Gold Gallery, Atlanta, October 26–November 28, 1984.The Florida Document, Front Street Gallery, Wilmington, North Carolina, October 15–November 9, 1984. Traveled to: Visual Arts Gallery, Pensacola Junior College, Florida, November 26–December 21, 1984; Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach, January 14–February 22, 1985; Daytona Beach Community College Gallery of Fine Arts, March 11–April 5, 1985; Performing Arts Center & Theater, Clearwater, Florida, May 30–July 11, 1985; North Miami Museum and Art Center, July 14–August 2, 1985; University of Central Florida, Orlando, October 28–November 22, 1985; Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, January 24–February 14, 1986; Stetson University, Deland, Florida, March 3–28, 1986; Florida School for the Arts, Palatka, April 14–May 9, 1986; Atlantic Center for the Arts, New Smyrna Beach, Florida, September 24–October 24, 1986.New Drawings by Castelli Artists, Castelli Graphics, New York, October 13–November 3, 1984.Drawings, BlumHelman, New York, October 10–November 3, 1984.Collage Expanded, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, October 1–20, 1984.Group Exhibition, Solomon & Co., New York, October–November 30, 1984.BLAM! The Explosion of Pop, Minimalism and Performance 1958–1964, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, September 19–December 2, 1984. (Catalogue)Out of Context, Thorp Intermedia Gallery, Sparkill, New York, September 16–October 21, 1984.Disarming Images: Art for Nuclear Disarmament, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, September 14–October 27, 1984. Organized by Bread and Roses, New York. Traveling to: University Art Gallery, San Diego State University, November 23–Dece,ber 22; Museum of Art, Washington State University, Pullman, February 11–March 3, 1985; New York State Museum, Albany, March 24–June 2, 1985; University Art Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, June 25–August 4, 1985; Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute Museum of Art, Utica, New York, September 1–29, 1985; Fine Arts Gallery, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 5–February 2, 1986; Baxter Art Gallery, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, March 2–30, 1986; Yellowstone Art Center, Billings, Montana, April 28–June 9, 1986; Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, September 11–November 20, 1986. (Catalogue)Synthetic Art, Harm Bouckaert Gallery, New York, September 6–October 6, 1984.Ten Painters and Sculptors Draw, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, August 1–September 30, 1984. (Catalogue)Automobile and Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, July 21, 1984–January 6, 1985. Traveled to Detroit Institute for the Arts as Automobile and Culture: Detroit Style, June 9–September 9, 1985. (Catalogue)American Art From the Frederick R. Weisman Foundation Collection, San Francisco Art Institute, opened July 15, 1984.50 Artists/50 States, Fuller Goldeen Gallery, San Francisco, July 12–August 25, 1984.The Artist and the Theater, Philippe Bonnafont Gallery, San Francisco, July 11–August 11, 1984.Castelli at Art Center, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, June 25–July 21, 1984.Fiber Crosscurrents, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Shegoygan, Wisconsin, June 24–August 26, 1984.Collecttiva, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 23–September 8, 1984.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, June 15–July 27, 1984.41st Venice Biennale, June 10–September 9, 1984. (Catalogue)Artistic Collaboration in the Twentieth Century, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, D.C., June 9–August 19, 1984. Traveled to: Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin, November 18, 1984–January 15, 1985; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, February 21–April 21, 1985. (Catalogue)Olympian Gestures, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, June 7–October 7, 1984.Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert, Merian-Park, Basel, June 3–September 30, 1984. (Catalogue)Sculpture in the 20th Century, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, June 2–September 30, 1984.Summer Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, June 2–30, 1984.XLII Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte. La Biennale de Venezia, June 1984.Summer Exhibition/ 20 Years of Collecting, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Summer 1984.Prints 1960–1970/ Selections from the Collection, National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C., May 25–November 30, 1984.1984 Olympic Fine Art Posters, ARCO Center for Visual Art, Los Angeles, May 7–26, 1984.101 Photographs: Selections from the Stigma Collection, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California, May 3–June 10, 1984.The Skowhegan Celebration Exhibition, Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, May 1–31, 1984. (Catalogue)Icons of the ‘60s, Brooke Alexander, Inc., New York, April 24–May 19, 1984.New Portrait, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, P.S. 1, Long Island City, New York, April 15–June 10, 1984.Cardboard Canvases: Record Albums and Art, Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York, April 15–June 22, 1984.American Drawings, Galerie Biedermann, Munich, opened April 12, 1984.Issues (Robert and Nancy Kaye Collection), Holman Art Gallery, Trenton State College, New Jeresey, March 28–April 18, 1984.Master Drawings 1928–1984, Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston, March 17–April 1984.Fifteenth Anniversary Exhibition, Castelli Graphics, New York, March 10–31, 1984.The Spirit of Modernism: The Tremaine Collection: 20th Century Masters, Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, Connecticut, February 26–April 29, 1984.From the Beginning, Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, New York, February 18–March 24, 1984.Techniques in Printmaking, Alex Rosenberg Gallery/Transworld Art, New York, February 3–27, 1984.Salvage: Altered Everyday Objects, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, P.S. 1, Long Island City, New York, January 22–March 24, 1984.Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, January 20–February 1984. (Premiere group show in new wing)In Quest of Excellence: Civic Pride, Patronage, Connoisseurship, Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, January 14–April 22, 1984. (Catalogue)Is This Natural World? Cirrus, Los Angeles, January 7–February 18, 1984.Ruth Eckerd Hall, Performing Arts Center, Clearwater, Florida, opened January 7, 1984. (Premiere exhibit)American Art From Frederick Weisman Foundation Collection, Palm Springs Desert Art Museum, California, January 7–February 26, 1984. Traveled to: San Francisco Art Institute, opened July 15, 1984.1983International Paperworks Conference Exhibit, International Paperworks Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 1983.International Paperworks Conference, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum. Traveled to The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, 1983.Drawing in Air, Sunderland Arts Center, Winter 1983–1984.Galerie Denise Rene/Hans Mayer, Dusseldorf, Germany: Opened December 15, 1983.The Alternative Image II: Photography on Nonconventional Supports, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, December 4, 1983–February 12, 1984. (Catalogue)Eight by Eight to Celebrate the Temporary Contemporary, Leo Castelli, 142 Greene Street and the Metropolitan Museum, Mezzanine Gallery, New York, December 3–17, 1983 and December 3–14, 1983.The First Show: Paintings and Sculpture from Eight Collections 1940–1980, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, November 23, 1983–February 19, 1984. (Catalogue)Art Contre/Against Apartheid, Foundation Nationale des Art Graphiques et Plastiques, Paris, opened November 22, 1983.Twentieth Century Drawings, The Fort Worth Art Museum, Texas, November 20, 1983–January 15, 1984.Works on Paper: Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, November 19–December 17, 1983.Sammlung Helga und Walther Lauffs, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, Germany, November 15, 1983–April 8, 1984.Fragment/ Fragmentary/ Fragmentation, The New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, Connecticut, November 13–December 31, 1983.Made in America, Harcourts Contemporary, San Francisco, November 11–December 31, 1983.Posters and Prints from Ringling Museum's Circulation Exhibition, Captiva Memorial Library, Captiva, Florida, November 8–December 7, 1983.Trends in Post-War American and European Art, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, November 8–27, 1983.Art of the Comic Strip, Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, Pennsylvania, November 6, 1983–February 26, 1984.The American Artists as Printmaker, 23rd National Print Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum, New York, October 28, 1983–January 22, 1984.The Modern Drawing: One Hundred Works on Paper in the Museum of Modern Art, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 26, 1983–January 3, 1984.Eight by Eight to Celebrate the Temporary Contemporary, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, October 25–November 26, 1983.Art for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, October 18–20, 1983. Traveled to: Fuller Goldeen, San Francisco, October 21–27, 1983; Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, October 28–November 3, 1983; Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, November 4–7, 1983; Greenberg Gallery, St. Louis, November 8–11, 1983; John C. Stoller and Co., Minneapolis, November 12–20, 1983; Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago, November 21–24; Barbara Krakow, Boston, November 25–December 2, 1983; Brooke Alexander., New York, December 3, 1983, closing auction, December 1–3. (Catalogue)Group Photo Show, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon, October 14–November 9, 1983.Contemporary Drawings, Delahunty Gallery, Dallas, October 8–November 9, 1983.Modern Nude Paintings 1880–1980, National Museum of Art, Osaka, October 7–December 4, 1983. (Catalogue)Homage to Leo Castelli, Seibu Department Stores, Tokyo, opened October 7, 1983.Student Choice, A & A Gallery, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, October 3–14, 1983.Modern Art in the West Guggenheim, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, October 1–December 25, 1983. (Catalogue)20th Century Prints from the Godwin-Ternback Museum, Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Mattis Gallery, Queens College, Flushing, New York, September 26–November 10, 1983.Stage Model for Set and Reset, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York, September 13–October 1, 1983. In conjunction with The Next Wave Fall Festival, Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York.Photography in America: 1910–1983, Tampa Museum of Art, September 4–November 6, 1983. (Catalogue)Sculpture. Drama. Landscape, Museo Angel Orensanz y Artes de Serrablo, Sabinanigo, Spain, August 13–September 7, 1983. Traveled to: Leonardo Galerie de Arte, Zaragoza, Spain, September 13–October 11, 1983.Summer Selections 1983, Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, California, July 22–September 3, 1983.The Comic Art Show: Cartoons in Painting and Popular Culture, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York, July 18–August 26, 1983. (Catalogue)15th International Biennial of Graphic Art, Galerie of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 17–September 30, 1983. (Catalogue)Prints from the Untitled Press, Captiva, Florida, Palm Press Ltd., Tampa, June 4–September 30, 1983.Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, Summer 1993.Sculpture, Leo Castelli Gallery/142 Greene Street, New York, Summer 1993.Drawings/Photographs, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, Summer 1993.Changes, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, May 22–September 11, 1983.1958–1983, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden, opened May 9, 1983.Group Exhibition, Solomon & Co, New York, May–June 1983.Big Pictures by Contemporary Photographers, Museum of Modern Art, New York, April 14–June 28, 1983.To Print, Welton Becket Associates and Nova Arts, Inc., New York, April 8–July 15, 1983.Selections from the Rose Art Museum, Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, New York, April 6–30, 1983.Connections: Bridges/Ladders/Ramps/Staircases/Tunnels, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March 11–April 24, 1983. (Catalogue)Acquisitions of Important American Artists, Irving Feldman Galleries, Sarasota, Florida, opened March 6, 1983.A Contemporary Collection on Loan From the Rothschild Bank AG, Zurich, Museum of Contemporary Art, La Jolla, California, February 26–April 3, 1983.Black and White: A Print Survey, Castelli Graphics, New York, January 29–February 26, 1983.Drawing Conclusions–A Survey of American Drawings: 1958–1963, Daniel Weinberg Gallery, Los Angeles, January 29–February 26, 1983. Traveled to: Daniel Weinberg Gallery, San Francisco, March 9–April 9, 1983.Paper as Image, Sunderland Arts Center, England, January 22–February 19, 1983. Traveled to: Kettle's Yard, Cambridge, March 5–April 10, 1983; Bangor Oriel Art Gallery, April 19–May 21, 1983; Midland Group, Nottingham, May 28–July 3, 1983; Southampton Art Gallery, July 9–August 14, 1983; Gardner Arts Centre, Brighton, October 1–31, 1983; Crafts Council Gallery, London, November 9–December 24, 1983.ULAE: Master Prints, Magnuson-Lee Gallery, Boston, January 22-March 5, 1983.Recent Acquisitions, Thomas Babeor Gallery, La Jolla, California, January 7-February 12, 1983.1982John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Traveled to: Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio in 1983.Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, December 11–22, 1982.Big in Boston, Thomas Segal Gallery Alternative Space, Boston, December 10, 1982-June, 1983.Contemporary Prints, Adam L. Gimbel Gallery, New York, December 7, 1982-January 8, 1983.Painted Objects, Marilyn Pearl Gallery, New York, December 4, 1982-January 8, 1983.Group Show, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, December 4–30, 1982.The Artist and the Space Shuttle, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., December 1, 1982–September 5, 1983. Organized in collaboration with Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. Traveled to: Bayou Building, University of Houston, Clear Lake, October 15–November 27, 1983; Old State House, Hartford, Connecticut, April 19–May 20, 1984; C. W. Woods Art Gallery, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, closed April 5, 1985; Mitsukoshi Gallery, Tokyo, August 5–17, 1986; Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, opened August 2, 1987, on permanent display. (Catalogue)ULAE: The First 10 Years, Islip Art Museum, Long Island, New York, November 21, 1982–January 8, 1983. Traveled to: Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York, February 5–March 6, 1983.Terrae Motus Reggia di Caserta, Instituto per l'Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Amelio, Palazzo Reale di Caserta, Naples, Italy, permanent exhibition opened November 20, 1982.Art and Dance: Images from the Modern Dialogue 1890–1980, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, November 9, 1982-January 8, 1983. Traveled to: Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, March 6-April 24, 1983; The Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, June 25-September 25, 1983. (Catalogue)The New Explosion: Paper Art, Fine Arts Museum of Long Island, Hempstead, New York, November 7, 1982-January 13, 1983. Traveled to: CDS Gallery, New York, February 15-Summer 1983. (Brochure)Painter as Photographer, John Hansard Gallery, University of Southampton, United Kingdom, November 3–December 4, 1982. Organized by Arts Council of Great Britain. Traveled to: Wolverhampton Art Gallery, United Kingdom; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, closed March 13, 1983; Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, closed April 24, 1983; Camden Arts Centre, United Kingdom, closed July 29, 1983; Windsor Festival, Windsor Castle, U.K., September 15–October 2, 1983; National Museum of Photography, Film and TV, Bradford, United Kingdom. (Catalogue)In Our Time: Houston’s Contemporary Arts Museum 1948–1982, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, October 23, 1982–January 2, 1983. (Catalogue)XIX & XX Century Drawings, Watercolors, Pastels, Gouaches, Collages, Acquavella Galleries, New York, October 21–November 24, 1982.Paperwork, Australian National Gallery, Canberra, October 16, 1982-May 16, 1983.Artists Protest, Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, New York, October 16–November 6, 1982.Australian National Gallery, Canberra, Paperwork, October 13, 1982–May 16, 1983. (Catalogue)The Expressionist Image: American Art from Pollack to Today, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, October 9–30, 1982.Out of the South: An Exhibition of Artists Born in the South, The Heath Gallery, Atlanta, October 5–November 11, 1982.Budapest International Paper Art Exhibition, Budapest Museum of Fine Arts, September 30–October 30, 1982.Solitude: Inner Visions in American Art, Terra Museum of American Art, Evanston, Illinois, September 25–December 30, 1982. (Catalogue; text by David M. Sokol)American Painting 1900–1982, Ethniki Pinakothiki and Alexandre Soutzos Museum, Athens, September 20–November 7, 1982.Photographs By/Photographs In, Daniel Wolf, Inc., New York, in two parts, September 14–October 9 and October 14–November 13, 1982.Renate Pons Old Photos of Artists and Works by the Artists, CDS Gallery, New York, September 12–November 15, 1982.25th Anniversary Exhibition of Leo Castelli, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, September 11–October 9, 1982.The Written Word, Downey Museum of Art, California, September 9–October 17, 1982.ULAE: A Tribute to Tatyana Grossman, Whitney Museum Downtown Branch, New York, August 30–September 28, 1982. (Brochure)The Rebounding Surface, Avery Center for the Arts, Bard College Center, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, August 15–September 24, 1982. (Catalogue)Resource/Reservoir: Collage and Assemblage, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, July 30–September 26, 1982. (Catalogue)Twenty-Five Years in Space, National Air and Space Museum, The Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., July 29–October 15, 1982. (Brochure)The Americans: The Collage, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, July 11–October 3, 1982. (Catalogue)The New York School: Four Decades, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, July 1–August 29, 1982. (Brochure)ULAE at 25, Getler/Pall, New York, June 22 through summer 1982.The Alternative Image, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, June 20-August 7, 1982. Traveled to: Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, January 15-February 23, 1983. (Catalogue)Castelli and His Artists, Aspen Center for the Visual Arts, Colorado, June 17–August 8, 1982. Traveled to: Castelli Gallery, Greene Street, New York.Hommage to Leo Castelli, Galerie Bruno Bischofberger, Zurich, June 15–September 4, 1982.New American Paperworks, Sarah Campbell Blaffer, University of Houston, June 12–July 18, 1982. Traveled to: Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, September 19–October 30, 1982; National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, February 19–March 27, 1983; Shukosha Art Gallery, Fukuoka, Japan, April 9–24, 1983; Art Center, Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul, May 24–June 13, 1983; Central Library, Keimyung University, Taegu, Korea, July 1–14, 1983; Hong Kong Museum of Art, August 19–September 25, 1983; Metropolitan Museum, Manila, October 13–November 30, 1983; Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, December 20, 1983–January 30, 1984; National Museum, Singapore, March 1–20, 1984; Missoula Art Museum, Montana, June 16–July 28, 1984; Museum of Art, University of Oregon, Eugene, September 23–November 4, 1984; Tangeman University Center, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, November 17–December 21, 1984; Lee Hall, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, January 4–February 10, 1985; Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, May 4–July 13, 1985; Minnesota Museum of Art, Saint Paul, September 7–November 10, 1985; Huntsville Museum of Art, Alabama; Weatherspoon Art Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro; Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Connecticut, closed June 15, 1986; Art Gallery, University of Maryland, College Park, September 4–October 12, 1986. (Catalogue)Artists and the Theater, Lowe Art Museum, Coral Gables, Florida, June 8–August 22, 1982.Recent Work by Gallery Artists, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 1–September 19, 1982.Works from ULAE, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 1982.Summer Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, June 1982.20th Century Masters: The Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, 1982–83, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May 30–September 8, 1982. Traveled to: Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, October 1–November 28, 1982; Toledo Museum of Art, O, December 17–February 20, 1983; Seattle Art Museum, March 15–May 15, 1983; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 2–July 31, 1983; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, August 30–November 27, 1983; Phoenix Art Museum, January 6–March 2, 1984.The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Universal Limited Art Editions, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., May 22–June 12, 1982; July 14–31, 1982. (Brochure)Of No Particular Theme: Laurie Brown, Nancy Buchanan, Woods Davy, Brian Forrest, Tom Holland, Bruce Houston, Robert Rauschenberg, Raymond Saunders, Baxter Art Gallery, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, May 12–June 20, 1982. (Brochure)Abstract Drawings 1911–1981, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 5–July 11, 1982.Hans Namuth Portraits + 1 Work from Each Artist, Magnuson-Lee Gallery, Boston, May 1–June 5, 1982.Miro in America, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, April 21–June 27, 1982.Prints and Drawings by Contemporary Masters, Root Art Center, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, April 15–May 23, 1982.‘60–‘80 Attitudes / Concepts / Images: A Selection from Twenty Years of Visual Arts / Een krenze vit twintig jaar beeldende kunst,,Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, April 9–July 11, 1982. (Catalogue)Selected Works on Paper II, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, April 6–29, 1982.Unique Impressions: The Monotype and Beyond, Loyola Marymount University, New York, April 5–May 1, 1982.Janie C. Lee Honoring Leo Castelli, Janie C. Lee Gallery, Houston, March 21–April 1983.Fotografier av Robert Frank, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, March 20–May 2, 1982.Sammlung Dr. Erich Marx: Beuys, Rauschenberg, Twombly, Warhol, National Galerie Berlin, March 2–April 12, 1982. Traveled to: Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany, May 6–September 30, 1982. (Catalogue)Paris Review Poster Series, Weintraub Gallery, New York, March 9–27, 1982.Selected Works on Paper I, Marisa del Re Gallery, New York, March 2–April 3, 1982.A Century of Modern Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 1–16, 1982. Traveled to: British Museum of Arts as A Century of Modern Drawings from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 9–September 12, 1982.Important Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture and Graphics of the 19th and 20th Centuries, Andrew Crispo, New York, mid-February–mid-March 1982.A Curator’s Choice: 1942 - 63 (A Tribute to Dorothy Miller), Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, February 6–March 6, 1982.American Artists, I. Irving Feldman Galleries, Sarasota, Florida, January 31–February 25, 1982.8 Lithographs: To Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, January 15–February 13, 1982.20 Galleries/ 20 Years, Grace Borgenicht Gallery/Terry Dintenfass Gallery, New York, January 9–February 4, 1982.1981The Presidents Show, Spectrum Fine Art, New York, 1981.Paintings in the U.S. From the Public Collections in Washington, D.C., Museo de Placio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, 1981.Recent Acquisitions, Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, 1981.The Portrait in Photography, The Rheinisches Landsmuseum, Bonn, 1981.Summerfare ’81, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, International Center for Photography, New York, 1981.Southern Monumental Exhibition, Memphis State University, Tennesse, 1981.Events: Artists in Collaboration, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, December 19, 1981–February 28, 1982.Amerikanische Malerei: 1930–1980, Haus der Kunst, Munich, November 14, 1981–January 31, 1982. Organized in collaboration with Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. (Catalogue)Annual Contemporary Drawing Exhibition, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, November 14–December 31, 1981.Group Show, Castelli Feigen Corcoran, New York, November 14–December 12, 1981.10 Paintings and 2 Sculptures from the 60’s, B.R. Kornblatt Gallery, Washington, D.C., November 7–December 10, 1981.Paperworks: Art on Paper, Art of Paper, Museum of Applied Arts, Belgrade, October 29–November 22, 1981.Le Moderna Museet de Stockholm a Bruxelles, Paris de Beaux-Arts, Brussels, October 23–December 27, 1981. (Catalogue)Schwarz (Black), Stadtisches Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, October 16–December 6, 1981. (Catlaogue)Group Exhibition, Solomon & Co., New York, October–November 1981.Soundings, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, September 20–December 23, 1981. (Catalogue)For Love and Money: Dealers Choose, Pratt Manhattan Center Gallery, New York, September 14–October 10, 1981. Traveled to: Hartwick College Museum, Oneonta, New York, January 14–February 15, 1982.A Tradition Established: 1940–1970: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield, Connecticut, September 14–October 14, 1981.The Art Barn, Greenwich, Connecticut, opened September 13, 1981.The Image in American Painting and Sculpture 1950–1980, Akron Art Museum, Ohio, September 12–November 8, 1981. (Catalogue)5th International Drawing Biennale, Middlesbrough Art Gallery, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, England, September 5–October 17, 1981. Organized by Cleveland County Museum Service, U.K. Traveled to: Birmingham; London; Edinburgh; Collins Exhibition Hall, Glasgow; Belfast; and Limerick, closed August 1982. (Catalogue)A Tradition Established 1940–1970: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, Fairfield County, Connecticut, September 4–October 14, 1981.Words and Pictures, Museum of Modern Art, New York, August 20–October 6, 1981.A Diverse Assemblage, Boulder Center for the Visual Arts, Colorado, August 15–September 30, 1981.Cast, Carved and Constructed, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, August 1–September 19, 1981.14th International Biennial of Graphic Art, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 12–September 15, 1981. (Catalogue)Flying, Bernard Jacobson Ltd., New York, June 9 through the summer 1981.Summer Group Exhibition, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, June 6–August 1981.Westkunst: Zeitgenössische Kunst seit 1939 (Contemporary art since 1939), Rheinhallen, Cologne, May 30–August 16. 1981. Organized by Museen der Stadt Köln. (Catalogue)Benefit, Exhibition for the Trisha Brown Dance Co., Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, May 16–30, 1981.Bicentennial Exhibition, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 15–June 11, 1981.New Dimensions in Drawing, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Connecticut, May 3–September 6, 1981. (Catalogue)Mapped Art: Charts, Routes, Regions, University of Colorado Art Galleries, Boulder, May 2–June 7, 1981. Oorganized by Independent Curators Inc., New York. Traveled to: First Street Forum, St. Louis, Missouri, October 3–November 15, 1981; The Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, June 18–July 18, 1982; Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, August 1–November 1, 1982; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, November 13, 1982–January 2, 1983. (Catalogue)Contemporary Graphics from the Museum's Collection, Palm Springs Desert Museum, California, April 16–May 31, 1981.Recent Acquisitions + Work from the Permanent Collection, Neuberger Museum, Purchase, New York, April 5–June 2, 1981.Contemporary Americans: Museum Collection and Recent Acquisitions, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, April 1981.Contemporary American Prints and Drawings 1940–1980, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., March 22–July 19, 1981. (Brochure)Recent Acquisitions: Drawings, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 19–June 2, 1981.Major Paintings and Sculptures, The Mayor Gallery, London, March 2–30, 1981.Leo Castelli Selects Johns, Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg, Rosenquist, Stella, Gloria Luria Gallery, Bay Harbor Islands, Florida, February 27–March 17, 1981.International Florida Artists, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, February 26–April 26, 1981.Recent Acquisitions for the Print Collection, The Tate Gallery, London, closed February 15, 1981.Photography Influences Painting, Jeffrey Fuller Fine Art, at the Kron Art Gallery, Philadelphia, February 1–March 7, 1981.Group Show, Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, January 17–February 4, 1981.Group Exhibition: Major Works, Richard Hines Gallery, Seattle, Washington, January 9–February 21, 1981.1980Prints from the Guild Hall Collection, Guild Hall, Moran & Woodhouse Galleries, East Hampton, New York, 1980.Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York, 1980.Paintings in the U.S. from Public Collections in Washington, D.C., Museum of the Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City, Mexico, 1980.Handmade Paper Works, Getler/Pall, New York, 1980.Decade of Graphics, Transworld Art, New York, 1980.Artist and Printer: Six American Print Studios, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, December 7, 1980–January 18, 1981. (Catalogue)The Permanent Collection, La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, December 6, 1980–January 16, 1981.A Tribute to the Print Club, Philadelphia Museum of Art, closed November 29, 1980.Drawings to Benefit the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Art, Inc., Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, November 22, 1980–January 18, 1981.American Drawing in Black and White, Brooklyn Museum, New York, November 22, 1980–January 18, 1981. (Brochure)Amalgam, Castelli Graphics, New York, November 22–December 20, 1980.Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain (Paris Art Fair), Grand Palais, Paris, October 23–29, 1980.Collaborations: An Exhibition to Celebrate the Dedication of the Mary and Leigh Block Gallery and the Completion of the Fine and Performing Arts Center at Northwestern University, Mary and Leigh Block Gallery, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, September 28–October 26, 1980. (Brochure)The Changing Canvas, Cranbrook Academy of Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, September 14–October 26, 1980.The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection, The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., August 31–December 31, 1980. Traveled to: The Art Institute of Chicago, February 21–April 19, 1981. (Catalogue)Reliefs, Kunsthaus, Zurich, August 22–November 2, 1980.The Permanent Collection, La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, July 12–August 31, 1980.Cliché-Verre: Hand-Drawn, Light-Printed, Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan, July 12–August 21, 1980. Traveled to: Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, September 11–October 23, 1980.Group Show, vanStraaten Gallery, Chicago, July 11–August 31, 1980.Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, June 21–July 19, 1980.50th Anniversary Gifts and Promised Gifts, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 3–August 31, 1980.Aspects of the 70's: Photography, Recent Directions, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, Massachusetts, June 1–August 31, 1980. (Brochure)The Fifties: Aspects of Painting in New York, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May 22–September 21, 1980. (Catalogue)Self-Portraits, Seagram Building, New York, May 19–August 8, 1980.Fabrications, Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, May 1–August 10, 1980. Traveled to Fine Arts Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, September 15–October 23, 1980.Drawings, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, May 1980.Fabric into Art, Amelia A. Wallace Gallery, State University of New York, College of Old Westbury, April 14–May 9, 1980. Traveled to: New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University, November–December 1981; State University of New York, Brockport, January 29–February 26, 1982; State University of New York, Albany, March 16–April 18, 1982. (Brochure)Painting of the Sixties and Seventies: The Real/The Ideal/The Fantastic: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Alabama, April 4–May 25, 1980. Traveled to: Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, July 25–September 14, 1980; Museum of Fine Arts of St. Petersburg, Florida, September 28–November 9, 1980; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, February 1–March 21, 1981; Sierra Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, April 11–May 23, 1981.Major Paintings and Reliefs of the 60’s from a New York Private Collection, Pace Gallery, New York, March 28–April 26, 1980.91st Exposition Société des artistes independants, Grand Palais, Paris, March 13–April 13, 1980.Prints from the USA, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden Kupferstich-Kabinett, Dresden, March 11–April 30, 1980.Hidden Desires, Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, March 9–June 15, 1980.Lettres et Chiffres, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, March–May 1980.From Reinhardt to Christo, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, February 20–March 19, 1980.Leo Castelli: A New Space, Leo Castelli Gallery, 142 Greene Street, New York, February 19–March 15, 1980.Collage, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, February 17–March 16, 1980.Printed Art: A View of Two Decades, Museum of Modern Art, New York, February 14–April 1, 1980. (Catalogue)The Object Transformed: Contemporary American Drawing, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, February 11–29, 1980.A Sense of Place: The American Landscape in Recent Art, Hampshire College Art Gallery, Amherst, Massachusetts, February 11–26, 1980.Echoes of Picasso, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, February 10–March 30, 1980.Recent Acquisitions, Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, New York, February 10–April 16, 1980.Five in Florida, Fine Arts Gallery, University of South Florida, Tampa, January 7–February 8, 1980. (Catalogue)1979Wichita Salutes Orleans, Wichita Art Museum, Kansas, 1979.Stockholm Portfolio, Mary Porter Sesnon Art Gallery, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1979.Recent Acquisitions, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1979.Lithography III: A Sense of Scale, University Art Museum, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 1979.Collage: American Masters of the Medium, Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, New Jersey, 1979.The Artist at Work in America, United States International Communications Agency, Washington, D.C., Winter 1979–1980. Traveled to Bulgaria.Twentieth-Century Drawings from the Whitney Museum of American Art, San Antonio Museum of Art, Texas, November 26, 1979–January 14, 1980. Organized by the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Traveled to: University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, February 8–March 23, 1980; Frederick S. Wright Art Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, April 6–May 4, 1980; Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, June 18–July 25, 1980; J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, October 6–November 17, 1980; Loch Haven Art Center, Orlando, January 3–February 15, 1981.Poets and Painters, Denver Art Museum, November 21, 1979–January 13, 1980. Traveled to: Nelson-Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, Kansas City, Missouri, August 15–September 28, 1980; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, October 17–December 1, 1980. (Catalogue)American Pop Art, Musée d'Art Moderne et d'Art Contemporain de la Ville de Nice, November 9–January 6, 1980.Generative Issues: A Common Ground, University Art Gallery, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, October 30–November 21, 1979.Autour Merce Cunningham, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, October 10–November 12, 1979.Sound at P.S. 1, Institute for Art and Urban Resources, P.S. 1, Long Island, New York, September 30–November 18, 1979.Glass/Backwards: Support, 500–1979 A.D., John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, September 9–October 28., 1979.Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, summer 1979.Selections/Permanent Collection, La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, July 18–August 19, 1979.Summer Loans, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, July 17–September 30, 1979.Documents, Drawings and Collages: 50 American Works on Paper from the Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Paine, Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts, June 8–July 5, 1979. Traveled to The Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, October 6–November 18, 1979; John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, December 6–March 1, 1980; The Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, April 10–May 15, 1980.Summer Group Show, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 23–September 15, 1979.Une Peinture Americaine, Daniel Templon, Paris, June 9–July 12, 1979.International Biennial of Graphic Art, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 8–September 5, 1979.Summer Summary, Rosa Esman Gallery, New York, June 5–July, 1979.American Portraits of the Sixties and Seventies, Aspen Center for the Visual Arts, Colorado, June–August, 1979.A Century of Ceramics in the United States 1878–1978, Everson Museum of Art of Syracuse and Onondaga County, New York, May 5–September 23, 1979. Traveled to: Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts; Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., November 9, 1979–January 27, 1980; Cooper Hewitt Museum, New York, February 26–May 25, 1980; Flint Institute of Art, Michigan, June 15–August 31, 1980; DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, Massachusetts, September 28–November 23, 1980; The Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 15, 1980–January 25, 1981; The Chicago Public Library Cultural Center, February 23–April 12, 1981; Allentown Art Museum, Pennsylvania, May 3–July 26, 1981; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, September 13–October 18, 1981. (Catalogue)Meanwhile: American Works 1947–1961 from the Menil Foundation Collection, Institute for the Arts, Rice Museum, Houston, May 4–July 1, 1979.Auto - Icons, Whitney Museum of American Art Downtown Branch, New York, April 18–May 23, 1979.Drawings by Castelli Artists, Castelli Graphics, New York, March 3–24, 1979.The 36th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting: Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., February 24–April 8, 1979. (Catalogue)Images of the Self, Hampshire College Art Gallery, Amherst, Massachusetts, February 16–March 14, 1979.Art in America After World War II, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 18–February 25, 1979.1978Objects, Multiples, New York, 1978.Objects!, Marion Goodman Gallery, New York, 1978.Group of Works from Berggruen, Davis Art Center, College of Design, Los Angeles, 1978.For Meyer Shapiro: Graphics, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles, 1978.Paper as Medium, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition, Washington, D.C., Organized by Jane Farmer. Traveled through 1980.American Masters of the 60's & 70's, Memphis, Tennessee, December 9–28, 1978.American Painting of the 1970s, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, December 8–January 14, 1979. Traveled to: Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, California, February 3–March 18, 1979; Oakland Museum, April 10–May 20; Cincinatti Art Museum, Ohio, July 6–August 26, 1979; Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, September 9–October 21, 1979; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, November 11–January 2, 1980. (Catalogue)Gold (Winter Penthouse Exhibition), Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 20, 1978–February 19, 1979.Berggruen at Art Center, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, November 5–30, 1978.Group Show, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, October 28–November 18, 1978.The Sense of Self: From Self-Portrait to Autobiography, The Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, September 24–November 26, 1978. Organized by Independent Curators Inc., New York. Traveled to: New Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, January 13–February 3, 1979; University of North Dakota Art Gallery, Grand Forks, February 13–March 8, 1979; Alberta College of Art Gallery, Calgary, November 21–December 19, 1979; Tangeman Fine Art Gallery, University of Cincinnati, Ohio, February 11–March 8, 1980; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, April 1–May 4, 1980. (Catalogue)America, America, Aarhus Kunst Museum, Denmark, September 2–24, 1978. (Brochure)Collage: Selection from the Permanent Collection, Whitney Museum of American Art Downtown Branch, New York, August 14–September 8, 1978.Mirrors and Windows, Museum of Modern Art, New York, July 28–October 2, 1978. Traveled to: Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, November 13–January 1, 1979; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, January 29–March 11, 1979; J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville,Kentucky, April 1–May 15, 1979; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, June 7–July 29, 1979; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, August 19–September 23, 1979; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, November 12–December 23, 1979; Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin, January 10–March 2, 1980; Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, November 6, 1980–January 1981; Fundación Juan March, Madrid, May 22–June 28, 1981. (Catalogue)Art About Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 19–September 24, 1980. Traveled to: North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, October 15–November 26, 1978; Frederick S. Wright Art Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, December 17, 1978–February 11, 1979; Portland Art Museum, Oregon, March 6–April 15, 1979. (Catalogue)Artists and Writers, Museum of Modern Art, New York, July 10–October 3, 1978.Summer Group Show, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, July 5–September 23, 1978.Leo Castelli Gallery at Northpark National Bank, Northpark National Bank, Dallas, June 15–August 15, 1978.Wade Gallery, Washington, D.C., May 25–July 31, 1978.Works on Art, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, May 24–June 24, 1978.Exhibition of Work by Newly Elected Members and Recipients of Honors and Awards, American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, New York, May 18–June 11 1978Graphicstudio U.S.F.: An Experiment in Art and Education, Brooklyn Museum, New York, May 13–July 16, 1978. (Catalogue)A Bunch of Prints, Castelli Graphics, New York, May 6–7, 1978.Aesthetics of Graffiti, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, April 28–July 2, 1978. (Catalogue)Ace Gallery, Vancouver, April 16–30, 1978.The Eye of the Collector, Stamford Museum, Stamford, Connecticut, March 20–May 21, 1978.Art at Work: Recent Art From Corporate Collections, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 10–April 11, 1978.Biennale de Paris ‘59–73, The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, March 3–29, 1978.Sets for Cunningham: Johns, Rauschenberg, Warhol, University Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, February 28–March 17, 1978.Aspects of the 60s: From the Collection of Reinhard Onnasch, Nationalgalerie Berlin, February 2–April 23, 1978.Three Generations: Studies in Collage, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, January 26–March 4, 1978.1977Twenty Years, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, 1977.Works on Paper: American Art 1945–1975, Washington Art Consortium Collection, Spokane, 1977.Paris - New York, Musee Nationale d’Arte Moderne, Paris, 1977.Galleriet, Lund, Sweden, 1977.Biennale de Paris: Retrospective 1959–1971, Salles de la Fondation Nationale, Paris, 1977.Works on Paper by Contemporary American Artists, Madison Art Center, Madison, Wisconsin, December 4, 1977–January 15, 1978.New Ways with Paper, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., December 2, 1977–February 20, 1978. (Catalogue)Twelve Americans: Masters of Collage, Andrew Crispo Gallery, New York, November 17–December 30, 1977.Critics’ Choice, Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, Syracuse University, New York, November 13–December 11, 1977. Traveled to: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, New York, January 3–30, 1978.Works from the Collection of Dorothy and Herbert Vogel, The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, November 11, 1977–January 1, 1978. (Catalogue)Artists’ Sets and Costumes, Philadelphia College of Art, October 31–December 17, 1977. (Catalogue)Amerikaner: Kunst aus USA nach 1950, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, October 28, 1977–January 8, 1978. (Catalogue)The Florida Connection (Rauschenberg & Rosenquist), Jacksonville Art Museum, Florida, October 20–November 20, 1977.New York: The State of Art, New York State Museum, Albany, October 8–November 28, 1977. (Catalogue)Drawings, The Sable-Castelli Gallery, Toronto, October 1–22, 1977.American Drawing 1927–1977, Minnesota Museum of Art, St. Paul, Minnesota, September 6–October 29, 1977. Traveled to: Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, January 6–February 6, 1978; The Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California, April 11–May 14, 1978.Paper Forms: Hand-made Paper Projects, The Hayden Gallery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2–October 5, 1977.20th Century American Art from Friends’ Collections, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, July 27–September 27, 1977.Pop Plus, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 20–August 1, 1977.Biennale de Paris: June Anthologie: 1959-67, Salles de la Fondation Nationale des Arts Plastiques et Graphiques, Paris, June 13–October 2, 1977.Recent Work, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 15–September 17, 1977.Group Show, Sonnabend Gallery, New York, June 11–30, 1977.Paris—New York, Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, June 1–September 19, 1977. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, May 28–September 17, 1977.Inaugural Show, Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, May 18–August 8, 1977.International Biennial of Graphic Art, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, May 13–August 31, 1977. (Catalogue)Malerei und Photographie im Dialog von 1840 bis heute, Kunsthaus, Zurich, May 13–July 24, 1977. (Catalogue)Jubilation, American Art During the Reign of Elizabeth II, The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, England, May 10–June 18, 1977.The Dada/Surrealist Heritage, Sterling and Francis Clark Institute, Williamstown, Massachusetts, May 3–July 12, 1977.New York on Paper, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 7–May 22, 1977.Less is More, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, April 7–May 22, 1977.De Fiets,Museum Boymans van Beuningen, Rotterdam, April–June 12, 1977.American Paintings and Drawings, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, March 30–May 7, 1977.Brazos River: Videotape by Viola Farber, Robert Rauschenberg + David Tudor, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, Screening on March 28, 1977.Improbable Furniture, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March 10–April 10, 1977. Traveled to: La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, May 20–July 6, 1977.The Book as Art II, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., February 15–March 12, 1977.Two Decades of Exploration: Homage to Leo Castelli on the Occasion of his Twentieth Anniversary, Newport Art Museum, Rhode Island, February 13–March 27, 1977.Arte USA, Fundación Juan March, Madrid, February 9–March 31, 1977. Traveled to: Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona, April 15–June 12, 1977. (Catalogue)Permanent Collection: 30 Years of American Art 1945–1975, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 29–October 23, 1977.Five from Louisiana, New Orleans Museum of Art, Louisiana, January 28–March 27, 1977. (Catalogue)1976Art, Inc., Genesis Gallery, New York, 1976.The Object as Poet, Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., December 15, 1976–June 26, 1977. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Craft, New York, July 13–September 25, 1977. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, December 11–22, 1976.Boxes, Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, December 1976–January 1977.Thirty Years of American Printmaking, Brooklyn Museum, New York, November 20, 1976–January 30, 1977. (Catalogue)USA*USA, The Mayor Gallery, London, England, November 10–December 17, 1976.Prints from Untitled Press, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, DC, October 30–November 30, 1976. (Catalogue)America-America, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, October–December, 1976.American Master Drawings and Watercolors, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, September 2–October 24, 1976. Organized by American Federation of Arts. Traveled to: Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 23–January 23, 1977; California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, February 19–April 17, 1977.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 19–September 10, 1976.Autres Dimensions: Collages, Assemblages, Reliefs, Galerie Beyeler, Basel, June–September, 1976.Two Hundred Years of American Sculpture, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 16–September 26, 1976. (Catalogue)Seventy-Second American Exhibition, The Art Institute of Chicago, March 13–May 9, 1976.Heritage and Horizon: American Painting 1776–1976, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, March 6–April 11, 1976. Traveled to: Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan, May 5–June 13, 1976; Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, July 4–August 15, 1976; Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, September 8–October 10, 1976. (Catalogue)Three Hundred Years of American Art in the Chrysler Museum, The Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, Virginia, March 1–July 4, 1976.The Great American Rodeo, Fort Worth Art Museum, Texas, January 25–April 11, 1976. Traveled to: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, August 1–29, 1976; Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, Texas, February 5–April 3, 1976. (Catalogue)Twentieth Century American Drawings: Three Avant-Garde Generations, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 23–March 23, 1976. Traveled to: Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, May 27–July 11, 1976; Kunsthalle, Bremen, July 18–August 29, 1977. (Catalogue)Drawing Now, Museum of Modern Art, New York, January 23–March 9, 1976. Traveled to: Kunsthaus, Zurich, October 10–November 14, 1976; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, November 25–January 16, 1977; Albertina, Vienna, January 28–March 6, 1977; Sonja Henie-Niels Onstad Foundation, Oslo, March 17–April 24, 1977; Tel Aviv Museum, May 12–July 2, 1977.Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna, Ferrara, Italy, January 18–March 7, 1976.The Book as Art, Fendrick Gallery, Washington, D.C., January 12–February 14, 1976.American Pop Art and the Culture of the Sixties, New Gallery of Contemporary Art, Cleveland, Ohio, January 10–February 21, 1976. (Catalogue)19 Americani, USIS Cultural Center, Milan, January 8–30, 1976.1975Artists’ Rights Today, Westbroadway Gallery, New York, 1975. Traveling exhibitionArt in Boxes, Knowlton Gallery, New York, 1975.American Graphics, Galerie Andre Emmerich, Zurich, November 22, 1975–January 10, 1976.Formative Years: Early Works by Prominent New York Artists, Visual Arts Museum, School of Visual Arts, New York, November 17–December 16, 1975.American Art Since 1945: From the Collection of the Museum of Modern, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, October 20–November 30, 1975. Organized by the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to: Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio, January 10–February 22, 1976; Denver Art Museum, March 22–May 2, 1976; Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, May 31–July 11, 1976; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, August 19–October 3, 1976; Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, October 25–December 5, 1976; Greenville County Museum, South Carolina, January 8–February 20, 1977; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, March 14–April 17, 1977; Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, May 9–June 30, 1977.Printsequence, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 3, 1975–January 18, 1976.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, September 13–27, 1975.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 7–September 5, 1975.Group Exhibition: Black and White, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 7–September 20, 1975.Biennial of Graphic Art, Galerie of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 6–August 1975.11th International Biennial of Graphic Art, Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, May 13–August 31, 1975. (Catalogue)A Decade of Collecting, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 8–June 29, 1975.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, February 16–March 2, 1975.1974Graphicstudio, University of South Florida, Tampa, 1974.Drawings, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles, 1974.Drawings, Castelli Downtown, New York, 1974.Untitled Press, New York Cultural Center, until September 22, 1974.Materials/Manipulation, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York, December 18, 1974–January 29, 1975.Poets of the Cities: New York and San Francisco, 1950–1965, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, November 20–December 29, 1974. Organized in collaboration with Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Traveled to: San Francisco Museum of Art, January 31–March 23, 1975; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, April 23–June 1, 1975.Contemporary Collage, Vassar College Art Gallery, Poughkeepsie, New York, November 18–December 21, 1974.American Works on Paper: 1944–1974, William Zierler, Inc., New York, November 2–30, 1974.Castelli at Berggruen, John Berggruen Gallery, San Francisco, October 30–December 7, 1974.Works from Change Inc., Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 25–November 25, 1974.In Three Dimensions, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, September 21–October 12, 1974.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 21–September 14, 1974.Clay, Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch, New York, May 23–July 4, 1974. (Catalogue)Cy Twombly and Robert Rauschenberg, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 4–25, 1974.Diaghilev /Cunningham, The Emily Lowe Gallery, Hofstra University, Hempstead, Long Island, New York, April 16–May 26, 1974.American Pop Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 6–June 16, 1974. (Catalogue)Idea and Image in Recent Art, Art Institute of Chicago, March 23–May 5, 1974. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition di disegno, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, February 16–March 2, 1974.Eight Artists, Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, February 8–March 24, 1974. Traveled to: Miami Art Center, April–May 5, 1975. (Catalogue)1973New York’s Finest, Max Protech Gallery, Washington, D.C., 1973.Drawings, Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles,1973.Altered Prints, Jack Glenn Gallery, Corona del Mar, California, 1973.Contemporanea, Parcheggio di Villa Borghese, Rome, November–February 1974. Organized by Incontri Internazionale d’Arte. (Catalogue)New York Collection for Stockholm, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, October 27–December 2, 1973. (Catalogue)Prints from the Untitled Press, Captiva, Florida, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, October 17–November 18, 1973. Traveled to: Hopkins Art Center Galleries, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, July 1–28, 1974; New York Cultural Center, New York, August 14–September 15, 1974; Grunwald Center, University of California, Los Angeles, October 29–December 1, 1974; Florida Center for the Arts, University of South Florida, Tampa, January 6–February 14, 1975; Utah Museum of Fine Arts, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, March 2–April 13, 1975; Seattle Art Museum, May 9–June 19, 1975. (Catalogue)Aspects de L'Art Actuel, Musée Galleria, Paris, September 14–October 25, 1973. Organized by Galerie Ileana Sonnabend for Festival d’Automne. (Catalogue)American Art: Third Quarter Century, Seattle Art Museum, August 22–October 14, 1973.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, June 23–September 22, 1973.Modern Art in Prints, Museum of Modern Art, New York, opened June 18, 1973.Environmental Construction, International Design Conference, Aspen, Colorado, June 17–22, 1973.Biennale of Graphic Art, Galerie of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 4–August 31, 1973. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 3–September 15, 1973.American Drawings, 1963–1973, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 25–July 22, 1973.Modern Prints 1947–1972, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, April 19–May 9, 1973. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to: Geelong Art Gallery, Australia, June 1–10; Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, June 26–July 8, 1973; Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Lauceston, Australia, July 17–29, 1973; Newcastle City Art Gallery, Australia, August 14–26, 1973; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, September 14–30, 1973; Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand, October 14–November 11, 1972; Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth, New Zealand, November 15–December 9, 1973; Waikato Museum, Hamilton, New Zealand, December 15, 1973–January 13, 1974; National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, February 7–28, 1974; Museum Centenary Hall, Madras, March 11–21, 1974; Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Calcutta, May 22–June 9, 1974; Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta, June 11–14, 1974; Iran-America Society, Tehran, June 30–July 23, 1974; Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, Sapporo, September 28–October 13, 1974; Iwate Prefectural Cultural Center, Japan, November 16–25, 1974; Tokyo American Center, December 3–11, 1974; Kyoto American Center, December 16–24, 1974; Sogo Department Store, Hiroshima, January 24–29, 1975; Asahikawa Citizens Cultural Hall, Japan, February 9–16, 1975; Iwai Department Store, Hakodate, Japan, February 20–25, 1975; Ishibashi Museum of Art, Kurume, Japan, March 3–30, 1975. (Catalogue)Twenty-five Years of American Painting, 1948–1973, Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, March 6–April 22, 1973. (Catalogue)3D Into 2D: Drawing for Sculpture, New York Cultural Center, New York, January 19–March 11, 1973. Organized in collaboration with Fairleigh Dickinson University, Hackensack, New Jersey. Traveled to: Art Gallery, Kingsborough Community College, City University of New York, Brooklyn; Vancouver Art Gallery; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, August 3–September 3; Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, October 13–November 18; Art Galleries, University of California, Santa Barbara, January 14–February 3, 1974; University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, May–June 23, 1974. (Brochure)Selections from the Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, Baltimore Museum of Art, Maryland, January 15–February 23, 1973.1973 Biennial Exhibition: Contemporary American Art, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, January 10–March 18, 1973. (Catalogue)1972Reflections Through a Collector’s Eye, Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington, 1972.Multicenter Grafica, Milan, 1972.Imagina per la Citta, Geneva, 1972.Anniversary Review, E.G. Gallery, Kansas City, Missouri, 1972.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, 420 West Broadway, New York, October 7–21, 1972.Group Exhibition Grafica, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, September 30–October 21, 1972.American Art Since 1945, Philadelphia Museum of Art, September 15–October 22, 1972. (Brochure)Diagrams and Drawings, Rijksmuseum Kroller-Muller, Otterlo, The Netherlands, August 8–September 24, 1972.Dealer's Choice, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, La Jolla, California, July 15–August 31, 1972.Seventieth American Exhibition, Art Institute of Chicago, June 24–August 20, 1972. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 17–September 23, 1972.The Modern Image, High Museum, Atlanta, April 15–June 11, 1972.Immagine per la Citta’, Palazzo dell’Accademia, Palazzo Reale, Genova, Italy, April 8–June 11, 1972. (Catalogue)1971Le Bain Turc d’Ingres, Musée du Louvre, Paris, 1971.Inaugural Exhibition, David Winton Bell Gallery, Providence, Rhode Island, 1971.Collages by American Artists, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, 1971.White on White: The White Monochrome in the Twentieth Century, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, December 18, 1971–January 30, 1972. (Catalogue)Oversize Prints, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, November 2–December 12, 1971.Selected Artists in Residence at Dartmouth, New City Hall, Boston, October 14–30, 1971. Organized by Hopkins Center for Creative and Performing Arts at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire.9th International Exhibition of Graphic Art (biennial), Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 5–August 31, 1971. (Catalogue)Works for New Spaces, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, May 18–July 25, 1971.Art and Technology, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, May 11–August 29, 1971. (Catalogue)Technics and Creativity: Gemini G.E.L., Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 5–July 6, 1971.Depth and Presence, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., May 3–30, 1971.2nd Nürnberg Biennial: Was die Schönheit sei, das weiß ich nicht: Künstler—Theorie—Werk, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nuremberg, April 30–August 1, 1971. (Catalogue)Metamorphose de l’Objet: Art et Anti-Art 1910–1970, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium, April 22–June 6, 1971. Traveled to: Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, June 25 –August 15, 1971; Nationalgalerie, Berlin, September 15–November 7, 1971; Palazzo Reale, Milan, December 15, 1971–February 10, 1972; Kunsthalle, Basel, March 4–April 22, 1972; Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, May–June 1972. (Catalogues)Multiples: The First Decade, Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 5–April 4, 1971. (Catalogue)Duchamp, Johns, Rauschenberg, Cage, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, January 12–February 1971. (Catalogue)1970The Drawing Society's NY Regional Drawing Exhibition, Cooper-Hewitt Museum, New York, 1970.The American Scene: The 20th Century, Indiana University Art Museum, Bloomington, 1970.Neward Gallery of Contemporary Arts, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1970.Moon Shots Series: Prints, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany, 1970.Editions in Plastic, University of Maryland Art Gallery, Baltimore, 1970.Drawings, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1970.Contemporary American Art: A Selection from the Woodward Foundation Collection, American Embassy Residence, Beirut, Lebanon, 1970.Against Order: Chance and Art, Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia, November 14–December 22, 1970. (Brochure)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 3–18, 1970.Esposizione benefica per il Referendum '70, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, September 19–26, 1970.Monumental American Art, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 13–November 1, 1970.L’Art vivant aux États-Unis, Fondation Maeght, St. Paul-de-Vence, France, July 16–September 30, 1970. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 30–August 28, 1970.American Art Since 1960, Princeton University Art Museum, New Haven, Connecticut, May 6–27, 1970. (Catalogue)American Painting 1970, Virginia Museum of Art, Richmond, May 4–June 7, 1970. (Brochure)Artists and Photographs, Multiples Gallery, New York, Spring 1970.Expo ‘70, The Expo Museum of Fine Arts, Osaka, March 15–September 13, 1970. (Catalogue)Stoned Moon, Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, Germany, February 22–March 30, 1970.String and Rope, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, January 7–31, 1970. (Brochure)Neu in den Sammlungen, Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, opened January 1970.1969American Drawings of the Sixties: A Selection, New School Art Center, New York, 1969.Art on Paper, Weatherspoon Gallery, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 1969.Painting in New York: 1944–1969, Pasadena Art Museum, November 24, 1969–January 11, 1970. (Catalogue)Art by Telephone, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, November 1–December 14, 1969.Contemporary American Drawings, Fort Worth Art Center, Texas, October 28–November 30, 1969.American Art in St. Louis, City Art Museum, St. Louis, Missouri, October 24–November 30, 1969.New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940–1970, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 18, 1969–February 8, 1970. (Catalogue)Prints by Five New York Painters, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 18–December 8, 1969. Traveled to: Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, (as Prints by Nine New York Painters), February 9–March 22, 1970; Drury College Art Museum, Springfield, Missouri, March 30–May 10, 1970; Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, May 18–June 28, 1970; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, July 6–August 16, 1970; Allentown Art Museum, Pennsylvania, August 24–October 4, 1970; Israel Museum, Jerusalem, October 12–November 22, 1970; Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, November 30, 1970–January 10, 1971; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, January 18–February 28, 1971. (Brochure)New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940-1970, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, October 8–February 8, 1970.The Moon Show, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hayden Gallery, Cambridge, September 27–October 16, 1969.Pop Art, The Hayward Gallery, London, England, July 9–September 3, 1969. (Brochure and catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 21–July 31, 1969.8th International Exhibition of Graphic Art (biennial), Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 8–August 31, 1969. (Catalogue)The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection, Dallas Museum of Fine Art, May 14–June 8, 1969.Castelli at Dayton's, Dayton's Gallery 12, Minneapolis, April19–May 17, 1969. (Brochure)Superlimited: Books, Boxes and Things, Jewish Museum, New York, April 16–June 29, 1969.New-Dada e Pop Art Newyorkesi, Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna, Turin, Italy, April 2–May 4, 1969. (Catalogue)New York: The Second Breakthrough, 1959–1964, Art Gallery, University of California, Irvine, March 18–April 27, 1969. (Catalogue)Sammlung 1968 Karl Stroher, Neuen National Galerie, Berlin, March 1–April 14, 1969. Traveled to: Stadtische Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf, April 25–June 17, 1969; Kunsthalle Bern, July 12–September 28, 1969.New York Thirteen, Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada, January 21–February 16, 1969. Traveled to: Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada, March 10–April 29, 1969; Musée d’Art Contemporain, Montreal, June 3–July 5, 1969. (Catalogue)The Disappearance and Reappearance of the Image: American Painting Since 1945, Sala Dalles, Bucharest, January 17–February 2, 1969. Organized by the National Collection of Fine Arts International Art Program, Washington, D.C. Traveled to: Muzeul Banatului, Timisoara, February 14–March 1, 1969; Galerie de Arte, Cluj, March 14–April 2, 1969; Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, April 14–June 15, 1969; Wallenstein Palace, Prague, July 1–August 15, 1969; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, October 21–November 16, 1969.1968American Art of the Sixties in Toronto, Private Collection, York University, Toronto, 1968.American Painting: The 1960s, American Federation of Art, Circulating Exhibition, 1968.An American Report on the Sixties, Denver Art Museum, 1968.Image of Man Today, Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1968.Indiana University, Bloomington, 1968.Le Galleria Notizie, Turin, 1968.New York Painting and Sculpture, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1968.Robert Hull Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, + dates - from Guggenheim (first exhibition of Autobiography), Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1968.The Rose Art Museum Collection, Scudder Gallery, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 1968.The New Vein: The Human Figure, 1963–1968, Museum of Modern Art, New York, December 30, 1968–February 2, 1969. Organized by the National Collection of Fine Arts International Program, Washington, D.C. Traveled to: Kolnischer Kunstverein, Cologne, February 23–March 23, 1969; Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, April 11–May 15, 1969; Musee d’Art et Histoire, Geneva, July 11–September 4, 1969; Palais de Beaux-Arts, Brussels, October 21–November 16, 1969; Museum des 20; Jahrhunderts, Vienna, November 28–December 28, 1969; Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, January 22–February 21, 1970.The Machine as Seen at the End of the Machine Age, Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 25, 1968–February 9, 1969. Traveled to: Rice Museum, Rice University, Houston, March 25–May 18, 1969; San Francisco Museum of Art, June 23–August 24, 1969. (Catalogue)Illusionism, The Alan Gallery, New York, November 23–December 24, 1968.Violence in Recent American Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, November 8, 1968–January 12, 1969.Signals in the Sixties, Honolulu Academy of Arts, October 5–November 10, 1968.Initial Exhibition, William Zierler, Inc., New York, opened October 1968.Documenta 4, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, June 27–October 6, 1968. (Catalogue)Directions ‘68: Options, Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin, June 22–August 18, 1968. Traveled to: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago.IInd International Biennial of Poster Art, Salons de Zacheta, Warsaw, June 1968.Sammlung Hahn: Zeitgenössische Kunst (Hahn collection: contemporary art), Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne, May 3–July 7, 1968. (Catalogue)May Opening Exhibition, National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, D.C., opened May 1968.L’Art vivant 1965–1968, Fondation Maeght, St. Paul-de-Vence, France, April 13–June 30, 1968. (Catalogue)The Obessive Image, Tate Gallery, London, April 10–May 29, 1968. (Catalogue)Three Blind Mice'/De Collecties: Visser, Peeters, Becht, Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, April 6–May 19, 1968. Traveled to: Sint Pietersabij, Gent, June 15–August 15, 1968.Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage, Museum of Modern Art, New York, March 27–June 9, 1968. Traveled to: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 16–September 8, 1968; Art Institute of Chicago, October19–December 8, 1968. (Catalogue)Suites: Recent Prints, Jewish Museum, New York, March 12–September 2, 1968.Contemporary Graphics Published by Universal Limited Art Editions, Dayton’s Gallery 12, Minneapolis, February 21–March 6, 1968. (Brochure)The Sidney and Harriet Janis Collection, Museum of Modern Art, New York, January 16–March 4, 1968, Traveled to: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, May 15–July 28, 1968; Portland Museum of Art, Oregon, September 13–October 13, 1968; Pasadena Museum of Art, November 11–December 15, 1968; San Francisco Museum of Art, January 13–February 16, 1969; Seattle Art Museum, March 12–April 13, 1969; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, May 14–June 15, 1969; Detroit Institute of Arts, July 14–August 17, 1969; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, September 15–October 19, 1969; Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, November 18, 1969–January 4, 1970; Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland, February 28–March 30, 1970; Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, May 1–31, 1970; Akademie der Künste, Berlin, June 12–August 2, 1970; Kunsthalle Nürnberg, September 11–October 25, 1970; Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, November 11–December 27, 1970; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, January 7–February 11, 1971; Kunsthalle Cologne, March 5–April 18, 1971.1967Art Today, New York State Fair, Syracuse, 1967.International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, 1967.Compass: Paintings after 1945 in New York, Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 9–December 17, 1967. Traveled to: Frankfurter Kunstverein, December 30, 1967–February 11, 1968.Protest and Hope: An Exhibition of Contemporary American Art, New School for Social Research, New York, opened November 1967.The 1967 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, October 27, 1967–January 7, 1968.Protest and Hope: An Exhibition of Contemporary American Art, Wollman Hall, New School Art Center, New York, October 24–December 2, 1967. (Brochure)9th São Paulo Biennial: Environment USA: 1957–1967, Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo, September 22, 1967–January 8, 1968. Organized by International Art Program, National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Traveled to: Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, February 19–March 23, 1968. (Catalogue)Campo Vitale, Palazzo Grassi, Venice, July 27–October 8, 1967. (Catalogue)Dallas Private Collections, Dallas Museum of Fine, July 15–September 3, 1967.Large Scale American Paintings, The Jewish Museum, New York, July 11–September 17, 1967. (Brochure)The 1960s: Painting and Sculpture from the Museum Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 28–September 24, 1967.7th International exhibition of Graphic Art (biennial), Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 3–August 31, 1967. (Catalogue)American Painting Now, Expo ‘67, United States Pavilion, Montreal, April 28–October 27, 1967. Organized by the United States Information Agency. Organized by Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Traveled to: Horticultural Hall, Boston, December 15–January 10, 1968. (Brochure)American Sculpture of the Sixties, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 28–June 25, 1967. Traveled to: Philadelphia Museum of Art, September 18–October 19, 1967. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, opened April 17, 1967.Twentieth Century American Paintings,”Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 1–30, 1967.Art in Process: The Visual Development of a Collage, Finch College Museum of Art, New York, March 9, 1967–April 23, 1967. Organized by American Federation of Arts. Traveled to: Charles N. MacNider Museum, Mason City, Iowa, August 24–September 14, 1967; University of Georgia, Athens, September 28–October 19, 1967; State University of New York, Plattsburgh, November 2–23, 1967; Cedar Rapids Art Center, Iowa, January 11–February 1, 1968; The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C., February 15–March 7, 1968; Neville Public Museum, Green Bay, Wisconsin, March 21–April 11, 1968; Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, April 25–May 16, 1968; State University of New York, Geneseo, July 4–25, 1968; Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, September 12–October 3, 1968. (Catalogue)Artists for SEDF (School, Education, Defense Fund and Racial Equality), New York, opened March 1967.Drawings by Americans, Henry Art Gallery, University of Washington, Seattle, February 12–March 19, 1967.Ten Years, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, February 4–26, 1967. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris, opened February 1967.1966Art in the Residence of the American Ambassador, American Embassy, Athens, 1966.Flint Invitational, Flint Institute of Arts, Michigan, 1966.Large Paintings and Constructions, Jewish Museum, New York, 1966.Seven Decades of Modern Art, Cordier Ekstrom Gallery, New York, 1966.Art in the Mirror, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 21, 1966–January 1967. Traveled to: Mansfield Arts Guild, Mansfield, Ohio, March 10–April 2, 1967; San Francisco State College, April 21–May 14, 1967; Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, June 27–July 23, 1967; Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys, September 22–October 15, 1967; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, November 1–December 3, 1967; State University College, Oswego, New York, February 13–March 6, 1968. (Brochure)Sound, Light and Silence, William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, November 4–December 4, 1965. (Brochure)Two Decades of American Painting, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan, October 15–November 17, 1966. Organized under the auspices of the International Council of the Museum of Modern Art. Traveled to: National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi; National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne; Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, closed August 20, 1967.Art of the United States: 1670–1966, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, September 28–November 27, 1966. (Catalogue)68th American Exhibition, Art Institute of Chicago, August 19–October 16, 1966. (Brochure)The Object Transformed, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 28–August 21, 1966. (Catalogue)Black Mountain College, Carroll Reece Museum, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, April 26–June 30, 1966. (Catalogue)Hommage à Caissa, Cordier and Ekstrom, New York, February 8–26, 1966. Organized by Marcel Duchamp.The Photographic Image, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 12–February 13, 1996. (Brouchure)1965U.S.A. Nouvelle Peintre, American Embassy, Paris, 1965–1966.Den Inre Och Den Yttre Rymden (Inner and Outer Space), Moderna Museet, Stockholm, December 26, 1965–February 13, 1966. (Catalogue)Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 8, 1965–January 30, 1966 (Brochure)"Pop Art," SUNY New York, Stony Brook, Long Island, New York, opened November 1965.Pop Art from USA, Hamburger Kunstkabinett, Hamburg, opened November 1965.Twentieth Century Masters, Pace Gallery, Columbus, Ohio, opened November 1965.The Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, Wilmington, Delaware, October 13– November 7, 1965.Virginia Dwan Collection, The University of California Art Galleries, Los Angeles, October 3–24, 1965 (brochure)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 2–21, 1965.The Drawing Society National Exhibition, DeWaters Art Center, Flint, Michigan, October 1–22, 1965. Circulated by AFA. Traveled to: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 5–26, 1965; Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City, December 10–31; Atlanta Art Association, January 14–February 4, 1966; University of Kansas, Lawrence, February 18–March 11, 1966; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, March 25–April 14, 1966; Frederick & Nelson, Seattle, April 22–May 7, 1966; Long Beach Museum of Art, California, June 5–26, 1966; Honolulu Academy of Arts, July 8–29, 1966; Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, August 12–September 2, 1966; National Collections of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, September 16–November 12, 1966; American Federation of Arts Gallery, New York, November 22–December 13, 1966.About New York: Night + Day, Gallery of Modern Art, New York, October– November 1965.Selections from the Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, Baltimore Museum of Art, September 27–October 30, 1965.Contemporary Boxes and Wall Sculpture, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, September 22–October 20, 1965.La Figuration Narrative dans l'Art Contemporain, Galerie Creuze, Paris, September 1965.Sixty-eighth American Exhibition, Art Institute of Chicago, August 19–October 16, 1965.Artists of 1¢ Life, Philadelphia Museum of Art, July 1–August. 31, 1965 (Brochure)The Object Transformed, Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 29–September 5, 1965.6th International Exhibition of Graphic Art (biennial), Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 19–September 19, 1965 (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 14–30, 1965.American Painting, 1966, Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia, May 16–June 12, 1965.Group exhibition, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, May 10–28, 1965.Summer Exhibition: American Painting of the Twentieth Century, Baltimore Museum of Art, May 4–September 26, 1965.VI Exposition Internationale de Gravure, Gallery of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, May 1965.Weiss aus Weiss, Kunsthalle Bern, May–June 1965.A Decade of American Drawings, 1955–1965, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, April 28–June 6, 1965.The Visual Arts as Taught and Practiced at Black Mountain College, Carroll Reece Museum, Johnson City, Tennessee, April 26–June 30, 1965.Three Centuries of American Painting, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, April 9–October 17, 1965 (Brochure).Pop Art and the American Tradition, Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin, April 9–May 5, 1965.26th Annual Exhibition by the Society of Contemporary American Art, Art Institute of Chicago, April–May, 1965.Kane Memorial Exhibition, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, March 31– April 3, 1965.Pop & Circumstance (Mental Health Benefit), Four Seasons, New York, March 14, 1965.The 29th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., February 26–April 18, 1965. (Brochure)The New American Realism, Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, February 18–April 4, 1965. (Catalogue)Master Drawings - Pissaro to Lichtenstein, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, February 7–26, 1965.Drawing &, University Art Museum, University of Texas, Austin, February 6–March 15, 1965.Pop Art, Nouveau Realism, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, February 5–March 1, 1965.The Other Tradition, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, January 27–March 7, 1965.Master Drawings: Pissarro to Lichtenstein, Bianchini Gallery, New York, January 15–February 15. Traveled to: Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, February 7–26, 1965.The Photographic Image, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 1965.1964Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, 1964.Byron Gallery, New York, 1964.8 Years of Agitation, Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris, 1964.Three Generations, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, November 24–December 26, 1965. (Brochure).Man: Glory, Jest and Riddle, M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, November 10, 1964–January 3, 1965.Wright Collection, Portland Art Museum, Oregon, November 8–December, 1964.The 1964 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 30–January 10, 1965.Man: Glory, Jest & Riddle, San Francisco Museum of Art, October 26, 1964–January 1, 1965.New School of New York, Jerrold Morris International Gallery Limited, Toronto, opened October 19, 1964.The Painter and the Photograph, Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts, October 5–November 2, 1964. Organized by the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Traveled to: Museum of Art, Indiana University, Bloomington, November 15–December 20, 1964; The Art Gallery, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, January 3–February 10, 1965; Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, February 28–March 22, 1965; University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, April 1–May 7, 1965; Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California, May 19–June 21, 1965.Illustrations for Dante's Inferno, Museum of Ostwall, Dortmund, Germany, October 1–31, 1964. Traveled to Hamburg, November 1–30, 1964.American Contemporary Drawings, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, September 18–October 25, 1964. Traveled to: University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, November 11–December 13; Grand Rapids Art Museum, Michigan, January 10–February 7, 1965; University Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, February 24–March 21, 1965; Seattle Art Museum, April 8–May 2, 1965; Denver Art Museum, June 6–July 4, 1965; Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, July 25–August. 22, 1965; Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio, September. 12–October 10, 1965; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, November 14–December 5, 1965. (catalogue)Combine Drawings, Galerie Buren, Stockholm, Sweden, opened September 12, 1964.Group Show, Galleria dell'Ariete, Milan, Italy, Summer 1964.New York, New York, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, June 29–July 25, 1964.Group Exhibition, Dwan Gallery, New York, June 29–July 25, 1964.Documenta III, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, June 27–October 5, 1964 (Catalogue)Between The Fairs: 25 Years of American Art, 1939–1964, Whitney Museum of American, New York, June 24–September 23, 1964 (Catalogue)Nieuwe Realisten, Haags Gemeentemuseum (Municipal Museum), The Hague, June 24–August 20, 1964. Traveled to: Akademie der Künste, Berlin (as Neue Realisten und Pop Art), November 24, 1964–January 3, 1965; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (as Pop Art, Nouveau Réalisme, Etc.), February 5–March 1, 1965. (Brochures)Art Dealer's Association Summer Show, Parke Bernet, New York, June 23 1964.Biennale Eight, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, June 20–July 26, 1964 (Brochure)32nd International Venice Biennial Exhibition of Art, installed as part of Four Germinal Painters, Venice, Italy, June 20–October 18, 1964. (Grand Prize) (Catalogue)100 American Drawings, Byron Gallery, New York, June 18–July 31, 1964.Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, June 6–30, 1964.The 8 Americans in the Venice Biennale, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, June–July 1964.World Show, Washington Square Galleries, New York, June 1964.Quattro American, Gallerie dell’Ariete, Milan, June 1964.Salon de Mai, Paris, May 9–June 9 1964.The Friends Collect, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, May 8–June 16, 1964.The World’s Fair Artists, Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, April 27–May 23 1964.New York World’s Fair, Flushing Meadows, New York, April 22–October 1964.Painting and Sculpture of a Decade 54–64, Tate Gallery (Goulbenkian Foundation), London, April 22–June 28, 1964. (Catalogue)Recent American Drawings, Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts, April 19–May 17 1964. Traveled to Brandeis University.The Atmosphere of '64, Institute of Contemporary Art, Universtiy of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 17–June 1, 1964.Recent American Paintings, University Art Museum, University of Texas, Austin, April 15–May 15, 1964.Pop Art, Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, April–May 23, 1964.The World's Fair Artists, Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, April–May 23, 1964.New York State Pavilion at the World's Fair, Circarama Building, Flushing, Queens, New York, April 22–October 18, 1964.Selections from The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection, Goucher College, Baltimore, March 8–April 5, 1964.The American Conscience, New School Art Center, New York, March 3–April 4, 1964. (Brochure)Group Show, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, February 8–March 12, 1964.Boxes, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, February 2–29, 1964. (Brochure)Art Becomes Reality, Fine Arts Gallery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, January 29–February 8, 1964 (Brochure).Black, White & Grey, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, January 9–February 9, 1964.A View of NY Painting Including Major Works by Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Ellsworth Kelly, Frank Stella, Roy Lichtenstein, and Larry Poons, Ferus Gallery, Los Angeles, January 1964.1963The Art of Things, Jerrold Morris International Gallery, Toronto, 1963.The Ascendancy of American Art, Columbia Museum, South Carolina, 1963.Park Synagogue Art Festival, Cleveland, Ohio, 1963.The South Bank Exhibition, St. Louis, Missouri, 1963.Group exhibition, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, December 29, 1963–January 3, 1964.Black and White, The Jewish Museum, New York, December 12, 1963–February 5, 1964. (Brochure)Annual Exhibition of Painting, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 11, 1963–February 2, 1964.New Directions in American Painting, Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts, opened December 1, 1963. Traveled to: Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, New Orleans, February 7–March 8, 1964; Atlanta Art Association, March 18–April 22, 1964; J. B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, May 4–June 7, 1964; Art Museum, Indiana University, Bloomington, June 22–September 20, 1964; Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, October 5–30, 1964; Detroit Institute of Arts, November 10–December 6, 1964. (Catalogue)The Popular Image, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, October 24–November 23, 1963 (Brochure)Pop Art USA (organized by John Coplans), Oakland Art Museum, California, September 7–29, 1963 (Catalogue)Dunn International, (organized by John Richardson) Beaverbrook Art Gallery, New Brunswick, Canada, opened September 1963. Traveled to: Tate Gallery, London, November 15–December 22, 1963.Le Salon Internationale de Galeries Pilotes, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, June 20–October 6, 1963.Fifth International Exhibition of Prints, Gallery of Modern Art, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, June 9–September 15, 1963. (Accident receives 1st prize) (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, disegni, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 20–June 30, 1963.Arte de America y Espana, El Retiro Parquet, Madrid, opened May 18, 1963.Schrift und Bild, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, May 3–June 10. Traveled to: Staatliche Kunsthalle, Baden-Baden, June 14–August 4, 1963. (catalogue)The Popular Image, Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington, D.C. (Pop Festival) April 18–June 2, 1963. Traveled to: Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, October 24–November 23, 1963. (Brochure)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 2–25, 1963.Six Painters and the Object, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, March 14–June 12, 1963. Traveled to: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 24–August 25; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, September 3–29; University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor, October 9–November 3; Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, November 18–December 29; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, January 17–February 23, 1964; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, March 8–April 5, 1964; La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, California, April 20–May 17, 1964. (Brochure)Exhibition for the Benefit of the Foundation for Contemporary Performance Arts, Allen Stone Gallery, New York, opened February 25–March 2, 1963 (Catalogue)Dealer’s Choice, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, California, February 10–March 2, 1963.28th Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Armerican Painting, The Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. January 18–March 3, 1963. Traveled with AFA grant to: Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana, April 1–22, 1963; Library of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, May 6–27, 1963; University of Southern Florida, Tampa, July 15–August 5, 1963; Florida State University, Tallahassee, September 23–October 14, 1963; University of Oklahoma, Norman, October 28–November 18, 1963; Mint Museum of Art, Charlotte, North Carolina, December 2–23; Fort Wayne Art Museum, Indiana, January 6–27, 1964; Witte Memorial Museum, San Antonio, Texas, February 10–March 3, 1964; Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, March 22–April 12, 1964.(Brochure)According to the Letter, Thibault Gallery, New York, January 15–February 9, 1963. (Brochure).66th American Annual Exhibition: Directions in Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture, The Art Institute of Chicago, January 11–February 10, 1963.3 Young Artists, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Ohio, January 8–29, 1963.19621960–61: NY Gallery Exhibition. Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut,1962.XVIII Salon de Mai, Musée d’Art Moderne, Paris, 1962.Art 1963: A New Vocabulary, YM/YWA, Philadelphia, 1962.Museum for Contemporary Arts, Dallas, 1962.Annual Exhibition: Contemporary Sculpture and Drawings, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 12, 1962–February 3, 1963. (Catalogue)My Country ‘Tis of Thee, Dwan Gallery, Los Angeles, November 18–December 15, 1962. (Brochure)The New Realists, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, October 31–December 1, 1962 (Brochure)Third International Biennial Exhibition of Prints in Tokyo 1962, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, October 6–November 11, 1962. Organized by Yomiuri Shimbun. Traveled to: Municipal Museum of Art, Osaka, January 6–February 17, 1963. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, September 22–October 13, 1962.Art: USA: NOW (S.C. Johnson & Son Collection), Milwaukee Art Center, Wisconsin, September 20–October 21, 1962. Traveled through: Europe 1963–1965. Traveled by: United States Information Agency to: Bridgestone Art Museum, Tokyo, opened November 15; Honolulu Academy of Arts; Royal Academy of Arts, London, February 15–March 17, 1963; Zappeion, Athens, April 2–15, 1963; Palazzo Venezia, Rome, May 7–24, 1963; Haus der Kunst, Munich, June 13–July 14, 1963; Salons Privés, Casino de Monte-Carlo, August 8–31, 1963; Kongreßhalle, East Berlin, September 22–October 6, 1963; Charlottenborg, Copenhagen, October 20–November 10, 1963; Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, November 23–December 18, 1963; Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan, January 7–28, 1964; Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, February 15–March 15, 1964; Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin, April 16–May 17, 1964; Casón del Buen Retiro, Madrid, June 6–28, 1964; Kunstmuseum Luzern, Lucerne, August 1–31, 1964; Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, September 8–27, 1964; Akademie der Bildende Künste, Vienna, October 14–November 15, 1964; Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. (as Art: USA: The Johnson Collection of Contemporary American Painting), December 29, 1964–January 17, 1965; Philadelphia Museum of Art, February 1–March 7, 1965; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, March 24–April 18, 1965; Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, May 1–23, 1965; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, June 4–27, 1965; Detroit Institute of Arts, July 9–August 1, 1965; Minneapolis Institute of Arts, August 10–September 5, 1965; Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, September 19–October 10, 1965; Saint Louis Art Museum, October 22–November 14, 1965; Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio, November 23–December 16, 1965; Joslyn Art Museum, Omaha, Nebraska, January 30–February 20, 1966; Denver Art Museum, March 4–27, 1966; Seattle Art Museum, April 8–May 1, 1966; Fresno State College, California, May 15–June 10, 1966; Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, June 17–July 10, 1966; Fort Worth Art Center, July 22–August 14, 1966; De Moines Art Center, Iowa, September 1–22, 1966; Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, November 4–27, 1966; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, December 1966; Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, January 17–February 18, 1967; Lowe Art Gallery, University of Miami, Coral Gables, closed March 30, 1967; Columbia Museum of Art, South Carolina, April 21–May 14, 1967; National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., May–June 1968. (Brochure and Catalogue)Dylaby (Dynamisch Labyrint), Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, August 30–September 30, 1962 (Brochure).Drawings: Lee Bountecou, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Moskowitz, Robert Rauschenberg, Jack Tworkov, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 26–June 30, 1962.18th Salon de mai, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, May 6–27, 1962 (Catalogue).Art Since 1950, American and International, World’s Fair, Seattle, April 21–October 21, 1962 Traveled to: Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts (as American Art since 1950), November 20–December 23, 1962 (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, April 7–21, 1962.1961, Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, April 3–May 13, 1962.4 Amerikanare: Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, March 17–May 6, 1962. Traveled to: Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, May 18–June 18; 1962, Kunsthalle Bern, July 7–September 2, 1962. (Catalogue)Allan Stone Gallery, New York, opened February 1962.Abstract Drawings and Watercolors: USA, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, January 14–February 14, 1962. Organized by International Council of the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Traveled to: Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, March 29–April 22, 1962; Museo de Arte Moderna, Buenos Aires, July 2–22, 1962; Instituto de Arte Contemporaneo, Lima, October 23–November 3, 1962; Museo de Arte Colonial, Quito, November 23–30, 1962; Casa de la Cultura Ecuatorina, Nucleo de Guayas, Guayaquil, Equador, November 13–19, 1962; Museo Nacional, Bogotá, February 6–27, 1963; Instituto Parameno de Arte, Panama, March 11–26, 1963; Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, May 8–28, 1963. (Catalogues and Brochures)1961Le Nouveau Realism, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris 1961.The Fine Art of Lithography, Kornblee Gallery, New York 1961.Annual Exhibition: Contemporary American Painting, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, December 13, 1961–February 4, 1962. (Catalogue)The 1961 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 27, 1961–January 7, 1962. (Catalogue)American Abstract Expressionists and Imagists, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, October 13–December 31, 1961.(Catalogue)Art of Assemblage, Museum of Modern Art, New York, October 4–November 12, 1961. Traveled to: Dallas Museum for Contemporary Art, January 9–February 11, 1962; San Francisco Museum of Art, March 5–April 15, 1962. (Catalogue)Group Exhibition, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, September 22–October 14, 1961.Le Nouveau Réalisme à Paris et à New York, Galerie Rive Droite, Paris, July–September 15, 1961. (Brochure).Amerikanische Maler der Gegenwart (Contemporary American painters), Galerie Würthle, Vienna, June 19–July 8, 1961. Organized by United States Information Agency. Traveled to: Zwerglgarten, Salzburg, July 10–August 31; 1961 Kalemegdan Pavilion, Belgrade, September 15–October 1; 1961 Umetnicki Pavilion, Skopje, People’s Republic of Macedonia, Yugoslavia, October 14–29; 1961 Moderna Galerija, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, November 9–20; 1961 Umetnostna Galerija, Maribor, Yugoslavia, November 25–December 4; 1961 Moderna Galerija Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, December 11, 1961–January 7, 1962; Fine Arts Gallery, Rijeka, Yugoslavia, January 13–31, 1962; USIS Gallery, American Embassy, London (as Vanguard American Painting), Febuary 28–March 30, 1962; Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt (as Abstrakte Amerikanische Malerei [Abstract American painting]), April 14–May 13, 1962. (Brochures and Catalogue)Disegni americani moderni (Modern American drawings), Festival of Two Worlds, Palazzo Ancaiani, Spoleto, Italy, June 16–July 16, 1961. Organized by International Council, Museum of Modern Art, New York. (Catalogue)Anti-procès 3, Galleria Brera, Milan, June 5–30, 1961. Organized in collaboration with Galleria Schwarz and Galleria del Naviglio.(brochure).Movement in Art, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, May 17–September 3, 1961. Traveled to: Louisiana Museum, Humlebaek, Denmark, September–October, 1961.Les 41 Presentent Iris Clert, Galerie Iris Clert, Paris, opened May 15, 1961.Bewogen Beweging, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Netherlands, March 10–April 17, 1961. Traveled to: Moderna Museet, Stockholm (as Rörelse i konsten), May 16–September 10, 1961; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark (as Bevaegelse i kunsten), September–October, 1961 (Catalogue)American Vanguard. Exhibition sponsored by United States Information Agency. Traveled to: Vienna; Salzburg; Yugoslavia; USIA Gallery, American Embassy, London, February 28–March 30, 1962; Darmstadt, Germany, April 13–May 14, 1962.Six Decades of American Painting, Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, February 10– March 12, 1961. (Brochure)64th American Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, Art Institute of Chicago, January 6–February 5, 1961. (Catalogue)1960International Surrealist Exhibition, D’Arcy Galleries, New York, November 28, 1960–January 14, 1961 (Catalogue)New Media - New Forms One: Junk Culture as Tradition, Martha Jackson Gallery, New York, June 6–24, 1960. (Brochure)Summary 1959–1960, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 31–June 25, 1960.Society for Contemporary American Art Annual Exhibition XX and 20th Anniversary Exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, May 17–June 18, 1960.School of New York: Some Younger Americans, Stable Gallery, New York, opened March 1960. Traveling exhibition sponsored by The American Federation of Arts.Contemporary American Painting, Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio, January 14–February 18, 1960.1959Below Zero, Reuben Gallery, New York, December 18, 1959–January 5, 1960.Sixteen Americans, Museum of Modern Art, New York, December 16, 1959–February 14, 1960. (Catalogue)School of New York: Some Younger Artists, Stable Gallery, New York, December 15, 1959–January 9, 1960. Traveled by American Federation of Arts (as Some Younger American Artists) to: Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, January 31–February 26, 1960; John Herron Art Museum, Indianapolis, March 12–April 2, 1960; Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, April 19–May 5, 1960; Florida State University, Tallahassee; Holiday Art Center, Watch Hill, Rhode Island, July 22–August 15, 1960; Van Deusen Gallery, Kent State University, Ohio, November 1960; Atlanta Public Library, December 14, 1960–January 4, 1961; Wells College, Aurora, New York, February 23–March 13, 1961Exposition International de Surrealisme, Galerie Daniel Cordier, Paris, December 15–February, 1960. (Catalogue)Out of the Ordinary: The Audience as Subject, Contemporary Arts Association of Houston, November 26–December 27, 1959.Work in Three Dimensions, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 20–November 7, 1959.Opening of the New Gallery, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 6–17, 1959.Premiere Biennale de Paris: Manifestation Biennale et Internationale des Jeunes Artists, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, France, October 2–25, 1959.V Bienal de Sao Paulo, São Paulo Museum of Modern Art, September 21, 1959–December 2, 1960. (Catalogue)Documenta II: Kunst nach 1945, Museum Fridericianum, Kassel, July 11–October 11, 1959 (Catalogue)Three: Rauschenberg, Bluhm, Dubuffet, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, March 31–April 18, 1959. (Brochure)Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, March 6–June, 1959.Area Gallery, New York, January 30–February 25, 1959.26th Biennial, Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D.C., Jaunary 17–March 8, 1959. Traveled to: Winston-Salem Public Library, North Carolina, April 1–21, 1959; Amarillo College, Texas, May 4–24, 1959; J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, Kentucky, June 5–25, 1959; Cedar Rapids Art Association, Iowa, September 1–22, 1959; University of Oklahoma, Norman, October 5–25, 1959; Clemson College, South Carolina, November 7–27, 1959; Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, Memphis, Tennessee, January 7–27, 1960; Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, February 10–March 1, 1960; Albany Institute of History and Art, New York, April 1–30, 1960. (Brochure)Art and the Found Object, Time-Life Building, New York, January 12–30, 1959. Traveled to: Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts, February 22–March 15; Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, April 8–28, 1959; Arts Club of Chicago, May 22–June 17, 1959; University of Notre Dame, Indiana, July 1–21, 2009; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York., November 4–24, 1959; Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, December 15, 1959–January 15, 1960.1958Beyond Painting: An Exhibition of Collages and Constructions, Alan Gallery, New York, December 29, 1958–January 24, 1959 (Brochure)The 1958 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculpture, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 5, 1958–February 8, 1959.(Catalogue)Laughter in Art, The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, Texas, November 5, 1958–January 6, 1958 (Brochure)Group exhibition: Bluhm, Brach, Dzubas, Johns, Marisol, Rauschenberg, Schueler, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, October 28–November 22, 1958.Workshop Gallery, New York, opened October 28, 1958.Little Gallery, Princeton, New Jersey, October 4–November 12, 1958.Prima selezione di giovani artisti italiani e americani,Festival of Two Worlds, Palazzo Collicola, Spoleto, Italy, June 8– 29, 1958. (Catalogue)The Newport Jazz Festival Exhibition, Newport, Rhode Island, June 1958– February 3, 1959.Katonah Gallery, Katonah, New York, May 28–September 28, 1958.Festival of Two Worlds, Spoleto, Italy, April 17–September 10, 1958.(Catalogue)Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, March 13–May 20, 1958.Collage International, from Picasso to Present, Contemporary Art Museum, Houston, February 27–April 6, 1958. (Catalogue)AFA Collection Traveling Show (American Federation of Arts), February 1958– March 1959.Cincinnati Arts Museum, Rental Gallery, January 24, 1958– January 21, 1959.1957Zabriskie Collection Show, University Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, December 16, 1957– January 4, 1958. Traveled by American Federation of Arts to: Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, Iowa, February 1–24, 1958; George Peabody College, Nashville, March 7–26, 1958; Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, Tallahassee, April 7–27, 1958; University of Wyoming, Laramie, May 8–28, 1958; Atlanta Public Library, September 15–October 5, 1958; Newcomb College, Tulane University, New Orleans, October 21–November 15, 1958; Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, November 24–December 18, 1958; Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, January 5–25, 1959; Ohio University, Athens, February 8–28, 1959.New Work, Leo Castelli Gallery, New York, May 5–25, 1957.Artists of the New York School: Second Generation, The Jewish Museum, New York, March 10–April 28, 1957 (Catalogue)1956Fifth Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Stable Gallery, New York, May 22–June 16, 1956.1955Drawings, Watercolors and Small Oils, Poindexter Gallery, New York, December 19, 1955–January 7,1955.U.S. Paintings: Some New Directions (curated by Thomas B. Hess), Stable Gallery, New York, November 29–December 23, 1955.Fourth Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Stable Gallery, New York, April 26–May 21, 1955.1954Group Exhibition, Tanager Gallery, New York December 20, 1954–January 20, 1955.Third Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Stable Gallery, New York, January 27–February 20, 1954.1953Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, March 1–April 12, 1953. (Catalogue)Second Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Stable Gallery, New York, opened January 11-February 7, 1953.1952Group Exhibition, Betty Parsons Gallery, New York, May 12–June 14, 1952.1951Today’s Self-Styled School of New York [The Ninth Street Show], The Club, 60 East Ninth Street, New York, May 21–June 10, 1951.Abstraction in Photography (curated by Edward Steichen), Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 2–July 4, 1951 Robert RauschenbergPublic Collections Robert Rauschenberg Public Collections Academy Art Museum, Easton, MarylandAkron Art Museum, OhioAktionsforum Praterinsel, MunichThe Albertina Museum, ViennaAllen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, OhioARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, DenmarkArt Gallery of New South Wales, SydneyArt Gallery of Ontario, TorontoThe Art Institute of ChicagoArtsonje Museum, Gyeongju Bomun, South KoreaAustin Museum of Art, TexasAustralian National Gallery, CanberraBaltimore Museum of Art, MarylandBayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, MunichBirmingham Museum of Art, AlabamaThe Broad, Los AngelesBruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, ConnecticutBuffalo AKG Art Museum, New YorkThe Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OhioCanton Museum of Art, OhioCastellani Art Museum, Niagara University, New YorkCentre Georges Pompidou, ParisCentro Cultural de Arte Contemporaneo, Mexico CityChartwell Trust and Collection, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, New ZealandCheekwood Museum of Art, Nashville, TennesseeChildren’s Hospital, Washington, D.C.Chrysler Museum, Norfolk, VirginiaCincinnati Art Museum, OhioThe Clay Center for the Arts & Sciences of West Virginia, CharlestonThe Cleveland Museum of Art, OhioColby College Museum of Art, Waterville, MaineCollection de Bruin-Heijn, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsCooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, New YorkCorning Museum of Glass, New YorkCranbrook Art Museum, Bloomfield Hills, MichiganCrystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Bentonville, ArkansasCurrier Museum of Art, Manchester, New HampshireDaimler Art Collection, Stuttgart, GermanyDallas Museum of Art, TexasDaum Museum of Contemporary Art, Sedalia, MissouriDes Moines Art Center, IowaDetroit Institute of Arts, MichiganEli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Michigan State University, East LansingFaurschou Foundation, CopenhagenFigge Art Museum, Davenport, IowaFine Arts Museums of San FranciscoFotomuseum Winterthur, SwitzerlandFred Jones Jr. Museum of Art at The University of Oklahoma, NormanFundación March, MadridGlenstone Museum, Potomac, MarylandGrey Art Gallery, New York University Art Collection, New YorkGuild Hall of East Hampton, New YorkHaggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WisconsinHamburger Bahnhof, Berlin, GermanyHara Museum of Contemporary Art, TokyoHarvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MassachusettsHerbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New YorkHess Art Collection, Liebefel-Bern, SwitzerlandHigh Museum of Art, Atlanta, GeorgiaHiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, JapanHirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.Honolulu Academy of Arts, HawaiiHunter Museum of American Art, Chattanooga, TennesseeThe Huntington Library, Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, CaliforniaInstitut Valencia d’Art Modern, SpainIrish Museum of Modern Art, DublinIsrael Museum, JerusalemJohn and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FloridaThe Johnson Collection, Spartanburg, South CarolinaKawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art, Sakura, JapanKaiser Wilhelm Museum, Krefeld, GermanyKemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MissouriKiasma – Museum of Contemporary Art, Finnish National Gallery, HelsinkiKunsthaus, ZürichKunstmuseum BaselKunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, GermanyLauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, MississippiLong Museum, ShanghaiLos Angeles County Museum of ArtLouisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebæk, DenmarkLudwig Forum für Internationale Kunst, Aachen, GermanyLudwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest, HungaryMaier Museum of Art, Randolph College, Lynchburg, VirginiaThe Menil Collection, Houston, TexasMcNay Art Museum, San Antonio, TexasThe Metropolitan Museum of Art, New YorkMidwest Museum of American Art, Elkhart, IndianaMinneapolis Institute of Arts, MinnesotaModern Art Museum of Fort Worth, TexasModerna Museet, StockholmMontreal Museum of Fine ArtsMorris Museum of Art, Augusta, GeorgiaMusée d'Art Contemporain, Marseilles, FranceMusée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain, Nice, FranceMuseo Botero, Bogotá, ColombiaMuseo Guggenheim, Bilbao, SpainMuseo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia, MadridMuseu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, SpainMuseu Serralves, Porto, PortugalMuseum Brandhorst, Munich, GermanyMuseum of Contemporary Art, TokyoMuseum Folkwang Essen, GermanyMuseum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden, GermanyMuseum für Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, GermanyMuseum Ludwig, Cologne, GermanyMuseum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, Vienna, AustriaMuseum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, IllinoisThe Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CaliforniaMuseum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, CaliforniaThe Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MassachusettsThe Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TexasThe Museum of Modern Art, New YorkNasher Museum at Duke University, Durham, North CarolinaNassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New YorkNational Gallery of Australia, Canberra, AustraliaNational Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.National Gallery of Canada, OttawaThe National Museum of Art, OsakaNational Museum of Modern Art, TokyoNational Visual Arts Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaThe Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MissouriNeuberger Museum of Art, Purchase College, State University of New YorkNeue Galerie Sammlung Ludwig, Aachen, GermanyNew England Center for Contemporary Art, Inc., Brooklyn, ConnecticutThe New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa FeNew Orleans Museum of Art, LouisianaNorth Carolina Museum of Art, RaleighNorth Carolina State University Visual Arts Center, RaleighNorton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CaliforniaNSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University, FloridaOhara Museum of Art, Okayama, JapanOklahoma City Museum of Art, OklahomaOrange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CaliforniaOrlando Museum of Art, FloridaOtsuka Art Museum, Tokushima, JapanParrish Art Museum, Water Mill, New YorkPérez Art Museum, MiamiPhiladelphia Museum of Art, PennsylvaniaThe Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FloridaPrinceton University Art Museum, New JerseyRose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MassachusettsSaint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis, MissouriSan Diego Museum of Art, CaliforniaSan Francisco Museum of Modern ArtSan José Museum of Art, CaliforniaSanta Barbara Museum of Art, CaliforniaSeattle Art Museum, WashingtonSetagaya Museum, TokyoSheldon Museum of Art, University of Nebraska LincolnSogetsu Art Museum, TokyoSolomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New YorkSonje Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyungbuk, South KoreaSpeed Art Museum, Louisville, KentuckySmith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MassachusettsSmithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.Staatsgalerie moderner Kunst, MunichStaatsgalerie Stuttgart, GermanyStedelijk Museum of Modern Art, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsTate Gallery, LondonTehran Museum of Contemporary ArtTel Aviv Museum of Art, IsraelTelfair Museum of Art, Jepson Center for the Arts, Savannah, GeorgiaThyssen-Bornemisza National Museum, MadridTokyo Metropolitan Art MuseumToledo Museum of Art, OhioUniversity of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa CityVancouver Art Gallery, CanadaVirginia Museum of Fine Arts, RichmondWadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, ConnecticutWalker Art Center, Minneapolis, MinnesotaWallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne, GermanyWashington University Gallery of Art, St. Louis, MissouriWeatherspoon Art Gallery, University of North Carolina, GreensboroWhitney Museum of American Art, New YorkWichita Art Museum, KansasWorcester Art Museum, MassachusettsYale University Art Gallery, New Haven, ConnecticutZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe, Germany Robert RauschenbergPeriodicals Robert Rauschenberg Periodicals 2024Goyanes, Rob. “Gallerists reveal must-see 20th-century masterpieces they are bringing to Basel” (Art fair review). Art Basel, 7 June 2024., Melanie. “Speedy sales at Paris+ fair include Rauschenberg but $40mn Rothko still unsold.” Financial Times, 19 October 2023., Karen. “Art Basel Miami Beach Sees Sales of Big-Ticket Artworks, Including Marlene Dumas Painting for $9 M. and Philip Guston for $20 M.” ARTnews, 7 December 2023.“Price Check! Here’s What Sold–and for How Much–at Paris+ 2023.” Artnet News, 24 October 2023.“Price Check! Here’s What Sold—and For How Much—at Frieze Seoul 2023.” Artnet News, 11 September 2023., Angelica. “$6 M. Kerry James Marshall Painting Leads Strong Sales at Paris + par Art Basel.” ARTnews, 19 October 2023., David. “An audience of each other.” Artonview, no. 108, (Summer 2022): 42–45, illustrated.Kelly, Brian P. "What Sold at Art Basel in Basel 2022.” Artsy, 21 June 2022., Veena. “What Sold at Frieze London and Frieze Masters 2022.” Artsy, 17 October 2022., Andrew. “June News: World Bicycle Day, Classes, and More” (Susan Inglett Gallery exhibition preview). Bike New York, 3 June 2021.Liebman, Kate. “Robert Rauschenberg: Channel Surfing” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). The Brooklyn Rail, September 2021., James. “Diary: ‘I became for a while a creature of the night.’ James Attlee on the moon.” Apollo (July/August 2019): 21–22, illustrated.Greenberger, Alex. “Robert Rauschenberg Foundation Adds A.C. Hudgins, Kellie Jones, Glenn Lowry to Board.” Art News, 22 February 2019., Eileen. “What Does the $89 Million Sale of a Prime Robert Rauschenberg at Christie’s Mean for the Artist’s Long-Quiet Market?” Artnet, 16 May 2019., Eileen. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Haunting Silkscreen of JFK Could Sell for $50 Million at Christie’s This Spring.” Artnet News, 1 March 2019., Carolina. “Datebook: Los Angeles on canvas, neon installation and light-bending sculpture: Merce Cunningham, ‘Clouds and Screens’ at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art” (exhibition review). Los Angeles Times, 10 January 2019., Cal. “Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, London, UK” (exhibition review). Frieze, no. 201 (March 2019): 174–175, illustrated.Russeth, Andrew. “Time for Everything: A Glorious, Shapeshifting Quarter-Mile of Robert Rauschenberg at LACMA” (exhibition review). Art News, 13 February 2019., Susan. “Wear Comfortable Shoes: This Art Exhibition Covers ‘1/4 Mile’” (Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibition review). National Public Radio, 6 March 2019. Online audio, 4:13., John. “Robert Rauschenberg and the Men on the Moon.” Hyperallergic, 13 July 2019., Roslyn. “It’s All One Really Long Story” (Los Angeles County Museum of Art exhibition review). The New York Times, 28 December 2018: C13, illustrated.2017Budick, Ariella. “Mass MoCA – A Revelation Round Every Corner” (exhibition review). Financial Times, 2 August 2017., Andrianna. “Island Life.” Frieze, no. 186 (April 2017): 35–36, illustrated.Cotter, Holland. “Robert Rauschenberg: It Takes a Village to Raise a Genius” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). The New York Times, 19 May 2017: C15, illustrated.D’Arenberg, Diana. “Shows to See in Hong Kong: The Lowdown” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Ocula, 19 October 2018., Charles. “Rauschenberg Erases the Rules in Revealing SFMOMA show” (exhibition review). San Francisco Chronicle, 17 November 2017., Brian. “Robert Rauschenberg, Tate Modern, London” (exhibition review). Frieze, no 185 (March 2017): 164–165, illustrated.“Exhibit of the Week: Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends” (The Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). The Week 17, no.824, 2 June 2017: 28, illustrated.Fullerton, Elizabeth. “Robert Rauschenberg: London – Tate Modern” (exhibition review). Art in America (March 2017): 123–124, illustrated.Lempesis, Dimitris. “Art Cities: Hong Kong – Robert Rauschenberg” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Dream Idea Machine, accessed 23 September 2018., Anna. “Rip it Up and Start Again–Robert Rauschenberg: Erasing the Rules Review” (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). The Guardian, 27 November 2017., Malcolm. “Mass MoCA Thinks Big with Latest Expansion.” Boston Globe, 20 May 2017., Oliver. “5 Contemporary Chinese Artists Inspired by Robert Rauschenberg” (Pace Gallery exhibition review). Hong Kong Tatler, 18 September 2018., Adam. “Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends at MoMA Celebrates The Collaborative Spirit” (exhibition review). Forbes, 16 August 2017., Allison. “How Robert Rauschenberg Made Art Out of Destroying Art” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). Daily Beast, 13 May 2017., Cate. “Mass MoCA Expands – and Mounts a Standout Set of New Shows.” Boston Globe, 26 May 2017.“Art: Museum of Modern Art: ‘Robert Rauschenberg: Among Friends’” (exhibition review). New Yorker, 5 and 12 June 2017: 14.Perl, Jed. “The Confidence Man of American Art.” New York Review of Books, 11 May 2017: 18–21, illustrated.Plagens, Peter. “Art Review: Played Well with Others” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). The Wall Street Journal, 22 May 2017, illustrated.Rivetti, Ermanno. “Rothko and Rauschenberg to Lead Christie’s London Auction in March.” The Art Newspaper, 17 January 2017.“Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol: Cini Foundation” (exhibition review). Financial Times, May 6–7, 2017: 7.Schjeldahl, Peter. “The Wave of History” (The Museum of Modern Art exhibition review), The New Yorker, 29 May 2017: 60–62, illustrated.Skrebowski, Luke. “Robert Rauschenberg: Tate Modern, London” (exhibition review). Artforum 55, no. 10 (Summer 2017): 348–350, illustrated.Small, Zachary. “Why Can’t the Art World Embrace Robert Rauschenberg’s Queer Community?” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). Artsy, 19 May 2017., Deborah. “For Rauschenberg, No Artist Is an Island” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition preview). The New York Times, 14 May 2017: 33, illustrated.Thatcher, Jennifer. “Around London” (Tate Modern exhibition review). Art News (June 2017): 129, illustrated.“Then and Now: Untitled (After Rauschenberg).” Art News (June 2017): 134–136, illustrated.Wentworth, Richard. “First Encounters with Rauschenberg.” Tate Etc., no.39 (Spring 2017): 72–75, illustrated.Wolin, Joseph R. “Robert Rauscheberg: Among Friends” (Museum of Modern Art exhibition review). Time Out, 7–13 June 2017.Wullschlager, Jackie. “Star-spangled Biennale” (Fondazione Giorgio Cini exhibition review). Financial Times, 13 May 2017: 12, illustrated.2016Allen, Greg. “American Beauty: Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, and the Case of the Missing Flag.” Art News, 10 May 2016., Nick. “Rauschenberg in China and the ‘Yuanfen’ of This Summer Blockbuster” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition review). China Daily, 13 June 2016., Mark. “Tate Modern Welcomes ‘Extraordinary’ Robert Rauschenberg Goat” (exhibition preview). The Guardian, 28 July 2016., Abigail. “The Story behind Robert Rauschenberg’s Iconic Talking Heads Album Cover.”, 18 August 2016., Sarah. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Most Ambitious Artwork Arrives in Beijing” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition preview). Artnet News, 17 May 2016."Celebrating Robert Rauschenberg's Innovation" (Tate Modern exhibition preview). Aesthetica, 17 November 2016., Simon. “Robert Rauschenberg: The Quiet Minimalism of a Style Hero.” The Guardian, 1 August 2016., Alina. "Captiva Island: Robert Rauschenberg's Escape From New York." Observer, 16 November 2016., Matthew. “Robert Rauschenberg, Exhibition Review: A Dramatically Uneven Retrospective with a Spirit of Experiment” (Tate Modern exhibition review). Evening Standard, 29 November 2016., Thomas. “Previews: Robert Rauschenberg” (Tate Modern exhibition preview). Artforum 55, no. 1 (September 2016): 178. Illustrated.Dex, Robert. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Show at the Tate Will Provide a Bed to Rival Tracey Emin’s” (Tate Modern exhibition preview). Evening Standard, 28 July 2016., Hal. “At Tate Modern” (exhibition review). London Review of Books 38, no. 23, 1 December 2016: 26-27. Online audio, 17:51., Martin. “The First Half is Essential – The Second Much Less So: Tate’s Robert Rauschenberg Reviewed” (exhibition review). The Spectator, 3 December 2016., Arne. “Painting Relates to Both Art and Life” (Pace Hong Kong exhibition review). Interview with Yixiu Lin. Artco (May 2016): 283–4, illustrated.Jiang, Liyan. “Guo Ji Hua Lang Xie Xi Fang Zhong Yao Yi Shu Jia Ge Zhan Zha Dui Xiang Gang.” The Art Newspaper (China), Art Basel Hong Kong Special Issue, 24 March–26 March 2016: 1, illustrated.Jones, Jonathan. “Robert Rauschenberg: the Leader of American Art’s Great Ménage à trois” (Tate Modern exhibition preview). The Guardian, 29 August 2016., Jia. “Rauschenberg in China” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition review). Leap, no. 165 (September 2016): 178, illustrated.Luke, Ben. “Bu Duan Tiao Yue Yu Gao Chao Mian Yan De Yi Shu Sheng Ya” (Tate Modern exhibition review). Translated by Sheng Xia. The Art Newspaper (China), no.44 (December 2016): 9, illustrated.Movius, Lisa. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Art to Make Beijing Comeback After 31 Years” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition preview). The Art Newspaper, 16 May 2016., Thomas. “Robert Rauschenberg: A 20th-Century Artist for Our 21st-century World” (Tate Modern exhibition preview). Alphr, 2 November 2016.ñoz-Alonso, Lorena. “Tate’s Robert Rauschenberg Survey Is a Brilliant and Much-Deserved Homage to a Unique Trailblazer” (exhibition review). Artnet News, 30 November 2016., Lili. “Robert Rauschenberg” (Pace Hong Kong exhibition review). Art Asia Pacific, accessed 10 May 2016.“Objects and Art Combine at Rauschenberg Exhibit” (de Sarthe Gallery exhibition review). The Standard, 17 May 2016.“Robert Rauschenberg Retrospective at Tate Modern, London (VIDEO)” (exhibition review). Huffington Post, 1 December 2016.“Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective” (Tate Modern exhibition preview). Arts and Collections, 25 August 2016., Claire. “Robert Rauschenberg Returns to China” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition review). Financial Times, 1 August 2016.“Robert Rauschenberg: The Untold Story.” Exit 61 (2016): 62–69, illustrated.“Robert Rauschenberg: 22.03–12.05.2016” (Pace Hong Kong exhibition review). Art Plus (May 2016).Sanderson, David. “The Artist Who Made His Bed Before Emin” (Tate Modern exhibition review). The Times, 29 July 2016., Emily. “Rauschenberg Goat is Given a Rare Outing” (Tate Modern exhibition review). The Art Newspaper, 25 October 2016., Samuel. “Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac Shows Rauschenberg’s 'Salvage' Series” (exhibition preview). Artinfo, 19 October 2016., Samuel. “UCCA to Showcase Rauschenberg’s Rare Color Art Photographs” (Ullens Center for Contemporary Art exhibition review). Artinfo, 3 June 2016., Enid. “Ordinary Hero” (Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art, Pace Hong Kong, de Sarthe Gallery and Tate Modern exhibitions review). South China Morning Post, 19 May 2016: C11, illustrated.Wullschlager, Jackie. “Robert Rauschenberg at Tate Modern – ‘Irresistible’” (exhibition review). Financial Times, 2 December 2016., Jack. “Best of 2015: 9. ‘Gloria: Robert Rauschenberg & Rachel Harrison’ (Cleveland Museum of Art; curated by Beau Rutland.)” Artforum 54, no. 4 (December 2015): 211.Cascone, Sarah. “Rauschenberg Foundation Dumps Gagosian for a Trio of Galleries, Including Pace.” Artnet News, 17 April 2015., Dan. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Endless Combinations.” T: The New York Times Magazine, 14 June 2015: 86–91, illustrated.Creahan, D. “New York – Robert Rauschenberg: ‘Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, and Anagrams (A Pun)’ at Pace Gallery through December 12th, 2015” (exhibition review). Art Observed, 8 November 2015., Carey. “The Obamas Give the White House a Modern Art Makeoever.” Hyperallergic, 27 October 2015., Alex. “The Obamas Bring More Modern and Contemporary Art into the White House.” Artnews, 26 October 2015., Guy. “XVIIIe Salon de mai.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 90 (June 1962): 37–43, 76, 78.Hatton, Brynn. ”‘Gloria: Robert Rauschenberg & Rachel Harrison,’ Cleveland Museum of Art” (exhibition review). Artforum 54, no. 4 (December 2015): 263–264, installation view.Kennedy, Randy. “Rauschenberg Foundation Eases Copyright Restrictions on Art.” New York Times, 26 February 2016., Angie. “Pace Gallery Presents First Robert Rauschenberg Sold Exhibition in Hong Kong” (exhibition review). Widewalls, 13 March 2016., Michael. “Lost and Found.” Artforum (February 2016): 184–197, illustrated, cover.Loos, Ted. “A New Look for the Doyen of Art Fairs.” International New York Times, 18 June 2015: S1, illustrated.Mason, Brook. “Setting Pace: Long-awaited Showing of Robert Rauschenberg’s Late Works Draws Snaking Queues in New York” (exhibition review). Wallpaper*, 27 October 2015., M. H. “Gagosian No Longer Represents Rauschenberg Foundation.” Art News, 17 April 2015.“Robert Rauschenberg’s Foundation Parts Ways with Gagosian.” Artforum, 17 April 2015.“Robert Rauschenberg.” Cultured Magazine (Winter 2015): 3, illustrated.Palmer, Lauren. “5 Things to Know About Robert Rauschenberg on His Birthday.” Artnet, 22 October 2015. “85 Xin Chao Qi Meng Zhe: Robert Rauschenberg” (Pace Hong Kong exhibition review). The Stand News, 6 April 2016., Victoria. “Pace Gallery Celebrates Rauschenberg’s Birthday with Show of Rarely Seen Works” (exhibition review). The Art Newspaper, 22 October 2015., Ryan. “Rauschenberg Foundation New Repped By Triplet of Blue-Chip Global Galleries.” Observer, 17 April 2015., Michael D. “For Obamas, a More Abstract Choice of Art.” The New York Times, 26 October 2015: A14, illustrated.Sheets, Hilarie M. “Inside Art: A Rauschenberg Shift.’” The New York Times, 17 April 2015: C24.Zhong, Fan. “Happy Birthday, Bob.” W, 22 October 2015., Karen. “Robert Rauschenberg” (Craig F. Starr Gallery exhibition review). Artforum (New York) 52, no. 10 (Summer 2014): 367.Gefter, Philip. “Transmuting Forms, Click by Click” (Pace MacGill exhibition review). New York Times, 20 October 2013, sec. AR: 23.Mendelsohn, Meredith. “Taylor & Rauschenberg: Art in Motion.” Sotheby’s Magazine, 9 April 2014., Tiernan. “Robert Rauschenberg and Photography.” (Pace MacGill exhibition review). Hyperallergic, 22 September 2013. Accessed May 6, 2014:, Roberta. “Rauschenberg, before Fame Struck” (Craig F. Starr Gallery exhibition review). New York Times, 9 May 2014, sec. C: 28.2013Fernández-Santos, Elsa. “Las vacaciones de Albers y Rauschenberg” (Galería Cayón exhibition review). El País (Madrid), 27 June 2013: 48.Jones, Jonathan. “Robert Rauschenberg: Love and Loss in America” (Gagosian Gallery exhibition review). Guardian (London), 9 February 2013.Pilger, Zoe. “Robert Rauschenberg, Jammers, Gagosian Gallery, London” (Gagsosian Gallery exhibition review). Independent (London), 18 February 2013.Sesé, Teresa. “La Barcelona de Josef Albers” (Galería Cayón exhibition review). La Vanguardia (Madrid), 4 June 2013, pp. 34–35.2012Cotter, Holland. “Robert Rauschenberg: ‘North African Collages and Scatole Personali, c. 1952’” (Craig F. Starr Gallery exhibition review). New York Times, 29 June 2012, sec. C: 27.Jaworski, Adam. "Visual silence and non-normative sexualities: art, transduction and performance." Gender and Language 10, no.3 (2012): 433–454.2011Hudson, Mark. “A Decade ahead of Warhol.” Telegraph (London), 30 July 2011: R10.Larcan, Laura. “Rauschenberg, Dalí e . . . Dante: Lo strano trio alla Pomodoro” (exhibition review). La Repubblica, 1 April 2011.Michaud, Phillipe Alian. “Tenue de ville: À Propos de prune flat (1965), de Robert Whitman.” Les Cahiers du musée national d’art modern, no. 116 (Summer 2011).Palmer, Caroline. “Farewell Tour Celebrates Enduring Vision” (Walker Art Center exhibition review). StarTribune (Minneapolis), 5 November 2011.Rosenfeld, Jeannie. “A Collection in Flux” (Walker Art Center exhibition review). Art in America (New York) 99, no. 10 (November 2011): 65–67.Sheets, Hilarie M. “Backdrops, Blobs, Pods, and Props” (Walker Art Center exhibition review). Artnews (New York) 110, no. 10 (November 2011): 104–08.2010Barnes, Steve. “Robert Rauschenberg: Gagosian” (exhibition review). Art News 110, no. 1 (January 2011): 107.Buckley, Annie. “Los Angeles: Robert Rauschenberg, Armory Center for the Arts” (exhibition review).,, Holland. “Fruitful Talent Who Made Art World Multiply” (Gagosian Gallery exhibition review). New York Times, 27 November 2010: C1&C5.Douglas, Sarah. “Pop Shop” (Gagosian Gallery exhibition review). Art and Auction 34, no. 4 (Nov. 2010): 62.Saltz, Jerry. “American Picasso” (Gagosian Gallery exhibition review). New York 43, no. 38, 22 November 2010: 133.Zabrodski, S. “Don’t Miss—Copenhagen: Robert Rauschenberg ‘Runts’ at Galleri Faurschou Through June 26, 2010” (exhibition review). Art Observed, 18 June 2010.“Art Talk: Art News Retrospective.” Art News 108, no. 4 (April 2009): 36.Coppola, John. “Another Look: A Retrospective Showcases the Experimental Rauschenberg” (Center for Visual Communication exhibition review). Miami Herald, 18 January 2009., Holland. “Gaze East and Dream” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition reviews). The New York Times, 29 January 2009: C29+, illustrated.Cypriano, Fabio. “Mostra dedicada a Rauschenberg privilegia obras meno famosas” (Instituto Tomie Ohtake exhibition review). Folha de S. Paulo, 14 December 2009: E7, illustrated.Davidson, Susan. “Remembering Robert Rauschenberg (1928–2008).” American Art 23, no. 1 (Spring 2009): 116–119, illustrated.Esteban, Iñaki. “Rauschenberg eleva la basura.” El Correo (Bilbao), 10 February 2010: 1, 44–45.Gioia, Mario. “Artes Plásticas: O Papa does Pop” (Instituto Tomie Ohtake exhibition review). Bravo (December 2009): 44–47, illustrated.“Glut Instinct.” Financial Times, 6/7 June 2009: 10, illustratedLarrauri, Eva. “Arte con los desechos.” El País (Madrid), 13 February 2010, País Vasco: 8.Lopes, Jonas. “Exposições” Irreverência pop” (Instituto Tomie Ohtake exhibition review). Veja São Paulo, 16 December 2009: 203, illustrated.Molina, Camila. “Jogos da imagem por Rauschenberg” (Instituto Tomie Ohtake exhibition review). O Estado de S. Paulo, 15 December 2009: D7, illustrated.Rucabado, Beatriz. “Los ‘excesos’ de Rauschenberg, en el Guggenheim.” El Mundo (Madrid), 13 February 2010, País Vasco: 63.Spence, Rachel. “Glass Consciousness.” Financial Times, 10 October 2009: 7, illustrated.Vogel, Carol. “Art Among Friends Is Up for Sale.” The New York Times, 22 September 2009: C1+.Vogel, Carol. “The Week Ahead, January 11–January 17: Art.” New York Times, 11 January 2009.2008Ayers, Robert. “Remembering Rauschenberg.”, 21 May 2008:, Molly. “As the World Turns.” Art News 107, no. 6 (June 2008): 38, illustrated.Byrne, David. “Bob the Builder” (obituary). The New York Times, 16 May 2008: A23, illustrated.“Calendar: Munich, Haus der Kunst.” Burlington Magazine 150, no. 1263 (June 2008): 438, 437 illustrated.Cherubini, Laura. “Cy Twombly: White Talent.” Flash Art 41, no. 262 (October 2008): 104–109.Cohan, William D. “Negative Reaction: An artist made work out of chromes found in Robert Rauschenberg’s trash. Rauschenberg sued.” Art News 107, no. 5 (May 2008): 74, 76.Cooke, Lynne. “Best of 2008—#7: Robert Rauschenberg: Travelling ‘70–’76.” Artforum 47, no. 4 (December 2008): 260–261.Cullinan, Nicholas. “Double exposure: Robert Rauschenberg’s and Cy Twombly’s Roman holiday.” Burlington Magazine 150, no. 1264 (July 2008): 460–470, illustrated.Ebony, David. “Exhibitions: New York––Robert Rauschenberg at PaceWildenstein and Jacobson Howard” (exhibition review). Art in America, no. 6 (June/July 2008): 192–193, illustrated.Esterow, Milton. “Poet, Explorer, Innovator, Scavenger, Jester: Robert Rauschenberg was mnay things to the many artists he influenced.” Interviews with Jeff Koons, Polly Apfelbaum, Jessica Stockholder, Nancy Rubins, Ellen Harvey, Mike Kelley, Petah Coyne, Jim Dine, Sarah Sze, Paul Ramírez Jonas, Lisa Sigal, Carolee Schneemann, Kelley Walker, and James Rosenquist by Ann Landi. Art News 107, no. 7 (Summer 2008): 156–159, illustrated.“Farewell: Robert Rauschenberg, 1925–2008” (obituary). Time, 29 December 2008–5 January 2009: 148, illustrated.Finch, Charlie. “Rauschenberg/Warhol” (obituary)., 14 May 2008: illustrated.Grant, Daniel. “…But Will His Market Hold Up?” The Wall Street Journal, 14 May 2008: Leisure & Arts: D7.Gray, Lisa. “Art expressed a love of life” (obituary). The Houston Chronicle, 14 May 2008: E1, E5, illustrated.Green, Elliott. “Reviews: New York––Robert Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). Art News 107, no. 4 (April 2008): 138, illustrated.“In memoriam: Robert Rauschenberg” (obituary). Art Newspaper 17, no. 192 (June 2008): 4–5.Kaufman, Jason Edward. “Contemporary art “to connect” to China.” The Art Newspaper 17, no. 191 (May 2008): 5.Kaufman, Jason Edward. “Robert Rauschenberg, 1925–2008” (obituary). The Art Newspaper 17, no. 192 (June 2008): 33, illustrated.Kimmelman, Michael. “Robert Rauschenberg, Who Redefined American Art, Dies at 82” (obituary). The New York Times, 14 May 2008: A1, A20, illustrated.Kunitz, Daniel. “Robert Rauschenberg, 1925–2008” (obituary). The New York Sun, 14 May 2008: 1, 8, illustrated.Lacayo, Richard. “The Wild and Crazy Guy” (obituary). Time, 26 May 2008: 49, illustrated.Levin, Kim. “Reviews: New York––Up Now: ‘New York Cool’” (Grey Art Gallery exhibition review). Art News 107, no. 7 (Summer 2008): 162.Lufkin, Martha. “Rauschenberg gallery to continue lawsuit after artist’s death.” The Art Newspaper 17, no. 192 (June 2008): 5.Lufkin, Martha. “Rauschenberg sues for artist for selling his trash.” The Art Newspaper 27, no. 190 (April 2008): 5.MacAulay, Alastair. “Rauschenberg and Dance, Partners for Life.” The New York Times, 14 May 2008: The Arts: 1, 5, illustrated.“Material Witness: A Tribute to Robert Rauschenberg (1925–2008).” Contributions by Thomas Crow, Merce Cunningham, Robert Whitman, Trisha Brown, Barbara Rose, Brice Marden, Branden W. Joseph and James Rosenquist. Artforum 47, no. 1 (September 2008): 424–441, illustrated.Miller, Stephen. “Robert Rauschenberg, 82, Protean Collage Artist” (obituary). The New York Sun, 14 May 2008: 9, illustrated.Otten, Liam. “Exhibition to Investigate the Blonde in Contemporary Art.” Washington University in St. Louis, 30 October 2008: 4.“Reviews: Ferndale, Michigan––Ivin Ballen at Susanne Hilberry Gallery.” Artforum 46, no. 7 (March 2008): 369–370.Ripley, Deborah. “Sign of the Times: When will Rauschenberg get his raisonée?” Art on Paper 13, no. 1 (September/October 2008): 23.Rockbourne, Dorothea. “Tribute to Robert Rauschenberg (1925–2008)” The Brooklyn Rail, June 2008: 42–43, illustrated.Rose, Barbara. “Rauschenberg’s Revolution…” The Wall Street Journal, 14 May 2008: Leisure & Arts: D7, illustrated.Saltz, Jerry. “Art—American Inventor: Remembering Rauschenberg” (obituary). New York, 26 May 2008: 64, illustrated.Smith, Roberta. “Rauschenberg Got a Lot From the City and Left a Lot Behind.” The New York Times, 16 May 2008: E34, illustrated.Stuckey, Charles. “Front Page: Let Us Now Praise Robert Rauschenberg.” Art in America, no. 8 (September 2008): 38.Whitman, Robert. “Remembering Rauschenberg” (obituary). The Art Newspaper 17, no. 192 (June 2008): 33.2007Ashbery, John. “’Five shows out of the ordinary’: Robert Rauschenberg at Castelli.” In “A Matter of Opinion.” Art News 106 (November 2007): 191.Bader, Graham. “Rauschenberg’s Skin.” Grey Room 27 (Spring 2007): 104–118, illustrated.Benezra, Neal. “Famous in 2112?” Art News 106 (November 2007): 202, discussed.Bischoff, Dan. “What A Great Idea Looks Lie In Print” (article about ULAE print studio). The Star-Ledger, 28 January 2007., Kathryn, Hans Hayden, Anna Tellgren, Annika Öhrner. “From the Editorial Board.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 1–5, illustrated.Boyer, Kathryn. “Robert Rauschenberg and the American Postwar Political and Social Scene.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 92–106, illustrated.Fahlström, Öyvind. “A Street Full of Presents.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 119–126, illustrated.Gunnarsson, Annika. “Sidetrack – Robert Rauschenberg.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden76, no. 1–2 (2007): 60–71, illustrated.Hayden, Hans. “Transition Points: Notes on the Interplay between Art and Art History in the Time of Visual Culture.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 78–91, illustrated.Hainley, Bruce. “Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Related Pieces” (exhibition review). Artforum (September 2007): 462–464, illustrated.Higgs, Matthew. “Best of 2007: 1–Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Related Pieces.” Artforum (December 2007): 330, discussed; 331, illustrated.Hultén, Pontus. “4 Americans: Foreword.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 11–113, illustrated.Joseph, Branden W. “BL(U)BROB TERRRCRRAATCHURBUP: Bob Rauschenberg in Swedish Bird Call.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 6–26, illustrated.Joseph. Branden W. “Previews: Houston, Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Related Pieces.” Artforum (January 2007): 97.Joseph, Branden W. “Previews—Porto, Portugal: Robert Rauschenberg.” Artforum (September 2007): 204.Jowitt, Deborah. “Motion Capture: Choreographer Trisha Brown Loves Her Robots and Other Technology, Too.” The Village Voice, 29 January 2007.üver, Billy and Robert Rauschenberg. “Art in Motion – A Combined Memory.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 114–118, illustrated.Lundström, Anna. “Paul Schimmel, Ed. Robert Rauschenberg: Combines.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 127.Maine, Stephen. “Arts & Letters: Welcome to the Junkyard” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New York Sun, 19 July 2007: 1, 19.Öhrner, Annika. “Recalling Pelican: On P.O. Ultvedt, Robert Rauschenberg and Two ‘Ballets’.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 27–39, illustrated.“Robert Rauschenberg at the Moderna Museet: Photographs.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 107–110, illustrations only.Rose, Barbara. “Critic’s Notebook: Robert Rauschenberg, from ‘enfant terrible’ to old master.” Art & Antiques (June 2007): 111–113, illustrated.Row, D. K. “Museum Gets Rauschenberg’s ‘Patrician Barnacle.’” The Oregonian, 22 January 2007., Roberta. “A Rarely Seen Side of a Rauschenberg Shift” (Jonathan O’Hara Gallery exhibition review). The New York Times, 8 March 2007: E1, E5, illustrated.Spence, Rebecca. “Reaching New Tights.” Art News 106 (January 2007): 28.Stenström, Emma. “Another Kind of Combine: Monogram and the Moderna Museet.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 48–59, illustrated.Tellgren, Anna. “Rauschenberg’s Swedish Combines.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 72–77, illustrated.Tupitsyn, Margarita. “Reviews: ‘Black Paintings,’ Haus der Kunst” (exhibition review). Artforum (January 2007): 265–266.Wildenheim, Cecilia. “A Goat’s-Eye View – Monogram at the Moderna Museet.” Konsthistorisk tidskrift Journal of Art History: Rauschenberg and Sweden 76, no. 1–2 (2007): 40–47, illustrated.2006Allen, Kathleen. “Speaker Series Begins Today at CCP.” Arizona Daily Star, 22 September 2006.“Arts & Letters: Drawn In By a Rauschenberg.” The New York Sun, 27–29 October 2006: illustrated.Baker, R.C. “[Content Is a Glimpse]: The Gang’s All Here” (Whitney Museum of Art exhibition review). The Village Voice, 14 September 2006: illustrated.Bois, Yve–Alain. “Eye to the Ground [Metropolitan Museum of Art]” (exhibition review). Artforum (March 2006): 244–248+, illustrated.Bradford, Mark. “Best of 2006: The Artist’s Artists.” Artforum (December 2006): 116. [Combines discussed]Castro, Jan Garden. “A New Sculptural Idiom: Robert Rauschenberg.” Sculpture (September 2006): 48–55, illustrated.Colpitt, Frances. “Compound Pleasures” (Combines exhibition review). Art in America (December 2006): 98–105, illustrated.Dunham, Carroll. “All or Nothing [Metropolitan Museum of Art]” (exhibition review). Artforum (March 2006): 249–251+, illustrated.Enwezor, Okwui. “Best of 2006–Robert Rauschenberg: Combines.” Artforum (December 2006): 296–297, illustrated.“Galleries–Uptown: Robert Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New Yorker, 27 November 2006: 47.Garnett, Adrienne. “Robert Rauschenberg: Combines” (exhibition review). Art of the Times (February 2006): 16–18, illustrated.Gillespie, Evan. “Banking on Artistic Gems: Museum’s Juried Show a Foil for Permanent Collection.” South Bend Tribune, 5 November 2006.Gray, Channing. “Bogart’s Latest Unstructured, Freewheeling.” The Providence Journal, 15 September 2006. [Theatre review, bobrauschenbergamerica]Hermansen, Tom. "De Troede, At Jeg Var Enesvag." Jyllands-Posten, 05 May 2006: 7-10, illustrated.Hornung, Peter Michael. "Rauschenberg - skrot og godt" (exhibition review). Politiken, 6 May 2006: 6, illustrated.Killeen, Michael. “Rauschenberg’s Water Shacks, Polidori’s Chernobyl: 57th Street” (exhibition review)., 27 November 2006., Richard. “The Misfits. Decades later, Rauschenberg’s combines are still wonderful oddities” (exhibition review). Time, 16 January 2006: 126.Landi, Ann. “Reviews, Up Now–Robert Rauschenberg: Combines” (exhibition catalogue). Art News (March 2006): 130, illustrated.Lion, Lea. “Sampling Robert Rauschenberg.” Ladowntownnews, 22 May 2006., Glen. “Rough Drafts & Desperate Beauty” (Cranbrook Art Museum exhibition review). Metro Times Detroit, 8 November 2006.Marx, Jonathan. “New Frist Exhibit Gives Vistors a Colorful tour Through Modern World” (Exhibition review). The Tennessean, 10 November 2006.Mattick, Paul. “Robert Rauschenberg Combines” (exhibition review). Art Seen (April 2006): 25–26, illustrated.Moore, Cindy Stockton. “Arts & Letters–Gallery Scene: Crowding In for Rauschenberg.” New York Sun, 30 October 2006: 17, illustrated.Moore, Susan. “Collecting: Shuffling it Off in Buffalo.” Financial Times, 2–3 December 2006: 3.Motley, John. “A Century of Collage” (Elizabeth Leach Gallery exhibition review). The Portland Mercury, 7–13 December 2006.Naves, Mario. “Complaisant Combines” (exhibition review). New York Observer, 16 January 2006: 16.Naves, Mario. “Reckoning, If Not Repaying, New World’s Debt to Picasso” (Whitney Museum exhibition review). The New York Observer, 30 October 2006: 14.Philbin, Gail. “Printmaking Show at Calvin Touts Activist Art” (Calvin College exhibition review). The Grand Rapids Press, 12 November 2006.Polito, Natalie. “Life as Rauschenberg Knows It.” The Tufts Observer, 22 September 2006. [Theatre review bobrauschenbergamerica]“Rauschenberg–Express Opens at Thyssen–Bornemisza” (exhibition review)., 7 November 2006:, Christopher. “Geffen’s Other Dream Works.” Los Angeles Times, 10 November 2006.“Robert Rauschenberg”, 2 November 2006:, Robert. “Round the Block Once or Twice: A Conversation with Rosetta Brooks.” Modern Painters (December 2005/January 2006): 70–75, cover, illustrated.Rovner, Michal. “Best of 2006: The Artist’s Artists.” Artforum (December 2006): 116. [Combines discussed]Saltz, Jerry. “Only Disconnect.” The Village Voice, 22–28 November 2006” 59.Saltz, Jerry. “Our Picasso?” (exhibition review). The Village Voice, 11–17 January 2006: c79.Schindler, Anna. “Critic’s Picks, Zurich: Robert Rauschenberg, Galerie Jamileh Weber” (exhibition review)., (accessed 1 June 2006).Schjeldahl, Peter. “Critic’s Notebook: Always in Progress” (exhibition review). The New Yorker, 23 and 30 January 2006: 21, illustrated.Schneider–Mayerson, Anna. “Old, Stiff Oils of Partners Chucked As White–Shoe Firms Get Artsy.” The New York Observer, 30 October 2006: 8.Schroeder, Mariana. “Try Wet ‘n’ Wild Ride, See Rodin’s Kiss: Going Out in Munich.” (Haus der Kunst exhibition preview)., 22 September 2006:, Roberta. “The Listings: Robert Rauschenberg: Silkscreen Paintings 1962–63” (Craig F. Starr Associates exhibition review). The New York Times, 28 April 2006.Taylor, Kate. “MoMA Adds a Department for ‘Media.’” The New York Sun, 3 October 2006: 12, illustrated.“What’s On [Robert Rauschenberg: Combines.]” (Centre Pompidou exhibition preview). The Art Newspaper 173 (October 2006): 10, illustrated.Van Uthmann, Jorg. “Rauschenberg’s Mystery Goat Stars in Paris Show of ‘Combines’” (Pompidou Center exhibition review)., 8 November 2006:, John Peter. “Pasages Divers” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). Art Actuel (March–April 2005): 73–74, illustrated.Esplund, Lance. “Gallery-Going: Anti-Art, Anti-Establishment Establishment Art” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New York Sun, 20 January 2005.Finch, Charlie. “Sideshow Bob.”, 20 December 2005: illustrated.“Galleries–Chelsea: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New Yorker, 7 February 2005.Harrison, Helen A. “Art Review: Rauschenberg: Tantalizing Elusive.” The New York Times, 2 October 2005: Long Island Edition: 9, section 14, illustrated. [Hoarfrosts, Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton]Hickey, Dave. “Fall Previews 2005–Robert Rauschenberg: Combines.” Artforum (September 2005): 114–115, illustrated.Higgs, Matthew. “Best of 2005: 1–Robert Rauschenberg: Hoarfrosts.” Artforum (December 2005): 258, illustrated.Leffingwell, Edward. “Robert Rauschenberg at PaceWildenstein.” Art in America (May 2005): 167–168. [Scenarios, PaceWildenstein, 524 West 25th Street, New York]Sischy, Ingrid. “The Master In The Mirror.” Vanity Fair, December 2005: 202, illustrated.Smith, Roberta. “The Week Ahead, August 21–August 27, 2005: Art.” The New York Times, 21 August 2005: section 2: 29. [Rebusillustrated]Tomkins, Calvin. “Everything In Sight: Robert Rauschenberg’s new life.” The New Yorker, 23 May 2005: 69–77.Turner, Elisa. “Art: Heeding Call of the Road” (Miami Art Museum exhibition review). The Miami Herald, 24 April 2005: Arts and Entertainment Section: 1M, illustrated; 5M, illustrated.Vogel, Carol. "Inside Art: The Met Purchases A Rauschenberg Painting.” The New York Times, 18 November 2005: E35, illustrated.Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art: The Modern Buys ‘Rebus’.” The New York Times, 17 June 2005: section E: 34.Vogel, Carol. “The Met Purchases A Rauschenberg Painting.” The New York Times, 28 November 2005: E35, illustrated.Vogel, Carol. “The Robert Rauschenberg Reunion Tour.” The New York Times, 18 December 2005: section 2 Arts & Leisure: 1, illustrated; 38, illustrated.2004Johnson, Ken. “Under Rauschenberg’s Spell, Mundane Turns Uncanny.” The New York Times, 19 March 2004: section E: 36. [Robert Rauschenberg: Current Scenarios Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art]Rockwell, John. “The Man Who Made a Match of Technology and Art.” The New York Times, 23 January 2004: section E: 3. [Billy Kluver appreciation]Serafini, Giuliano. “Rauschenberg.” Dossier Art Magazine, no. 198 (March 2004).2003Adams, Lorraine. “Kirk Varnedoe, Finding the Words and the Will to Go On.” The Washington Post, 30 March 2003: section G: 1.Genzlinger, Neil. “A Collage of Sly Tricks In Honor of a Collagist.” The Washington Post, 16 October 2003: section E: 3. [Theatre review, Bobrauschenbergamerica]Kaufman, Sarah. Merce Cunningham’s Choice Chances.” Washington Post, 16 October 2003: Style section: 1.Kennicott, Philip. “Kirk Varnedoe, Closing the Circle on Abstract Art.” Washington Post, 18 May 2003: Sunday Arts section: 7.Plagens, Peter. “Rauschenberg’s American Beauties.” The New York Times, 12 October 2003: section 2: 5. [Theatre review bobrauschenbergamerica]Rauschenberg, Robert. “3 Questions for Robert Rauschenberg, Artist.” Time Out New York, 3–10 April 2003: 6.Solomon, Deborah. “Growing Old, Artfully: Questions for Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times Magazine, 15 February 2003: 13.Vogel, Carol. Inside Art: Rauschenberg’s Return.” The New York Times, 5 December 2003: section E: 42. [Robert Rauschenberg: Current Scenarios, Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford]2002Coomer, Martin. “Robert Rauschenberg, Waddington, West End” (exhibition review). Time Out London, 26 June–3 July 2002.Darwent, Charles. “Robert Rauschenberg” (Waddington Galleries exhibition review). Review 51 (June 2002): 64–65, illustrated.De Maison Rouge, Isabelle. “Atout Rauschenberg.” Art Actuel (July–August 2002): 32–33, illustrated.Genocchio, Benjamin. “In the Eyes of Artists: Responses to Kennedy.” The New York Times, 12 October 2002: section 14WC: 10. [J.F.K. and Art, Bruce Museum of Arts and Science, Greenwich, CT]Glueck, [Grace]. “Art Review; From the Smithsonian, A Modern Tasting Menu.” The New York Times, 8 February 2002: section E, part 2: 33.Hackworth, Nick. “’Fragments of life, remnants of dreams” (Waddington Galleries exhibition review). Evening Standard, 13 June 2002.Jones, Jonathan. “What did the Americans ever do for us?” (Waddington Galleries exhibition review). Guardian, 4 June 2002: illustrated.Sherman, Mary. “Visual Arts: Rauschenberg’s latest works pack a punch.” Herald (Boston), 28 May 2002: 31, 34. [Review, MFA Boston]Taylor, John Russell. “Déjà vu and de rigueur” (Waddington Galleries exhibition review). The Times, 11 June 2002: illustrated.Temin, Christine. “Perspectives: A Quiet Round of Rauschenbergs at the MFA” (exhibition review). Boston Globe, 29 May 2002: D1, D3, illustrated.Youssi, Yasmine. “Le bon art ne peut jamais etre compris: Longtemps boude par les Francais, l’Americain Rauschenberg fait enfin l’objet d’une grande exposition a Paris.” [“Good art can never be understood: For a long time snubbed by the French, the American Rauschenberg is finally the object of a large exhibition in Paris.”] Le Journal du Dimanche, 20 June 2002 [n.p.] [Synapsis Shuffle, Fondation Dina Vierny–Musee Maillol, Paris]2001Glueck, [Grace], “Art Guide; Pop Art: The John and Kimiko Powers Collection.” The New York Times, 18 May 2001: section E: 30. [Gagosian]Goldberg, Vicki. “Art/Architecture; Industry and Art: A Long Embrace.” The New York Times, 22 April 2001: section 2: 1.Knight, Christopher. “Art Review; 2001: A Space Oddity; Contemporary Art and the Cosmos is another victim of theme–show fever, in which works with a common element or two are packaged in a shorthand stab at significance.” The Los Angeles Times, 10 February 2001, section F, page 1. [Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena]Kornbluth, Jesse. “Talk salutes Innovators & Navigators who can’t leave well enough alone. Talk (April 2001): 135.Larson, Kay. “Cage Was Not Only All Ears, He Was All Eyes, Too.” The New York Times, 4 February 2001: section 2: 40.Nakamura, Marie-Pierre. “Piste Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). Art Actuel (January–February 2001): 90–95, illustrated.O’Sullivan, Michael. “Gemini: Prints That Make an Impression.” The Washington Post, 16 November 2001, Weekend, section T: 61.O’Sullivan, Michael. “Rauschenberg’s Groundbreaking Combinations.” The Washington Post, 19 January 2001, Weekend: section T: 37. [Robert Rauschenberg Combines: Paintings + Sculpture, Baltimore Museum of Art]Pereira, Miriam. “ACT Director’s Connections Aid Auction.” The News-Press (Ft. Myers) 5 October 2001: section E: 1, 3.Pereira, Miriam. “Arts for ACT auction takes in nearly $300,000.” The News-Press (Ft. Myers) 29 August 2001: section E: 1.Rowe, Claudia, et al. “Honoring an Old Friend.” The New York Times, 2 May 2001: section B: 8. [Robert Rauschenberg establishes Viola Farber artists in residence dance program]2000Arditi, Fiamma. “Più mi annullo, più mi piaccio” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). Panorama, 7 December 2000: 269, illustrated.Belcove, Julie L. “Old Master.” W 29, no. 9 (September 2000): 502–507, 525, illustrated.Berwick, Carly. “Close Encounter.” Art News (Summer 2000): 40, illustrated.Dunning, Jennifer. “Library Gets Dance Collection.” The New York Times, 7 June 2000: section E: 3. [New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.]Glueck, Grace. “A Card Trick as a Celebrity ‘Shuffle’ ” The New York Times, 7 July 2000: section E: 32. [Synapsis Shuffle]Glueck, [Grace]. “Primer on Printmaking That Stresses Innovation.” The New York Times, 8 December 2000: section E: 40. “Hard Pressed: 600 Years of Prints and Process” AXA Gallery]Hopps, Walter. “Robert Rauschenberg: Holiday Ruse (Night Shade), 1991.” Artforum (May 2000): 194–195, illustrated.Kaufman, Sarah. “Cunningham’s Cozy Community.” Washington Post, 8 April 2000: section C: 1.Kimmelman, Michael. “The Irrepressible Ragman of Art.” The New York Times, 27 August 2000: section 2: 1.Kissel, Howard, “Rauschenberg Roulette: Famed artist brings in a circle of friends to finish his latest project.” Daily News (New York), 25 June 2000: Showtime: 17. [Synapsis Shuffle]Kisselgoff, Anna. “Multihued Creatures Afoot with John Cage.” The New York Times, 10 April 2000: section E: 5. [Interscapecommissioned by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.]Miller, Donald. “Rauschenberg erupting in artwork, donations and the unexpected.” Naples Daily News, 5 December 2000: section B: 1, 9. [Quattro Mani/Marrakech, Marrakitch]Pereira, Miriam. “Rauschenberg captures trip to Marrakech.” The News-Press (Fort Myers), 3 December 2000: sec, G: 3.Pereira, Miriam. “Rauschenberg exhibit makes rare appearance.” The News-Press (Ft. Myers) 5 March 2000: [n.p.]“Robert Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New Yorker, 4 December 2000: 22.Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: Robert Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New York Times, 22 December 2000: E46.Stetson, Nancy. “Recent Rauschenberg: Artist’s work graces ECC gallery.” The News–Press (Ft. Myers), 20 March 2000: 1, 10. [Robert Rauschenberg: Recent Works]Stetson, Nancy. “ Rauschenberg’s audacious act made statement.” The News–Press (Ft. Myers), 5 March 2000: [n.p.]. [Anagrams: (A Pun)]Vogel, Carol. “Big Names, Big Bucks: A Museum’s Shopping Spree: Checks Flying, San Francisco Builds a Modern Art Collection.” The New York Times, 8 February 2000: section E: 1–2.Vogel, Carol. “The Artist Shuffles Then Deals: A Rauschenberg as a Work of Chance.” The New York Times, 1 June 2000: section E: 1, 4. [Synapsis Shuffle]1999Baker, Kenneth. “Rauschenberg Coup at SFMOMA.” San Francisco Chronicle, 9 May 1999: E1, E8, illustrated.Baker, Kenneth. “SFMOMA Acquires Rauschenberg Work” San Francisco Chronicle, 1 October 1999: C5. [“Hiccups donated by Rauschenberg]Bonetti, David. “Rauschenberg coup cements SFMOMA’s ascendance.” San Francisco Examiner, 21 May 1999: C1, 4.Brennan, Patricia. “Genius at Work; Robert Rauschenberg, Pushing the Boundaries of Art.” Washington Post, 4 April 1999: TV Week (Y): 6. [Interview with Karen Thomas, film maker, “Robert Rauschenberg: Inventive Genius,” PBS “American Masters’ series]Curtis, Cathy. “More Art News, Reviews and Things to Do; Rauschenberg, Viewed in ‘Transparency,’ Is Clearly Dated.” The Los Angeles Times, 13 February 1999: section F: 2.Davidson, Susan. “Unending Irreverence.” Art News (May 1999): 147, illustrated.Riley II, Charles A. “On Top of the World.” We Magazine (May–June 1999): 86–91, illustrated.“Robert Rauschenberg” (PaceWildenstein exhibition review). The New Yorker, 5 April 1999: 18.Smith, Roberta. “Robert Rauschenberg, ‘Anagrams (A Pun)’” (exhibition review). The New York Times, 16 April 1999.Van Gelder, Lawrence. “Footlights; Earthly Visions.” The New York Times, 22 July 1999: E1. [Artistry of Space, Artrain USA]Van Gelder, Lawrence. “Footlights; Helping Hand.” The New York Times, 28 January 1999: E1. [America 300]Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art: A Rush for Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 25 June 1999: E28, illustrated..Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art: A Rauschenberg Gift.” The New York Times, 8 October 1999.1998Baker, Kenneth. “Rauschenberg’s Reality: A talk with the artist whose influence pervades culture and whose early works will reside at SFMOMA.” San Francisco Chronicle, 20 August 1998: E1, 4.Baker, Kenneth. “SFMOMA’s Big Coup: Museum to add $40 million in modern art.” San Francisco Chronicle, 5 June 1998: A1, 17.Bonetti, David. “$40 million buying spree big boost for SFMOMA.” San Francisco Examiner, 5 June 1998: A1, 18.Cooke, Lynne. “New York: Robert Rauschenberg.” The Burlington Magazine (January 1998): 64–65, illustrated.Elving, Belle. “Wallpaper on a Roll.” The Washington Post, 19 March 1998: T4. [“The Great American Pop Store: Multiples of the Sixties,” Baltimore Museum of Art]Feinstein, Roni. “Rauschenberg: Solutions for a Small Planet.” Art in America (February 1998): 66–79, illustrated; cover.Gerhart, Ann and Annie Groer. “The Reliable Source: For Arts Donors, a Black–Tie Thanks.” The Washington Post, 19 May 1998: D3. [Friends of Art and Preservation in Embassies]Gillespie, Evan. “A Posterior for Posterity.” The Washington Post, 18 May 1998: section D: 3.Hoban, Phoebe. “The World in a Cup of Coffee.” The New York Times, 11 January 1998: section 9: 4. [Change Inc. benefit]Karp, Ivan. “Best Museum Exhibitions: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News (January 1998): 90, illustrated.Knight, Christopher. “Soaring Like an Eagle.” Los Angeles Times, 1 March 1998.Midgette, Anne. “Review: Art: Who Says It’s Good for Your Health.” Wall Street Journal, 9 October 1998: W14. [World Health Organization art exhibit to commemorate its 50th anniversary]Muchnic, Suzanne. “Collage Professor: Robert Rauschenberg turns his eye on Los Angeles for a new series of prints.” The Los Angeles Times, 31 January 1998: F1, F14, illustrated.Pollack, Barbara. “Bob’s Tex Vex.” Art + Auction (April 1998): 36–42.Van Gelder, Lawrence. “Footlights; Prize Few.” The New York Times, 14 July 1998: E1. [Japan Arts Association Imperiale Prize awarded to Robert Rauschenberg in painting, for outstanding lifetime achievement in the arts.]Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art; Left Their Art in San Francisco.” The New York Times, 5 June 1998: E34.Vogel, Carol. “Rauschenberg Works Seized.” The New York Times, 17 February 1998: E6.1997Ashton, Dore. “History Printer.” Artforum (September 1997): 99, 152, illustrated.Bois, Yve-Alain. “Early Lead.” Artforum (September 1997): 97. 152, illustrated.Braff, Phyllis. “American Prints by Some Well-Known Names, and 20-Artist Presentation.” The New York Times, 14 December 1997: 14.Budick, Ariella. “All The City’s His Museum” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Newsday, 28 September 1997.Castle, Frederick Ted. “Rauschenberg.” Art Monthly, no. 211 (November 1997): 8–11, illustrated.Cembalest, Robin. “Robert Rauschenberg: An Iconoclast Becomes an Icon.” Art News (December 1997): 56, 58.Chuen, Ooi Kok. “A pop icon mellows.” New Straits Times (Kuala Lumpur), 21 January 1997: 1. [Anagrams, Galerie Taksu, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia]Crow, Thomas. “This is Now: Becoming Robert Rauschenberg.” Artforum 36, no. 1 (September 1997): illustrated.Danto, Arthur C. “Art: Robert Rauschenberg.” The Nation, 17 November 1997: 32–36.Danto, Arthur C. “3: Robert Rauschenberg” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Artforum (December 1997): 96.Doiron, Darragh. “Instructor, Art Lovers Remember Rauschenberg.” Port Arthur News (Texas) 31 January 1997: section A: 4.Donohue, Marlena, “Rauschenberg’s Signature on the Century; An extensive retrospective showcases the artist’s distinctive style-from high tech photos to ‘combines.” The Christian Science Monitor, 28 November 1997: 10.Duberman, Martin. “Is There Room For Privacy On the Canvas?” The New York Times, 7 September 1997: illustrated.Halle, Howard. “Does Size Matter?” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Time Out New York, 2–9 October 1997: 45, illustrated.Hickey, Dave. “Open Charms.” Artforum (September 1997): 101, 152, illustrated.Hirsch, Faye. “Weatherman: Robert Rauschenberg’s ‘Ground Rules’ Series.” Journal of Prints, Drawings and Photography 2, no. 2 (November–December 1997): 10–15, illustrated.Ho, Janet. “At the Gallery: Jumbled images shed new light on modern structures.” The Straits Times (Singapore) 26 February 1997: 16 [Anagrams, Wetterling Teo Gallery, Singapore]Ho, Janet. “His nationality shows in his art.” The Straits Times (Singapore), February 1997: Leisure, n.p.Hughes, Robert. “The Great Permitter” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Time, 27 October 1997: 108–110, illustrated.Kazanjian, Dodie. “Captiva Audience.” Vogue (September 1997): 652–661, 727, illustrated.Kimmelman, Michael. “Clowning Inventively With Stuff of Beauty” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). The New York Times, 18 September 1997.Kramer, Hilton. “Glub, Glub! We’re Awash In Trashy Rauschenbergs.” New York Observers, 29 September 1997: 1. 31, illustrated.Lewis, Jim. “Souvenirs of Creation.” Harper’s Bazaar (September 1997): 454–459, illustrated.MacAdam, Barbara A. “Robert Rauschenberg, Solomom R. Guggenheim Museum, Ace” (exhibition review). Art News (November 1997): 221, illustrated.Morgan, Robert C. “Rauschenberg, Supply Side Art & Canoeing.” Review, 1 December 1997: 47–48.Munroe, Ben. “Vivid testimonies of a rollercoaster life.” Business Times (Singapore), 22–23 February 1997: n.p]. [Review, Anagrams, Wetterling Teo Gallery, Singapore]Naves, Mario. “A world without distinctions: Rauschenberg at the Guggenheim” (exhibition review). New Criterion (November 1997): 47–49.Olds, Kirsten. “Respecting Robert Rasuchenberg” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Pace-Wildenstein exhibition review). Spectacle, 9 October 1997: 6–7, illustrated.Pacheco, Patrick. “He’s Got Painting’s Goat” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Art & Antiques (September 1997): 105–107, illustrated.Prose, Francine. “Artifacts of the Age of Anxiety.” The Wall Street Journal, 25 September 1997: A20. [Review, Guggenheim Retrospective]Rauschenberg, Robert. “Interview: Robert Rauschenberg—‘Business sure screwed up the art world universally.’” Art Newspaper, no. 73 (September 1997): 17.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Scene of the Crime.” Grand Street 62 16, no. 2 (Fall 1997): illustrated.Richardson, John. “Rauschenberg’s Epic Vision.” Vanity Fair (September 1997): illustrated.Rimanelli, David. “2: Robert Rauschenberg” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Artforum (December 1997): 105.Schjeldahl, Peter. “Chaos’s Mascot” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). Village Voice, 7 October 1997: 87, illustrated.Sajbel, Maureen. “Signs of the Times.” Vogue 187, no. 1 (January 1997): 126, 152.Stevens, Mark. “More Is More” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). New York, 29 September 1997: 54, 56, illustrated.Tomkins, Calvin. “The Art World: Master of Invention” (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum exhibition review). The New Yorker, 13 October 1997: 92–96.Trebay, Guy. “Art World Proteus Ensorcells, New York: Rauschenworld.” Village Voice, 30 September 1997: 30.Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art: Big Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 3 October 1997.Vogel, Carol. “Inside Art: New Attractions: Bilbao and Art.” The New York Times, 19 December 1997: E28Vogel, Carol. “Modern Masters of Collecting: From one Couple’s Treasures, One Important Auction.” The New York Times, 6 November 1997: E1, 7.Vogel, Carol. “Prized Picasso Leads the Ganz Collection to a Record Auction of $206 Million.” The New York Times, 11 November 1997: A24.Walcott, Ellison Austen. “Robert Rauschenberg, PaceWildensteinMacGill Gallery” (exhibition review). Review, 15 October 1997: 24–25.Wilkinson, Jeanne C. “Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective” (exhibition review). Review, 1 November 1997: 9–10.1996Arditi, Flamma. “Gli anagrammi del genio.” La Stampa (Turin), 21 September 1996: 22.Avgikos, Jan. “Rauschenberg’s Cyborgs.” Sculpture 15, no. 5 (May/June 1996): 24–29, illustrated.Borges, Ignacio Iribarren. “Robert Rauschenberg: Una experiencia compartida.” El universal (Caracas), 14 September 1996: section 4: 1.Bravo, Armando Alvarez. “A todo Rauschenberg.” El Nuevo Herald, 24 April 1996: C1, 3.Cantor, Judy. “Rauschenberg Stripped Bare.” New Times (Miami), 8–14 February 1996: 63–65.Corn, Alfred. “Robert Rauschenberg: Gagosian, 65 Thompson.” Art News 95, no. 1 (January 1996): 123.Donohoe, Marlena. “The Rauschenberg Test” (PaceWildenstein, exhibition review). Daily Breeze/News Pilot, 27 December 1996: K35, K42, illustrated.Espanet, Luisa. “Robert Rauschenberg: Futuro è il villaggio globale.” Madame (Milan), no. 9 (September 1996): 38–39.Hicks, Robert. “Rauschenberg Prints: A Different Facet.” The Villager 66, no. 2 (22 May 1996): 25.Holt, Patricia. “The Beats Go On at de Young.” San Francisco Chronicle, 4 October 1996: C1, C8.Hurlburt, Roger. “Throwaway Lines: Found Objects Become Witty Statements in Artist’s Miami Show.” Sun-Sentinel, 12 May 1996: D1.Kandel, Susan. “Modern Art Theory Put to the Test in Paris.” Los Angeles Times, 4 August 1996: Calendar section: 56.Knight, Christopher. “The Art of Randomness.” Los Angeles Times, 1 August 1996: F1, F9.McClintic, Miranda. “Rauschenberg and Sculpture.” Sculpture 15, no. 5 (May–June 1996): 27.McKenna, Kristine. “Extra Sensory Expression.” (Pace Wildenstein exhibition review). Los Angeles Times, 24 November 1996: 3, 81, illustrated.McKenna, Kristine. “Radical Point of View.” Los Angeles Times, 14 July 1996: Calendar section: 7, 84.Miles, Christopher. “Rock on the Wall.” Detour (October 1996): 169–170.Millet, Catherine. “Passions Privées: Private Passions on Public Display.” Trans. Charles Penwarden. Art Press (Paris), no. 211 (March 1996): 65–67.Ozdogru, Nüvit. “Rauschenberg ile iki saat.” Milliyet (Istanbul), 18 June 1996: 19.Princenthal, Nancy. “Books to Billboards: Crossing the Boundaries.” MoMA Magazine, no. 22 (Summer 1996): 14–15, 18–19.Ratcliff, Carter. “And the Beats Go On.” Art in America 84, no. 3 (March 1996): 62–68.Richard, Paul. “The Larger Question; In the Meyerhoff Collection, Are the Pictures Too Big? The Washington Post, 31 March 1996: G1.Shaw–Eagle, Joanna. “Lasting Impressions.” The Washington Times, 19 May 1996: D1, D4.Sozanski, Edward J. “Art Museum Exhibit Examines Photographs in the Computer Age.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 7 July 1996: G11.Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 12 January 1996: C31.Turner, Elisa. “Surprising Take on Enfant Terrible’s Sculpture.” Miami Herald, 28 April 1996: section 1: 1, 8.Van Siclen, Bill. “Seeing the World Through the Eyes of Rauschenberg.” Providence Journal-Bulletin, 13 June 1996: section G: 1, 2.1995Chadwick, Susan. “Rauschenberg Exhibit Strikes the Right Note.” The Houston Post, 16 February 1995: D1, D12.Cunningham, Merce. “Story: Tale of a Dance and a Tour.” Parts 1–3. Dance Ink 6, no. 1 (Spring 1995): 14–21; no. 2 (Summer 1995): 18–22; no. 3 (Fall 1995): 32–36.Del Renzio, Toni. “Boxing Clever.” Art Monthly (London), no. 183 (February 1995): 17–19.“Die Kunst im Reich der Sinne.” Rhein-Zeitung (Koblenz), 8 June 1995.Fressola, Michael J. “Outside the Frame.” Staten Island Advance, 24 February 1995: B1, B3.Grus, Michael. “Tauwetter, für eine eftrorene Trompete.” Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt), 19 August 1995.Hall, Charles. “Boxing Clever.” Art Review (London) 46 (December 1994–January 1995): 44–46.Harrison, Helen A. “An Anniversary in the Evolution of Iconoclastic Graphics: ‘Both Art and Life: Gemini G.E.L. at 25.’” The New York Times, Long Island Weekly edition, 14 May 1995: Art section: 26.Henry, Allen. “The ‘50s Generation, Regenerated at the Whitney.” The Washington Post, 11 November 1995: C1, C4.Irvine, Madeline. “Turning Artifacts into Art; A Sense of Flight and Sense of Gravity. Austin American-Statesman, 16 December 1995: C13.Johnson, Patricia C. “‘Scores’ Positively Strange.” The Houston Chronicle, 9 March 1995: D1, D12.Karmel, Pepe. “Art in Review: Robert Rauschenberg” (Gagosian Gallery exhibition review). The New York Times, 6 October 1995: C32, illustrated.Kimmelman, Michael. “At the Whitney, A Celebration of Beat Culture (Sandals and All).” The New York Times, 10 November 1995: C1, C5.Kleeblatt, Norman L. “Multivalent Voices.” Art in America 83, no. 12 (December 1995): 29–31, 35.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “National News: Rauschenbirthday.” Art News, 94, no. 8 (October 1995): 52.Kutner, Janet. “Object Lessons: Robert Rauschenberg Imbues Litter of Society with meaning.” The Dallas Morning News, 29 October 1995: C10.Kurz, Martina. “Reiber, Rauscher, Zischer, Heuler.” Frankfurter Allgemeine (Frankfurt), 4 August 1995: 34.Lipson, Karin. “Gemini Workshop’s Silver Celebration.” Newsday, 5 May 1995: B16.Loisy, Odile de. “Le Dernier Rauschenberg.” Beaux Arts (Paris), no. 132 (March 1995): 121.Marger, Mary Ann. “Redefining Definition Itself.” Saint Petersburg Times, 29 September 1995: Weekend Section: 25.McEwen, John. “Some Boxes are Better Left Closed.” The Sunday Telegraph (London), 8 January 1995: Art section: 8.Milani, Joanne. “Rauschenberg: In Retrospect: Art and Real Life Become Intertwined in an Exhibit of the Groundbreaking Artist’s Tampa Works.” Tampa Tribune, 2 November 1995: Bay Life section: 1, 3.Milani, Joanne. “Shows Reviewed: Robert Rauschenberg: Two Decades at Graphicstudio.” Tampa Tribune, 17 November 1995: Friday Extra section: 21.Naumann, Frances M. “Minneapolis: The Legacy of Marcel Duchamp.” The Burlington Magazine (London) 137, no. 1,103 (February 1995): 137–139.“New Power from the Man Who Put New into Art.” Interview, October 1995: 90.Raynor, Vivien. “When Art (the Artist’s) Meets Art (the Printer’s).” The New York Times, N.J. edition, 28 May 1995: section 13: 14.Reiter, Carla. “Printmaking in America.” Northwestern Perspective, Summer 1995: 24–26.Riding, Alan. “Politics, This is Art, Art This is Politics.” The New York Times, 10 August 1995: C11, C15.“Robert Rauschenberg: La Vie au plus pres.” L’Officiel (Paris), no. 794 (March 1995): 247–249.Ruhrberg, Karl. “Das Leben ist viel zu bunt für groβes Pathos.” Art: Das Kunstmagazin (Englewood, New Jersey), no. 10 (October 1995): 14–29.Schjeldahl, Peter. “Beat and Rebeat.” The Village Voice, 21 November 1995: Art section: 73.Sewell, Brian. “Life’s Box of Tricks.” Evening Standard (London), 5 January 1995: The Arts, section: 30.Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: ‘Neo–Dada’: ‘Redefining art, 1958–1962.’” The New York Times, 10 February 1995: C27.Sozanski, Edward J. “Cage’s ‘Circus’ at Art Museum: It’s a Celebration of Taking Chances.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 11 June 1995: L1, L5.Strickland, Carol. “Glory days of Hip and Cool Are Revisited in New York.” The Christian Science Monitor, 30 November 1995: Arts section: 10.Tagore, Sundaram. “Universality of the Arts: Celebrating Culture on UN Anniversary.” The Times of India (Bombay), 28 October 1995: 12.Taylor, Robert. “An Eclectic Gathering of Abstractions.” The Boston Globe, 17 May 1995: Living Arts section: 36.Thorson, Alice. “‘Tribute 21’ Honors Humanitarians; Robert Rauschenberg Prints Celebrate Others with Self–Aggrandizement.” The Kansas City Star, 16 June 1995: Preview section: 13.Turner, Elisa. “Exhibit Shows How Many Artists Stand on Duchamp’s ‘Leg.’” Miami Herald, 3 December 1995: Arts section: 11, 21.Wolitzer, Meg. “How the Beat Esthetic marked Its Time.” The New York Times, 10 September 1995: H58.1994Aukeman, Anastasia. “Robert Rauschenberg: Knoedler.” Art News 93, no. 10 (December 1994): 136.Bode, Ursula. “Der groβe Kommunikator.” Feuilleton (Stuttgart), 10 June 1994.Carnegie, M. D. “Priceless Pearls of Printmaking at Gallery.” The Washington Times, 24 July 1994: D2.Cotter, Holland. “Art in Review: Roman–New York 1948–1964.” The New York Times, 7 January 1994: C23.Daniels, Barry. “The Challenge of Documenting Rauschenberic Process of Performance Art.” Gay People’s Chronicle, 25 February 1994: 12–13.Edelman, Robert G. “Robert Rauschenberg at Knoedler.” Art in America 82, no. 12 (December 1994): 94.Eigo, Jim. “Trisha Brown and Robert Rauschenberg.” Dance Ink 5, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 22–25.Goldman, Saundra. “When Images, Words Collide: Exhibit Illuminates Rauschenberg.” Austin American-Statesman, 9 April 1994: D13.Harris, Ron. “Tow Artists Bring U.S. to 22nd Bienal in Brazil.” Los Angeles Times, 21 October 1994: F28.Jocks, Heinz–Norbert. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Kunstforum (Ruppichteroth, Germany), no. 127 (July–September 1994): 320–324.Johnston, Jill. “John Cage: Music for Museums.” Art in America 82, no. 1 (January 1994) 72–77.Kalil, Susie. “Three–Ring Museum.” Houston Press, 27 January–2 February 1994: 29–30.Levin, Kim. “Great Karma.” The Village Voice, 27 May 1994: Art section, 91.Levy, Rebecca. “Words of Art.” The Austin Chronicle, 29 April 1994: 30.Lewis, Jo Ann. “Art/$$: Alive and Giving.” The Washington Post, 22 May 1994: G7.Litt, Steven. “Performance Art Exhibition Should Be on Your Agenda.” The Plain Dealer, 20 March 1994: section 1: 4.Mason, Marilynne S. “Seeing the World Through Photograms.” The Christian Science Monitor, 21 March 1994: 16.Millet, Catherine. “CAPC, an Anniversary in Paint.” Trans. J. O’Toole. Art Press (Paris), no. 187 (January 1994): E13–E17.Normile, Dennis. “The Art of Art in Public Spaces.” Nikkei Weekly (Tokyo), 31 October 1994.Nusbaum, Eliot. “New York Artists Featured in Display.” Des Moines Sunday Register, 5 June 1994: E7.Russell, John. “Images to Cherish in the Realm of the World.” The New York Times, National edition, 14 November 1994: C28.Sherman, Mary. “‘Accident’ Launches Newton Print Show.” Boston Herald, 13 March 1994: 46.Smith, Roberta. “Art in Review: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 11 March 1994: C30.Smith, Roberta. “Art Review; Signs to a Global Village in Progress” (22nd Sao Paulo Bienal exhibition review). The New York Times, 30 November 1994: section C18.Smith, Roberta. “Aspects of John Cage, for the Eye.” The New York Times, 6 May 1994: C26.Smith, Roberta. “Signs to a Global Village in Progress.” The New York Times, 30 November 1994: C18.Stamets, Bill. “Artists Turn Pop Perspective on Lincoln and Malcolm X.” Chicago Sun-Times, 5 January 1994: section 2: 35.Stearns, David Patrick. “Late Composer John Cage and the Art of Randomness.” USA Today, 4 April 1994: D3.Taylor, John Russell. “Boxers Pack a Serious Punch.” The Times (London), 8 June 1994: Arts section: 40.Temin, Christine. “Top–Notch Art That Happened by Chance.” The Boston Globe, 9 March 1994: Living/Arts section: 61, 65.Vogel, Sabine B. “Reviews: Düsseldorf: Robert Rauschenberg, Kunstsammlung Nordrhein–Westfalen.” Trans. Charles V. Miller. Artforum 33, no. 3 (November 1994): 97.Wallach, Amei. “Uncaging ‘A Circus’ of Sensations.” Newsday, 26 April 1994: Part 2NY, B9.Walbye, Phyllis. “Photograms: Denver Art museum Shows Works ‘Painted with Light.’” Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald, 5 March 1994: 3.Wilson, Janet. “Gemini G.E.L.: Where the Sky’s the Limit.” Art News 93, no. 7 (September 1994): 88.1993“Art: Proto Pop.” The New Yorker 69, no. 24 (2 August 1993): 10.Artner, Alan G. “Oh, Those Marvelous Toys.” Chicago Tribune, 25 April 1993: section 13: 22–23.Artner, Alan G. “Pop Art’s Start.” Chicago Tribune, 18 April 1993: section 13: 14–15.Baker, Kenneth. “L.A. Show Traces ‘50s Transition to Pop.” The San Francisco Examiner and Chronicle, 7 February 1993: 45–46.Bashaw, Maureen. “International Artist Returns to captive.” Fort Myers News-Press, 30 April 1993: D1, D3.Bonetti, David. “Feastin of Fresh Look at Pop Art.” San Francisco Examiner, 11 February 1993: C1, C4.Buchard, Hank. “From a Plea for Help, a Fix on Art in the 1960s–‘70s.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 March 1993: F6.Cotter, Holland. “Where City History Was made, a 50’s Group Made Art History.” The New York Times, 5 January 1993: section C1.Cutajar, Mario. “When Pop was Young: ‘Hand–Painted Pop’ at MOCA.” Artspace (March–April 1993): 82–85.Dorment, Richard. “Picturing a World beyond Words.” Daily Telegraph (London), 15 September 1993: 18.Duncan, Michael. “Painterly Pop.” Art in America 81, no. 7 (July 1993): 86–89, 117.Feaver, William. “Notices: The Big Picture.” Vogue (London), September 1993: 61.“Future Is Now at Korea Show.” The New York Times, 5 September 1993.Freeman, Jack. “Rauschenberg: The Art of Changing Minds.” The earth Times 5, no. 30 (20 September 1993): 11.Gookin, Kirby. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Guggenheim Museum SoHo.” Artforum 31, no. 8 (April 1993): 97.Henry, Gerrit. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Knoedler.” Art News 92, no. 9 (November 1993): 158.Holg, Garrett. “A Return Visit to Era When the Art World Went ‘Pop.’” Chicago Sun-Times, 28 March 1993: Arts and Show section, p, 1, 11.Holg, Garrett. “Finding Magic in Mechanical Art.” Chicago Sun-Times, 25 April 1993: B5, B12.Hughes, Robert. “The View from Piccadilly.” Time 142, no. 14 (4 October 1993): 78–79.Johnson, Patricia C. “It’s There in Black and White.” Houston Chronicle, 31 January 1993: Zest. section: 11.Kimmelman, Michael. “Explosive Painting: The Path to Pop.” The New York Times, 9 July 1993: C1, C24.Kimmelman, Michael. “Review/Art; Explosive Painting: The Path to Pop.” Exhibition review of Hand–painted Pop: American Art in Transition, 1955–62, organized by LAMCA at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. The New York Times, 9 July 1993: section c: 1.Kirscher, Ralf. “Rauschenberg: An Artist of Immense Proportions.” Cape Coral Breeze, 10 May 1993.Knight, Christopher. “Cage’s ‘Circus’ a Three–Ring Sensual Blast.” Los Angeles Times, 17 September 1993: F1, F14.Kramer, Hilton. “Pop Goes the Art World! Whitney’s Academic Kitsch.” New York Observer, 2–9 August 1993: 1, 19.Larson, Kay. “Reflux Action.” New York 26, no. 30 (2 August 1993): 55–56.Lee, David. “American Art: The Good, the Bad and Julian Schnabel.” Art Review (London) 45 (November 1993): 32–38.Mamiya, Christin J. “We the People: The Art of Robert Rauschenberg and the Construction of American National Identity.” American Art 7, no. 3 (Summer 1993): 41–63.McKenna, Kristine. “200–Ring Circus.” Los Angeles, September 1993: 118–120.Molesworth, Helen. “Before Bed.” October, no. 63 (Winter 1993): 68–82.Patner, Andrew. “‘Hand–Painted Pop’ after the Action Painters, a Wealth of Surprises.” Art and Antiques 15, no. 7 (September 1993): 87.Smith, Mark Lesly. “Suspended Shadows: The Miniature Blueprints of Rauschenberg and Weil.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 24, no. 4 (September–October 1993): 125–128.Smith, Roberta. “More to It than Meets the Eye: A Show of Minimalist Paintings.” The New York Times, 3 September 1993: C14.Szwed, Mark. “The Art World: Cage by Chance.” The New Yorker 69, no. 32 (4 October 1993): 212.Tager, Alisa. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Guggenheim Museum SoHo.” Art News 92, no. 3 (March 1993): 107–108, illustrated.Wallach, Amei. “An Abstract View of New.” The Record, 6 August 1993: Previews section: 22.Wallach, Amei. “Pop from Old Eyes and a Fresh Look.” Newsday, 9 July 1993: section 2: 55.1992Altabe, Joan. “Graphic Description: Ringling Museum Puts Its Stamp on Print Show.” Sarasota Herald–Tribune, 21 June 1992: G1, G4.Baker, Kenneth. “A ‘50s Look at Robert Rauschenberg.” The San Francisco Chronicle, 15 May 1992: D3.Bevan, Roger. “Salvaging 1950s Rauschenberg.” The Art Newspaper (London) 3, no. 18 (May 1992): section 1: 7.Bevan, Roger. “The Infancy of Pop Art.” The Art Newspaper (London), no. 23 (December 1992): 8.Bonetti, David. “Rauschenberg: ‘50s Fervor at SFMOMA.” San Francisco Examiner, 14 May 1992: B1, B6.Brozan, Nadine. “Chronicle”: [Earth Summit “pledge” poster by Robert Rauschenberg for Self magazine]. The New York Times, 11 June 1992: section B10.Brooke, James. “Arts Invade Rio for Earth Summit.” The New York Times, 1 June 1992: C16.Camper, Fred. “The Unordered Universe.” The Reader, 27 March 1992: section 1: 30–33, illustrated.Carboni, Massimo. “Rome: Robert Rauschenberg, Galleria Il Gabbiano.” Artforum 30, no. 7 (March 1992): 116–117.Casali, Silvia. “Arte Americana.” Taxiart (Turin) 2, no. 4 (March–April 1992): 14–15.Chronicle: In Rio, the Faxes and Letters Show Self Readers Are for the Earth.” The New York Times, 11 June 1992: B10.Colpitt, Frances. “Rauschenberg: In the Beginning.” Art in America 80, no. 4 (April 1992): 126–129.Cooke, Lynne. “San Francisco, MOMA, Robert Rauschenberg The Early 1950’s.” The Burlington Magazine (London) 134, no. 1,070 (May 1992): 335–336.Cullum, Jerry. “Rauschenberg’s Dazzling Prints Delineate Our Time.” The Atlanta Constitution, 23 October 1992: H2.Delacoma, Wyne. “Arts Club of Chicago Celebrates 75 Years on the Cutting Edge.” Chicago Sun-Times, 10 May 1992: Arts and Show section: 5.Dzieduszycki, Michele. “I colori dell’America.” Europeo (Turin), no. 3 (17 January 1992): 94–97, 99.Fox, Catherine. “Artist Respond to Nature with Wonder and Anger.” The Atlanta Journal/The Atlanta Constitution, 5 October 1992: C3.Galloway, David. “Putting on the Ritz in Bonn.” International Herald Tribune (Paris), 1–2 August 1992: Art section: 6.Heard, Jacquelyn. “Exhibit Revives ‘50s Art: Rauschenberg’s Work on Display.” Chicago Tribune, 7 February 1992: section 1: 16.Holg, Garrett. “’50s Rauschenberg: Paving the Way for Pop and Beyond.” Chicago Sun-Times, 2 February 1992: E1, E12.Johnson, Janis Lyn. “The Last Free Enterpriser.” Gulfshore Life (Summer 1992): 54–57, 62–63.Johnston, Jill. “The World Outside His Window.” Art in America 80, no. 4 (April 1992): 114–125, 183, illustrated.Kimmelman, Michael. “Early Rauschenberg, Before He Became Infamous.” The New York Times, 23 October 1992: C21, illustrated.Kimmelman, Michael. “Ellsworth Kelly’s Coming of Age in Paris.” The New York Times, 1 November 1992: section 2: 31.Knight, Christopher. “Enlightening Look at Early Work of Robert Rauschenberg.” Los Angeles Times, 20 May 1992: B8–9.Knight, Christopher. “When Pop First Popped.” Los Angeles Times, 6 December 1992: Calendar Section, 3, 88–89.Koeppel, Fredric. “Images from Movies, Magazine, Billboards Rise to Museum Piece.” The Commercial Appeal, 22 November 1992: G1.Kramer, Hilton. “Justly Ignored Early ‘50s Rauschenberg upon Us.” The New York Observer (30 November 1992): 1, 23.Larson, Kay. “New York: Robert Rauschenberg.” Galeries Magazine (December 1992–January 1993): 42–45, illustrated.Larson, Kay. “Zen and the Art.” New York 25, no. 45 (16 November 1992): 90–91.Malloy, Nancy. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Knoedler.” Art News 91, no. 5 (May 1992): 121–122.Marger, Mary Ann. “State to Honor Artists, Patrons.” St. Petersburg Times, 17 February 1992: D3.Micozzi, Mario. “Robert Rauschenberg: Simultaneità e compresenza della bidimensionalità.” Punto d’incontro (Lanciano, Italy) 15, no. 2 (March–April 1992): 11.Milani, Joanne. “Photographs Capture China’s Timeless Beauty.” Tampa Tribune, 4 October 1992: Bay Life section: 1–2.Plagens, Peter. “The Wonder Years: How Two Audacious Young Americans Broke into the Avant–Garde.” Newsweek 120, no. 24 (14 December 1992): 76–77.Raynor, Vivien, “Art; Golden Age of Printing Revisited.” The New York Times, 11 October 1992: section 13: 22.Rauschenberg Poster Proceeds to Benefit Earth Summit Pledge.” Printing News East, 1 June 1992: 16.Tarshis, Jerome. “Creativity Knew No Limits; in the 1950s, artist Robert Rauschenberg stretched the domain of art with unorthodox ideas and materials.” The Christian Science Monitor (Boston), 14 September 1992: 16.Tarshis, Jerome. “Rauschenberg collection reveals best of abstract expressionist art.” Daily Gazette, 14 October 1992.Tully, Judd. “Night of the Living Gluts.” Cover 6, no. 2 (March 1992): 8–9.Wallach, Amei. “What Ifs’ of a Twentieth–Century Master.” Newsday, 27 November 1992: section 2: 73, 99.Wiegenstein, Roland H. “Ein Porträt des Künstlers als junger Mann.” Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt), 18 July 1992: section ZB: 2–4.Wilson, William. “A Small but Vivid ‘1958’ at Concoran Gallery.” Los Angeles Times, Orange County edition, 21 April 1992: F1, F6.Wilson, William. “‘Gemini at 25’: Celebrating a Child of ‘60s.” Los Angeles Times, 25 September 1992: F26–27.Wilson, William. “Gemini Duplicates Art, Life.” Los Angeles Times, 22 September 1992.1991Adams, Brooks. “Salmigondis à la Rauschenberg.” Artstudio (Paris), no. 23 (Winter 1991): 56–67. Translated by Marie–France de Paloméra.Altabe, Joan. “Graphicstudio: USF Workshop Leaves Its Prints on the Arts in Tampa.” Sarasota Herald Tribune, 15 September 1991: G1, G4.Baker, Kenneth. “‘Rocky’ Rauschenberg Picture Show; Seminal artist’s work gets spotlight in D.C.” San Francisco Chronicle, 14 July 1991: Datebook: 32.Ball, Edward. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Processed World.” The Journal of Art 4, no. 1 (January 1991): View section, 7–11.Carrier, David. “New York: Whitney Museum: Robert Rauschenberg: The Silkscreen Paintings, 1962–64” (exhibition review). The Burlington Magazine 133, no. 1056 (March 1991): 218–219, illustrated.Chadwick, Susan. “Early Robert Rauschenberg: Exhibit Displays Legendary Works from ‘50’s.” The Houston Post, 22 September 1991: H15.Crow, Thomas. “The Children’s Hour.” Artforum 30, no. 4 (December 1991): 84–88.D’Arcy, David. “Rauschenberg’s fifteen minutes.” Art Newspaper (January 1991).Dorment, Richard. “Painting That Jumps Off the Gallery Wall.” The Daily Telegraph (London), 13 September 1991: The Arts section: 12.Dudar, Helen. “Rauschenberg Who Wants to Embrace the Whole World.” Smithsonian (Washington, D.C.) 22, no. 2 (May 1991): 54–67.Durand, Regis. “Robert Rauschenberg: Parcours du monde, parcours de l’oeuvre.” Art Press (Paris), no. 161 (September 1991): 26–27.Flam, Jack. “Abstracting Reality.” Exhibition review of Robert Rauschenberg: The Silkscreen Paintings, 1962–64 at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. The Wall Street Journal, 23 January 1991: A10.Gibson, Eric. “Rauschenberg Exhibit Has No Artistic Luster.” The Washington Times, 10 May 1991: Travel and Entertainment section: 1.Gibson, Eric. “Rauschenberg’s Rise, Fall Depicted in Two Shows.” The Washington Times, 26 June 1991: E3.Gibson, Eric. “Graphics Show One Big Recycling Operation.” The Washington Times, 19 September 1991: E2.Gookin, Kirby. “Robert Rauschenberg: Whitney Museum.” Artforum 29, no. 6 (March 1991): 128–129.Grenier, Richard. “Artistic Cultural Bridges?” The Washington Times, 23 May 1991: G4.Gruen, John. “Robert Rauschenberg: An Audience of One.” Art News 76, no. 2 (February 1977): 44–48. Revised and published as “Robert Rauschenberg.” In The Artist Observed: Twenty–eight Interviews with Contemporary Artists: 261–272. Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 1991.Halperen, Max. “‘Animals and the Earth’: Raleigh Curators Tap Collection of a Legend of Modern Art.” The News and Observer, 13 September 1991: 13, 23.Harper, James. “An Artistic Triumph.” St. Petersburg Times, 15 September 1991: F1–7.Hopps, Walter. “Seven Works on Paper.” Grand Street 38 10, no. 2 (Fall 1991): 72.Hughes, Robert. “Wallowing in the Mass Media Sea.” Time 138, no. 17 (28 October 1991): 102–103.James, Curtia. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: National Gallery, Le Marié Tranier, Corcoran” (exhibition review) Art News 90, no. 7 (September 1991): 141–142, illustrated.Johnson, Patricia C. “ ‘50s Unveiled: Rauschenberg Shows Work New to Public.” Houston Chronicle, 29 September 1991: Zest section: 22.Kilian, Michael. “Peace through Art: Rauschenberg’s World Tour Makes Final Stop in D.C.” Chicago Tribune, 6 June 1991: C13.Klüver, Billy with Julie Martin. “Four Difficult Pieces.” Art in America 79, no. 7 (July 1991): 80–99, 138, illustrated.Lambertini, Luigi. “Rauschenberg: Quelli della Pop Art.” Gioia (Milan), 30 December 1991: 128–130.Larson, Kay. “Top of the Pop.” New York 24, no. 38 (30 September 1991): 72–73.Lewis, Jo Ann. “Occasional.” The Washington Post, 12 May 1991: G7.Lewis, Jo Ann. “Rauschenberg, Bright and Early: Accomplished Works of the Young Artist, at the Corcoran.” The Washington Post,25 June 1991: C1.Lewis, Jo Ann. “Rauschenberg’s Cultural Canvas: Around the World in a Decade.” The Washington Post, 12 May 1991.Lewis, Jo Ann. “The Mother of Invention.” The Washington Post, 18 September 1991: B1, 10–11.Lipson, Karin. “View from an Active Art era.” Newsday, 21 August 1991: Nassau County edition: section 2: 61.MacAdams, Barbara. “Robert Rauschenberg: Whitney Museum, Knoedler.” Art News 90, no. 5 (May 1991): 146.Mahoney, Robert. “Sculpture on the Road: Rauschenberg’s ROCI.” Sculpture 10, no. 6 (November–December 1991): 44–49, illustrated.Micacchi, Dario. “Rauschenberg un irrequieto annuncio di pace.” L’unità (Rome), 20 November 1991: 17.O’Neill, Joe. “Graphicstudio.” University of South Florida magazine 33, no. 5 (Summer 1991): 4–7.Paris, Wendy. “Rauschenberg’s Striking Consistency: The Menil Collection and Texas gallery Show the Early and Late Work of a Twentieth–Century master.” The Houston Press, 10–16 October 1991: Art section: 36.Plagens, Peter and Malcolm Jones, Jr. “Back to the Future.” Newsweek 117, no. 1 (7 January 1991): 50–51.Reif, Rita. “Rauschenberg Work Brings Sale Record.” The New York Times, 1 May 1991: section C: 15. [Rebus]Richard, Paul. "Silk Sheets and Neon Bicycles: At the National Gallery, the Extravagant ‘Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange.’" The Washington Post, 12 May 1991.Roberts, Roxanne. “Artists and Their Playground.” The Washington Post, 13 September 1991: C2.Saff, Donald J. “Conservation of Matter: Robert Rauschenberg’s Art of Acceptance.” Aperture, no. 125 (Fall 1991): 24–31.Simongini, Franco. “Rauschenberg, Pop miliardario inaugural la sua mostra romana.” Il Tempo (Rome), 19 November 1991: section 7: 1.Smith, Geoffrey. “Knock out of a Pop Art Show.” The Washington Times, 4 October 1991: E1, E4.Smith, Roberta. “Art: Robert Rauschenberg, At Home and Abroad.” The New York Times, 6 August 1991: C11, C16, illustrated.Smith, Roberta. “Narrow Notions of Greatness at the Modern.” The New York Times, 23 June 1991: H29, H32.Smith, Roberta. “Reviews/Art: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 1 March 1991: 20. [M. Knoedler & Company]Smith, Roberta. “Robert Rauschenberg, At Home and Abroad.” The New York Times, 6 August 1991: C20.Smith, Roberta. “Vision of the 60’s, From 2 Dealers Who Shaped It.” The New York Times, 16 August 1991: C1, C17.Sweeney, Luise. “Hotbed of Art Innovation.” The Christian Science Monitor, 6 December 1991: 13.Sweeney, Louise. “Rauschenberg’s Worldwide Quest For Art and Ideas.” The Christian Science Monitor (Boston), 21 May 1991 p. 10. [ROCI/USA]Taylor, John Russell. “Is Pop’s Corn Still Worth Serious Lolly? The Times (London), 13 September 1991: 15.Tully, Judd. “Auction: Sotheby’s Respectable Showing: Rauschenberg Work Fetches $7.3 Million.” The Washington Post, 1 May 1991: section B: 1, 2.Twardy, Chuck. “Diverse, Dynamic Exhibits.” Orlando Sentinel, 25 August 1991.Wallach, Amei. “Rauschenberg’s World.” Newsday, 12 May 1991: Fanfare, 15.Weil, Deborah. “Take Your Lunchbreak at the Museums: Great Art on View This Summer Includes Shows by Rauschenberg, Annie Leibovitz.” Roll Call, 2 May 1991: Travel and Entertainment section: 1.Wood, Carol. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 66, no. 3 (November 1991): 84.Yood, James. “Chicago: Robert Rauschenberg: Feigen Incorporated” (exhibition review). Artforum 29, no. 5 (January 1991): 132, illustrated.Zevi, Adachiara. “Ecco tutti I color del Pop.” Corriere della sera (Milan), 17 November 1991, Cultura section: 8.1990Artner, Alan G. “Rauschenberg Works Detail Spiritual Ruins of the 80s.” Chicago Tribune, 2 November 1990: section 7: 65.Bass, Ruth. “Robert Rauschenberg: Knoedler.” Art News 89, no. 3 (March 1990): 174.Bouisset, Maїten. “Rauschenberg, le peintre et le polaroid.” Beaux Arts (Paris), no. 84 (November 1990): 147.Browne, Malcolm W. “Engines, Factories and Art, Or the machines as Muse.” The New York Times, 28 December 1990: C1, C28.Cantrell, Scott. “A Magnificent Mix of Print and Art.” The Kansas City Star, 143 May 1990: H6.Chuen, Ooi Kok. “Artist Who Values Personal Perceptions.” New Sunday Times, 27 May 1990: Arts and Leisure section: 15.Cyphers, Peggy. “New York in Review.” Arts Magazine 65, no. 2 (October 1990): 114–115.Deitcher, David. “A Fine Disregard.” The Village Voice, 16 October 1990: Art section, 99–100.Edwin, Joseph. “Images of Malaysia.” New Straights Times (Kuala Lumpur), 24 May 1990. Times Two section: 1.Ernould–Gaudouet, Marielle. “Paris: Robert Rauschenberg.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 420–21 (July–August 1990): 108.Glueck, Grace. “Rauschenberg at 65, With All Due Immodesty.” Review of exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The New York Times, 16 December 1990: section 2: 47, 49. [Whitney]Goldman, Sandra. “Robert Rauschenberg: Lang & O’Hara.” Art News 89, no. 6 (Summer 1990): 166.Jenkins, Nicholas. “Kirk Varnedoe: Highlow, Hotcool.” Art News 89, no. 8 (October 1990): 165–167.Kimmelman, Michael. “‘High and Low’ Misses the Ins and Outs of Modern Art.” The New York Times, 21 October 1990: section 2: 41, 43.Kamm, Henry. “Rauschenberg Show Heralds Union of the Arts in Berlin.” The New York Times, 10 March 1990: 11, 14.Kamm, Henry. “Rauschenberg Show Opens New Era in Berlin.” The New York Times, 10 March 1990: 12. [ROCI Berlin]Killian, Michael. “Doing Fine; Robert Rauschenberg is enjoying his artistic stardom.” Chicago Tribune, 22 November 1990: section 5: 16.Kippinoff, Petra. “Pelikan in Preuβen.” Die Zeit (Hamburg) 13, no. 23 (March 1990): 68.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Quiet House.” Museum & Arts Washington (November/December 1990): 45–51, 76–78, illustrated.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Working Habits: Robert Rauschenberg Builds a Painting.” Art News 89, no. 8 (October 1990): 123–128.Kramer, Hilton. “Rauschenberg ‘Paintings’ in SoHo: Just Clever Exercises in Layout.” New York, 5 March 1990: 1, 21, illustrated.Lillington, David. “London Exhibitions: Robert Rauschenberg at Runkel Hue Williams.” Arts Review (London) 42, no. 10 (18 May 1990): 258.MacAdam. Alfred. “Contemporary Illustrated Books: Franklin Furnace.” Art News 89, no. 6 (Summer 1990): 176–177.Malanga, Gerard. “Letter to the Editor: Warhol Got the Idea from Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 28 December 1990: A34.Müller, Dorothee. “Spaziergänger zwischen den Kulturen.” Süddeutsche Zeitung (Munich), no. 68 (22 March 1990), Feuilleton section: 45.Mooran, Margaret. “Disparate Delicacies Bloom in ‘Transparent Thread.’” Newsday, 5 October 1990: part 2.: 19.“One–Man Art Show: Robert Rauschenberg.” Corporate World 2, no. 6 (June–July 1990): 53.Perreault, John. “Making Book.” The Village Voice, 27 February 1990: 85.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Rauschenberg.” Interview by Paul Taylor. Interview (December 1990): 142–147, illustrated.Simmons, Todd. “Rauschenberg: Artist’s View Isn’t Colored by Convention.” The Tampa Tribune, 21 June 1990: H1–2.Smith, Roberta. “An Eighteen–Year Journey through Rauschenberg’s Development.” The New York Times, 16 February 1990: C30.Smith, Roberta. “High and Low Culture Meet on a One–Way Street.” The New York Times, 5 October 1990: C1, C25.Smith, Roberta. “Vintage Rauschenberg: The Silk–Screen Paintings.” The New York Times, 14 December 1990: section C: 30.Wallach, Amei. “Art, Life and Robert Rauschenberg.” Newsday, 10 December 1990: section 2: 51–60, 66.Waterman, Daniel. “Vasari Diary: Rauschenberg’s Bandages.” Art News 89, no. 5 (May 1990): 44.Wiegenstein, Roland H. “Kurzer Aufenthalt zwischen Moskau and Kuala Lumpur.” Frankfurter Rundschau (Frankfurt), 13 March 1990: 9.Williams, Frances D. “Fine–art auction raised $83,000.” News–Press (Ft. Myers), 28 August 1990: section D: 1. [ACT]Winter, Peter and Sally Simmons. “Berlin: Rauschenberg’s Art for Peace.” Art International (Lugano), no. 12 (Fall 1990): 27.Yee, Chen May. “Mammoth Art Undertaking.” The Star (Kuala Lumpur), 11 May 1990: Metro section: 1.Zimmer, William. “A Show in Katonah Examines American Attitudes about Machines.” The New York Times, 30 December 1990: WC14.1989Armstrong, Elizabeth. “First Impressions.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 20, no. 2 (May–June 1989): 41–46.Durand, Régis. “Robert Rauschenberg: Des souvenirs sans nostalgie.” Art Press (Paris), no. 142 (December 1989): 20–25.Glueck, Grace. “Castelli Donates ‘Bed’ to the Modern.” The New York Times, 10 May 1989: C15.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Captiva: The ROCI Road Show.” Art News 88, no. 6 (Summer 1989): 48, 50.MacAdam, Barbara. “Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Knoedler.” Art News 88, no. 3 (March 1989): 170.“Pop–Art on Krimsky Val.” Literatornaya Gazeta (Moscow), February 1989. In Russia.Simmons, Todd. “Color U.S. Art Exhibit in Moscow a Major Success.” Tampa Tribune, 3 February 1989: A6.Wallach, Amei. “Rauschenberg Goes to Moscow.” Art in America 77, no. 3 (March 1989): 21–22.1988Bernstock, Judith E. “A New Interpretation of Rauschenberg’s Imagery.” Pantheon (Munich) 46 (1988): 149–164.Black, L. D. “Rauschenberg’s ROCI.” Splash, February 1988: unpaginated.Heartney, Eleanor. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 87, no. 8 (October 1988): 167.Kohen, Helen L. “An Odyssey to Encourage World Peace.” The Miami Herald, 21 February 1988: 1, 6.Pinera, Toni. “Exposición Rauschenberg en la Habana.” Gramma (Havana), 9 February 1988: culture/sports section: 7.Pinera, Toni. “Inaugura Hart la exposición de Rauschenberg.” Gramma (Havana), 11 February 1988: 1, 6.“ROCI–Cuba.” Cartelera (Havana) 36, no. 310 (4–10 February 1988): 3.Saltz, Jerry. “Notes on a Drawing: Every Picture Tells a Story.” Arts Magazine 63, no. 3 (November 1988): 19–22.Seckler, Dorothy Gees. “The Artist Speaks: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art in America 54, no. 3 (May–June 1988): 72–84.1987Bromberg, Craig. “Gallery Guide ‘Common Cause.’” Manhattan, Inc. 4, no. 6 (June 198): 164–165.Exum, Helen McDonald. “Robert Rauschenberg makes It tot eh Met. “ Chattanooga News–Free Press, 1 March 1987: K1–K2.Glueck, Grace. “The Met Makes Its Move into the Twentieth century.” The New York Times, 18 January 1987: section 2: 1, 20.Nestor, Sarah. “Letter from the Editor.” El palacio 92, no. 3 (Spring 1987): 2.“Rauschenberg: Art’s Magician.” Marie Claire (Japan), no. 50 (January 1987): 193–198. In Japanese.“Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Exchange: Japan.” Ikebana Sogetsu (Japan), no. 170 (10 February 1987): 41–43.Russell, John. “Rauschenberg and Johns: Mr. Outside and Mr. Inside.” The New York Times, 15 February 1987: section 2: 33–34.Story, Richard David. “Robert Rauschenberg: The Unstoppable Artist Pours Hard Work and Wild Humor into His Pop–Cultural Canvases.” USA Today, 26 January 1987: D4.“The Galleries.” Los Angeles Times, 6 November 1987: section 6: 12.Wallach, Amei. “The Incredible Growing Work of Art.” Newsday, 21 January 1987: section 2: 3Yates, Steven A. “Letter from the Guest Editor.” El palacio 92, no. 3 (Spring 1987): 2.1986Caley, Shaun. “New York: Robert Rauschenberg: Gagosian.” Flash Art (Milan), no. 131 (December 1986–January 1987): 88.Crossley, Mimi. “The Rauschenberg Revolution.” Houston Post, February 1986: 53–54.Ennis, Michael. “Rauschenberg Relics.” Texas Monthly (Austin) 14, no. 2 (February 1986): 126, 128–129.Feinstein, Roni. “The Early Work of Robert Rauschenberg: The White Paintings, the Black Paintings, and the Elemental Sculptures.” Arts Magazine 61, no. 1 (September 1986): 28–37, illustrated.Figuerola–Ferretti, Luis. “El arte en Madrid: De la modernidad actual de Rauschenberg a la vanguardia rusa.” Goya (Madrid), no, 186 (May–June 1986): 395–396.Gleuck, Grace. “Art: A Look at ‘Television’s Impact.’” The New York Times, 19 September 1986: C29.Goddard, Dan. R. “But…He’s from Port Arthur.” Sunday Express-News, 13 April 1986: H7.Graze, Sue. “Robert Rauschenberg, Work from Four Series: A Sesquicentennial Exhibition.” Dallas Museum of Art (Winter 1986–1987): 6–7.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Rauschenberg’s Tour de Force.” The New York Times, 3 May 1987: section 2: 30, 33.Kutner, Janet. “Rauschenberg on the Road.” The Dallas Morning News, 18 January 1987: C1, C6–7.Lin, Wendy. “The Boy from Port Arthur.” Art and Antiques 19, no. 4 (February 1986): 58–61.Marcus, Stanley. “The Found, the Recycled, the Metamorphosed.” Artweek 17, no. 6 (15 February 1986): 1.McClure, Steve. “Rauschenberg Repays Debt to Japan.” The Japan Times Weekly (Tokyo) 26, no. 48 (29 November 1986): 8–9.Poirier, Maurice. “A Vast Sculptural Dialogue.” Art News 85, no. 3 (March 1986): 143.“Rauschenberg.” Atelier (Tokyo), November 1986: 96.“Rauschenberg.” Yomiuri Shimbun, 19 November 1986: 10.Rips, Geoffrey. “Notes on a Native Son.” Texas Observer 78, no. 11 (30 May 1986): 16–17.Russell, John. “Art: At Artists Space, Three Survivors of 1930.” The New York Times, 2 May 1986: section 3: 28.Smith, Roberta. “Art: Drawings by Robert Rauschenberg, 1958–1968.” The New York Times, 31 October 1986: section 3: 26.Tennant, Donna. “Robert Rauschenberg: Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum.” Art News 85, no. 4 (April 1986): 141–142.Welish, Marjorie. “Texas, Japan, Etc.: Robert Rauschenberg’s Sense of Place.” Arts Magazine 60, no. 7 (March 1986): 52–54.1985Allen, Jane Addams. “Windows and Books Speak for Two Artists.” The Washington Times, 1 March 1985: B2.Alloway, Lawrence. “La evolución de Rauschenberg.” Revista vuelta (Mexico City), no. 102 (May 1985): 52–60.Alloway, Lawrence. “La evolución de Rauschenberg Y (II).” Suplemento cultural (Caracas), 15 September 1985: 8–9.Altabe, Joan. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Splash (May 1985): 7.Apple, Jacki. “Revisiting a Frontier.” Artweek, 7 September 1985: 5.“Artista estadounidense: Llega R. Rauschenberg.” El mercurio (Santiago), 14 July 1985: C5.Battiata, Mary. “Rauschenberg, the Art Explorer.” The Washington Post, 1 June 1985: D1, D7.Brena, Angelina Camargo. “Rauschenberg comienza su mensaje de paz.” Excélisor (Mexico City), 17–18 April 1985: 1.Calcano, Isabel Cristina. “Trying to Bring Art and Different Cultures Closer.” The Daily Journal (Caracas), 12 September 1985: 14–15.Calcano, Isabel Cristina. “Trying to Understand ROCI.” The Daily Journal (Caracas), 24 September 1985: Arts section p. 15.Castro, Roberto Montero. “De la ilusión a la objetividad.” El universal (Carcas), 20 October 1985.Castro, Roberto Montero. “El tratado de la realidad.” El universal (Caracas), 27 October 1985: section 4: 1.Comeriati, Mara. “Rauschenberg vino en mission de paz.” El nacional (Caracas), 12 September 1985: C16.Crimp, Douglas. “On the Museum’s Ruins.” October, no. 13 (Summer 1980): 41–57. Revised and reprinted in The Anti–Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture. Ed. Hal Foster. Port Townsend, Washington: Bay Press, 1983Cohen, Ronny. “The Medium Isn’t the Message.” Art News 84, no. 8 (October 1985) 74–81.Crossley, Mimi. “The Rauschenberg Revolution.” Houston Style (February 1986): 53–54.Diaz, Rafael Pedraza. “Rauschenberg, o cómo trabajar en la brecha que separa el arte de la vida.” El universal (Caracas), 9 September 1985: section 4: 1.“En Santiago artista Robert Rauschenberg.” El mercurio (Santiago), 15 July 1985: C1.Everingham, Carol J. “Promoting World Peace through Art.” The Houston Post, 23 December 1985: C4.Feinstein, Roni. “The Unknown Early Robert Rauschenberg: The Betty Parsons Exhibition of 1951.” Arts Magazine 59, no. 6 (January 1985): 126–131, illustrated.Fine Arts in China (Beijing; a publication of the Chinese Art Institute) 22, no. 21 (December 1985). Articles by Kong Chang–an, Li Jia–tun, Yu Feng, Yuan Xiajin, Zhao Jian–hai, Zhu Ye, and Zheng Sheng–tian. In Chinese with English translation.Gaitan–Rolo, Héctor. “Desparpajo y humor en Rauschenberg.” Punto (Mexico City) 3, no. 130 (29 April–5 May 1985): 19–20.Galloway, David. “Rauschenberg, dócil e indomable.” El universal (Caracas), 1 September 1985: section 4: 1.Gamarekian, Barbara. “Rauschenberg Carrying his Art to Many Lands.” The New York Times, 3 August 1985: 9.Hahn, Dorothea. “Exposiciones como las de Rauschenberg son negativas y mercantiles: El pintor rené allí.” Uno más (Mexico City), 11 June 1985: Cultura section p. 19.Heller, Nancy G. “Shades of Pop Art at B.R. Kornblatt, Robert Rauschenberg’s ‘Sling Shots.’” The Washington Post, 28 March 1985: B7.Hernández, María Angélica. “El arte es una rareza del mundo.” El diario (Caracas), 12 September 1985: Arte y espectáculos section: 52.Huisking, Charlie. “Artist’s Canvas Stretches around the World.” Sarasota Herald–Tribune, 17 March 1985: C1, C13.Jiménez, Ariel. “Del hombre para el hombre.” El universal (Caracas), 22 September 1985: section 4: 1.Jiménez, Martizà. “Rauschenberg, otro domingo de triunfo en el MACC.” El universal (Caracas), 23 September 1985: section 4: 1.Jin, S. P. “Rauschenberg’s Riddles.” China Daily (Beijing), 28 November 1985: Culture section: 5. In Chinese.Johnson, Patricia C. “Modern Master Shows Awesome Power in Contemporary Arts Museum Exhibit. “ Houston Chronicle, 28 December 1985: section 5: 1, 8.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Overseas Culture Interchange: A Window on Humanity through Art.” Trends (Washington, D.C.; publication of the United States Information Agency), December 1986: 17–28. In Japanese.Lenti, Paul. “‘The Dreamt World of Rauschenberg’ Begins Its Tour in Mexico.” The News (Mexico City), 20 April 1985: 19.López, Pedro and Susana Montesinos. “Rauschenberg testimonia el cataclismo del cambio total.” Marcay (Maracaibo), 17 September 1985: A12.MacMasters, Merry. “‘El sonado mundo de Rauschenberg.’” El nacional (Mexico City), 19 April 1985: section 2: 7.Maldonado, Domingo. “El impactante Rauschenberg.” Momento (Caracas), 23 September 1985: 46.“Manana se inaugural muestra Rauschenberg.” El mercurio (Santiago), 16 July 1985: C1.Manaure, Mateo. “Rauschenberg en el Museo de arte contemporáneo de Caracas.” El universal (Caracas), 15 September 1985: section 4: 1.Manrique, Jorge Alberto. “Rauschenberg en Mexico.” La jornada (Mexico City), 23 April 1985: Cultura section: 27.Marcano, Jesús Rosas. “La cita es con Rauschenberg.” El diario (Caracas), 22 September 1985: Ciudad section: 2.Maxim, John. “With Myriad of Materials, Collage Masters Creates a World.” The News (Mexico City), 20 April 1985), 18.Meza, Maria Eugenia. “Veintecinco anos de juego.” Ecrilla (Santiago), no. 2,608 (30 July 1985): 26–28.Millet, Catherine. “Robert Rauschenberg: Le Corps morcelé de la sculpture.” Art Press (Paris), no. 90 (March 1985): 15–18.Moorman, Margaret. “The ‘Vasari’ Diary: Rocky Road to Peace and Understanding.” Art News 85, no. 2 (February 1985): 11.Nino, William Araque. “El gesto del atrapamiento.” El universal (Caracas), 30 September 1985, section 4: 1.Pietri, Arturo Uslar. “Un arte de fin de mundo.” El nacional (Caracas), 23 September 1985: A4.Ramos, María Elena. “Del descho al encantamiento: Robert Rauschenberg.” El nacional (Caracas), 28 September 1985: Feriado section: 6.Ribes, María Elena. “El mundo sonado por Rauschenberg.” El universal (Caracas), 29 September 1985: section 4. p. 1.Sommer, Waldemar. “Rauschenberg, el gozo creador.” El mercurio (Santiago), 21 July 1985: E1.Stein, Axel. “Venezuela: Cultura infartada.” El universal (Caracas), 28 October 1985): section 4: 1–2.Su, Chun Wuei. “Rauschenberg and His ‘International Exhibition Tour.’” Tibet Daily (Lhasa), 30 November 1985: 4. In Chinese.Tibol, Raquel. “Rauschenberg como cuerpo de paz.” Proceso (Mexico City), no. 422 (22 April 1985): 51–52.“Una exposición con materiales desechables.” Auténtico (Caracas), 20 September 1985: 36–37.Vigas, Oswaldo. “Rauschenberg y el tercer mundo.” El universal (Caracas), 5 October 1985: section 5: 1–2.Volkenborn, Anne–Louise. “Rauschenberg Style Influencing Local Artists.” The Daily Journal (Caracas), 5 October 1985: section 4: 1–2.1984Angelle, Denny. “Rauschenberg Exhibit to Feature Collage, Photography.” Port Arthur News, 29 January 1984: C6.Calas, Nicholas and Elena Calas. “El arte de Rauschenberg.” El mercurio (Santiago), 28 October 1984: E1.Danto, Arthur C. “Art: Bam! The Explosion of Pop, Minimalism and Performance, 1958–1964.” The Nation 239, no. 9 (20 October 1984): 390–393.Everingham, Carol J. “Return of Rauschenberg Worth a Celebration.” Houston Post, 8 February 1984: E1.Hutchinson, Bill. “The World According to Rauschenberg: Clear Skies, Sunny and Warm.” Marquee (May 1984): 16–23.Johnson, Patricia C. “Rauschenberg.” Houston Chronicle, 12 February 1984: Zest section, 15, 43.Johnson, Patty. “Libraries: Rauschenberg Exhibit Opening in Port Arthur.” Houston Chronicle, 2 February 1984: 4.Kohen, Helen L. “‘1/4 Mile’ Makes Art in Experience.” The Miami Herald, 24 May 1984: L1, L6.Krasnow, Iris. “Rauschenberg.” The Houston Post, 16 December 1984: F9.Lafourcade, Enrique. “Rauschenberg en Chile.” El mercurio (Santiago), 28 October 1984: E1.McEvilley, Thomas. “Robert Rauschenberg, Houghton Gallery, Cooper Union” (exhibition review). Artforum (March 1984): 9.Robertson, Pam. “Rauschenberg Exhibit Reveals Rauschenberg’s Success.” Port Arthur News, 5 February 1984: E1–E2.Russell, John. “Art: Evoking the World of Some Great Painters.” The New York Times, 2 November 1984: section 3: 20.1983Bell, Jane. “New York Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg: Leo Castelli, Sonnabend, The Exhibition Space.” Art News 82, no. 4 (April 1983): 149.Drohojowska, Hunter. “Los Angeles: The First Show.” Art News 83, no. 3 (March 1984): 135–136, 138.Graham, Marna C. “Photography: A Restless, Inquiring Eye.” Artweek 14, no. 34 (15 October 1983): 11–12.Hughes, Robert. “The Arcadian As Utopian: Rauschenberg’s Rhapsodic Energies Fill Four Manhattan Shows. Time 121, no. 4 (24 January 1983): 74, 77.Kotz, Mary Lynn. “Robert Rauschenberg’s State of the Universe Message.” Art News 82, no. 2 (February 1983): 54–61.Larson, Kay. “Rauschenberg’s Renaissance: Three Exhibitions Show Artist at a New Peak.” New York 16, no. 1 (27 December 1982–3 January 1983): 50–56.Marano, Lizabeth. “Robert Rauschenberg at Castelli Green Street and Sonnabend.” Art in America 71, no. 14 (April 1983): 182–183.Perreault, John. “Rauschenberg: The World Is His Studio.” Photographs by Robert Mapplethrope. Geo 5, no. 11 (November 1983): 64–71, 98.“Robert Rauschenberg Ceramics.” Ceramics Monthly 31, no. 5 (May 1983): 39–41.Rowes, Barbara. “Painter Robert Rauschenberg Takes a Trip to China and Pops Back with New Shows and New Vitality.” People 19 (24 January 1983): 82–83.Silverthorne, Jeanne. “Robert Rauschenberg: Castelli Gallery, Sonnabend Gallery, Museum of Modern Art.” Artforum 21, no. 8 (April 1983): 75–76.1982Allara, Pamela. “Rauschenberg: Institute of Contemporary Art; Magnuson Lee; Jasper Johns; Thomas Segal.” Art News 81, no. 4 (April 1982): 176–178.Allara, Pamela. “Robert Rauschenberg: institute of Contemporary Art; Magnuson Lee; Jasper Johns; Thomas Segal.” Art News 81, no. 4 (April 1982): 176–178.Bendiner, Kenneth. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Canyon.” Arts Magazine 56, no. 10 (June 1982): 57–59.Brenson, Michael. “Art People: Rauschenberg Giant Photo.” The New York Times, 29 October 1982: C21.Herrera, Hayden. “Rauschenberg’s Scroll.” Connoisseur 213, no. 851 (January 1983): 57–61.Ives, Colta. “Looking at Prints: Razorback Country.” Art News 81, no. 7 (September 1982): 62–63.Johnstone, Mark. “Ambiguous Images of the City.” Artweek 13, no. 2 (16 January 1982): 11.Kohen, Helen L. “Rauschenberg’s Camera Finds Detail Inch by Inch.” The Miami Herald, 7 February 1982: L8.Rohter, Larry. “A Brush with the Master.” Newsweek 100, no. 5 (2 August 1982): 40.1981Burr, James. “Round the Galleries: The Gap Between.” Apollo (London) 133, no. 231 (May 1981): 334.Copeland, Roger. “The Politics of Perception.” Contact Quarterly 6, no. 2 (Winter 1981): 16–23.Cranshaw, Roger, and Adrian Lewis. “Re–Reading Rauschenberg.” Artscribe (London), no. 29 (June 1981): 44–51.Dorsey, John. “Rauschenberg: An Appraisal.” The Baltimore Sun, 19 October 1980, D1–D3.Evaul, William H. “Printmaking ensuite with Rauschenberg, Rockburne, and LeWitt.” Print Review 14 (1981): 70–73.Fondiller, Harvey V. “Shows We’ve Seen.” Popular Photography 88, no. 12 (December 1981): 50, 52.Grundberg, Andy. “Another Side of Rauschenberg.” The New York Times Magazine, 18 October 1981: section 6, 42–46, 113, 117.Holborn, Mark. “Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs.” Creative Camera (London), no. 203 (November 1981): 288–291.Morris, Gay. “When Artists Use Photographs: Is It Fair Use, Legitimate Transformation, or Rip–Off?” Art News 80, no. 1 (January 1981): 102–106.Müller–Mehlis, Reinhardt. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Die Weltkunst (Munich) 51, no. 5 (1 March 1981): 532–535.Newman, Michael. “Rauschenberg Re–evaluated.” Art Monthly (London), no. 47 (June 1981): 7–10.Shaw, John. “Robert Rauschenberg and the Profit Motif.” Antique Collector (London) 52, no. 11 (November 1981): 96.Shone, Richard. “Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London.” The Burlington Magazine (London) 123, no. 940 (July 1981): 436.Weiss, Marjorie. “Artist’s Photographs Exhibited.” The News and Courier-The Evening Post, 1 November 1981: E9.1980Blechen, Camilla. “Inmiten der Bilderflut: Robert Rauschenberg’s europäische Retrospektive.” Du (Zurich) 40, no. 6 (1980): 80.Burstein, Patricia. “In His Art and Life, Robert Rauschenberg Is a Man Who Steers His Own Daring Course.” People Weekly 13, no. 20 (19 May 1980): 99–100, 103–104.Kocks, Dirk. “Robert Rauschenberg, Werke 1950–1980.” Pantheon (Munich) 38, no. 4 (October–December 1980): 316–317.Owens, Craig. “The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism (Part 2).” October, no. 13 (Summer 1980): 59–80.Rosenblatt, Leon. “Robert Rauschenberg in Captiva.” Printable News (December 1980): 2–8.Sarduy, Severo. “Robert Rauschenberg: Miroir givré.” Art Press (Paris), no. 36 (April 1980): 10–11.Sharp, Ellen. “From Cliché–Verre Image to Printed Edition.” Printable News (December 1980): 2–4.Tomkins, Calvin. “Profiles: A Good Eye and a Good Ear.” The New Yorker 56, no. 14 (26 May 1980): 40–72. Profile of Leo Castelli with Rauschenberg anecdotes.Vaughan, David. “The Art of Working with Artists.” The Sunday Times Magazine (London), 13 April 1980: 52–53, 55.1979Alloway, Lawrence. “Art.” The Nation 228, no. 5 (10 February 1979): 154–155.Burnside, Madeleine. “Robert Rauschenberg (Castelli Graphics).” Arts Magazine 54, no. 1 (September 1979): 37.Forgey, Benjamin. “An All–Star Quintet from the 1960s, Now ‘Old Masters.’” Smithsonian, no. 11 (February 1979): 80–87.Franzke, Andreas. “Robert Rauschenberg Zeichnugen, Gouachen, Collagen. 1949 bis 1979.” Pantheon (Munich) 37, no. 4 (October–December 1979): 322.Gibson, Eric. “New York Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 23, no. 1 (April 1979): 49–50.Glueck, Grace. “Art: Puerto Rican Show in Bronx.” The New York Times, 26 January 1979: C14.Goldstein, Carl. “Teaching Modernism: What Albers Learned in the Bauhaus and Taught to Rauschenberg, Noland, and Hesse.” Arts Magazine 54, no. 4 (December 1979): 108–116.Kramer, Hilton. “Art: Photos Evoke Lost World of Japan.” The New York Times, 21 December 1979: C23.Lewis, Jo Ann. “‘Setting Standards’ at the Concoran.” Art News 78, no. 4 (April 1979): 85, 88–89.Lewis, Jo Ann. “Suddenly, Old Masters: Painting Is Just Not as Good Now as These Painters Were Ten years Ago.” The Washington Post Magazine, 25 February 1979: 20–21, 23–24.Richard, Paul. “Concoran’s Biennial…Focusing on Five.” The Washington Post, 18 February 1979: K1–K3.Rickey, Carrie. “Robert Rauschenberg, Sonnabend Gallery.” Artforum 18, no. 4 (December 1979): 74.Tomkins, Calvin. “The Man Who Created the Most Public Work of Private Art in History.” Miami Herald Tropic Magazine, 30 December 1979: 21–22.Towle, Tony. “Rauschenberg: Two Collaborations–Robbe–Grillet and Voznesensky.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 10, no. 2 (May–June 1979): 37–41.1978Bernstein, Roberta. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Rebus.” Arts Magazine 52, no. 5 (January 1978): 138–141.Piesazk, Devonna. “Robert Rauschenberg: From Port Arthur to Captiva.” New Art Examiner 5, no. 4 (January 1978): 3, 23.“The ‘Vasari’ Diary: More Dangerous Than Generals.” Art News 77, no. 2 (February 1978): 22, 24.1977“A Quartet of Spectaculars Two: Rauschenberg: The World Is a Painting.” Horizon 19, no. 3 (May 1977): 16–19.Asbury, Edith Evans. “Artists’ ‘Bank’ to Aid Health Costs.” The New York Times, 2 October 1977: 48.Bourdon, David. “Robert Rauschenberg: Slapdash Master.” The Village Voice 22, no. 14 (4 April 1977): 67.Conroy, William T., Jr. “Columbian Collage: American Art of Assembly.” Arts Magazine 52, no. 4 (December 1977): 86– la Falaise, Maxime. “Rauschenberg à Washington et à New York.” XXe Siècle 49 (December 1977): 28–32.Forgey, Benjamin. “An Artist for All Decades.” Art News 76, no. 2 (February 1977): 44–48.Glueck, Grace. “Art People.” The New York Times, 25 March 1977: C19.Gruen, John. “Robert Rauschenberg: An Audience of One.” Art News 76, no. 2 (February 1977): 44–48.Hess, Thomas B. “Replenishing Rauschenberg.” New York 10, no. 20 (16 May 1977): 79–80.Olson, Roberta J. M. “A Retrospective: Castelli on Rauschenberg.” The SoHo Weekly News, 24 March 1977: 26–27.Olson, Roberta J. M. “Rauschenberg, the Extraordinary Ragpicker.” The SoHo Weekly News, 31 March 1977: 17–19, 23, illustrated.Perrone, Jeff. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Artforum 15, no. 6 (February 1977): 44–48.Ratcliff, Carter. “New York.” Art International (Lugano) 21, no. 3 (May–June 1977): 60–61.Rose, Barbara. “Rauschenberg: The Artist As Witness.” Vogue 167, no. 2 (February 1977): 174–175, 220, 226.Rosenberg, Harold. “The Art World: Souvenirs of an Avant–Garde.” The New Yorker, 16 May 1977: 123–128.Roth, Moira. “The Aesthetic of Indifference.” Artforum 16, no. 3 (November 1977): 46–53.Rubinfien, Leo. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Artforum 16, no. 1 (September 1977): 79.Russell, John. “Art That Sings.” The New York Times, 25 March 1977: C1, C19, illustrated.Smith, Philip. “To and about Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 51, no. 7 (March 1977): 120–121.Stuckey, Charles F. “Reading Rauschenberg.” Art in America 65, no. 2 (March–April 1977): 78–84.“The Talk of the Town: Rauschenberg.” The New Yorker 53, no. 14 (23 May 1977): 30–31.Zimmer, William. Arts Magazine 52, no. 1 (September 1977): 33.1976Ballatore, Sandy. “The Mid–Seventies Rauschenberg for the Joy of It.” Artweek 7, no. 30 (11 September 1976): 1, 16.Davis, Douglas M. “Artist of Everything.” Newsweek 88, no. 17 (25 October 1976): 94–99.Donohoe, Victoria. “Rauschenberg: Art Made from Everyday Things.” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 5 December 1976: H11.Forgey, Benjamin. “Rauschenberg: Making Up for Lost Prints.” The Washington Star, 7 November 1976: G24–25.Ginsburg, Susan. “Rauschenberg’s Dialogue.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 6, no. 6 (January–February 1976): 152–155.Hughes, Robert. “The Most Living Artist.” Time 108, no. 22, 29 November 1976: 54–62, illustrated.Johnson, Lincoln F. “Rauschenberg: ‘Great Show, Great Artist.” The Baltimore Sun, 11 November 1976: B1–B3.Joyner, Brooks. “Glass Handle: Very Significant Exhibition.” The Albertan (Calgary), 21 October 1976: 9.Martin, Judith. “Aid for Artists?” The Washington Post, 23 June 1976: B3.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Robert Rauschenberg talks to Maxime de la Falaise McKendry.” Interview by Maxime de la Falaise McKendry. Interview (May 1976): 34–36, illustrated.Richardson, Paul. “ ‘Goofy, Grand’ Rauschenberg.” The Washington Post, 30 October 1976: B1–B7.111Russell, John. “Art: Alex Katz’s Idyllic and Simplified World.” The New York Times, 28 February 1976: L22.1975Bongartz, Roy. “Writers, Composers and Actors Collect Royalties–Why Not Artists?” The New York Times, 2 February 1975: section 2: 1, 25.Dreiss, Joseph. “Arts Reviews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 49, no. 6 (February 1975): 16.Goldman, Judith. “New Editions: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 74, no. 3 (March 1975): 59–60.Hughes, Robert. “Enfant Terrible at Fifty.” Time 105, no. 4 (27 January 1975): 60–61.Lieberman, William S. “Rauschenberg’s Inferno Drawings.” MoMA, no. 6 (Winter 1975–1976).Perocco, Guido. “Rauschenberg.” Le Arti (Milan), nos. 8–9 (September–October 1975): 21–22.Wortz, Melinda. “Rauschenberg’s Bones and Unions.” Artweek 6, no. 35 (18 October 1975): 2.1974Alliata, Vicky. “Rauschenberg: I fossili dell civiltà atomica.” Bolaffiarte (Turin) 5, no. 42 (Summer 1974): 82–89.deAk, Edit. “Robert Rauschenberg and Cy Twombly at Castelli Downtown.” Art in America 62, no. 4 (July–August 1974): 86.Baldwin, Carl R. “On the Nature of Pop: Right Artist, Right Work.” Artforum 12, no. 10 (June 1974): 34–38.Bourdon, David. “Rauschenberg’s Hoarfrost Causes Shivers of Delight.” The Village Voice, 23 December 1974: 108.Corbino, Marcia. “Zap! Robert Rauschenberg as Art World Superman.” Sarasota Journal, 22 October 1974: A12.Fischer, Yona. “Robert Rauschenberg in Israel.” Ariel (Jerusalem), no. 37 (1974): 34–47.Herrera, Hayden. “Reviews: Cy Twombly, Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 73, no. 8 (October 1974): 110.Kohansky, Mendel. “Rauschenberg at the Israel Museum.” Israel (Tel Aviv), no. 10 (May 1974): 76, 78.Kramer, Hilton. “Art: American Pop at the Whitney.” The New York Times, 6 April 1974: 27.Krauss, Rosalind. “Rauschenberg and the Materialized Image.” Artforum 13, no. 4 (December 1974): 36–43.Geldzahler, Henry and Kenworth Moffett. “Pop Art: Two Views.” Art News 73, no. 5 (May 1974): 30–32.Larson, Phillip. “Words in Print.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 5, no. 3 (July–August 1974): 53–56.Nasgaard, Roland. “Toronto: Rauschenberg at Jared Sable.” Arts Magazine 49, no. 2 (October 1974): 78.Nemy, Enid. “Artist’s Families Needing Aid Get It from Rauschenberg’s Group.” The New York Times, 25 September 1974: 46.O’Doherty, Brian. “Rauschenberg and the Vernacular Glance.” Art in America 61, no. 5 (September–October 1973): 82–87. Expanded and published as “Robert Rauschenberg: The Sixties.” Chapter in American Masters: The Voice and the Myth: 188–225. New York: Random House, 1974.Pindell, Howardena. “Robert Rauschenberg’s ‘Link.’” MoMA, no. 1 (Fall 1974): unpaginated.Ronnen, Meir. “Rauschenberg.” The Jerusalem Post Magazine, 31 May 1974: 19.Russell, John. “Art: Fragments of Language That Delight the Eyes.” The New York Times, 14 December 1974: L22.Russell, John. “The Paintings are Outliving Their Subjects: Persistent Pop.” The New York Times Magazine, 21 July 1974: section 6: 6–7, 25, 27, 30, 32–34.Saff, Donald J. “Graphicstudio, U.S.F.” Art Journal 34, no. 1 (Fall 1974): 10–18.Smith, Griffin. “Rauschenberg Graphics Splendid.” The Miami Herald, 20 January 1974: G8.Tarzan, Deloris. “Rauschenberg Editions Break New Ground.” Seattle Times, 23 June 1974: H1.Young, Joseph E. “New Editions: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 73, no. 3 (March 1974): 48–49.Young, Joseph E. “Pages and Fuses: An Extended View of Robert Rauschenberg.” The Print Collector’s Newsletter 5, no. 2 (May–June 1974): 25–30.1973Crimp, Douglas. “New York Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 17, no. 2 (February 1973): 46–49.Gratz, Roberta B. “Artist’s a Study in Blue at Scull’s SRO Auction.” New York Post, 19 October 1973: 3, 16.Jouffroy, Alain. “Rauschenberg et la liberté d’indifférence.” XXe Siècle (Paris), n.s., 35, no. 40 (June 1973): 125–131.Kelder, Diane. “Made in Graphicstudio.” Art in America 61, no. 2 (March–April 1973): 84–85.Kozloff, Max. “American Painting during the Cold War.” Artforum 11, no. 9 (May 1973): 43–54.Lampert, Catherine. “Review: Robert Rauschenberg at the Mayor Gallery.” Studio International (London) 185, no. 956 (June 1973): 293–294.Padawer, Martha. “Rauschenberg Criticism, 1950–1970: A Selected Annotated Bibliography.” Bulletin of Bibliography and Magazine Notes 30, no. 2 (April–June 1973): 61–68.Stitelman, Paul. “Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 47, no. 4 (February 1973): 68–69.Thomsen, Barbara. “Robert Rauschenberg at Castelli.” Art in America 61, no. 5 (September–October 1973): 112–114.1972Domingo, Willis. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 46, no. 3 (December 1971–January 1972): 60.Henry, Gerrit. “Personal Retrenchment.” Art and Artists (London) 6, no. 11 (February 1972): 42–45.Pincus–Witten, Robert. “New York.” Artforum 10, no. 5 (January 1972): 79–80.Schulze, Franz. “U.S. Art Today: Healthy, Lusty, and Many–Colored.” Chicago Daily News, 24–25 June 1972: Panorama section, 4–5.Steinberg, Leo. “Reflections on the State of Criticism.” Artforum 10, no. 7 (March 1972): 37–49. Revised and published as “Other Criteria.” In Steinberg. Other Criteria: Confrontations with Twentieth–Century Art: 55–91. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.1971Antin, David. “Art and the Corporations.” Art News 70, no. 5 (September 1971): 22–26, 52–56.Burnham, Jack. “Corporate Art.” Artforum 10, no. 5 (September 1971): 22–26, 52–56.Hughes, Robert. “The Revival of Prints.” Time 97, no. 3 (18 January 1971): 56–57.Kozloff, Max. “The Multimillion–Dollar Art Boondoggle.” Artforum 10, no. 2 (October 1971): 72–76.Marandel, J. Patrice. “‘Art and Technology’ à Los Angeles.” Art International (Lugano) 15, no. 6 (20 June 1971): 100–103, 108.Schjeldahl, Peter. “Rauschenberg Just Won’t Be Boxed In.” The New York Times, 31 October 1971: D21.Shirey, David L. “Rauschenberg Turning to Cardboards.” The New York Times, 23 October 1971: 23.Siegel, Jeanne. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 70, no. 8 (December 1971): 19.1970Alloway, Lawrence. “Rauschenberg’s Graphics.” Art and Artists (London) 5, no. 6 (September 1970): 18–21.Bolton, Edwin L. “Technical Accomplishments Keep Reviewer Going, While Rauschenberg Repeats Himself.” Minneapolis Star, 2 September 1970: B14.Canaday, John. “Rauschenberg Art: Chance to Catch Up.” The New York Times, 10 July 1970: 16.David, Douglas. “Strong Currents.” Newsweek 76, no. 4 (27 July 1970): 69B.Gruen, John. “Galleries and Museums: It’s Boston’s Birthday, Too.” New York 3, no. 26 (29 June 1970): 57.Karshan, Donald H. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Art in America 58, no. 6 (November–December 1970): 48–51.Kozloff, Max. “The Division and Mockery of the Self.” Studio International (London) 179, no. 918 (January 1970): 9–15.McGrath, Kristin. “Rauschenberg Work: Fifty-four-Foot-Long Chronicle of Now.” Minneapolis Star, 4 April 1970: A12.O’Rorke, Robert. “Stella and…Rauschenberg.” Art and Artists (London) 5, no. 6 (September 1970): 10, 12.Pierre, José. “Le ‘Cas” Rauschenberg.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 172 (April 1969): 42–50.Plagens, Peter. “Robert Rauschenberg: Los Angeles, Pasadena Museum of Art.” Artforum 9, no. 2 (October 1970): 86–88.Richard, Paul. “Apollo Eleven As an Art Form.” The Washington Post, 30 October 1970: B1.Sandler, Irving. “Rauschenberg and Johns: Anti–Art?” The New York Times, 10 May 1970: D21.Shirey, David. L. “Business of Business Art since 1950: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 12 December 1970: 25.Steele, Mike. “Rauschenberg: Rauschenberg Is Daring.” Minneapolis Tribune, 30 August 1970: E6Terbell, Melinda. “Los Angeles.” Arts Magazine 45, no. 1 (September–October 1970): 53–54.Young, Joseph. E. “Los Angeles.” Art International (Lugano) 14, no. 3 (20 March 1970): 83–90.1969Alloway, Lawrence. “Art.” The nation 208, no. 21 (26 May 1969): 676–677.Battcock, Gregory. “Rauschenberg’s New Clocks at Castelli.” Arts magazine 43, no. 7 (May 1969): 16.Davis, Douglas M. “Rauschenberg’s Recent Graphics.” Art in America 57, no. 4 (July–August 1969): 90–95.Gállego, Julián. “Crónica de Paris: Robert Rauschenberg y otros pintores modernos.” Goya (Madrid), no. 88 (January–February 1969): 234–238.Hopkins, Henry T. “In the Museums: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 43, no. 4 (February 1969): 55.Tinsley, Ann Miller. “Art Center to Exhibit Unusual Works of Artist.” Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 5 January 1969: section 6: 1.Wilson, William. “‘Rauschenberg Black and White’ at Newport Harbor.” Los Angeles Times, 28 December 1969: Calendar section: 38.Wilson, William. “Rauschenberg’s Super–Earthy Things.” Los Angeles Times, 19 May 1969: section 4: 11.1968Alloway, Lawrence. “Technology and Art Schools.” Studio International (London) 175, no. 889 (April 1968): 184–190.Bongard. Willi. “When Rauschenberg Won the Biennale.” Studio International (London) 175, no. 901 (June 1968): 288–289.Calas, Nicolas. “Robert Rauschenberg.” Kulchur 4, no. 15 (Fall 1964): 16–40. Reprinted as “Artists: Robert Rauschenberg.” In Calas. Art in the Age of Risk and Other Essays: 169–193. New York: E.O. Dutton, 1968.Carroll, Maurice. “Fire Damages Rauschenberg Art Here.” The New York Times, 26 October 1969: section 1: 79.Clay, Jean. “Revoir Rauschenberg.” Connaissance des arts (Paris), no. 200 (October 1968): 23–24.Cutler, Carol. “Art in Paris: Documenting an Unacceptable Culture.” International Herald Tribune (Paris), 15 October 1968: 6.Forge, Andrew. “Cross Currents.” Studio International (London) 175, no. 899 (April 1968): 191.Gablik, Suzi. “Light Conversation.” Art News 67, no. 7 (November 1968): 58–60.Glueck, Grace. “Art: Rauschenberg’s Latest Bit of Technological Tinkery Bows at the Modern.” The New York Times, 24 October 1968: 94.Glueck, Grace. “Art: Rauschenberg’s ‘Soundings’ Involves Viewers at the Modern.” The New York Times, 25 October 1968: C42.Glueck, Grace. “Ben Shahn Shines On.” The New York Times, 13 October 1968: D39.Hahn, Otto. “L’Enfant terrible de New York.” L’Expres (Paris), no. 901 (14–20 October 1968): 54.Kramer, Hilton. “Art: Over Fifty–three Feet of Wall Decoration.” The New York Times, 23 January 1968: L28.Metken, Günter. “Malen im optischen Zeitalter: Zur Rauschenberg–Ausstellung in Amsterdam und Köln.” Das Kunstwerk (Stuttgart) 21, no. 6–7 (April–May 1968): 74, 77–78.Mussman, Toby. “A Comment on Literalness: Should the Picture Plane Be Abolished?” Arts Magazine 42, no. 4 (February 1968): 14–17.Perreault, John. “Faith and Fire.” The Village Voice 14, no. 3 (31 October 1968): 16.Pincus–Witten, Robert. “New York: Robert Rauschenberg, Castelli Gallery.” Artforum 7, no. 4 (December 1968): 54–56.Russell, John. “Completed Cycle.” Sunday Times (London), 3 March 1968: Arts section: 25.Shepard, Richard F. “‘Venice Biennale’ Weds Local No. 1: Rauschenberg Will Assist Lithographers’ Art Plan.” The New York Times,16 February 1968: 34.Siegel, Jeanne. “Documenta IV: Homage to the Americans?” Arts Magazine 43, no. 1 (September–October 1968): 37–41.Vaughan, David. “A Chronology.” Dance Perspectives, no. 34 (Summer 1968): 54–67.Vinklers, Bitite. “Why Not Dante?: A Study of Rauschenberg’s Drawings for the Inferno.” Art International (Lugano) 12, no. 6 (Summer 1968): 99–106.1967C., W.C. “Art and Technology Join in Formal Experiment.” Data Systems News, no. 1 (November 1967): 3.Glueck, Grace. “Robert Rauschenberg’s ‘Revolvers.’” Review of Robert Rauschenberg: Revolvers at Leo Castelli, New York. The New York Times, 27 May 1967: section 2: 27.Klüver, Billy. “Theater and Engineering: An Experiment: 2. Notes by an Engineer.” Artforum 5, no. 6 (February 1967): 31–33.Lieberman, Henry R. “Art and Science Proclaim Alliance in Avant-Garde Loft.” The New York Times, 11 October 1967: 49.Lippard, Lucy R. “The Silent Art.” Art in America 55, no. 1 (January–February 1967): 58–63.O’Connor, John. J. “Art and Technology Make It Official.” The Wall Street Journal, 11 October 1967: 16.Picard Lil. “Ausstellungen in New York: Bei Rauschenberg nichts neues.” Das Kunstwerk (Baden-Baden) 20, no. 9–10 (June–July 1967): 64.Rosenberg, Harold. “The Art World: Art of Bad Conscience.” The New Yorker 43 (16 December 1967): 138–149.Swenson, Gene R. “Peinture américaine 1946–1966.” Aujourd’hui USA (Boulogne), nos. 55–56 (December 1966–January 1967): 156–157.Tuten, Frederic. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg: Revolvers and Lithographs.” Arts Magazine 41, no. 8 (Summer 1967): 55.Vineberg, Dusty. “Under the Dome: A Powerful, Brainy Show of Pop, Op, Geometric Art.” The Montreal Star, 13 March 1967: Entertainments section, 4.Whitman (Forti), Simone. “Theater and Engineering: An Experiment: 1. Notes by a Participant.” Artforum 5, no. 6 (February 1967): 26–30.1966Benedikt, Michael. “New York Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 10, no. 3 (March 1966): 58–59.Bochner, Mel. “In the Museums: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 40, no. 5 (March 1966): 50.Gruen, John. “Painter Dancing in the Dark.” The Sunday Herald Tribune Magazine, 2 January 1966: 22, 24.Johnson, Ellen H. “The Image Duplicators: Lichtenstein, Rauschenberg and Warhol.” Canadian Art (Toronto) 23, no. 1 (January 1966): 12–19.Kaprow, Allan. “Experimental Art.” Art News 65, no. 1 (March 1966): 60–63, 77–82.Kostelanetz, Richard. “The Artist As Playwright and Engineer.” The New York Times Magazine, 9 October 1966: 32–33, 109–110, 114, 119–124. Revised and published as “Robert Rauschenberg: Painting in Four Dimensions.” Chapter in Kostelanetz. Master Minds: Portraits of Contemporary American Artists and Intellectuals: 251–269. Toronto: The Macmillan Company, 1967.Rauschenberg, Robert. “The Artist Speaks: Robert Rauschenberg.” Interview by Dorothy Gees Seckler. Art in America 51, no. 3 (May–June 1966): 72–76, 81–84, illustrated,Robbins, Eugenia S. “Performing Art.” Art in America 54, no. 4 (July–August 1966): 107–111.Solomon, Alan R. “American Art between Two Biennales.” Metro (Milan), no. 11 (June 1966): 24–35.1965Alloway, Lawrence. “The World Is a Painting: Rauschenberg.” Vogue 146, no. 7 (15 October 1965): 100–103, 153–155, 157.Berkson, William. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 39, no. 10 (September–October 1965): 2.Bourdon, David. “Rauschenberg: Oracle. The Village Voice, 27 May 1965: 80.Gablik, Suzi. “Meta-Trompe-l’Oeil.” Art News 64, no. 1 (March 1965): 46–49.Glueck, Grace. “Art Notes: Adventures Abroad.” The New York Times, 6 June 1965: section 2: 15.Hammond, Sally. “Prize-Winning Artist.” New York Post Magazine, 25 March 1965: 3.Kay, Jane H. “‘Quote, 1964’: Painting by Robert Rauschenberg.” The Christian Science Monitor, 14 August 1965: section 1: 8.Kappler, Frank. “The Divine Poet’s Totality.” Life 59, no. 25 (17 December 1965): 51–64. Includes “A Modern Inferno,” a collage by Rauschenberg commissioned by Life and reproduced in two foldout sections.Lerman, Leo. “The New Old Masters.” Mademoiselle 60, no. 4 (February 1965): 120–123.Levine, Neil A. “Reviews and Preview: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 64, no. 5 (September 1965): 11.Lippard, Lucy. “New York Letter, April–June 1965.” Art International (Lugano) 9, no. 6 (20 September 1965): 57.Macorini, Edgardo. “Le Illustrazione di Rauschenberg per l’Inferno di Dante.” Domus (Milan), no. 431 (October 1965): 41–47.Mangravite, Peppino G. “Dante through Three Artists’ Eyes.” Columbia Library Columns 15, no. 1 (November 1965): 17–27.Marmer, Nancy. “Los Angeles: Robert Rauschenberg.” Artforum 3, no. 9 (June 1965): 11.McDonagh, Donald. “Unexpected Assemblage!: Four Artists Who in Unique Collaboration with Dancers, Move ‘Far Out’ from Traditional Forms.” Dance Magazine 39, no. 6 (June 1965): 42–44, 78.“Pop: Bing–Bang Landscapes.” Time 85, no. 22 (28 May 1965): 80.Ragon, Michel. “Les 10 Plus Grands Artistes révélés depus 20 ans” and “Rauschenberg: La Vedette de l’école de New York.” Arts (Paris), no. 1,011 (23 June–6 July 1965): 2–4.“Rauschenberg Wins Top Prize in Corcoran Gallery’s Biennial.” The New York Times, 26 February 1965: 19.Solomon, Alan R. “Is There a New Theater?” The New York Times, 27 June 1965: section 2: 12.Solomon, Alan R. “Report on the American Participation in the 32nd Venice Biennale 1964.” In U.S. Senate. Congressional Record,89th Cong. 1st sess. (31 August–13 September 1965), vol. 3, part 17: 22,563–22,564.Tomkins, Calvin. “The Big Show in Venice.” Harper’s Magazine 230, no. 1,379 (April 1965): 98–104.Von Eckardt, Wolf. “Rauschenberg Wins Art Prize.” The Washington Post, 26 February 1965: A8.1964Ashbery, John. “Venice Biennale Center of Controversy.” The New York Herald Tribune, 23 June 1964: 5.Ashton, Dore. “New York Report.” Das Kunstwerk (Baden-Baden) 17, no. 7 (January 1964): 27.Ashton, Dore. “Object versus Illusions: New York Commentary.” Studio International (London) 167, no. 849 (January 1964): 41–43.Baro, Gene. “Some London Galleries.” Arts Magazine 38, no. 6 (March 1964): 15.Baro, Gene. “The Canal Goes ‘Pop.’” International Herald Tribune (Paris), 28 June 1964.Baro, Gene. “The Venice Biennale.” Arts Magazine 38, no. 10 (September 1964): 32–37.Burn, Guy. “Robert Rauschenberg.” The Arts Review (London) 16, no. 3 (22 February–7 March 1964): 2.Burr, James. “Round the London Galleries: Born of Stress.” Apollo (London) 79, no. 24 (February 1964): 148.“Carnival in Venice.” Newsweek 64, no. 1 (6 July 1964): 74–75.Constable, Rosalind. “Art Pops In: Europe Explodes as American Takes Prize.” Life 57, no. 2 (10 July 1964): 65–68.Eliot, Alexander. “All Roads Lead Where?” Art in America 52, no. 6 (December 1964): 124–125, 127.Forge, Andrew. “Robert Rauschenberg.” New Statesman (London) 67, no. 1,719 (21 February 1964): 304–305.Gassiot–Talabot, Gerald. “La Panoplie de l’Oncle Sam à Venise.” Aujourd’hui: Art et Architecture (Paris) 8, no. 47 (October 1964): 30–33.Gassiot–Talabot, Gerald. “Les Expositions: Rauschenberg.” Aujourd’hui (Paris), no. 46 (July 1964): 85.Genauer, Emily. “Rauschenberg’s Drawings for Dante’s Inferno.” The New York Herald Tribune, 25 December 1965, 7.Genauer, Emily. “The Merchandise of Venice.” The New York Herald Tribune, 12 July, 1964: Sunday Magazine section, 21.Gendel, Milton. “Hugger–Mugger in the Giardini.” Art News 63, no. 5 (September 1964): 34–35.Glueck, Grace. “Art Notes: Going, Going, Up!” The New York Times, 16 February 1964: section 2: 16.Gleuck, Grace. “Art Notes: The Little Show That Isn’t There.” The New York Times, 2 August 1964: section 2: 16.Gosling, Nigel. “A Jackdaw of Genius.” The Observer (London), 9 February 1964: 23.Gosling, Nigel. “This Is Our Life.” The Observer (London), 26 April 1964: Weekend Review section, 25.Hahn, Otto. “Rauschenberg à Paris.” L’Express (Paris), 28 May 1964: 26–27.Hopps, Walter. “Boxes.” Art International (Lugano) 8, no. 2 (20 March 1964): 38–42.Hunter, Marjorie. “Eight Artists Chosen for Venice Show: Two Exhibitions Listed by U.S. for Biennial Participation.” The New York Times, 3 April 1964: 30.Johnson, Philip. “Young Artists at the Fair and Lincoln Center.” Art in America, no. 4 (1964): 112–121.Jouffroy, Alain. “Une Révision moderne du sacré.” XXe Siècle (Paris) 26, no. 24 (December 1964): 89–98.Jouffroy, Alain. “R. Rauschenberg.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 113 (May 1964): 28–35, 68–69.Kozloff, Max. “Art and the New York Avant–Garde.” Partisan Review 31, no. 4 (Fall 1964): 535–554.Kozloff, Max. “New York Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 7, no. 10 (16 January 1964): 32–35.Kozloff, Max. “The Impact of de Kooning.” Arts Yearbook 7 (1964): 77–88.Kozloff, Max. “The Many Colorations of Black and White.” Artforum 2, no. 8 (February 1964): 22–25.Lucie–Smith, Edward. “Three Illustrators of Dante.” The Times (London), 11 February 1964: 13.Lynton, Norbert. “London Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 8, no. 3 (25 April 1964): 76–78.Melville, Robert. “Miscellany: Fear of the Banal.” The Architectural Review (London) 135, no. 806 (April 1964): 291–293.“Most Happy Fella.” Time 84, no. 12 (18 September 1964): 84–87.Mullins, Edwin. “Not Just a Joker.” Sunday Telegraph (London), 9 February 1964: 11.Oeri, Georgine. “The Object of Art.” Quadrum (Brussels), no. 16 (1964): 4–26.“Pop Goes the Biennale.” Time 84, no. 1 (3 July 1964): 54.“Rauschenberg: New Pace–Setter in Art.” The Observer (London), 23 February 1964: 21.Raworth, Tom. “London Report.” Das Kunstwerk (Baden-Baden) 17, no. 9 (March 1964): 30.Restany, Pierre. “La XXXII Biennale de Venezia, Biennale della irregularita” and “The XXXII Biennal Exhibition in Venice: A Triumph of Irregularity in Art.” Domus (Milan), no. 417 (August 1964): 27–40, 42.Revel, Jean–François. “XXXIIe Biennale de Venise triomphe du’realisme nationalist.’” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 115–116 (July–August 1964): 2–11.Roberts, Keith. “Current and Forthcoming Exhibitions: London.” The Burlington Magazine (London) 106, no. 732 (March 1964): 137–138, 142.Russell, John. “The World of Art: Big City, Big Country.” Sunday Times (London), 9 February 1964: 32.San Lazzaro, G. di. “La XXXIIe Biennale de Venise.” XXe Siècle, no. 24 (December 1964), unpaginated supplement.Solomon, Alan R. “The New American Art.” Art International (Lugano) 8, no. 2 (20 March 1964): 50–55. Originally published in Swedish in Amerikansk pop–Kunst: 17–23. Exh. Cat., Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1964.“The Exhilarating Art of Robert Rauschenberg.” The Times (London) 79, no. 24 (February 1964): 148.Tomkins, Calvin. “Profiles: Moving Out.” The New Yorker 40, no. 2 (29 February 1964): 39–105. Revised and published as “Robert Rauschenberg.” Chapter in Tomkins. The Bride and the Bachelors: The Heretical Courtship in Modern Art: 189–237. New York: The Viking Press, 1965.Valsecchi, Marco. “Alla Biennale esplode la neurosi vitalistica.” Il giorno (Rome), 10 June 1964: 10.“Venice Prize Goes to Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 20 June 1964: 23.Wagstaff, Samuel J., Jr. “Paintings to Think About.” Art News 62, no. 9 (January 1964): 38, 62.Wallis, Neville. “Art of the Possible.” The Spectator (London) 212, no. 7,777 (14 February 1964): 214.Weber, John. W. “Boxes.” Art in America 52, no. 3 (June 1964): 98–102.Whittet, G. S. “Interesting, but It Isn’t Art.” Studio International (Lugano) 167, no. 852 (April 1964): 158–161.Whittet, G. S. “Sculpture Scoops the Lagoon: XXXII Biennale at Venice.” Studio International (London) 168, no. 857 (September 1964): 96–103.Zerner, Henri. “Universal Limited Art Editions.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 120 (December 1964): 36–43, 82.1963Ashton, Dore. “Art: The Collaboration Wheel: A Comment on Robert Rauschenberg’s Comment on Dante.” Arts and Architecture 80, no. 12 (December 1963): 10–11, 37.Campbell, Lawrence. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 62, no. 7 (November 1963): 12.Chevalier, Denys. “La Gravure internationale de Ljubljana.” Aujourd’hui (Paris), no. 42–43 (October 1963): 202.Dypréau, Jean. “Rauschenberg.” XXe Siècle (Paris) 25, no. 21 (May 1963): 145.Frigerio, Simone. Les Éxpositions à Paris: Rauschenberg.” Aujourd’hui (Paris), no. 41 (May 1963): 38.Geldzahler, Henry. “Robert Rauschenberg” (Jewish Museum exhibition review). Art International 7 (25 September 1963): 62–67, illustrated.Gosling, Nigel. “Pioneers of Pop.” The Observer (London), 3 November 1963: 27.Johnston, Ellen H. “Is Beauty Dead?” Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin 20, no. 2 (Winter 1963): 56–66.Johnston, Jill. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 62, no. 3 (May 1963): 11–12.Judd, Donald. “In the Galleries: “Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 37, no. 9 (May–June 1963): 103–104.Judd, Donald. “In the Galleries: “Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 38, no. 3 (December 1963): 60.Judd, Donald. “In the Galleries: Six Painters and the Object.” Arts Magazine 37, no. 9 (May–June 1963): 108–109.Judd, Donald. “Performance Arts.” Arts Magazine 37, no. 7 (April 1963): 52.Michelson, Annette. “Paris Letter.” Art International (Lugano) 7, no. 4 (25 April 1963): 70–72.O’Doherty, Brian. “Robert Rauschenberg.” The New York Times, 28 April 1963: section 2: 13.“Pictures from Modern Masters to Aid Music and Dance.” Art News 61, no. 10 (February 1963): 44.“Rauschenberg Art Show at Hopkins Center.” The New York Times, 8 February 1963.“Rauschenberg Wins Graphics Prize.” The New York Times, 20 June 1963: 28.Restany, Pierre. “La V Biennale internazionale dell’incisione a Lubiana.” Domus (Milan), no. 405 (August 1963): 42, 50. In French and Italian.Restany, Pierre. “Paris Letter: The New Realism.” Art in America 51, no. 1 (February 1963): 102–104.Rose, Barbara. “Dada Then and Now.” Art International (Zurich) 7, no. 1 (25 January 1963): 23–28.Rose, Barbara. “Pop Art at the Guggenheim.” Art International (Lugano) 7, no. 5 (25 May 1963): 20–22.Sandler, Irving. “In the Art Galleries.” New York Post, 14 April 1963.Schneider, Pierre. “Art news from Paris.” Art News 62, no. 2 (April 1963): 48.Swenson, Gene R. “Rauschenberg Paints a Picture.” Art News 62, no. 2 (April 1963): 44–47, 65–67.“The Talk of the Town: Artists for Artists.” The New Yorker 39, no. 3 (9 March 1963): 32–34.Wulp, John. “Happening: A Timely Exercise in the Pursuit of Happiness.” Esquire 60, no. 5 (November 1963): 134, 136, 138, 184–187.1962Alloway, Lawrence. “Assembling a World between Art and Life.” The Second Coming Magazine (London), no. 4 (June 1962): 50–52.Ashton, Dore. “Abstract Expressionism Isn’t Dead.” The Studio (London) 164, no. 833 (September 1962): 104–107.Habasque, Guy. “XVIIIe Salon de Mai.” L’Oeil (Paris), no. 90 (June 1962): 37–43, 76, 78.Hopkins, Henry T. “Reviews: Los Angeles: Group Show.” Artforum 1, no. 6 (November 1962): 48.Jouffroy, Alain. “Rauschenberg ou le déclic mental.” Aujourd’hui (Paris), no. 38 (September 1962): 22–23.Murrow, Edward R. “Why Export Culture.” Art in America 50, no. 4 (1962): 84–87.Norland, Gerald. “Neo–Dada Goes West.” Arts Magazine 36, no. 9 (May–June 1962): 102–103.Preston, Stuart. “Art: Contemporary American Works.” The New York Times, 21 September 1962: 26.“Rauschenberg.” Mizue (Tokyo), no. 683 (February 1962): 42–56.Seitz, William C. “Assemblage: Problems and Issues.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 1 (February 1962): 26–34.Seldis, Henry J. “‘Art of Assemblage’ –– The Power of Negative Thinking.” Los Angeles Times, 18 March 1962, Calendar section: 26.1961Ashton, Dore. “Art.” Arts and Architecture 78, no. 2 (February 1961): 4–5, 30.Ashton, Dore. “Plus ça change…” Cimaise (Paris) 52, series 8, no. 1 (March–April 1961): 50–57. In English, French, German and Spanish.Ashton, Dore. “Thirty–four Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno.” Metro (Milan), no. 2 (May 1961): 52–61. In English, French and Italian.Cage, John. “On Robert Rauschenberg, Artist, and His Work.” Metro (Milan), no. 2 (May 1961): 36–51. Reprinted in Silence: Lectures and Writings by John Cage: 98–108. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1961. Softcover edition: Hanover, New Hampshire: University of New England Pres/Wesleyan University Press, 1973.Campbell, Lawrence. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 59, no. 9 (January 1961): 13–14.Canaday, John. “Whitney Again: The Annual Shows Regulars Along with Twenty-Two Newcomers.” The New York Times, 17 December 1961: 21.Choay, Françoise. “Dada, Néo–Data, et Rauschenberg.” Art International (Zurich) 5, no. 8 (20 October 1961): 82–84, 88.Dorfles, Gillo. “Rauschenberg, o la sconfitta dell’‘obsolence’ / Rauschenberg, or Obsolence Defeated.” Metro (Milan), no. 2 (May 1961): 32–35.Hess, Thomas B. “Collage as a Historical Method: Art and Non-Art and Anti-Art in 252 Situations Offer a Museum-of-Modern-Art’s-Eye View of Some Recent Developments from 1888 to 1961.” Art News 60, no. 7 (November 1961): 31–33, 69–71.Judd, Donald. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts Magazine 36, no. 4 (January 1962): 39–40.Kroll, Jack. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 60, no. 8 (December 1961): 12.Sandler, Irving. “In the Art Galleries.” New York Post, 26 November 1961: Magazine section: 12.Schoenberger, Gualtiero. “Les Expositions à Milan: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art International (Zurich) 5, no. 10 (Christmas 1961): 65.Tillim, Sidney. “Month in Review.” Arts Magazine 36, no. 3 (December 1961): 42–43.1960Ashton, Dore. “Art: Derivation of Data.” The New York Times, 30 March 1960: L42.Brach, Paul. “Rauschenberg.” Scrap, no. 2 (23 December 1960): 3.Coates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” The New Yorker 36, no. 8 (1 April 1960): 158–159.Coates, Robert M. “The Art Galleries: The ‘Beat’ Beat in Art.” The New Yorker 35, no. 46 (2 January 1960): 60–61.Genauer, Emily. “‘Literal’ Image of ‘Inferno.’” The New York Herald Tribune, 11 December 1960: section 4: 23.Preston, Stuart. “Cards of Identity: Dante Revisited.” The New York Times, 11 December 1960: section 2: 17.Rubin, William. “Younger American Painters.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 1 (1960: 24–31.Sandler, Irving Hershel. “Ash Can Revisited: A New York Letter.” Art International (Zurich) 4, no. 8 (25 October 1960): 28–30.Sandler, Irving Hershel. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg (Leo Castelli exhibition review).” Art News 59, no. 2 (April 1960): 14.Sawin, Martha. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts 35, no. 4 (January 1961): 56.“The Emperor’s Combine.” Time 75, no. 16 (18 April 1960): 92.Tillim, Sydney. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg.” Arts 32, no. 8 (May 1960): 58–59.1959Ashton, Dore. “Art: Collages Are Shown in Exhibition.” The New York Times, 1 January 1959: 29.Kramer, Hilton. “Month in Review.” Arts 33, no. 5 (February 1959): 48–51.Ragon, Michel. “L’Artactuel aux Étas–Unis / Art Today in the United States.” Cimaise (Paris) 6, no. 3 (January–March 1959): 6–35.Schuyler, James. “Reviews and Previews: Three (Leo Castelli exhibition review).” Art News 58, no. 2 (April 1959): 13.1958Ashbery, John. “Five Shows Out of the Ordinary: Robert Rauschenberg” (Leo Castelli exhibition review). Art News 57, no. 1 (March 1958): 40, 56.Rosenblum, Robert. “In the Galleries: Robert Rauschenberg” (Leo Castelli exhibition review). Arts 32, no. 6 (March 1958): 61.“Trend to the ‘Anti-Art.’” Newsweek 51, no. 13 (31 March 1958): 94, 96.Schneider, Pierre. “This Summer in Spoleto.” Art News 57, no. 4 (Summer 1958): 41.Steinberg, Leo. “Letters: footnote.” Arts 32, no. 8 (May 1958): 9.1957Cato, Robert. “Sources of Inspiration: Robert Rauschenberg.” Print 11, no. 1 (February–March 1957): 27.Hess, Thomas B. “Younger Artists and the Unforgivable Crime.” Art News 56, no. 2 (April 1957): 46–49.Pollett, Elizabeth. “In the Galleries: Young Americans.” Arts 31, no. 7 (April 1957): 57–58.1955Hess, Thomas B. “U.S. Painting: Some Recent Directions.” Art News Annual, no. 25 (1956): 74–98, 174–180, 192–199.Steinberg, Leo. “Month in Review: Contemporary Group at Stable Gallery.” Arts 30, no. 4 (January 1956): 46–48.1954Crehan, Hubert. “Rauschenberg.” Arts Digest 29, no. 7 (1 January 1955): 30.O’Hara, Frank. “Reviews and Previews: Bob Rauschenberg.” Art News 53, no. 9 (January 1955): 47.Preston, Stuart. “Divisions of Today: Novelty to New Realism in Current Shows” (Egan Gallery, New York exhibition review). The New York Times, 19 December 1954: section 2: 12.1953Ashton, Dore. “Fifty–Seventh Street: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art Digest 27, no. 20 (15 September 1953): 21, 25.Burrows, Carlyle. “Art Review: New Shows Strong in Experiment.” Review of Rauschenberg: Paintings and Sculpture; Cy Twombly: Paintings and Drawings at The Stable Gallery, New York. The New York Herald Tribune, 20 September 1953, 10.Campbell, Lawrence. “Reviews and Previews: Rauschenberg and Twombly.” Art News 52, no. 5 (September 1953): 13–14.Crehan, Hubert. “The See Change: Raw Duck.” Art Digest 27, no. 20 (15 September 1953): 25.Fitzsimmons, James. “Art.” Art and Architecture 70, no. 10 (October 1953): 9, 32–36.Genauer, Emily. “Art and Artists: Musings on Miscellany.” The New York Herald Tribune, 27 December 1953: section 4: 6.1952Peters, Ben. “Rauschenberg: Blueprint Photographer.” PhotoArts (August 1952): 216–217.1951“Abstract Photography: Museum of Modern Art.” PhotoArts 1, no. 8 (October 1951): 6.Cole, Mary. “Fifty–Seventh Street in Review: Bob Rauschenberg.” Review of Paintings by Bob Rauschenberg at Betty Parsons Gallery, New York. Art Digest 25, no. 17 (1 June 1951): 18.Hess, Thomas B. “Reviews and Previews: New York’s Avant–Garde.” Art News 50, no. 4 (June–August 1951): 46–47.“Ninth Street Event.” The Art Digest 25, no. 17 (1 June 1951): 15.Preston, Stuart. “Varied Art Show in Galleries Here: Realism and Abstraction Mark Paintings by Five Artists–Otto Botto Works Seen.” The New York Times, 18 May 1951: 25.Seckler, Dorothy. “Reviews and Previews: Robert Rauschenberg.” Art News 50, no. 3 (May 1951): 59.“Speaking of Pictures: Blueprint Paper, Sun Lamp, a Nude Produce Some Vaporous Fantasies.” Life 30, no. 15 (9 April 1951): 22–24. Robert RauschenbergBooks and Catalogues Robert Rauschenberg Books 2023Elliott, Clare. Artists We’ve Known: Selected Works from the Walter Hopps and Caroline Huber Collection. Houston and New Haven; The Menil Collection; Yale University Press, 2023: 122–3, illustrated.Kramer, Sarah, ed. The Art Museum. New York: Phaidon, 2023: 381, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Japanese Clayworks (exhibition catalogue). Text by Kristen Clevenson. Paris and New York: Thaddaeus Ropac; Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, 20222022Aquin, Stéphane, and Anne Reeve, eds. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden: The Collection. New York: DelMonico Books, 2022: 208–209, illustrated. Chakaia Booker: The Observer (exhibition catalogue). Miami: Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, 2022: 87, illustrated. Johnson, Lotte, ed. Carolee Schneemann: Body Politics. New Haven: Yale University Press; London: Barbican Art Gallery, 2022: 50, illustrated.Just Above Midtown: Changing Spaces (exhibition catalogue). Edited by Thomas Jean Lax and Lilia Rocio Raboada. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2022: p. 52, illustrated.Lapa, Pedro, ed. Coleção Berardo 1909–2019. Lisbon: Museum Coleção Berardo, 2022: 364–365, Illustrated. New York: 1962–1964 (exhibition catalogue). Edited by Germano Celant. New York: Jewish Museum; Milan: Skira editore, Milan: 2022: 132–133, 267, 291, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Copperheads 1985/1989 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jung-Ah Woo. Seoul: Galerie Thaddeaus Ropac, 2022.2021Akiyama, Akira, and Masayuki Tanaka, eds. Western Art History. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan Co., 2021: 349, illustrated.Hutton, Deborah, and Jean Robertson. The History of Art: A Global View. London: Thames & Hudson, 2021:1156, illustrated. Jacklin, Elizabeth. The Art of Print: Three Hundred Years of Printmaking. London: Tate Publishing, 2021: 138, illustrated.Jones, John, and Nicolette Jones. The American Art Tapes: Voices of the Twentieth-Century Art. London: Tate Publishing, 2021.Miura, Akinori, and Tamahito Yoshikawa. Expression of Painting. Japan: Musashino Art University Press, 2021: 129, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Channel Surfing (exhibition booklet). Text by Arne Glimcher and the artist. New York: Pace Gallery, 2021. Robert Rauschenberg: Night Shades and Phantoms (exhibition catalogue). Text by David Salle and Sarah French. Paris: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 2021.2020Lord, Catherine, and Richard Meyer. Art & Queer Culture. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2019: 102, 108, 112, et al., illustrated.Brophy, Christina Connet, Elizabeth Broun, and William C. Agee. A Wild Note of Longing: Albert Pinkham Ryder and a Century of American Art. New York: Rizzoli Electa; New Bedford, Massachusetts: in association with New Bedford Whaling Museum, 2020: 157, illustrated.Berggruen Gallery: 50 Years 1970–2020. San Francisco: Berggruen Gallery, 2020: 260–263, illustrated.Rauschenberg in Charleston (exhibition catalogue). Text by Sara C. Arnold. Charleston, South Carolina: Gibbes Museum of Art, 2020.2019Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman: American art from the Albertina Museum (exhibition catalogue). Vienna: Albertina Museum, 2019: 81–87, illustrated. Berecz, Ágnes. 100 Years 100 Artworks: A History of Modern and Contemporary Art. Munich, London and New York: Prestel, 2019: 90–91, illustrated.Binder, Martin, ed. Kunstbuch 3: Ein Arbeitsbuch für die Jahrgangsstufen 9 und 10. Texts by Achim Algner, Britta Paßmann and Henning Prox. Braunschweig, Germany: Schöningh Westermann, 2019: 114, illustrated.Binding Wires: John Mellencamp and Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Mary Lynn Kotz. New York: ACA Galleries, 2019.Burns, Nancy Kathryn. Photo Revolution: Andy Warhol to Cindy Sherman (exhibition catalogue). Worcester, Massachusetts: Worcester Art Museum, 2019: no.133, 134, p.120, illustrated.Fineman, Mia, and Beth (Estie Elizabeth) Saunders. Apollo’s Muse : The Moon in the Age of Photography. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2019.Kopp, Edouard, John Elderfield, Richard Shiff, and Terry Winters. Drawing Is Everything: Founding Gifts of the Menil Drawing Institute. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2019: 180–181, illustrated.Looking at Art with Alex Katz. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2019: 132, illustrated.Night Shades and Phantoms: An Exhibition of Works by Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Emily Braum and Daniela Mayer. New York: Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and Hunter College, 2019.O’Doherty, Brian. “Rauschenberg/Counter-Rauschenberg.” In Brian O’Doherty: Collected Essays. Edited by Liam Kelly. Oakland, California: University of California Press, 2019: 274–280, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg, Against the Grid: Drawings, 1983 (exhibition catalogue). Text by David White. Seoul: Pace Gallery, 2019.Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon 1969–70 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Michael Crichton. New York: Craig F. Starr Gallery, 2019.Sinclair, Sara with Mary Marshall Clark and Peter Bearman, ed. Robert Rauschenberg: An Oral History. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019.Wells, K. L. H. Weaving Modernism: Postwar Tapestry Between Paris and New York. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2019: 177, illustrated.2018American Masters 1940–1980 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Lucina Ward, James Lawrence and Anthony E. Grudin. Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2018: 136–137, illustrated.Martin Z. Margulies Collection, Vol.1. Bologna BO, Italy: Damiani, 2018: 116–117, illustrated.The Masters: Art Students League Teachers and Their Students (exhibition catalogue). New York: Hirschl & Adler, 2018: 58, illustrated.The Moon – From Inner Worlds to Outer Space (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Marie Laurberg and E.C. Krupp. Odder, Denmark: Narayana Press, 2018: 92–95, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Spreads 1975-83 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Elisa Schaar. London: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 2018.Robert Rauschenberg: Vydocks (exhibition catalogue). Text by John Yau. Hong Kong: Pace Gallery, 2018.2017The Art Museum. London: Phaidon, 2017: 381, illustrated.Inventing Downtown: Artist-Run Galleries in New York City, 1952–1965 (exhibition catalogue). New York and Munich: Grey Art Gallery, New York University; Delmonico Books Prestel, 2017: 109, illustrated.Krčma, Ed. Rauschenberg / Dante: Drawing a Modern Inferno. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017.Lista, Marcella, Liz Kotz, Corinne Rondeau, et al. A Different Way to Move: Minimalismes, New York, 1960–1980 (exhibition catalogue). Nîmes, France and Berlin: Carré d’Art Nîmes; Hatje Cantz, 2017: 221.Munroe, Alexandra, Philip Tinari and Hou Hanru. Art and China after 1989: Theater of the World (exhibition catalogue). New York: Guggenheim Museum, 2017: 27, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Thirty-Four Illustrations for Dante’s Inferno. Texts by Leah Dickerman, Robin Coste Lewis and Kevin Young. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2017.Robert Rasuchenberg: Late Series (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Jens Faurschou and Philip Tinari. Venice: Faurschou Foundation, 2017.Robert Rauschenberg & Andy Warhol: “Us Silkscreeners…” (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Barry Blinderman, Roni Feinstein, Cristopher Makos, et al. Venice: Faurschou Foundation, 2017. Rosa, Joseph, ed. Victors For Art: Michigan’s Alumni Collectors (exhibition catalogue). Text by Kathryn A. Huss. Michigan: The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2017: 63, illustrated.“All or Nothing: Robert Rauschenberg’s Combines.” In Dunham, Carroll. Into Words: The Selected Writings of Carroll Dunham. New York: Badlands Unlimited, 2017: 91–98, illustrated.UBS Art Collection: To Art Its Freedom. Text by Mary Rozell. Berlin: Hatje Cantz Verlag CmbH, 2016: 68, illustrated.2016Robert Rauschenberg, Transfer Drawings from the 1950s and 1960s (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Jonathan O’Hara, Lewis Kachur, and Marco Livingstone. London: Offer Waterman, 2016.Albu, Cristina. Mirror Affect: Seeing Self, Observing Others in Contemporary Art. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 2016: 85–6, illustrated.Blackness in Abstraction (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Adrienne Edwards. New York: Pace Gallery, 2016: 149, illustrated.Burri: Lo Spazio di Materia: Tra Europa e USA (exhibition catalogue). Edited by Bruno Corà. Città di Castello, Italy: Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri, 2016.Cohen, John. Cheap Rents…and de Kooning. Text by John Elderfield. Göttingen: Steidl, 2015: 25, 71, illustrated.Dickerman, Leah and Achim Borchardt-Hume, ed. Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2016.Galerie Templon 50 Years. Paris: Galerie Daniel Templon, 2016: 314–315, 500–503, illustrated.Getlein, Mark and Annabel Howard. Art Visionaries. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd., 2016: 164–7, illustrated.Los Angeles to New York: Dwan Gallery, 1959–1971 (exhibition catalogue). Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2016: cat. 19–22, pp. 122–5, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: ROCI Works from the National Gallery of Art (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Anke Van Wagenberg, Donald Saff, and Nicole Bray. Easton, Maryland: Academy Art Museum, 2016. (Catalogue)Robert Rauschenberg in China (exhibition catalogue). Beijing and London: Ullens Center for Contemporary Art; Koenig Books, 2016.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lu Mingjun. Hong Kong: Pace Hong Kong, 2016.Robert Rauschenberg: Salvage (exhibition catalogue). Text by Hervé Vanel. Paris and Marais: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 2016.Ruud, Brandon K. and Gregory Nosan, ed. Works on Paper from the Collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art. Edited by Brandon K. Ruud and Gregory Nosan. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2016: 230–231, illustrated.Stein, Suzanne and Judy Bloch, ed. San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 360°: Views on the Collection. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2016: 132–3, illustrated.The Serial Attitude (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Rachel Schaefer, Susan Wallach and Katie Woods. New York: Eykyn Maclean,2016: 8, illustrated.Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible (exhibition catalogue). New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2016: 226–7, illustrated.2015Andy Warhol sul comò: Opere dalla collezione Rosetta Barabino (exhibition catalogue). Genoa: Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce, 2015. Breitwieser, Sabine, ed. E.A.T.: Experiments in Art and Technology. Salzburg: Museum der Moderne Salzburg, 2015.Brown, Bill. Other Things. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2015: no.4, illustrated.Carbonell, Gisela and Frank Verpoorten, ed. Naples Collects. Naples, Florida: Artis—Naples, The Baker Museum, 2015: 176–9, illustrated. Doble mirada a España: las fotografías españolas de Josef Albers y Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Madrid: Galería Cayón, 2015. Falconer, Morgan. Painting Beyond Pollock. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2015.Fortenberry, Diane and Rebecca Morrill, ed. Body of Art. New York: Phaidon, 2015: 393, illustrated.Heyler, Joanne, Ed Schad and Chelsea Beck, ed. The Broad Collection. Munich, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 2015, illustrated.In the Studio. Vol. 1, Paintings. Text by John Elderfield. Vol. 2, Photographs (exhibition catalogue). Text by Peter Galassi. New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2015.International Pop (exhibition catalogue). Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2015. Off Canvas Drawing (exhibition catalogue). New York: Acquavella Gallery, 2015.Oldknow, Tina. Collecting Contemporary Glass. Corning, New York: The Corning Museum of Glass, 2015: 180–1.Painting 2.0: Expression in the Information Age (exhibition catalogue). Munich and Vienna: Museum Brandhorst; Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien, 2016: 16–17, 174, illustrated.Picasso and the 20th Century Art: Masterpieces from the Museum of Modern Art, Toyama (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Tokyo Station Gallery, 2015: 110–3, illustrated.Rachel Harrison: G-L-O-R-I-A (exhibition catalogue). Text by Beau Rutland, Rachel Harrison, Johanna Burton; conversation with Amy Adler and Rachel Harrison. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Museum of Art, 2015.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams, Arcadian Retreats, Anagrams (A Pun) (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jonathan Fineberg. New York: Pace Gallery, 2015.Schön euch zu sehen! 160 Werke aus der Sammlung (Nice to See You! 160 Works from the Collection) (exhibition brochure) Vaduz: Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, 2015.Staff, Craig. Monochrome: Darkness and Light in Contemporary Art. London and New York: L.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd, 2015: 83, illustrated.2014Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties (exhibition catalogue). New York: Brooklyn Museum, 2014: 89–90, 97, 98, et al.Art or Sound (exhibition catalogue). Venice: Fondazione Prada, Ca’ Corner della Regina, 2014.Cameron, Dan and Fatima Manalili. The Avant-Garde Collection. Newport Beach, California: Orange County Museum of Art, 2018: 40–41, illustrated.Doble negativo: De la pintura al objeto (Double Negative: From Painting to Object) (exhibition catalogue). Mexico City: Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo Internacional, 2014. (Brochure) Face Value: Portraiture in the Age of Abstraction (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Wendy Wick Reaves and Brandon Brame Fortune and David C. Ward, and poem by John Ashbery. Washington, D.C.: National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, 2014. Ludwig Goes Pop (exhibition catalogue). Cologne: Museum Ludwig, 2014. Pop Art Myths (exhibition catalogue). Madrid: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2014. Pop to Popism (exhibition catalogue). Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2014.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Statement.” In Perl, Jed. Art in America 1945–1970: Writings from the Age of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Minimalism. New York: The Library of America, 2014: 627.Rauschenberg: Collecting and Connecting (exhibition catalogue). Edited by Kristine Stiles. Durham: Nasher Museum of Art, Duke University, 2014.Re-View: Onnasch Collection (exhibition catalogue). London: Snoeck; Hauser & Wirth, 2014: illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: A Visual Lexicon (exhibition catalogue). Text by Mimi Thompson. New York: Castelli Gallery, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Kelsey Halliday Johnson. Philadelphia: Locks Gallery, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg: The Fulton Street Studio, 1953–54 (exhibition brochure). Text by Thomas Crow. New York: Craig F. Starr Gallery, 2014.Robert Rauschenberg: Works on Metal (exhibition catalogue). Text by Joachim Pissarro. Beverly Hills: Gagosian Gallery, 2014.Rothko to Richter: Mark-Making in Abstract Painting from the Collection of Preston H. Haskell, Class of 1960 (exhibition catalogue). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Art Museum, 2014. 2013American Pop Art from the John and Kimiko Powers Collection (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Nobuyuki Konishi, Yukihiro Hirayoshi, Hana Takigami and Yusuke Minami. Tokyo: The National Center, 2013: 22–41, illustrated.Banks, Eric, ed. Artists for Artists: Fifty Years of the Foundation for Contemporary Arts. New York: Foundation for Contemporary Arts, 2013.Craft, Catherine. Robert Rauschenberg. London: Phaidon Press Inc, 2013.Das Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts: Es kommt noch besser, ein Dialog mit der Sammlung Marx (The End of the 20th Century: The Best Is Yet to Come, A Dialogue with the Marx Collection) (exhibition catalogue). Berlin: Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, 2013.Dickerman, Leah. Rauschenberg: Canyon. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2013.Jhaveri, Shanay. Western Artists and India: Creative Inspirations in Art and Design. Mumbai, India: The Shoestring Publisher, 2013: 226–229, illustrated.Op und Pop: Experimente amerikanischer Künstler ab 1960 (Experiments by American artists since 1960) (exhibition catalogue). Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 2013.Raye, Lena. Stories from Solar Winds: Recent Work by Robert Petersen (exhibition catalogue). New York: Jim Kempner Fine Art, 2013.Robert Rauschenberg: Jammers (exhibition catalogue). Text by Alexander Keefe. London: Gagosian Gallery, 2013.2012Chong, Doryun. Tokyo 1955–1970: A New Avant-Garde (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Michio Hayashi, Mika Yoshitake, Miryam Sas et al. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2012: 88–89, fig 33–34, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: North African Collages and Scatole Personali c. 1952 (exhibition catalogue). Text by John Yau. New York: Craig F. Starr Gallery, 2012.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Statement (1959), Note on Painting (1963), Interview with Barbaralee Diamonstein (1977).” In Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz. Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists’ Writings. Second edition. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 2012: 373–375.“ROCI East: Rauschenberg’s Encounters in China.” In East-West Interchanges in American Art: A Long and Tumultuous Relationship, edited by Lee Glazer, Amelia A. Goerlitz, and Cynthia Mill. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2012: 176–89.Takehana, Elise. “Burroughs/Rauschenberg: Text-Image/Image-Text.” In The Future of Text and Image: Collected Essays on Literary and Visual Conjunctures, edited by Ofra Amihay and Lauren Walsh. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2012: 273–307.2011Bois, Yve-Alain. Robert Rauschenberg: Currents. New York: Peter Freeman, 2011.Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. Rebels in Paradise: The Los Angeles Art Scene and the 1960s. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jeff Rian. Paris: Gagosian Gallery, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs 1949–1962. Texts by Susan Davidson, David White and Nicholas Cullinan. New York: D.A.P., 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Botanical Vaudeville (exhibition catalogue). Text by Sarah Lowndes. Edinburgh: Inverleith House, Royal Botanic Garden, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints from Universal Limited Art Editions, 1962–2008 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Mark A. White and Mimi Thompson. Norman: Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art, University of Oklahoma, 2011.Robert Rauschenberg: The Tower. Text by Paul Schimmel. Interview with the artist by David Sylvester. New York: Christie’s, 2011.Tunniclife, Wayne. “Robert Rauschenberg.” In John Kaldor Family Collection: Art Gallery of New South Wales. Sydney: Art Gallery of New South Wales, 2011: 45–47.2010Babington, Jaklyn. Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon. Canberra: National Gallery of Australia, 2010.Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. Comprendre l'art contemporain. France: Éditions du Chêne, 2010: 40, illustrated.Cohen-Solal, Annie. Leo & His Circle: The Life of Leo Castelli. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010, illustrated.Coldwell, Paul. Printmaking: A Contemporary Perspective. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2010: 27, 86, illustrated.Crash: Homage to JG Ballard (exhibition catalogue). London: Gagosian Gallery, 2010: 76, illustrated.Dickerman, Leah. “Schwitters Fec.” In Kurt Schwitters: Color and Collage (exhibition catalogue). Houston: The Menil Collection, 2010: 87–97.Doswald, Chrisoph. Press Art: Die Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel (exhibition catalogue). Bern, Switzerland: Stampfli Verlag, 2010:182–183, illustrated.Haunted: Contemporary Photography/Video/Performance (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jennifer Blessing, Peggy Phelan, Lisa Saltzman, Nancy Spector and Nat Trotman New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2010: 16, 17, 31, illustrated.He, Zhengguang, ed. Rauschenberg. Taipei: Art O Day, 2010.Ikegami, Hiroko. The Great Migrator: Robert Rauschenberg and the Global Rise of American Art. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2010.Kushner, Marilyn Satin. Donald Saff: Art in Collaboration. Munich: DelMonico Prestel Books, 2010.Marquis, Alice Goldfarb. The Pop Revolution. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts Publications, 2010.RSTW: from the Private Collection of Larry Gagosian: Rauschenberg, Ruscha, Serra, Twombly, Warhol, Wool (exhibition catalogue). Abu Dhabi, UAE: TDIC, 2010.Schipsi, Laureen, ed. Art and Activism: Projects of John and Dominique de Menil. Houston: The Menil Collection, 2010.2009Art at Colby: Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Colby College Museum of Art (exhibition catalogue). Waterville, Maine: Colby College Museum of Art, 2009: 264–5, illustrated.Bonham-Carter, Charlotte and David Hodge. The Contemporary Art Book. London: Goodman, 2009: 190–191, illustrated.The Collection of the Ludwig Museum Budapest. Hungary: Ludwig Museum Budapest – Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009: illustrated.Compass in Hand: Selections from The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Christian Rattemeyer and Cornelia Butler New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2009: 58, illustrated.Cooper, Harry. The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Selected Works (exhibition catalogue). Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2009: illustrated.Danto, Arthur C. Andy Warhol. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2009: 30–31, discussed.Glasstress (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Adriano Berengo, Laura Mattioli Rossi, Rosa Barovier Mentasti, Francesca Giubilei, Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Fausto Petrella, Tina Oldknow and Luca Beatrice. Milan and New York: Charta, 2009: 112–113, illustrated.Godfrey, Tony. Painting Today. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2009: illustrated.Hess Art Collection. Texts by Donald M. Hess and Myrtha Steiner. Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2009: illustrated, 274–281.If We Could Imagine (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Emily Wei Rales and Jeffrey Weiss. Potomac, Maryland: Glenstone Foundation, 2009: 12, 28, 101, illustrated. Innovations in the Third Dimension: Sculpture of Our Time (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Nancy Hall-Duncan and Joan Pachner. Greenwich: Bruce Museum, 2009: 59, illustrated.Jeff Koons: Hulk, Elvisr. Text by Scott Rothkopf. London: Gagosian Gallery, 2009: 39, figs. 38 & 39.Just What Is It…(exhibition catalogue). Germany: ZKM | Museum für Neue Kunst, 2009.Kennedy, Brian P. and Emily Schubert Burke, eds. Modern and Contemporary Art at Dartmouth: Highlights from the Hood Museum of Art. Hanover, New Hampshire: Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, 2009: 177, illustrated.Klein-Moquay, Rotruat and Robert PIncus-Witten. Yves Klein USA. Paris: Éditions Dilecta, 2009: 110, illustrated.Marzio, Peter C. Director’s Choice: Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine of Arts, Houston. Texas: The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2009: illustrated.Past Pop: Robert Rauschenberg and James Rosenquist Graphics (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lewis Kachur. Union, New Jersey: Kean University, 2009.Piero Manzoni: A Retrospective (exhibition catalogue). Text by Germano Celant. Italy: Skira, 2009: 15, 57, 61, illustrated. Rattemeyer, Christian, ed. The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection. Catalogue Raisonné. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2009: 232, illustrated.Reflections/Refractions: Self-Portraiture in the Twentieth Century (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Wendy Wick Reaves and Anne Collins Goodyear. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2009: 116–117, illustrated. Richard, Sophie. Unconcealed: The International Network of Conceptual Artists 1967–77: Dealers, Exhibitions and Public Collections. London: Ridinghouse, 2009.Riley II, Charles A. Art at Lincoln Center: The Public Art and List Print and Poster Collections. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009: illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Mimi Thompson. São Paulo, Brazil: Instituto Tomie Ohtake, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Susan Davidson, Mimi Thompson and Trisha Brown. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg, Jean Tinguely: Collaborations (exhibition catalogue). Basel: Museum Tinguely, 2009.Robert Rauschenberg Mirthday Man. Text by Mikael Wivel. Copenhagen: Faurschou, 2009.Rush, Michael. The Rose Art Museum at Brandeis. New York: Abrams, 2009: illustrated.Shanken, Edward A. Art and Electronic Media. London: Phaidon Press Ltd., 2009: 2–3.. 20, 21, 28, 47, 48, 184, 196, 207, 266, 267, 286. Shannon, Joshua. The Disappearance of Objects: New York Art and the Rise of the Postmodern City. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009: 93–148, illustrated.Target Practice: Painting under Attack 1949–78 (exhibition catalogue). Washington: Seattle Art Museum, 2009: illustrated.Taylor, Michael, R. Arshile Gorky: A Retrospective (exhibition catalogue). Pennsylvania: Philadelphia Museum of Art in association with Yale University Press, 2009: illustrated. The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989 (exhibition catalogue). New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2009: illustrated.To Ileana, From Bob: Rauschenberg Drawings from the Sonnabend Collection (exhibition catalogue). Text by Annie Cohen-Solal. New York: Craig F. Starr Gallery, 2009.L’Inferno di Dante: Dalí e Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Aldo Nove, Andrea Lancellotti and Lorenzo Respi. Milan: Fondazione Arnald Pomodoro, 2011.Marquis, Alice Goldfarb. The Pop Revolution. Boston: Museum of Fine Arts Publications, 2010: illustrated.Masterworks from the Butler Institute of American Art. Youngstown, Ohio: The Butler Institute of American Art, 2010: 297, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by James Lawrence and John Richardson. New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2010.Rauschenberg at Gemini (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jay Belloli. Pasadena: Armory Center for the Arts, 2010.Robert & Ethel Scull: Portrait of a Collection (exhibition catalogue). Text by Judith Goldman. New York: Acquavella Galleries, 2010: 201–206, illustrated.Robinson, Julia, ed. New Realisms: 1957–1962. Object Strategies Between Readymade and Spectacle (exhibition catalogue). Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2010: illustrated.2008The 30th Anniversary: Part I (exhibition catalogue). Stockholm: Wetterling Gallery, 2008: 65–70, illustrated.Circa 1958: Breaking Ground in American Art (exhibition catalogue). Text by Roni Feinstein. Chapel Hill: Ackland Art Museum and University of North Carolina, 2008: 14, 64–65, illustrated and discussed.Close Encounter – Robert Rauschenberg – SEO (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Gesine Borcherdt, Alexander Ludwig, Dr. Ulrich Ptak, Bernhard Schieder, and SEO. Hamburg, Germany: Kunsthalle Rostock, 2008.Color Chart: Reinventing Color, 1950 to Today (exhibition catalogue). New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2008: 60–63, illustrated. Dictionnaire International de la Sculpture Moderne & Contemporaine. Paris: Éditions du Regard, 2008:448–9, illustrated.Feinstein, Roni. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Ace of 1962: An Interpretation.” In A Fine Regard: Essays in Honor of Kirk Varnedoe. Edited by Patricia G. Berman and Gertje R. Utley. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2008: 234–47.Glenstone: The Inaugural Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Stephanie Rachum and Yve-Alain Bois. Potomac, Maryland: Glenstone Foundation, 2008.Heartney, Eleanor. Art & Today. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 2008: 17, 46, 123, 168, illustrated.The History Book: On Moderna Museet 1958–2008. Germany: Steidl, 2008.Holt, Steven Skov and Mara Holt Skov. Manufractured: The Conspicuous Transformation of Everyday Objects. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2008: 16, illustrated.Index: Fotografie – Catalog of the Works “DZ BANK Collection in the Städel Museum, Frankfurt”. Text by Hubert Beck and Günter Engelhard. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2008: 212–215, illustrated.Ishikawa, Chiyo, ed. A Community of Collectors: 75th Anniversary Gifts to the Seattle Art Museum. Washington: Seattle Art Museum, 2008: 44, illustrated.Kleeblatt, Norman L., ed. Action / Abstraction: Pollock, De Kooning, and American Art, 1940–1976 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Debra Bricker Balken, Morris Dickstein, Douglas Dreishpoon, Charlotte Eyerman, Mark Godfrey, Caroline A. Jones, Norman L. Kleeblatt and Irving Sandler. New York and New Haven: The Jewish Museum and Yale University Press, 2008: 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 258, illustrated.Large (exhibition catalogue). London: Waddington Galleries, 2008.Last Turn—Your Turn: Robert Rauschenberg and the Environmental Crisis (exhibition catalogue). Text by Robert S. Mattison. New York: Jacobson Howard Gallery, 2008.Macnair, Jennifer, Thomas Frick and Nola Butler, ed. BCAM/LACMA 2008. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2008: 15, 24–25, 107, 134, 139, illustrated.Marchand, Bruno, ed. Robert Rauschenberg: Crítica e obra de 1949 a 1974. Portugal: Colecção de Arte Contemporânea Público Serralves, 2008.The Margulies Collection. Miami: The Martin Z. Margulies Foundation, 2008: 248–249, illustrated.Mesch, Claudia. Modern Art at the Berlin Wall. London: Tauris Academic Studies, 2008: 56, 60, and 167.Moving Horizons: The UBS Art Collection: 1960s to the Present Day (exhibition catalogue). Text by Joan Bernstein. Beijing: National Art Museum of China, 2008: 46–49, illustrated.New York Cool: Painting and Sculpture from the NYU Art Collection (exhibition catalogue). Text by Pepe Karmel. New York: Grey Art Gallery, New York University, 2008: 159, illustrated.Now You See It (exhibition catalogue). Text by Heidi Zuckerman Jacobson. Colorado: Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, 2008: 16, illustrated.Piras, Sebastian. A Pocketful of Contemporary Artists. Victoria, Australia: Peleus Press, 2008: 188, illustrated.Rauschenberg: Runts (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 2008.Robert Rauschenberg 1925–2008: A Memorial to Robert Rauschenberg. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2008.Scott, Deborah Emont, ed. The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: A Handbook of the Collection. Kansas City, Missouri: The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 2008: 219, illustrated.Speaking of Art: Selections from the Archives of American Art Oral History Collection, 1958–2008. Washington, D.C. and Falls Village, Connecticut: Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution; Winterhouse Editions, 2008: 88–91, illustrated.This Is Not To Be Looked At: Highlights from the Permanent Collection of The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Ann Goldstein, Rebecca Morse, and Paul Schimmel. Los Angeles: The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2008.Weinard, Chad Alan. “Combining Photography: Robert Rauschenberg and the Aesthetic of Memory.” In A Fine Regard: Essays in Honor of Kirk Varnedoe. Edited by Patricia G. Berman and Gertje R. Utley. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate, 2008: 214–33.Whitney Museum of American Art at Altria. Foreword by Adam D. Weinberg. Introduction by Shamim M. Momin. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2008.2007Art Works: The Progressive Collection. Texts by Dan Cameron, Peter B. Lewis, Toby Devan Lewis, and Toni Morrison. New York: Distributed Art Publishers, Inc., 2007: 8, 24, illustrated.Chalumeau, Jean-Luc. Peinture et Photographie. Paris: Éditions du Chêne_Hachette Livre, 2007: 20, 22–25, illustrated.Dreishpoon, Douglas and David Bonetti. The Panza Collection: An Experience of Color and Light (exhibition catalogue). Buffalo: Abright-Knox Art Gallery, 2007: 17.Godfrey, Mark. Abstraction and the Holocaust. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2007: 38.Ikegami, Hiroko. “Dislocations: Robert Rauschenberg and the Americanization of Modern Art, circa 1964.” PhD diss., Yale University, New Haven, 2007. Klébaner, Daniel. Robert Rauschenberg: La Rumeur du Monde. Neuchâtel, France: Editions Ides et Calendes, 2007.Lauer, David A. and Stephen Pentak. Design Basics. 7th edition. Boston: Thomas Learning, Inc., 2007: 42, 43.Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum Connections Guide - Beauty and the Blonde. And Exploration of American Art and Popular Culture (exhibition brochure). St. Louis, Missouri: Washington University, 2007.Neff, Terry Ann R. The Fisher Collection: L–Z. Text by Mark Rosenthal. San Francisco: Doris and Donald Fisher, 2007: 182–183, 374, illustrated. The Other Collection: Homage to Ernst and Hildy Beyeler (exhibition catalogue). Riehen/Basel, Switzerland: Beyeler Museum AG, 2007: illustrated.Pacquement, Alfred. Selected Works: La Collection du Centre Pompidu, Musée National D’Art Moderne. Paris: Éditions du Panama / Éditions du Centre Pompidou, 2007: 144, illustrated.Pop Art: Contemporary Perspectives (exhibition catalogue). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Art Museum, 2007.Pop Art Is: (exhibition catalogue). London: Gagosian Gallery, 2007: unpaginated, figures 10 and 11, illustrated.Princeton University Art Museum Handbook of the Collections. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Art Museum, 2007: 256, 2611, 304, 309, illustrated.Ravenal, John B. Modern & Contemporary Art at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg 1967–1978 (exhibition catalogue). Canberra, Australia: National Gallery of Australia, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Cardboards and Related Pieces (exhibition catalogue). Text by Yve-Alain Bois. Houston: Menil Foundation, Inc., 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Em Viagem 70–76/Travelling ‘70–’76 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by João Fernandes and Mirta d’Argenzio. Porto: Fundação de Serralves, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Selected Works 1974–1999 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Jürgen Schilling. Berlin: Galerie Michael Schultz / Schultz Contemporary, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Three Decades (exhibition catalogue). Beijing: Galleri Faurschou, 2007.Robert Rauschenberg: Transfer Drawings from the 1960s (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lewis Kachur. New York: Jonathan O’Hara, 2007.Rondeau, James. Jasper Johns: Gray (exhibition catalogue). Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press, 2007:38, 47, illustrated.The Speed Art Museum: Highlights from the Collection. London and New York: Merrell Publishers Limited, 2007: 195, illustrated.Sculpture. London: Waddington Galleries, 2007: 46–47, illustrated.The UBS Collection: Drawings. Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2007: 186–189.Weishaupt, Siegfried. Kunsthalle Weishaupt: einfach sehen (exhibition catalogue). Germany: Ulm, 2007.Woodrow, Bill, ed. Royal Academy Illustrated 2007 (exhibition catalogue). London: Royal Academy of Arts, 2007: 22–23, illustrated.2006Black Paintings (exhibition catalogue). Munich: Haus der Kunst, 2006: illustrated.Celant, Germano and Lisa Dennison. New York New York: Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Cinema, Performance, Photography and Video (exhibition catalogue). Milan: Skira Editore S.p.A., 2006: 168–171, illustrated.De Barañano, Kosme. Homage to Chillida (exhibition catalogue). Bilbao: Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, 2006: 245, illustrated.Lewis, Michael J. American Art and Architecture. London: Thames & Hudson, Ltd., 2006: 271, 272, 273, 276, 285, 317, illustrated.Morris, Frances, ed. Tate Modern: The Handbook. London: Tate Publishing, 2006: 204, illustrated.Nothing and Everything (exhibition catalogue). San Francisco: Fraenkel Gallery, 2006: frontispiece.Picasso and American Art (exhibition catalogue). Text by Michael FitzGerald. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2006: 284, illustrated.Richer, Francesca and Matthew Rosenzweig, eds. No. 1: First Works by 362 Artists. New York: D.A.P./Distributed Arts Publishers, Inc., 2006: 311, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg: Express (exhibition catalogue). Text by Barbara Rose. Madrid: Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: On and Off the Wall (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Mona Jensen, Barbara Rose, and Mikael Wivel. Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2006.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios and the Ancient Incident (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 2006. Robert Rauschenberg: Works, Writings and Interviews. Texts by Sam Hunter and the artist. Barcelona: Ediciones Polígrafa, 2006.Slowik, Theresa J. America’s Art: Smithsonian American Art Museum. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 2006: 271, illustrated.Varnedoe, Kirk. Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art Since Pollock. Washington, D.C.: Board of Trustees, National Gallery of Art, 2006: illustrated.2005Brecht, George, Julia Robinson, and Alfred M. Fischer. George Brecht: Events : Eine Heterospektive: a Heterospective. Köln: Walther König, 2005: 36–39, illustrated.Dialogues: Duchamp, Cornell, Johns, Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.Fugelso, Karl. “Robert Rauschenberg’s Inferno Illuminations.” In Postmodern Medievalisms. Edited by Richard Utz and Jesse G. Swan. Rochester, New York: Boydell and Brewer, 2005: 47–66.Perl, Jed. New Art City. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005: 359, 469, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg Combines (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Thomas Crow, Branden W. Joseph, Paul Schimmel, and Charles Stuckey. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Susan Davidson. Valencia, Spain: Institut Valencià d’Art Modern, 2005. Robert Rauschenberg: Masterworks (exhibition catalogue). Munich: Galerie Terminus, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: On and Off the Wall: Oeuvres des années 80 et 90 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Bruno Corá. Gilbert Perlein, and Barbara Rose. Nice, France: Nice Musées, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: ROCI/USA Series (exhibition catalogue). Text by John Sailer. Vienna: Galerie Ulysses, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 2005.Robert Rauschenberg: Scenarios & Short Stories, Darryl Pottorf: A Perspective, Christopher Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Lafayette, Louisiana: Paul & Lulu Hilliard University Art Museum, 1995.Sajet, Kim. In Private Hands: 200 Years of American Painting. Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 2005: 191, illustrated.Visions of America: Contemporary Art from the Essl Collection and the Sonnabend Collection New York. Klosterneuburg; Vienna: Sammlung Essl, 2005: illustrated.2004Art in Embassies Program: 40th Anniversary. Text by Andrew Solomon. Washington, D.C.: Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Department of State, 2004: 2, illustrated.Barr, Alfred H. What's Modern? (exhibition catalogue). New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2004.Elderfield, John. Das MoMA in Berlin: Meisterwerke aus dem Museum of Modern Art, New York (exhibition catalogue). New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2004: 200–1, illustrated.Giuliano, Serafini. Art Dossier. No. 198, Rauschenberg. Firenze: Giunti Editore S.p.A., 2004.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Ferrara: Gallerie d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Palazzo dei Diamanti, 2004. Robert Rauschenberg 2K+ (exhibition catalogue). Text by Bernard Jacobson. London: Bernard Jacobson Gallery, 2004.Singular Forms (Sometimes Repeated): Art from 1951 to the Present. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2004, 82, illustrated.What’s Modern? (exhibition catalogue). New York: Gagosian Gallery, 2004.2003Buskirk, Martha. The Contingent Object of Contemporary Art. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2003: 33, 74–75, 83–84, 88, 132, 226, illustrated.Goodyear, Anne Collins. Flight: A Celebration of 100 Years in Art and Literature. Welcome Books, 2003.Joseph, Branden W. Random Order: Robert Rauschenberg and the Neo-Avant-Garde. Cambridge and London: MIT Press, 2003.Kinsman, Jane. The Art of Collaboration: The Big Americans (exhibition catalogue). London : Thames & Hudson, 2002.Mason, Paul. Pop Artists. Chicago: Heinemann Library: 2003.Mattison, Robert S. Robert Rauschenberg: Breaking Boundaries. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2003.Molesworth, Helen, ed. Work Ethic. State College, Penn., Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003.Robert Rauschenberg Short Stories: You Are the Author (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 2003. Sandler, Irving H. A Sweeper-Up After Artists: A Memoir. New York: Thames and Hudson, 2003.2002Belli, Gabriella. Le Stanze dell’Arte: Figure e immagini del XX secolo (exhibition catalogue): Milan: Skira Editore, 2002: 382, illustrated.An Exhibition of American Art in the Residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands. Washington, D.C.: Art in Embassies Program, 2002: 43, illustrated.Fabozzi, Paul F. Artists, Critics, Context: Readings in and Around American Art Since 1945. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002: 55, illustrated.Johnson, Steven, ed. The New York Schools of Music and Visual Arts: John Cage, Morton Feldman, Edgard Varese, Willem de Kooning, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg. New York: Routledge, 2002.Joseph, Branden W, ed. Robert Rauschenberg. Text by Leo Steinberg. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2002.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Dina Vierny, Bernice Rose and Marla Prather. Paris: Fondation Dina Vierny-Musée Maillol, 2002.Trisha Brown: Dance and Art in Dialogue, 1961–2001 (exhibition catalogue). Andover, Massachusetts: Addison Gallery of America Art, Phillips Academy Texts, 2002: illustrated.2001Gundel, Marc. Rauschenberg: Posters. Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2001.Meyer, James. Minimalism: Art and Polemics in the Sixties. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001.Rauschenberg: Posters (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Jürgen Döring and Marc Gundel. Munich: Prestel, 2001.Rorimer, Anne. New Art in the 60s and 70s Redefining Reality. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2001.2000Hopkins, David. “Duchamp’s Legacy: The Rauschenberg-Johns Axis.” In After Modern Art 1945–2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.Rauschenberg: Apogamy Pods (exhibition catalogue). Text by David Hickey. New York: PaceWildenstein, 2000.Steinberg, Leo. Encounters with Rauschenberg. Houston and Chicago: Menil Collection; University of Chicago Press, 2000.1999Corzo, Miguel Angel, ed. Mortality Immortality?: The Legacy of 20th-Century Art. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 1999.Hughes, Robert. American Visions: The Epic History of Art in America. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1999.Hunter, Sam. Robert Rauschenberg. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, 1999.Jäger, Joachim. Das Zivilisierte Bild: Robert Rauschenberg und Seine Combine—Paintings der Jahre 1960 bis 1962. Klagenfurt, Austria: Ritter Verlag, 1999. Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (A Pun) (exhibition catalogue). Milan: Galleria Lawrence Rubin, Milan, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (A Pun) (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 1999.Robert Rauschenberg Photographs: 1949–1985 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Yve-Alain Bois. Milan: Galeria Lawrence Rubin, 1999.Rosenthal, Nan. Robert Rauschenberg. New York: Abbeville Press, 1999.Waxing Poetic: Encaustic Art in America (exhibition catalogue). Montclair, New Jersey: Montclair Art Museum, 1999: 50, illustrated.Spaulding, Karen Lee. Masterworks at the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Enlarged and revised edition of: 125 Masterpieces from the Collection of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. New York: Rizzoli, 1987; New York: Hudson Hills Press in association with Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1999: illustrated.1998Causey, Andrew. Sculpture Since 1945. Oxford History of Art. Oxford: University Press, 1998.Fenton, James. Leonardo’s Nephew: Essays on Art and Artists. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (A Pun) (exhibition catalogue). Text by Gillo Dorfles. Milan: Galleria Lawrence Rubin, 1998.1997Robert Rauschenberg: A Retrospective (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Walter Hopps and Susan Davidson. New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1997. Robert Rauschenberg: Arcadian Retreats (exhibition catalogue). New York: PaceWildenstein, 1997. Robert Rauschenberg: Haywire, Technologische Hauptwerke aus den sechziger Jahren (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Catherine Craft, Billy Klüver and Julie Martin. Munich: Aktionsforum Praterinsel, 1997. Robert Rauschenberg: Shales (exhibition catalogue). Text by Bryant Robertson. London: Bernard Jacobson Gallery, 1997.Robert Rauschenberg: Through the Lens (exhibition catalogue). Text by Richard Gruber. Missouri: University of Missouri, Kansas City Gallery of Art, 1997.Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21 (exhibition catalogue). Prague: Czech Museum of Fine Arts, 1997.Vaughan, David. Merce Cunningham: Fifty Years. New York: Aperture, 1997.1996Bastian, Heiner, ed. Sammlung Marx. Vol. 1. Munich: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag, 1996.Icons of the Century: Centurions: Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Anne Swartz. Georgia: Exhibit A Gallery, The Savannah College of Art and Design, 1996. Rauschenberg, Carnal Clocks, Cardboards, Jammers (exhibition brochure). New York: Sonnabend Gallery, 1996.Robert Rauschenberg: Anagrams (exhibition catalogue). Text by Bernice Rose. New York: PaceWildenstein, 1996.1995Fineberg, Jonathan. “Robert Rauschenberg.” In Art since 1940: Strategies of Being. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1995.Mattison, Robert S. Masterworks in the Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Ellsworth Kelly, and Frank Stella. New York: Hudson Hills Press, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Fernando Francés, Artemis Olaizola, and Gabriel Rodríguez. Santander, Spain: Museo de Bellas Artes, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). Text by Marjorie Welish. Texas: Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Texas, 1995. Robert Rauschenberg, Night Shades & Urban Bourbons (exhibition catalogue). Text by Francis M. Naumann. Basel: Galerie Beyeler, 1995. Robert Rauschenberg, Night Shades & Urban Bourbons (exhibition catalogue). Text by Mikael Wivel. Copenhagen: Ordrupgaard Samlingen, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Tribute 21 (exhibition brochure). New York: Leo Castelli 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Two Decades at Graphicstudio (exhibition catalogue). Florida: Graphicstudio, Institute for Research in Art, University of South Florida, 1995.Robert Rauschenberg: Major Printed Works, 1962–1995 (exhibition catalogue). Text by J. Richard Gruber and Ann Rowson. Georgia: Morris Museum of Art, 1995.Sanford, Mariellen, R., ed. Happenings and Other Acts. London: Routledge, 1995.Selected Works from Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art. Sakura, Japan: Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, 1995: 134–135, illustrated.Wood, James N, T J. Edelstein, and Sally R. May. The Art Institute of Chicago: The Essential Guide. Illinois: The Art Institute of Chicago, 1994: 114, illustrated.1994Johnston, Jill. Secret Lives in Art: Essays on Art, Literature, Performance. Chicago: a cappella books, 1994.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Hiltrud Reinhold and Armin Zweite. Cologne: DuMont, 1994.Robert Rauschenberg: Day Lights and Night Sights (exhibition catalogue). Text by Donald Saff. Hong Kong: Mandarin Oriental Fine Arts, 1994. 1993Robert Rauschenberg: Photems/Fotografías (exhibition catalogue). Text by Horacio Fernández. Madrid: Galeria Cobo y Alexander, Electa España, D.L. 1993. Renewing Our Earth: The Artistic Vision (exhibition brochure). Taejon, Korea: Taejon International Exposition, 1993.Taki, Teizo. Robert Rauschenberg. Contemporary Great Masters, no. 14. Tokyo: Kodansha Press, 1993. The Second Hiroshima Art Prize: Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Yuso Takezawa and the artist. Hiroshima City: Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, 1993.1992Elderfield, John, ed. Studies in Modern Art 2: Essays on Assemblage. New York: The Museum of Modern Art and Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1992.Livingstone, Marco. Pop Art (exhibition catalogue). Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1992.Rauschenberg at Knoedler, Night Shades and New Gluts (exhibition brochure). New York: M. Knoedler, 1992.Rauschenberg (exhibition brochure). Los Angeles: Platt Gallery at the University of Judaism, 1992. Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Hiltrud Reinhold and Armin Zweite. Cologne: DuMont, 1992.Robert Rauschenberg Print Survey in Themes, 1952–1992 (exhibition catalogue). Gainesville, Georgia: Brenau University 1992.Schwerpunkt Skulptur: Hundertvierzig Werke von achtzig Künstlern, 1950–1990 (exhibition catalogue). Krefeld, Germany: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Museum, 1992.1991Breakthroughs: Avant-Garde Artists in Europe & America: 1950–1990 (exhibition catalogue). Columbus: Wexner Center for the Visual Arts, Ohio State University, 1991.Livingstone, Marco. Pop Art (exhibition catalogue). London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1991.Pop Art from The Lilja Collection. Hơvikodden, Norway: Henie-Onstad Art Center, 1991.Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange (exhibition catalogue). Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: The Early 1950s (exhibition catalogue). Text by Walter Hopps. Houston: The Menil Collection, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg 1974–1991: Animals and Other Themes (exhibition catalogue). Text by Denise Dickens and Denis Wood. North Carolina: City Gallery of Contemporary Art, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: Dipinti recenti (exhibition catalogue). Rome: Galleria d’Arte il Gabbiano, 1991.Robert Rauschenberg: Monstra Personale (exhibition catalogue). Rome: Galleria d’Arte il Gabbiano, 1991.Seckel, Hélène, Daniel Abadie, and Alfred Pacquement. Paris—New York 1908–1968. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou and Gallimard, 1991: illustrated.1990Friedman, Martin. Walker Art Center: Painting and Sculpture from the Collection. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Walker Art Center, 1990: illustrated.Hindry, Ann, ed. Claude Berri rencontre Leo Castelli/Claude Berri Meets Leo Castelli. Paris: Renn, 1990.Kotz, Mary Lynn. Rauschenberg: Art and Life. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990. Revised and expanded in 2004.Rauschenberg: Currents ’70 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Ingrid Schaffner. New York: Castelli Graphics, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Paris: Galerie Fabien Boulakia, 1990. Robert Rauschenberg: Works on Paper (exhibition brochure). New York: M. Knoedler, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Paris: Galerie Fabien Boulakia, 1990. Robert Rauschenberg: China Mix (exhibition catalogue). Text by Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo. New York: Scott Hanson Gallery, Projects Room, 1990. Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts (exhibition catalogue). Text by Rosetta Brooks. Chicago: Feigen Gallery, 1990. Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings 1962–1980 (exhibition catalogue). New York: Lang & O’Hara, 1990. Rauschenberg: Silkscreen Paintings 1962–1964 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Roni Feinstein and Calvin Tomkins. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1990.Robert Rauschenberg Polaroids (exhibition brochure). Paris: Galerie Baudoin Lebon, 1990. ROCI: Rauschenberg Overseas Culture Interchange: Neue Berliner Galerie im Alten Museum (exhibition catalogue). West Islip, New York: ULEA, 1990.Tisdall, Caroline, ed. Art Meets Science and Spirituality in a Changing Economy. Amsterdam: SDU, 1990: illustrated.Varnedoe, Kirk. A Fine Disregard: What Makes Modern Art Modern. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990.1989Exposition Inaugurale (exhibition catalogue). Frejus, France: Fondation Daniel Templon, 1989: 130–131, illustrated.Five Great American Artists: Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Rosenquist, Frank Stella (exhibition catalogue). Seoul, Korea: Duson Gallery, 1989: illustrated.La collezione Sonnabend: Dalla pop art in poi (exhibition catalogue). Milano: Electa, 1989: 62–7, illustrated.Jasper Johns & Robert Rauschenberg: Selections from The Anderson Collection (exhibition catalogue). California: San Jose Museum of Art, 1989.Osterwold, Tilman. Pop Art. Kőln: Benedikt Taschen Verlag, 1989: 144–56, illustrated.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Stockholm: Heland Wetterling Gallery, 1989. Robert Rauschenberg: New Paintings (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Akira Ikeda Gallery, 1989. Robert Rauschenberg Works (exhibition catalogue). New York: Knoedler & Co., 1989. Sparks, Esther. Universal Limited Art Editions: A History and Catalogue: The First Twenty-Five Years. Chicago and New York: The Art Institute of Chicago and Harry N. Abrams, 1989.1988Bastian, Heiner. Beuys, Rauschenberg, Twombly, Warhol. Dusseldorf: Te Neues Publishing Co., 1988.Collection Sonnabend (exhibition catalogue). Bordeaux: CAPC Musee d'art Contemporain, 1988.Gianfranco Gorgoni: Altered Images (exhibition catalogue). New York: The Penson Gallery, 1988: 26–27, illustrated. Rauschenberg Gluts (exhibition catalogue). Text by Pierre Sterckx. Belgium: Galerie Isy Brachot, 1988. Rauschenberg: Shiners, Gluts, Urban Bourbons (exhibition catalogue). New York: M. Knoedler, 1988.Robert Rauschenberg: Sculpture and Paintings (exhibition brochure). Sweden: Heland Wetterling Gallery, 1988.Tomkins, Calvin. Post- to Neo-: The Art World of the 1980’s. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1988.1987Harris, Mary Emma. The Arts at Black Mountain College. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1987.Rauschenberg: Paintings on Copper and Stainless Steel, 1985/86 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Bo Nilsson. Stockholm: Heland Thordén Wetterling Galleries, 1987.Rauschenberg: Neapolitan Glut (exhibition catalogue). Italy: Galerie Lucio Amelio, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Lisbon: Fundacão Calouste Gulbenkian, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Viimeaikaisia maalauksia, grafikkaa Recent Works (exhibition brochure). Finland: galerue Kajforsblom, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Neue Arbeiten (exhibition brochure). Germany: Galerie Denise Rene Hans Mayer, 1987.Robert Rauschenberg: Gluts (exhibition catalogue). London: Waddington Galleries, 1987. Rose, Barbara. Rauschenberg. New York: Vintage Books, 1987.1986Alloway, Lawrence. The Venice Biennale 1895–1968: From Salon to Goldfish Bowl. Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, Ltd., 1986.Gilmour, Pat. Ken Tyler, Master Printer, and the American Print Renaissance. New York: Hudson Hills Press in association with the Australian National Gallery, Canberra, 1986.Gohr, Siegfried. Museum Ludwig Cologne: Paintings, Sculptures, Environments From Expressionism to the Present day. Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1986.Hunter, Sam, ed. An American Renaissance: Painting and Sculpture Since 1940 (exhibition catalogue). New York: Abbeville Press, 1986: illustrated.Rauschenberg: The White and the Black Paintings 1949–1952 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Roberta Bernstein. New York: Larry Gagosian Gallery, New, 1986. Robert Rauschenberg: Shigaraki. Osaka: Otsuka Ohmi Ceramics Company, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg: Photographs 1949–1984 (exhibition brochure). Texas: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1986.Robert Rauschenberg Drawings: 1958–1968 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway. New York: Acquavella Contemporary Art, 1986. Stein, Harvey. Artists Observed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1986. 1985Dracos Art Center (exhibition catalogue). Text by Vicky Dracos. Athens: Dracos Art Center, 1985: illustrated.Dreißig Jahre durch die Kunst (exhibition catalogue). Krefeld, Germany: Kunstmuseum, 1985.Johnston, Jill. Paper Daughter: Autobiography in Search of a Father. Vol. II. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Texts by David Galloway and Arturo Uslar Pietri. Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Caracas, 1985.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway. Madrid: Fundación Juan March, 1985. Robert Rauschenberg: Work from Four Series: A Sesquicentennial Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Donald Barthelme and Linda L. Cathcart. Houston: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1985. Robert Rauschenberg: Works from the Salvage Series (exhibition catalogue). Text by Mark Ormond. Sarasota, Florida: John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 1985.Selections from the Ileana and Michael Sonnabend (exhibition catalogue). New Jersey: The Art Museum, Princeton University, 1985: 76–84, illustrated.1984De Antonio, Emile, and Mitch Tuchman. Painters Painting: A Candid History of the Modern Art Scene, 1940–1970. New York: Abbeville Press, 1984.Fine, Ruth E. Gemini G.E.L: Art and Collaboration (exhibition catalogue). New York: Abbeville Press, 1984.Great American Artists: The Skowhegan Medal Recipients. New York and Skowhegan, Maine: Alpine Fine Arts Collection; Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture, 1984: 28–29, illustrated.Haskell, Barbara and John G. Hanhardt. Blam! The Explosion of Pop, Minimalism, and Performance 1958–1964 (exhibition catalogue). New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1984: illustrated.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Basel: Galerie Beyeler, 1984. Rauschenberg/Performance, 1954–1979 (exhibition catalogue). Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg Exhibition (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lynne Lokensgard. Texas: Port Arthur Public Library, 1984.Robert Rauschenberg: Peintures récentes (exhibition catalogue). Text by Nan Rosenthal. St. Paul de Vence, France: Fondation Maeght, 1984.Tono, Yoshiaki. After Pollock. Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-sha, 1984.Tono, Yoshiaki. Chatting with Artists. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1984.1983Modern Art in the West: Guggenheim (exhibition catalogue). Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: Photographer (exhibition brochure). Florida: Gallery of Fine Arts, Daytona Beach Community College, 1983.Robert Rauschenberg: La Chine sur 33 metres (exhibition catalogue). Arles, France: International Festival of Photography, 1983.Sammlung Helga und Walther Lauffs: Amerikanische und Europäische Kunst der 60er und 70er Jahre (exhibition catalogue). Krefeld, Germany: Kaiser Wilhelm Museum, 1983.19827 Characters (exhibition catalogue). Text by Donald Saff. Los Angeles: Gemini G.E.L., 1982. Ashton, Dore. American Art Since 1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.In Our Time: Houston’s Contemporary Arts Museum 1948–1982 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Cheryl A. Brutvan, Linda L. Cathcart, and Marti Mayo. Houston, Texas: Contemporary Arts Museum, 1982.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Teruo T. Fujieda. Japan: Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, 1982. The Rebounding Surface (exhibition catalogue). Annandale-on-Hudson, New York: Bard College, 1982: illustrated.1981Arcanum I–XIII (exhibition catalogue). New York: Styria Studio, 1981.Hughes, Robert. The Shock of the New. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.In + Out City Limits: Baltimore (exhibition brochure). Baltimore: C. Grimaldis Gallery, 1981.Le Moderna Museet de Stockholm a Bruxelles (exhibition brochure). Brussels: Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1981.Photos In + Out City Limits: Boston (exhibition catalogue). Text by Clifford Ackley. New York: Untitled Press (United Limited Art Editions), 1981.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). London: The Tate Gallery, 1981.Rauschenberg in the Rockies (exhibition catalogue). Text by Ron G. Williams. Colorado: Clara Hatton Gallery and Lory Student Center Gallery, Colorado State University, 1981. Rauschenberg Photographe (exhibition catalogue). Paris: Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg: Fotografia (exhibition catalogue). Florence: Archivi Alinarsi, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg Photographs. Interview with Alain Sayag. New York: Pantheon Books, 1981.Robert Rauschenberg Photographs. London: Thames and Hudson, 1981.Russell, John. The Meaning of Modern Art. New York: Museum of Modern Art: Harper and Row, 1981.1980Cunningham, Merce and Jacqueline Lesschaeve. Danseur et la danse. Paris: P. Belfond, 1980. Published in English as The Dancer and the Dance. New York: Marion Boyars, 1985.Rauschenberg (exhibition brochure). Text by W. Ann Reynolds. Ohio: University Gallery of Fine Art, Ohio State University, 1980. Rauschenberg: A Retrospective of Lithographs, Paintings & Drawings from Castelli Graphics, New York (exhibition catalogue). Alabama: Anniston Museum of Natural History, 1981.Rauschenberg: Werke 1950–1980 (exhibition catalogue). Dusseldorf: Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, 1980. Rosenzweig, Phyllis. The Fifties Aspects of Painting in New York (exhibition catalogue). Washington, D. C.: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden; Smithsonian Institution, 1980: 60, 107, illustrated.Sundell, Nina. The Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Collection: 1958–1979. Published by Jane B. Meyerhoff, 1980.Tomkins, Calvin. Off the Wall: Robert Rauschenberg and the Art World of Our Time. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., 1980.Weil, Susan. Bird Songs Heartbeats: More Days Here and There. Ahus, Sweden: NYA Civiltryckeriet, Kristianstad, 1980.1979Cort, Louise Allison. Shigaraki, Potters’ Valley. Tokyo: Kodansha International Ltd., 1979.Diamonstein, Barbaralee. Inside New York’s Art World. New York: Rizzoli, 1979.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Francois Bazzoli. Fance: Musee de Toulon, 1979.Rauschenberg (exhibition brochure). New York: Multiples, Inc., 1979.Rauschenberg: Prints/Multiples (exhibition brochure). Text by Jean Crutchfield. Virginia: Institute for Contemporary Art, Virginia Museum, 1979.Robert Rauschenberg: Zeichnungen, Gouachen, Collagen: 1949 bis 1979 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Götz Adriani and Karin Thomas. Germany: Kunsthalle Tubingen, 1979. 1978Aspekte der 60er Jahre: aus d. Sammlung Reinhard Onnaasch (exhibition catalogue). Berlin: Nationalgalerie, 1978.Forge, Andrew. Rauschenberg. New York: Abrams for Meridian Books, 1978.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Poland: Muzeum Narodowegow Warsaw, 1978.Robert Rauschenberg––Works from Captiva (exhibition catalogue). Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1978.Sandler, Irving H. The New York School: The Painters and Sculptors of the Fifties. Harper and Row Publishers, Icon Editions, 1978.1977Amerikaner: Kunst aus USA nach 1950 (exhibition catalogue). Düsseldorf: Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1977.Crichton, Michael. Jasper Johns. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1977.Davis, Douglas. ArtCulture: Essays on the Post-Modern. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Icon Editions, 1977.Improbable Furniture (exhibition catalogue). Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, 1977: illustrated.Rauschenberg, Viaggio nel dispendio (exhibition catalogue). Text by Alberto Boatto. Italy: Museo Diego Aragona Pignatelli Cortes, 1977. Rasuchenberg Hoarfrosts, Jammers, Spreads +Scales (exhibition catalogue). Texas: Janie C. Lee Gallery, 1977.Robert Rauschenberg: Collagen Grafiken Multiples aus der Sammlung Rischner (exhibition catalogue). Text by Kurt Jungwirth. Austria: Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, 1977.1976Amerikanische Kunst von 1945 bis heute: Kunst der USA in europäischen Sammlungen. Edited by Dieter Honisch and Jens Christian Jensen. Koln: DuMont Buchverlag Köln, 1976: illustrated.Johnson, Ellen H. Modern Art and the Object: A Century of Changing Attitudes. London: Thames & Hudson, 1976.McDonagh, Don. The Complete Guide to Modern Dance. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway. Washington: National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Ferrara: Galleria Civica D'Arte Moderna, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Florence, Italy: Forte di Belvedere, 1976.Robert Rauschenberg: Glass Handle (exhibition catalogue). Canada: Alberta College of Art, 1976.Tomkins, Calvin. The Scene: Reports on Post-Modern Art. New York: Viking Press, 1976.1975Alloway, Lawrence. Topics in American Art Since 1945. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1975.Klosty, James, ed. Merce Cunningham. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1975.Pages and Fuses and Other Prints by Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1975.Popper, Frank. Art-Action and Participation. New York: New York University Press, 1975.Rose, Barbara. American Art Since 1900: A Critical History. London: Thames and Hudson, 1975.Wolfe, Tom. The Painted Word. New York: Bantam Books, 1975.1974Henri, Adrian. Total Art: Environments, Happenings, and Performances. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1974.O’Doherty, Brian. American Masters: The Voice and the Myth. New York: Random House, 1974.Pages and Fuses (exhibition brochure). Los Angeles: Gemini G.E.L., 1974.Pages and Fuses (exhibition catalogue). Washington: Current Editions, 1974Robert Rauschenberg: Steinerner Mond (exhibition catalogue). Text by Paul Wember. Germany: Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, 1974. Rauschenberg at Graphicstudio (exhibition catalogue). Text by Willard McCracken. Florida: University of South Florida, Tampa, 1974.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). France: Musee D'Art et D'Industrie, 1974.Rauschenberg in Israel (exhibition catalogue). Text by Yona Fischer. Jerusalem: Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1974. Richardson, Tony, and Nikos Stangos, eds. Concepts of Modern Art. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, Icon Editions, 1974.Scarf, Aaron. Art and Photography. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1974.1973Burnham, Jack. Beyond Modern Sculpture: The Effects of Science and Technology on the Sculpture of This Century. New York: George Braziller, 1973.Castleman, Riva. Modern Art in Prints. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1973.Davis, Douglas. Art and the Future: A History/Prophecy of the Collaboration Between Science, Technology and Art. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1973.D’Harnoncourt, Anne, and Kynaston McShine. Marcel Duchamp. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1973.Kramer, Hilton. The Age of the Avant-Garde: An Art Chronicle of 1956–1972. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973.Robert Rauschenberg: Prints (exhibition catalogue). Illinois: Mitchell Gallery, Southern Illinois University, 1973.1972Ashton, Dore. The New York School: A Cultural Reckoning. New York: Viking Press, 1972.Duberman, Martin. Black Mountain: An Exploration in Community. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1972.Heller, Jules. Printmaking Today. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972.Immagine per la Citta’ (exhibition catalogue). Genova, Italy: Ente Manifestazioni Genovesi, 1972.Made in Tampa: Prints + Clay Pieces (exhibition brochure). New York: Castelli Graphics and Leo Castelli Gallery, 1972.Rosenberg, Harold. The De-Definition of Art: Action Art to Pop to Earthworks. New York: Horizon Press, 1972.Steinberg, Leo. Other Criteria. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.1971Albers, Josef. Interaction of Color. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971.Cardbird Series (exhibition catalogue). Los Angeles: Gemini G.E.L., 1971.Cardboards and Cardbirds (exhibition catalogue). Minneapolis: Dayton’s Gallery 12, 1971. Tuchman, Maurice. A Report on the Art and Technology Program of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art: 1967–1971. Los Angeles: Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1971. 1970Ashton, Dore. Modern American Painting. New York and Toronto: The New American Library; UNESCO, 1970, illustrated.Compton, Michael. Pop Art. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group, 1970.Hunter, Sam, and John Jacobus. American Art Since 1900. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1970.McCoubry, John W. American Painting 1900–1970. New York: Time-Life Books, 1970.McDonagh, Don. The Rise and Fall and Rise of Modern Dance. New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1970.Rauschenberg Currents (exhibition catalogue). Text by Robert Rauschenberg. Minneapolis: Dayton’s Gallery 12, 1970. Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Germany: Kunstverein Hannover, 1970.Rauschenberg: Graphic Art (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway. Philadelphia: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1970. Robert Rauschenberg: Prints 1948/ 1970 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Edward A. Foster. Minnesota: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1970. Robert Rauschenberg: Stoned Moon Series (exhibition brochure). Washington, D.C.: Fendrick Gallery, 1970.Rose, Barbara. American Painting: The 20th Century. Switzerland: Skira, 1970.Stoned Moon (exhibition catalogue). Germany: Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, 1970.Wissman, Jürgen. Robert Rauschenberg: Black Market. Stuttgart: Philipp Reclam Jun, 1970. 1969Forge, Andrew. Rauschenberg. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1969. Lucie-Smith, Edward. Late Modern, the Visual Arts Since 1945. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1969. Rauschenberg in Black and White: Paintings 1962–1963, Lithographs 1962–1967 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Thomas H. Garver. Newport Beach: Newport Harbor Art Museum, 1969.Rosenberg, Harold. Artworks and Packages. New York: Horizon Press, 1969.Russell, John and Suzi Gablik. Pop Art Redefined. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1969.Robert Rauschenberg: Selections (exhibition catalogue). Text by Henry T. Hopkins. Texas: Fort Worth Art Center Museum, 1969.1968Battcock, Gregory, ed. Minimal Art. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1968.Battcock, Gregory, ed. The New Art: A Critical Anthology. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1968.Calas, Nicolas. Art in the Age of Risk and Other Essays. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1968.Documenta 4 (exhibition catalogue). Kassel: Druck & Verlag, 1968.Kostelanetz, Richard. The Theater of Mixed Means. New York: Dial Press, 1968.Kozloff, Max. Renderings: Critical Essays on a Century of Modern Art. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition brochure). Philadelphia: The Peale Galleries of Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1968.Rauschenberg: XXXIV Drawings for Dante’s Inferno (exhibition catalogue). Text by Dore Ashton. Geneva: Galerie Gérald Cramer, 1968.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Andrew Forge. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1968.Rose, Barbara. Readings in American Art. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1968.Rubin, William S. Dada and Surrealist Art. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1968.Weller, Allen S. The Joys and Sorrows of Recent American Art. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1968.Wescher, Herta. Collage. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1968.1967Booster and 7 Studies (exhibition brochure). Text by Lucy R. Lippard. Los Angeles: Gemini G.E.L., 1967.Kostelanetz, Richard. Master Minds: Portraits of Contemporary American Artists and Intellectuals. Toronto: The Macmillan Company, Collier-Macmillan Canada Ltd., 1967.Leering, Jean. Kompas 3: Schilderkunst na 1945 uit New York (exhibition catalogue). Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, 1967.Leering, Jean. Kompass New York: Malerei nach 1945 aus New York (exhibition catalogue). Frankfurt, Frankfurter Kunstvverein, 1967.O’Doherty, Brian. Object and Idea: An Art Critic’s Journal 1961–1967. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967.Robert Rauschenberg: Revolvers (exhibition brochure). New York: Leo Castelli Gallery, 1967.Solomon, Alan R. New York: The New Art Scene. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.Whitney, David. Leo Castelli: Ten Years. New York: Leo Castelli, 1967.1966Ashton, Dore, ed. The New Art: A Critical Anthology. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1966.Baigell, Matthew. A History of American Painting. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1966.Kaprow, Allan. Assemblage, Environments & Happenings. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1966.Lippard, Lucy. Pop Art. New York: Frederick A. Praeger Publishers, 1966.Pellegrini, Aldo. Translated by Robin Carson. New Tendencies in Art. New York: Crown Publishers, 1966.1965Amaya, Mario. Pop Art and After. New York: Viking Press, 1965.Becker, Jurgen, and Wolf Vostell. Happenings, Flexus, Pop Art, Nouveau Realisme. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt Paperback Sonderband, 1965.Dienst, Rolf-Guner. Pop-Art. Eine Kritische Information. Wiesbaden, West Germany: Limes Verlag, 1965.Hansen, Alfred E. A Primer of Happenings & Time / Space Art. New York: Something Else Press, 1965.Hayes, Bartlett. American Drawings. New York: Shorewood Press, 1965.Kirby, Michael. Happenings. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1965.Kostelanetz, Richard, ed. The New American Arts. New York: Horizon Press, 1965.Rauschenberg, Robert. “Oral History Interview with Robert Rauschenberg Conducted by Dorothy Seckler.” Archives of American Art, 21 December 1965. at Dwan (exhibition catalogue). Text by Walter Hopps. Los Angeles: Dwan Gallery, 1965. Robert Rauschenberg: Bilder, Zeichnungen, Lithos (exhibition catalogue). Text by Dieter Ruckhaberle. West Berlin: Amerika Haus, 1965. Robert Rauschenberg : Illustrasjoner til Dantes Inferno (exhibition catalogue). Text by William S. Lieberman. Oslo: Kunstnernes hus, 1965Robert Rauschenberg: Iillustraties voor Dante’s Inferno (exhibition catalogue). Text by William S. Lieberman. Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum, 1965.Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings 1953–1964 (exhibition catalogue). Text by Dean Swanson. Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 1965.Scholtz-Wanckel, Katharina. PopImport. Eineselektive Abhandlung ubeer Pop Artisten. Hamburg: Matari Verlag, 1965.Tomkins, Calvin. The Bride and the Bachelors: Five Masters of the Avant Garde. New York: Viking Press, 1965.1964Coke, Van Deren. The Painter and the Photograph. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1964.54–64: Painting and Sculpture of a Decade (exhibition catalogue). London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1964: 46–47, 228–229, illustrated.Rauschenberg: Illustrations for Dante's Inferno (exhibition catalogue). Text by W.S. Lieberman. Bonn: Gebr. Hermes, 1964.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Paul Wember and Willoughby Sharp. West Germany: Museum Haus Lange Krefeld, 1964. Robert Rauschenberg: Paintings, Drawings and Combines, 1949–1964 (exhibition catalogue). Texts by Henry Geldzahler, John Cage and Max Kozloff. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1964.Rosenberg, Harold. The Anxious Object: Art Today and Its Audience. New York: New American Library, 1964.1963Kandell, Anice, ed. Art 1963-A New Vocabulary (exhibition catalogue). Philadelphia: Fine Arts Committee of the Arts Council of the YM/YWHA, 1962.Rauschenberg: Premiere Exposition (Oeuvres 1954–1961) (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway, Francoise Choay, Gillo Dorfles, Alain Jouffroy, and Michel Ragon. Paris: Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, 1963.Rauschenberg: Seconde Exposition (Oeuvres 1962–1963) (exhibition catalogue). Text by Lawrence Alloway, Francoise Choay, Gillo Dorfles, Alain Jouffroy, and Michel Ragon. Paris: Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, 1963. Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Alan R. Solomon. New York: Jewish Museum, 1963. 1962Ashton, Dore. The Unknown Shore: A View of Contemporary Art. Boston: Little Brown and Company, Atlantic Monthly Press, 1962.Blesh, Rudi, and Harriet Janis. Collage: Personalities, Concepts, Techniques. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company, 1962.Eisen, Albert E. Purposes of Art. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1962.18th Salon de mai (exhibition catalogue). Text by Gaston Drehl. Paris: Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 1962.1961Cage, John. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1961.Greenberg, Clement. Art and Culture: Critical Essays. Boston: Beacon Press, 1961.Robert Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by David Myers. Paris: Galerie Daniel Cordier, 1961.Rauschenberg (exhibition catalogue). Text by Gillo Dorfles. Milan: Galleria dell’Ariete, 1961.1959Contemporary American Painting and Sculpture (exhibition catalogue). Urbana: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1959.Friedman, B.H. School of New York: Some Younger Artists. New York: Grove Press, 1959.Rauschenberg (exhibition brochure). Rome: Galleria La Tartaruga, 1959.